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Abortion, do we have the right to

In this day and age this is a real talked topic, a lot of people are against it and a lot of
people are pro-abortion, there are a lot of false things talk about this issue and a lot of old
beliefs about abortion, currently we know a lot more about the procedures and the
medical part of an abortion, with a lot more tools than in the past, so should abortion be
legal? Or is abortion the best option?
The topic has begun to increase a lot more in the recent years, since the feminist
movement has gained a lot of popularity and more women form part on it, getting
informed and wanting to have their rights. Abortion is a huge part of the movement since
is all about having control of your own body and making the decision of having the baby,
because sometimes the circumstances are not the best or the person does not have the
means to raise a baby, and the adoption system is horrible, especially in the country that
we live. In a lot of cases parents have drug or alcohol abuse, or they can’t simply take care
of them, so they end up in the SENAME where hundreds of kids are abused or neglected,
not even meeting basic needs or rights. A lot of times this could have been stopped if the
mother had the right to choose over her own body, and as much there are women that
want to abort for their own reasons, there are a lot of women who don’t feel the need to
and won’t do it, because making abortion legal does not mean that you are obligated to, it
means that you have the choice.
A lot of the beliefs on abortion are that the baby can feel pain when aborted or they have
legs and fingernails, and that you will go to hell, but all this thigs are false, when a foetus is
aborted it cannot feel pain, because nothing is really form yet, an abortion can take place
until the 24th week of gestation, but it’s mostly regulated by law to abort till the 12 th week,
this means that the baby hasn’t form legs or a heart even, this is all created to make
women feel bad about their decision. Most of the anti-abortion people are religious
people who say that women are going to hell for abortion, or simply uninformed people,
they make all these women feel bad about what they want to do with their own body,
causing clandestine abortions that have a high risk of death for the person.
All in all I think is foolish to have abortion banned in our country, because its made to
make women feel ashamed and to not have a say in their own body, there for is an old
misogynistic way of thinking and doing, we should not tell this people what to do, they
have the last say, we don’t want more dead women for wanting to do the right thig, for
feeling ashamed, we want a safe and legal abortion now. We don’t want others to keep
making the decisions for us, we want to decide.

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