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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Passi City
Senior High School Program
Tel. No. 311-5997



Grade Levels: Grades 11

Core Subject: Earth Science


Describe how rocks undergo weathering (S11ES-IIa-22)

Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot (S11ES-IIb-c-23)

Learning Objectives:
1. explain how rocks undergo weathering;
2. identify and describe the different types of physical, chemical, and biological weathering.
. 3. identify the sources of the internal heat of the Earth; and
4. explain the process of the production of internal heat of Earth.


The earth’s surface is composed of water and landmasses. The solid

portion is made out of rocks and minerals that could experience changes
either physically or chemically. The weathered materials are transported
by different agents from one place to another and will settle down in a
particular area. These progressions that happen are achieved by forms
called exogenic processes. It includes weathering, erosion, and
In this lesson, you are going to describe how rocks undergo
weathering and the different agents that cause weathering on rocks.
Rocks are naturally occurring mass of different kinds of minerals. It
can be classified into different kinds such as igneous, metamorphic and
sedimentary rocks. These rocks are classified based on their composition
and the process of its formation. Igneous are formed from volcanic
materials, sedimentary rocks are result of the cementation of different
sediments to form a new rock and metamorphic rocks are produced
through exposure of parent rock which can be an igneous, sedimentary or
another metamorphic rock to intense temperature and pressure. This
scenario proves that rocks are made up of components that can be broken
down overtime. Continuous exposure to external environmental forces
can separate these components.

PRE-ACTIVITY: (with caution)

Weathering is the process of disintegration (physical) and
decomposition (chemical) of rocks. Weathering is a process of breaking
down rocks into small particles such as sand, clay, gravel and other
fragments. There are two types of weathering: mechanical weathering and
chemical weathering.
This activity will allow learners to differentiate physical changes from
chemical changes.
Learners will follow the following instructions:
1. Prepare the needed materials: two pieces of paper and match.
2. Tear one paper, observe, and record your answer.
3. Burn the other paper (with parent supervision), observe, and
record your answer.
4. Based on your observation, differentiate the changes after tearing
and burning.

Weathering is the process of breakdown of rocks at the Earth’s

surface, by the action of water, ice, acids, salts, plants, animals,
gravity and changing temperatures. There are three types of
weathering: physical weathering, chemical weathering, and biological


A. Physical Weathering
Physical weathering is caused by the effects of changing temperatures on
rocks, causing the rock to break apart. The process is sometimes assisted
by water. It happens especially in places where there is little soil and few
plants grow, such as in mountain regions and hot deserts. It occurs either
through repeated melting and freezing of water (mountains and tundra) or
through expansion and contraction of the surface layer of rocks that are
baked by the sun (hot deserts).
1. Abrasion. It occurs when rocks surface is frequently exposed to water,
wind and gravity.
2. Freeze-thaw. It occurs when water continually seeps into cracks,
freezes and expands, eventually breaking the rock apart. It occurs in
mountainous regions like the Alps or Snowdonia. It occurs through the
following process: Rainwater or snow- melt collects in cracks in the
rocks→ at night the temperature drops and the water freezes and
expands→ the increases in volume of the ice exerts pressure on the
cracks in the rock, causing them to split further open→ during the day
the ice melts and the water seeps deeper into the cracks → at night,
the water freezes again.

3. Exfoliation. It can happen as cracks develop parallel to the land surface
as a consequence of the reduction in pressure during uplift and erosion.
It occurs typically in upland areas where there are exposures of uniform
coarsely crystalline igneous rocks. The following are the process of
The rock mass at depth is under high pressure from underlying
rocks. It tends to be uniform and lack fractures. → As progressive
erosion occurs, the rock mass is subjected to progressively lower
pressure of overlying rocks which leads to tension in directions at
right angles to the land surface → this tension is relieved by formation
of cracks which follow the land surface. They are relatively flat on
plateaus but can be steep on the flanks of mountains which are called
exfoliation domes → once the crack is developed; water enters and
causes chemical weathering leading to the formation of new low-
density minerals. This enhances the cracks and encourages slabs of
rock to detach from the surface.

