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Kids Church

Week 1 January 2, 2022 A Day at the Museum

01/02 Length Slide

10:30A in mins #
10:30a 15:00 Welcome Kids 1
Welcome kids, play games.

**Be asking kids what two songs they want to worship to and do quick search on
youtube for video with lyrics and/or motions (it's easiest to google name of song + kids
to find a video like this)**

10:45a 1:00 Intro to Worship

Good morning, friends! Let's get started by worshiping and praising God together.

10:46a 4:00 Song 1

Youtube video

10:50a 4:00 Song 2

Youtube video

10:54a 7:00 Activity 1: Find the Artifacts

"When you go to a natural history museum, we often find things that people made a
long time ago that tell us about what life might have looked like back then. We call
those things artifacts. Let's see how quickly you can spot some artifacts around the
room using only your eyes!"

(Show the 5 artifacts to the class. One kid will leave the room while other kids hide the
5 artifacts IN PLAIN SIGHT. The kid comes back into the room and tries to spot the
artifacts as quickly as possible. Change up the kids you are using and repeat the
activity a couple of times.)
01/02 Length Slide
10:30A in mins #
11:01a 10:00 Bible Story: John the Baptist
(This activity will use the paper with Jesus written on it hanging up as well as the
paper that says God and the arrow paper that says John. It will also use the flashlight
and box. The flashlight should be spotlighted onto Jesus paper. Put box over flashlight
with the flashlight on.)
*We will be reading John 1:1-18*

"Hello, everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this day at the museum so far! The Bible
story we are looking at today is about a guy that is known to be a little bit out of the
He ate honey and insects called locusts and he wore camel's hair and a leather belt
around his waist for clothes.
His name was John and he was known as John the Baptist. John was sent by God.
(Read verses 1-5)
The book of John (which was written by a different John) tells us that there was
someone that was with God ever since the beginning. Someone that gives life and is
like a light that shines in the darkness. Who do you think we are talking about? (Lift
box to reveal spotlight on Jesus)
(Read verses 6-8)
John's job was to tell people about Jesus. And John did! He told people to get ready
for Jesus and taught about how to receive forgiveness for sin that separated them
from God. He helped people life for God. (Point to Jesus using John arrow poster)
(Read verses 9-13)
Now even though Jesus had been with God since the beginning, people did not
recognizer who Jesus was when he came to Earth. But for those who did choose to
believe in Jesus, he made it possible for them to become children of God and have a
super close relationship with God.
(Read verse 14)
In fact, because Jesus came to earth, all of us got to see God's glory- glory is a word
to describe God's greatness and beauty.
(Read verses 15-18)
John helped people recognize Jesus as God's son. And Jesus helped people know
who God is! (Place God poster on top of Jesus poster)
People got to see Jesus walk the earth and teach us about God. They saw Jesus
show God's love, kindness, and power. Jesus was the only way the people could see

11:11a 5:00 Big Idea: We can see God through Jesus 2

(The big idea is written on the butcher paper in white crayon. Instruct the kids to water
color all over the page. The big idea will be revealed as the crayon will repel the water
color paint.)

When complete:
"Jesus is God, and Jesus showed us God's great love for us! Let's say the big idea
We can see God through Jesus."

11:16a 6:00 Video: Episode 1 3

Play this week's video in the slideshow.
01/02 Length Slide
10:30A in mins #
11:22a 3:00 Video: "Night at the Museum" 4
"Stay in your seats because we are in a video exhibit at the museum! Larry works at a
museum that comes to life at night. Let's see what happens!"

(Play video in slideshow)

"With his very own eyes, Larry saw the exhibits walking and talking and running and
shouting! That was an awesome experience for him. But he was probably frightened
too! When people saw Jesus walk and talk on the earth, they got to know God and
experience him in a whole new way.
When Jesus came as a baby, it showed God's humility.
When Jesus healed people, it showed God's power and compassion.
When Jesus died on the cross for us, it showed God's unending, great love for us."

11:25a 5:00 Activity 2: A Clear Path

(This activity will use the butcher paper with John and Jesus written on it. Cover the
line separating the two names in sand.)

"John the Baptist's message to the people was to get right with God by asking God for
forgiveness and choosing to follow God. This was so they would be ready to see
Jesus when he came. In a way, John helped people make a clear path to Jesus so
people could see God."

(Have the kids use the brushes to reveal the line)

"John made a clear path to Jesus and Jesus is the clear path to God. We can see God
through Jesus."

11:30a 5:00 Scripture: John 14:6-11

"We saw how John the Baptist guided and prepared us to see Jesus. John wanted
everyone to see Jesus because Jesus is the one who will help us see God! Let's read
more about how we can see God through Jesus."

(Read the scripture and have the mirror handy)

"In this passage, one of Jesus' disciples, Phillip asks Jesus to show them God. But
Jesus says that if anyone knows Jesus, then they know God too."
(Ask a volunteer to come to the front and angle the mirror so that you can see their
reflection in the mirror)
"So I am looking at ______ in the mirror. But even as I'm looking at them, let's imagine
I said, 'Hey, __________, can you show me what you look like?' What would you say
to that?
You might point to the mirror and say, 'Umm, that's what I look like! You're looking at
When Jesus w3as telling his friends that they could see God through him, that's what
he meant. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life - he is how we know who God is!
Jesus is the way to God, but we can also be a reflection of God like Jesus was.
In what ways do you think we can reflect God?"

11:35a 5:00 Memory Verse: Verse Hunt 5

(Pass out the sticky notes with the memory verse words, one to each kid)

Help them unscramble the verse and stick the words to the whiteboard. Then read the
verse together.
01/02 Length Slide
10:30A in mins #
11:40a 5:00 Prayer Requests/Offering/Closing Prayer
Collect offerings
Gather prayer requests
Close in prayer

11:45a 10:00 Take-Home Activity: Postcard Souvenir

"You can't go to a museum without getting a souvenir at the gift shop! Souvenirs are a
great way to remember your time at the museum."

(Give each kid a postcard printable and some markers/colored pencils)

"Today we get to design our own postcard. On the front, you can draw an exhibit from
today's day at the museum, a scene you remember from the Bible story, or write out
the big idea or the memory verse!
Then, on the other side, address your postcard to someone who you'd like to guide
closer to God. Write an encouraging message that might help that person experience
God through you. I think it will be awesome if you actually send out or give your
postcard to that person. After all, we can see God through Jesus and we can help
people see God through our words and actions."

11:55a 5:00 Post Service Hangout:

Pass out kids kash (everybody gets $2 for coming/participating, extra $5 for bringing
Bible or friend, extra $1 if leader noticed kid exhibiting behavior that warrants it)
Reminder: shopping is last Sunday of the month and extra $5 if on the last Sunday,
memory verse is memorized

Play games until parents pick up kids

12:00p 90:00

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