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Educator’s Guide to Exploring Cultural

Differences and Similarities.

We will be exploring different cultures and examining our differences and similarities using the book Everybody
Cooks Rice.

Grades and Subject Areas:

Grades 3-6. Social Studies

● Read the book Everybody Cooks Rice
● Discuss differences and similarities of people around the world using food that we all share.
● Take a tour in Google Earth of the places mentioned in the book.
I Can Statements:
● I can learn about a few new countries. I can pronounce a few new words and I can learn a few
characteristics about people living in other countries.

Curriculum Connections:
Alaska Content Standards:
From the Alaska School Counselor Framework:
Standard PSA:
Personal/Social Domain:
Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skill to help them understand and respect
self and others.
PSA 1 Acquire self knowledge
Indicator PSA 2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences
Indicator PSA 2.4 Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity
Indicator PSA 2.5 Recognize and respect differences in various family configurations.

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ISTE Student Standards:
5. Technology research tools:
5.1 Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

ISTE Teacher Standards:

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments

incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop
the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S.
● d. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to
promote student learning and creativity

Technology Integration:
Set up a Google Earth tour showing placemarks as well as text and images as described in the book
Everybody Cooks Rice.

Google 6.

Hardware and Software Needs

Laptop computer
Google Earth

Tips and tricks

Test your Google Earth Tour of Everybody Cooks Rice before students arrive.

Handouts or Downloads
● Google Earth Lit trip of Everybody Cooks Rice
§ A handout of a recipe card and a handout of a suitcase

Links to teaching resources


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Web resources
● Google Earth

Lesson Directions
Prep Time:
● Obtain book Everybody Cooks Rice
● Have Google Earth Tour ready on laptop

Prior to Lesson:
Teacher Prep:
● Have book and Google Earth tour ready
● Prepare discussion questions

Student Prep:
● Listen to Everybody Cooks Rice book
● Imagine different countries and the families described in the book

Time Needed for Lesson:

● 30-40 minutes

● Read book Everybody Cooks Rice
● Show Google earth tour of Everybody Cooks Rice
● Discussion questions regarding our differences/similarities
○ How is Carrie’s neighborhood similar and/or different than your neighborhood?
○ Why do you think people from other countries eat different types of food and spices
than people in other countries? Why don’t we all eat the same type of food?
○ Can you think of some other types of food that people all over the world might also
eat? (soups, bread)
○ Do the kids in Carrie’s neighborhood seem more different or more similar to each

Extension / Challenge:
● Have students follow tour along on an ipad or itouch
● Have students create google earth tour (5th and 6th grade)
● Cook or prepare some of the food recipes shown in Everybody Cooks Rice

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4 Kristin Presler – July 10, 2012

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