B. Chemical weathering
Chemical weathering is caused by rainwater reacting with the mineral
grains in rocks to form new minerals (clays) and soluble salts. These
reactions occur particularly when the water is slightly acidic. These
chemical processes need water, and occur more rapidly at higher
temperature, so warm, damp climates are best. Chemical weathering
(especially hydrolysis and oxidation) is the first stage in the production of
1. Carbonation – Carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in rainwater and
becomes weakly acidic. This weak “carbonic acid” can dissolve
limestone as it seeps into cracks and cavities. Over many years,
solution of the rock can form spectacular cave systems.
2. Acidification - Polluting gases, like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
dissolve in rainwater to make stronger acids. When this rainwater falls,
we get acid rain. This acid attacks many rock types, both by solution
and hydrolysis, seriously damaging buildings and monuments.
3. Hydrolysis - the breakdown of rock by acidic water to produce clay and
soluble salts. Hydrolysis takes place when acid rain reacts with rock-
forming minerals such as feldspar to produce clay and salts that are
removed in solution. The only common rock-forming mineral that is not
affected is quartz, which is a chemically resistant mineral. Therefore,
quartz and clay are the two of the most common minerals in
sedimentary rocks.
4. Hydration – A type of chemical weathering where water reacts
chemically with the rocks, modifying its chemical structure. Example:
H2O (water) is added to CaSO4 (calcium sulfate) to create CaSO4 +
2H2O (calcium sulfate dihydrate). It changes from anhydrite to gypsum.
5. Oxidation - the breakdown of rock by oxygen and water, often giving
ironrich rocks a rusty-colored weathered surface.

C. Biological weathering

Biological weathering of rocks occurs when rocks are weakened by

different biological agents like plants and animals. When plant roots grow
through rocks, it creates fracture and cracks that result eventually to rock
breakage. It can be classified into:
1. Biological Weathering by Physical Means.
Burrowing animals like shrews, moles and earthworms create holes
on the ground by excavation and move the rock fragments to the
surface. These fragments become more exposed to other
environmental factors that can further enhance their weathering.
Furthermore, humans also indirectly contribute to biological
weathering by different activities that cause rocks to break.
2. Biological Weathering by Chemical Compounds.
Some plants and animals also produced acidic substances that react
with the rock and cause its slow disintegration.

Apply what you have learned!

Directions: Complete the sentences below.

1. _________________ is the process of breaking down of rocks. Water,
ice, wind, gravity and changing temperature are agents of 2._________.
3. ______________occurs when water continually seeps into cracks,
freezes and expands eventually breaking the rocks apart.
4. ___________ happens when rocks surfaces are frequently exposed
with water, wind and gravity. 5.Carbonation occurs when ___________
dissolves to rainwater producing ____________. 6. _______________
happened when SO2 and NO combined with rainwater and produce
__________ that reacts with rocks. 7. ________________ is a process
of breaking down of rocks by acidic water to produce clay and soluble
salts. 8. _______________ is a type of chemical weathering where water
reacts chemically with the rocks, modifying its _________________.
9. ______________ animals create holes on the ground and move rock
fragments to the surface exposing them to environmental factors of
weathering. 10. ___________ and ____________ produce acidic
substances that slowly disintegrate rocks.

Earth’s Internal Heat Sources

Heat is needed in order for organisms to survive. This heat may

come from internal and external sources. The Earth's internal heat
provides the heat and energy which supplies the force for natural
phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. It also provides
energy for the movement of the plates. However, despite the large
amount of heat that the Earth possesses, its internal energy is greater
during its early stages.

