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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

1st Paragraph
The advent of the internet has revolutionized the globe
dramatically and made the world a global village. This addition in technology
narrowed the communication gaps between individuals, societies, and
countries as well. The arrival of social media has bridged the social gap
among different societies & communities. The history of social media starts in
the early 21st century. However, the popularity of social media sites and
usage of their application was raised with the arrival of YouTube, Facebook,
and Twitter in 2005 & 2006 respectively. In 2009 and 2010, WhatsApp,
Instagram, telegram was launched. The various social networking sites have
grabbed the attention of individuals, societies and captured the social media
world to large extent. Numerous social networking applications are also
available to facilitate their users (Njegomir, 2016 & O’Morain, 2016).

The use of online social media platforms in political processes and activities is
referred to as social media use in politics. Political processes and activities
encompass all activities related to governing a country or region. Political
organization, global politics, political corruption, political parties, and political
values are all included.

2nd Paragraph
Social media is considered the most readily overused means of
communication between individuals and other social
stakeholders. Its usage in politics has been increased drastically
over the years. In Pakistani politics, it has been noticed that a
shift occurred in the dynamics of the political landscape due to
the use of social media. It has been excessively used in political
campaigns, political protests, political talk shows both by the

politicians and the general public. The general public became

more conscious of their political rights, forcing established
political organizations to respond appropriately. (Doctor Abdul
Ghani et. al; 2020 ).

3rd Paragraph
This unique situation of the Philippine news reading public
makes it a good venue to study the potential implications of
reliance on FB for political news. Fresh out of a contentious
election with controversial results, FB-based campaigning and
political activism have flourished and thrived, some say, to the
detriment of civilized political debate (Clarissa C. David et. al;
4th Paragraph
The use of social media among the students is not only popular
in the developed world but also in developing countries. Social
media is now used to spread information or articles about
politics. Students actively used new media for political
information such as sharing opinions and discussing some
issues. Many Facebook pages are spreading false information
just to justify their opinions on their own candidates or they
change the fact to lies. Social media have significant influence
on the social and political learning of citizens.
5th Paragraph
This study focuses on social media in political awareness of the
students. This study examines the influence of online political

activities of the participants. In addition, this study sheds a light

on the influence of social media in political awareness.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to look into the importance and utility of
social media tools, as well as their widespread use among HUMSS students
at Colon National High School.
Furthermore, this research project will examine how social media tools such
as Facebook, Twitter, and other similar platforms work in the CNHS, for
political mobilization and awareness.
Specifically, the study answered the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Gender;
1.2 Age Range; and
1.3 Barangay?
2. How wide the knowledge of the respondents in political awareness
using social media in terms of:
1.1 Biased Information;
1.2 Articles;
1.3 Fake News; and
1.4 Liability of Sources?

3. How wide the knowledge of HUMSS students regarding in politics?

4. Does students do some research to know if the information on
social media is fact or manipulated?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


The overall goal of this research is to learn how social media

influences students in the HUMSS department at Colon National High School
in terms of spreading and receiving information, with a focus on students'
political awareness and activities.

This research will primarily identify and evaluate various elements that
influence HUMSS students' knowledge of distributing misleading information
about politics. Also, the goal of this research is to figure out how researchers
can help students become more aware of and cope with the various
challenges in using social media in political awareness that HUMSS students
are presently dealing with, as well as issues that may arise in the future.

This study will be carried out with restricted financial resources and time

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the results and findings of this study are
beneficial to the following persons and program:
Theory Cited. This study is beneficial to the theory because it
supports the idea on “Uses and Gratification” theory. The impact of the media
on people is discussed. It discusses how people utilize the media to meet
their own wants and how they feel content when those needs are met. In
other words, rather than arguing what media does to people, the theory
argues what people do with media.
Social media became a tool for politicians to carry out their poliyical
campaigns and for activists to create awareness on political issues and

mobilize protests. Today almost in all social movements in the countries with
high rate of internet access, the role of social media is being discussed.
Social media has become a costless and extremely effective tool in reaching
mass audiences with political purposes.
Locale of the Study. This study will benefit the locale of the study-
Colon National High School especially to the students of HUMSS. The
information to be gotten from this study will help the HUMSS students of
Colon National High School improve their awareness through implementing
the following factors. In fact, these factors can help the school to give
awareness to the students and most especially to gain knowledge. Since this
study focused on the influence of social media in political awaireness among
the selected HUMSS students of Colon National High School, this factors can
help the students determine the impact and influence of social media in
Organization of the Study
This study used mixed method of research i.e. quantitative and
qualitative, employing descriptive-correlational and phenomenological
approaches. It included the relationship between the implementation level of
quality assurance and patients’ satisfaction level and the expectations and
hopes of the respondents regarding the quality assurance implemented by
the municipal hospital.
Chapter 1 discusses the introduction. It presents the background of the
study, purpose of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the
study and the organization of the study.
Chapter 2 presents the review of related literature and studies
necessary to make this research comprehensive. It reviews the Quality
Assurance, Patients’ Satisfaction and their relationship and the Expectations

and Hopes of the respondents regarding the Quality Assurance implemented

by the municipal hospital in Maasim.
Chapter 3 describes the research design, locale of the study, the
respondents, the selection process, role of the researchers, research
instruments, data collection procedure which was done through survey and
in-depth interview, data sources, ethical issues considered before the conduct
of the study and the trustworthiness that was established in this study.
Chapter 4 presents and discusses the results yielded in the study. The
responses given by the respondents were presented in tables according how
it is asked in the statement of the problem and their answers to the interview
conducted were grouped to create essential themes which were further
supported by the thematic statements drawn from their responses. Essential
themes were comprehensively detailed in this chapter and were summarized
in tables for better interpretation of the results. Also, it elucidates the
connections between some of the results and the literature, and revisits the
theory posted on conceptual framework.
Chapter 5 presents the summary of findings, conclusions,
recommendations and implications drawn out from the results of the survey
and interview conducted.

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