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Kids Church

Week 2 January 9, 2022 A Day at the Museum

01/09 Length Slide

10:30A in mins #
10:30a 15:00 Welcome Kids 1
Welcome kids, play games.

**Be asking kids what two songs they want to worship to and do quick search on
youtube for video with lyrics and/or motions (it's easiest to google name of song + kids
to find a video like this)**

10:45a 1:00 Intro to Worship

Good morning, friends! Let's get started by worshiping and praising God together.

10:46a 4:00 Song 1

Youtube Video

10:50a 4:00 Song 2

Youtube Video

10:54a 5:00 Activity 1: Name that Shark 2

"Alright, friends! It's another great day to spend a day at the museum! Today, we get
to experience an aquatic life museum, also known as an aquarium. We'll also be
exploring how else we can use our sense to experience God.
What is your favorite aquatic animal to see?

Let's have fun with a little shark trivia!

On the screen are 4 different sharks, numbered 1-4. Raise your hand if you think you
know the name of one of the sharks!"

10:59a 5:00 Question: What is baptism?

"Let's talk about something we do at church that includes getting in the water... luckily
it's not shark-infested water though!

What do you think baptism is and why is it important?

Today's Bible story is about the time when Jesus was baptized, what that meant for
Jesus and the people who were there, and what it means for us today."
01/09 Length Slide
10:30A in mins #
11:04a 10:00 Bible Story: Jesus is Baptized
(Gather the sandal, water basin, picture of a dove, Bible Luke 3:15)

"Let's head into our Bible story exhibit. Last week's special feature included John the
Baptist and how he helped prepare everyone to have the sight to see and experience
God through Jesus. This week, we'll get to hear about John's amazing encounter with

(Hold up sandal)

Who knows what this is?

Back in Jesus' time, these were referred to as sandals. John the Baptist was a very
important person, but he told everyone that he was not as important as they though.
Even though he was baptizing people in water - which seems important - there was
someone who was on their way, who would be far more important. This is what he
(Read Luck 3:15-16)
He said he wasn't even worthy to untie the straps of this person's sandals. He was
trying to say that he would need to serve the Savior that was coming.

(Splash a little in the water basin)

John continued to baptize people though. Nearly every day, the sound of water
splashing and the joyful shouts from the people getting baptized in the Jordan River
could be heard. But one day, who should come to the river, but the person he had
been talking about all this time... Jesus!
John probably scrambled to make room for Jesus but Jesus asked JOHN to baptize
HIM. That couldn't be right! But Jesus said this is how it had to be.

(Should dove picture)

When Jesus came back up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came down in the form of
a dove. What a sight that must have been! Now, listen up! Because you don't want to
miss the next part.

(Read Luke 3:22)

God spoke and said Jesus was his Son!"

11:14a 5:00 Big Idea: We can hear God's voice if we listen. 3

(The big idea is written on the butcher paper in white crayon. Instruct the kids to water
color all over the page. The big idea will be revealed as the crayon will repel the water
color paint.)

When complete:
"Jesus is God, and Jesus showed us God's great love for us! Let's say the big idea
We can hear God's voice if we listen."

11:19a 6:00 Video: Episode 2 4

Play this week's video in the slideshow
01/09 Length Slide
10:30A in mins #
11:25a 5:00 Activity 2: Listen Whale! 5
"Let's watch this video clip of how whales communicate!"

(Play video in slide 5)

"Echolocation is a tool that animals like whales use to get around. They listen for their
sound to bounce back so they know if there are any obstacles in their way.
We don't use echolocation but let's try being whales for just a moment. I need two
volunteers to be whales.
(Choose two kids and give the other kids noisemakers - the tubes with beans inside)

"Let's listen to the instructions: One 'whale' will start on one side of the room and be
blindfolded. The other 'whale' will stand somewhere else in the room. When I say go,
the class will make noise to distract the whales. The whale without a blindfold will call
out to the blindfolded whale to try to help the blindfolded whale make their way to their
whale friend. The blindfolded whale will have to listen closely for their whale friend and
block out all of the noise the class is making.

Ready? Let's play!"

*After game*

"Just like you had to make an effort to listen more closely for the whale partner's voice,
we also need to listen closely and make an effort to hear God's voice. There will
always be noise and distractions around us, but remember, we can hear God's voice if
we listen."

11:30a 5:00 Scripture: Psalm 29

"David tells us about the voice of God. Let's listen for all the way that David describes
God's voice."

(Read Psalm 29:3-9)

"From what you heard in these verses, what is the voice of God like?

Even though God's voice is incredibly powerful, it can sometimes be hard to hear. You
might not hear a thundering voice. It may be a small voice in everyday ways, like
gentle reminders from loved ones or when you read the Bible. Remember, we can
hear God's voice if we listen. That's why we need to know how to listen for his voice.
God definitely speaks to us today!"

11:35a 5:00 Memory Verse: Fishy Face 6

Challenge the kids to say the memory verse while pressing their palms against their
cheeks and forming fish lips. See who can say it the fastest!

11:40a 5:00 Prayer Requests/Offering/Closing Prayer

Collect offerings
Gather prayer requests
Close in prayer
01/09 Length Slide
10:30A in mins #
11:45a 10:00 Take-Home Activity: Pressed Penny Souvenir
(Give each kid a penny printable and set out markers and crayons and colored pencils)

Today our souvenir from the museum is a pressed penny! Decorate your penny with a
picture of today's Bible story or your favorite aquarium exhibit. You may even want to
put our big idea for the day on your penny!"

11:55a 5:00 Post Service Hangout:

Pass out kids kash (everybody gets $2 for coming/participating, extra $5 for bringing
Bible or friend, extra $1 if leader noticed kid exhibiting behavior that warrants it)
Reminder: shopping is last Sunday of the month and extra $5 if on the last Sunday,
memory verse is memorized

Play games until parents pick up kids

12:00p 90:00

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