Heat energy plays a vital role in our planet. It is one of the

extreme factors in what makes the world livable. If you think of a
volcano, you know Earth must be hot inside. The heat inside of our
planet moves continents,build mountains and causes earthquakes, but
where does all this heat inside the earth come from? Sources of heat in
our planet can be identified as Primordial and Radiogenic heat. During
the early formation of the Earth, the internal heat energy that gradually
gathered together by means of dispersion in the planet during its few
million years of evolution is called Primordial heat. The major
contribution of this internal heat is the accretional energy – the energy
deposited during the early formation of a planet. The core is a storage of
primordial heat that originates from times of accretion when kinetic
energy of colliding particles was transformed into thermal energy. This
heat is constantly lost to the outer silicate layers of the mantle and crust
of the earth through convection and conduction. In addition, the heat of
the core takes tens of thousands of years to reach the surface of the
earth. Today, the surface of the earth is made of a cold rigid rock since
4.5 billion years ago, the earth’s surface cools from the outside but the
core is still made of extremely hot material. On the other hand, the
thermal energy released as a result of spontaneous nuclear
disintegration is called Radiogenic Heat. It involves the disintegration of
natural radioactive elements inside the earth – like Uranium, Thorium
and Potassium. Uranium is a special kind of element because when it
decays, heat (radiogenic) is produced. Estimated at 47 terawatts (TW),
the flow of heat from Earth's interior to the surface and it comes from two
main sources in equal amounts: the radiogenic heat produced by the
radioactive decay of isotopes in the mantle and crust, and the primordial
heat left over from the formation of the Earth. Radioactive elements exist
everywhere on the earth in a fairly significant concentration. Without the
process of radioactive decay, there would be fewer volcanoes and
earthquakes – and less formation of earth’s vast mountain ranges.

Pre- Activity 2: Boiling!

In this activity, you will understand the process of convection as
one of the reasons of the heated Earth’s interior.
Materials: Water, coffee or tea, beaker
Directions: Note: Guardian’s assistance is needed. Please observe
precautionary measures in doing the activity at home.
1. Put water into the beaker and boil.
2. Once it boils, pour the coffee or tea.
Guide Questions:
1. What have you observed at the bottom of the water?
2. What is the direction of the heat?
3. What happens to the cooler water?
4. What happens to the coffee or tea? What can you observe from its
5. Why is there a mark of color in the beaker? What does it represent?

Keep in Mind!
Earth’s Internal Heat Source
Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago and continue to serve
as habitat to diverse organisms. Its biotic components remain alive due to
proper regulation of internal heat. It has massive amount of heat that
varies from its layer. The heat increases from the crust down to the inner
core due to several reasons. This internal heat comes from the following
sources. Taal Volcano during its eruption on January 12, 2020. Photos are
taken from one of the evacuees Mr. Apolonio Enriquez at Brgy.
Bilibinwang, Agoncillo, Batanga.

