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GRADE XII 2021-22

Name of the Students: Ann,Jenisha,Shruti,Anusha,Varsha

Grade: 12
Section: E
Name of the School: Delhi Private School Dubai

Topic Chosen: Technology is it helping or harming the

youth today
Mode of Project: Survey-based Research

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Statement of Purpose

The objectives of the project are:

 To enhance all the linguistic skills.

 To explore and critically analyse the concept.
 To imbibe a different perspective towards a problem.
 To develop leadership and collaborative skills.
 To use innovation to present the concept.
 To hone creative and problem-solving skills.

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I am grateful to the CBSE and my school, DPS Dubai, for

allowing me to explore a relevant and relatable issue and hone
my language, collaborative and leadership skills.
The completion of the project would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and my
school. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my Principal
Ms Rashmi Nandkeolyar for her kind co-operation and
encouragement which helped me in the completion of this
I am highly indebted to my teacher, Mrs. Debjani for her
guidance, constant supervision and for providing necessary
information regarding the project.
I would also like to express my thanks to my parents and my
team members who helped me in finalizing this project within a
limited time frame.

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Certified that this project file is the bonafide work
Master/Miss …… of Class ……
Roll no. ……during the academic year 2019 to 2020.

The Project fulfils all the stated criteria and the student
findings are his/her original work.

I recommend the project for evaluation.

External Examiner: …………. Teacher-in-Charge: ………

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1 Statement of Purpose 2

2 Acknowledgement 3

3 Certificate of Completion 4

4 Action Plan 6

5 Materials Used 7

6 Essay/Script/Report. 8

7 Student/Group Reflections 12

8 Evidence 14

9 List of Resources/Bibliography. 21


Signature of Student

Action Plan
Orientation by the teacher and creation of teams

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Identification of goal/ objectives

Selection of team leaders, Selection of the topic Technology: Is it helping or harming the youth
today? And the mode of project survey-based research

Work was delegated to each team member

Google Forms is used to create the survey

Execution of the Plan

It was sent to classmates and friends and responses are recorded

The first draft of the report is submitted
to the subject teacher

Moderations according to the teacher’s feedback/ suggestions

The Final Draft is created and submitted

Materials Used

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The following materials have been used to accomplish the project:
1. WhatsApp for communication
2. Google forms to record survey


This survey is based on the topic- Technology: is it helping or harming

the youth of today? The questions cover various side-effects of

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technology; such as physical and mental problems, content viewed,
online bullying, and effectiveness of online education.

The survey was developed to understand the effects of technology on

the youth of today, however, before concluding, it is crucial to know for
what reason youngsters use technology during the day. Based on the
results of the survey, it is found that most respondents use technology
for studying, relaxation, and communication. Additionally, all the
respondents consider technology as the most efficient mode of
communication. Technology has helped a majority of the respondents
to improve studying, communicate effectively, and has helped them
financially in the past. Using these responses, it is visible that
technology has many advantages. Technology increases ease of access
to information, allows people to relax and destress, acts as a good
communication means, and is cost-efficient. Despite this, technology is
found to have a few drawbacks. These are discussed in the following

An overwhelming 18 out of 20 people said that electronic devices have

helped them study more effectively. Obviously, now that learning is
taking place online due to the pandemic, it is nearly impossible to study
without technology, because classes are taking place on MS Teams/
Zoom and exams are also being conducted on online platforms like MS
Forms. Reasons stated were access to additional resources, like extra
questions, sample papers, practice tests and quizzes and YouTube

videos. Other reasons provided were listening to music while studying,

using a digital calendar and alarms, and organizing and storing notes
without taking up physical space, handy for travel and long-term

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studies. Technology helps expand learning to outside the classroom and
make it a continuous process.
On the other hand, while technology increases access to a variety of
information, but it also leads to distraction and lack of focus. Students
should make use of technology to further their education and training,
but also regulate their use to an optimum amount.

