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Using Meter and Foot

PROMPT How does the author manage to put in a rhythm or beat in "On
His Blindness"?
Explain the literary
devices used.
Much of the power of poetry is in its performative dimension. This includes
the way that the sound of poetry can contribute to its impact on listeners, and

LEARNING GOAL one way this is accomplished is through the use of rhythm.
Rhythm, or meter, is always present in poetry, albeit to varying degrees. This
Write a poetic verse
is because the words used in poetry contain stressed and unstressed syllables,
using a particular
poetic feet. The arrangement of words in lines of verse can create patterns of rhythm using
those syllables. Think of your favorite pop song, or even more traditional fare
like the national anthem, and you can hear rhythm in action.
Rhythm or meter may be present in traditional poetic structures, as well
as in free verse poetry. In the latter, there may be a looser and less structured

rhythm set up; in traditional poetic structures, however, meter is measured in

poetic feet.
KEY CONCEPT There are three feet that consist of paired syllables:
Poetry typically has The iamb is a poetic foot that consists of one unstressed and one stressed
meter or rhythm,
which can be
syllable, in that order. (Begin, deter, today)
measured in poetic The trochee is one stressed, one unstressed syllable. (Midnight, always,
The spondee consists of two stressed syllables. (Faithful, sunshine.
Two feet have three syllables each.
The dactyl starts with a stressed syllable followed by two unstresse
syllables. (Bitterness, entropy)
The anapest works in reverse, with two unstressed followed by
stressed syllable. (Understand, contradict)

Identify the poetic feet present in the given words or phrases.
1. insist 6. unwashed
2. employ 7. changeable
3. football 8. Of mice and men
4. widow 9. love song
5. comprehend 10. buffalo

120 lait 2 iterarv Forms: Windows and Mirrors for Insight

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