1. Primordial heat of the planet remains from its early stage.

The Earth was formed from the process of accretion wherein gasses
and dust of cloud was attracted by gravitational energy. When these
masses compacted it formed planetesimals. In the process, due to the
collision of these masses, heat was generated. This process formed
the earliest stage of planet Earth which is molten in state and heat is
trapped in the core of the planet. Eventually, the accrued heat did not
vanish. It took a long time for heat to move from the internal part of the
planet going to its surface. There had been the convective transport
of heat within the core to the mantle of the earth. While conductive
transport of heat occurs through different plate boundary layers. This
resulted in the preservation of some amount the primordial heat in the
interior earth.
2. Heat from the decay of radioactive elements.
Earth is considered as thermal engine since its main source of
internal heat come from the produced decay of some naturally
occurring isotopes from its interior. This process is known as
radioactive decay by which the spontaneous breakdown of an atomic
nucleus causes the release of energy and matter from the nucleus.
Some of the isotopes are potassium – 40, Uranium - 235, Uranium -
238 and Thorium - 232. There are other radioactive isotopes that are
also present in the Earth. However, they play a minor role in the
production of heat due to its small abundance and low heat capacity.
This process of radioactive decay which emits heat energy as one of
the products prevents the Earth from completely cooling off.
3. Gravitational pressure
The more a person descend into Earth’s interior, the amount of
pressure increases due to the force pressing on an area caused by
the weight of an overlying rocks. The pressure near the center is
considered to be 3 to 4 million times the pressure of atmosphere at
sea level. Again, because rocks are good insulators, the escape of
heat from Earth’s surface is less than the heat generated from
internal gravitational attraction or squeezing of rock, so heat builds
up within. At high temperature, the material beneath will melt towards
the central part of the earth. This molten material under tremendous
pressure conditions acquires the property of a solid and is probably
in a plastic state.
4. Dense core material in the center of the planet.
Due to increase in pressure and presence of heavier materials
towards the earth’s center, the density of earth’s layers also
increases. Obviously, the materials of the innermost part of the earth
are very dense. The inner core as the inner most layer is composed
primarily of iron and nickel which contributes to the density in the core
that ranges between 12,600-13,000 kg/m3. This suggests that there
must be other heavy elements such as gold, platinum, palladium,
silver and tungsten that are present in the core. Like in the descent
of the dense iron-rich material that makes up the core of the planet
to the center that produce heating in about 2,000 kelvins. The inner
core’s intense pressure prevents the iron and other minimal amount
of some elements from melting. The pressure and density are simply
too great for the iron atoms to move into a liquid state. Thus, this
contributes to the intense heat in the interior of the planet.

Apply what you have learned!



Look at your surrounding! Find something that has undergone

weathering. You can take a picture, sketch or draw that something in a
short bond paper. Inspect that something you’ve found if what type of
weathering it belongs. Discuss all your observations and findings.

10 | P a g e

Read and analyze the scenario below.

Write your answer briefly. In school, students tend to do a lot of activities,
research, and assignments in all subjects. Once the deadline is near,
they tend to work UNDER PRESSURE. They get easily mad and
complain about everything. Why do you think this thing happen? How will
you relate this scenario in the earth’s interior that is also under pressure?

Conduct a research on how humans harness Earth’s internal energy in
producing electricity. What are the latest developments on research on
Earth’s internal structure.

Note: Just answer 1 performance task and the Assessment as required

outputs to be submitted. Activities can be answered in your notebook
Those who are in quarantine or under community lockdown, you may opt
to pass the pictures of your outputs and send through your class group
chat on messenger.
Please follow the schedule for submission of answer sheets/outputs
every week. Queries/clarifications about the lesson will be entertained
only on weekdays (Mon-Fri), from 8:00 – 11:30 and 1: 00 – 4:00 in the


1.What have you learned?


2. How will you apply your learnings to the future?


11 | P a g e
Assess what you have learned!
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Select the letter of the best answer from among
the given choices.

1. Which of these statements are true about mechanical weathering?

1. breaks rock material into smaller pieces
2. changes the chemical composition of rocks
3. moss growing on the wall fence creates crack on the walls
4. beach rock gets hot in daytime and cools in the evening thus creating
fracture on the rock
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 1 and 4 d. 2 and 3

2. Which of the following activities has resulted in an increased rate of

chemical weathering through acidification?
a. The production of SO2 and NO in the atmosphere that combine with
rain to form acids.
b. The release of too much carbon dioxide in the air that turn rain into
weak acid.
c. The disintegration of rocks during construction and mining
d. The growth of plant roots on the rock crack.