Questions regarding whether time spent on their devices were affecting

their sleep had an alarming 17 out of 20 people asserting that their
extended use of devices was invading their sleep time. It was also noted
that only a scant 7 out of 20 people are able to control their use of
technology when they try to. The excessive use of technology by
today’s youths is not just a mild problem that can be dismissed easily
but an alarming problem that can lead to a downward spiral.
When asked if time spent on online is affecting their time spent on
extra-curricular activities, 16 out of 20 people agreed. Excessive time
spent on devices has been the cause of a lot of health problems such as
fatigue, eye strain and mental health issues, which have in turn affected
their physical well-being. These responses imply that the negative
effects of online surfing have been detrimental, even if on a low scale.

When the responders were questioned whether they had ever been
bullied online by someone whose identity wasn’t known (or revealed)?”
6 out of 20 answered in the affirmative. Anxiety, fear, depression, low
self-esteem, behavioural issues, and academic struggles are just of the
few challenges kids may experience if they are targets of cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying can occur at any time, day or night, and be perpetrated
by anonymous sources. This makes it more relentless and, often,

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crueller. Hence cyber bullying stands out as a major con of today’s
advancing technology.

The next question was how often did the responder come across
disturbing (irrelevant) information or visuals on the internet when you
were surfing for something not related to the information or visuals, 2
answered often and 4 answered sometimes. As children become more
active online at a younger age, the possibility and probability that
they’ll see something inappropriate all depends on what they’re doing
1. One-third of British children 12-15 have encountered sexist, racist or
discriminatory content.
2. One in ten children aged 8 -11 who go online said they had seen
something nasty or worrying online.
From research, we know that as children become more active online
it’s highly likely that they’ll see something that they may not be able to
process and, in many cases, may not tell anyone about what they’ve
seen. Hence protecting the teens and children from this risk also proves
to be a challenging task.

The use of technology can positively and negatively affect relationships

between people, facilitate communication, or suppress social activity. It
has shaped the way children see and interact with others and with the
world, which greatly affects their development. It has greatly improved
communication worldwide, and thus has given people all over the
world the opportunity to engage with others in a powerful, albeit,
different way. Yet, to count its negative effects, human-to-human
interactions are slowly being replaced by human-to-machine
interactions. By establishing a divide between individuals and limiting

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closeness, technology has aided in the modification of human

The boom in technology has come with major pros and cons especially
affecting today’s youth and while it does have major boons, The way
it’s being used is extremely distressing affecting the behavioural
patterns of students causing them to have an appalling temperament,
causing addictions and even affecting the health of many of today’s
generation. The over reliance on technology has been a huge bane to
the present-day juveniles but the potential for good in technology is
immense allowing for easy communication between people and even
allowing it to make it easier to study so while we think the use of
technology is more of a bane then a boon towards today’s youth, A
change in attitude and our approach to technology could easily turn
that opinion over our heads.

Group Reflection:
 Why did we choose this topic for research?
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We choose the topic “Technology: Is it helping or harming the youth today?’’
because it is very relevant to the times we live in. The internet is an integral part of
our lives but we barely notice it. From communicating with our loved ones, to
using online resources for academics, to traveling, technology is all around us. We
even used it to do this project, we interviewed people by sending out a survey on
MS Forms, and used other digital tools for collecting and compiling our
 What have we learnt from this project?
We learnt about the pros and cons of technology. Technology has improved our
lives in many ways, through labour saving devices, efficient communication
systems and improved medical technology. On the other hand, social media apps
serve as a distraction and lead to a lack of focus.
 How did we work as a team to do this project?
We all shared the work and collaborated to make this project successful. We all
had to come up with interesting survey questions, send it out to friends and finally
analyze the responses to each question. The responsibilities were shared, some of
us wrote the report, while others framed the questions.

(Photographs and other pieces of evidence of the research)

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List of Resources/Bibliography.

Google Forms Survey Results Info about technology and

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