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This theory is called Gestalt Theory of Learning. An explanation of Gestalt School of

Psychology. The word Gestalt in German language means ‘whole’, ‘total pattern’ or

‘configuration’. This school believes that the whole is more important than the parts. So learning

also takes place as a whole. In this respect, Kohlar performed a number of experiments on

monkeys, and arrived at the result that highest types of learning is through insight.

Essentials of insightful learning :

1. Comprehension as a whole : Learning by insight requires full comprehension of the

situation as a whole.

2. Clear goal : The goal must be quite clear to begin with.

3. Power of generalization : The learner must possess power of generalization along with

those of differentiation.

4. Suddenness of solution : Suddenness of the solution is a hall mark of learning by insight

i.e., the solution flashes suddenly to the learner. No lengthy reasoning is involved.

5. New forms of objects : As a result of insight into the problem or situation objects appear

in new forms or patterns.

6. Transfer : Transfer of learning occurs as a result of insight. The principles learnt in one

situation are applied to the other situation.

7. Change in behaviour : Insight changes our behavior to the extant which we have learnt

through insight.
Laws of insightful formation :

1. Capacities : Insight depends upon the capacity of the organism. Individuals offer in their

capacities. The more developed is the individual, the more will be the capacity to develop


2. Previous experience : Insight depends upon relevant previous experience and maturation.

Some practice, trial and error and maturation upto the level essential before insight

develops. A child of five years cannot develop mathematical insight since he has not

done sufficient practice in it.

3. Experimental arrangement : Development of insights depends upon experimental

arrangement also.

4. Fumbling and search : Insight follows a period of fumbling and search.

5. Readily repeated : Insightful solutions can be readily repeated.

6. Use in new situation : Insight once achieved can be used in new situation.

7. Wholesome experience : Experience of insight is always wholesome. Whole is just not

equal to its parts.

Educational implications of insightful learning :

1. Integrated curriculum : The curriculum of the class should be an integrated whole i.e.,

there should be correlation between various subjects.

2. Problem as a whole : The whole problem is to be represented in the class. A piece meal

approach will not develop learning by insight. This theory believes, “the whole is not a

sum of the parts”. The teacher should present the things in the class as a whole atleast to
start with. To give a complete insight into the learning material, we should always

proceed from whole to the part. The lesson should form an integrated unit because insight

is possible if the situation is perceived as a whole.

Limitations of insightful learning :

The method of insightful learning has some limitations also. Small and dull children learn more

through trial and error than through insight which they lack.

Even for insight trial and error in ruled out. Insight is the final stage of trial and error. Some

difficult problems may be solved by insight. But intricate and complex problems may be beyond

normal understandings and insight.

Inspite of the above limitations, learning by insight needs to be encouraged in the ordinary

instructional program of the school. The teacher can adopt the Heuristic Method of teaching. In

this way, he will develop the pupil’s reasoning power and put him in the capacity of a discoverer

of new faces.

In the teaching of geometry, for instance, a problem may be presented, and the pupil asked to

think out and reason the solution. The teacher may suggest some clues, to help the pupil arrive at

the right solution. The task of the teacher is not in spoon-feeding and transmitting knowledge,

but in helping the child to acquire knowledge himself.





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