3. Which is not included in the group?

a. abrasion b. acidification
c. carbonation d. hydration

4. In which of the following climates will chemical weathering be most

a. hot and dry b. cold and dry
c. hot and humid d. cold and humid

5. Which of the following do not describe weathering?

I. The process by which rocks are broken during severe weather
II. The process by which rocks are formed by heat and pressure
III.The mechanical or chemical process by which rocks are broken
IV. The process by which rocks are chemically strengthened due to
exposure to heat and pressure
12 | P a g e
a. I, II and III b. I, II and IV
c. I, III and IV d. II, III and IV

6. How does gravity contribute to weathering?

a. by expansion of rocks c. by creating holes in rocks
b. by abrasion of the rocks d. by splitting rocks particles

7. Which of the following is an example of biological weathering?

a. Freeze- thaw
b. Wind blowing sand onto a rock
c. Abrasion due to the movement of glaciers
d. Plant that grows on the cracks of the rocks

8. What happens to pieces of rock as they are transported by a river?

a. smaller and more jagged c. much larger and rounder
b. gets larger and more jagged d. they get smaller and rounder

9. In hydration, water is an active agent of chemical weathering. What

happens when water loosely combines with the minerals of the rock?
a. cements minerals of the rock together
b. converts the mineral into another kind
c. transports the rock into a lower altitude
d. breaks down the molecular binding of the minerals

10. Which type of rocks tends to weather more rapidly through the
hydrolysis process?
a. Rocks that contain iron. c. Rocks that contain feldspar.
b. Rocks that contain quartz. d. Rocks that are impermeable.

11. As you move from the surface of Earth to the inner core, what happens
to the temperature?
a. It increases. b. It decreases.
c. It stays the same. d. It increases, then decreases.

12. As you move from the surface of Earth to the inner core, what happens
to the density of the materials of each layer?
a. Density increases b. Density decreases
c. Density stays the same d. Density increases, then decreases

13 | P a g e
13. What prevents the iron and other minimal amount of some elements
in the core from melting?
a. Density b. Pressure
c. Temperature d. Vapor

14. Why do some isotopes play a minor role in the production of heat in
the interior of the earth?
a. Due to its abundance in the core b. Due to the heat it releases
c. Due to chemical stability d. Due to its high energy capacity

15. Heat flows from the different layers to the earth. What type of heat
transport occurs between the mantle and the core?
a. Conduction b. Convection
c. Radiation d. Sublimation

16. Which of the following is an isotope that is present in the core of the
a. Uranium – 235 b. Uranium – 253
c. Uranium – 523 d. Uranium – 325

17. Which of the following pertains to the spontaneous breakdown of an

atomic nucleus resulting in the release of energy and matter from the
a. Convection b. Gravitational pressure
c. Radiation d. Radioactive decay

18. As you move from the surface of Earth to the inner core, what happens
to the pressure?
a. It increases b. It decreases
c. It stays the same d. It increases, then decreases

19. Why is earth considered as a thermal engine?

a. The main source of internal energy is the sun.
b. The main source of heat comes from the produced decay of some
naturally occurring isotopes from its interior.
c. The moon gives energy to earth and convert it to thermal energy.

14 | P a g e
d. The pressure of the materials in the crust causes materials to be

20. Why does Earth’s internal heat builds up due to gravitational pressure?
A. Because there is no escape of heat from Earth’s surface.
B. Because the escape of heat from Earth’s surface is less than the
heat generated.
C. Because the escape of heat from Earth’s surface is greater than the
heat generated.
D. Because the escape of heat from Earth’s surface is equal than the
heat generated.

B. Direction: Write P if the given is a physical weathering, C if chemical

weathering and B if it is biological weathering.
__________1. Balete tree grows at the wall of the building.
__________2. Construction workers use power tools to break the
__________3. Insects secrete acidic substance on rocks.
__________4. Glaciers carve its pathways.
__________5. Rainwater combined with iron on rocks produces
__________6. Carbon dioxide mix with water produces carbonic acid
that reacts with rocks.
__________7. Water freezes in a large crack of a rock.
__________8. Strong winds blow small particles of the rocks.
__________9. Rocks form bubbles after the heavy pour of acid rain.
__________10. Rocks fall down from the mountain and break.


Earth Science Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 – Module 1 – Weathering First Edition, 2020
Earth Science Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 – Module 2: Earth’s Internal Heat Sources First Edition, 2020

Prepared by:


15 | P a g e

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