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Chemistry-1st PU

2&3 Marks Important Questions

Note:Questions marked in BOLD are very very important
Basic Concept of chemistry

01. Define:
B. Normality
C.Partial Pressure
D. Mole Fraction
E. Molality
F. Mole

02. State:
A.Law of definite proportions
B. Law of multiple proportions
C Avagadro’s law
D. Law of conservation of mass and who proposed this law?
03. Solve:
A. How many moles of methane are required to produce 88 gms of CO2 after
combustion ?
B.Calculate the molarity of sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) in the solution prepared by
dissolving 4 gm in 500ml of the solution.
C.The density of 2M solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) 1.13 g mol/litre. Calculate
molality of the solution. M= 2 mol per litre.
D.Calculate the percent (%) composition of elements in methanol (CH3OH)

Atomic Structure

4. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

5.. Name the four quantum numbers.
6.Write any two limitations of Bohr’s model of an atom.
7.State aufbau principle
8.What is an orbital? Mention different orbitals
9.Write two drawbacks of Rutherford’s model of an atom
10.Name the series of lines in the emission spectrum of hydrogen.
11.Write de Broglie equation and explain the terms.
12.State (n+l) rule
13.Name two series of hydrogen spectra which fall in the infrared region.
Periodic Table

14.Mention one merit and one drawback of Mendeleev’s periodic table

15.Write the electronic configuration of the element with atomic number 118. Predict
the group the element belongs to.
16. General electronic configurations of Alkaline earth metals, Noble gases, Halogens.
17. What are transitional and inner transition elements? Give examples of each.
18. Define Atomic Radius. How does it vary along the period?
19.What are isoelectronic species? Give an example.
20.Explain the diagonal relationship between Lithium and Magnesium.
21.Long form of periodic table
22.Which among the following has i)largest ii)smallest ionic radii:Na+ ,Al+3,Mg+2, F− ?
23.Explain why atomic size decreases along a period and increases down a group.
24..Define ionisation enthalpy. Give its SI unit. How does it vary across a period and down
the group?
25.Define electron gain enthalpy. Give its SI unit. How does it vary across a period and down
the group?

Chemical Bonding

26. State the postulates of VSEPR theory

27. Explain the shape of NH3 molecule using hybridization
28. State the assumptions of MOT theory
29.Explain the sp2 hybridization with the example of BCl3.
30.Define hydrogen bond.
A.Ionic Bond
B.Covalent Bond
C.Sigma Bond
D.Pi bond
E. Bond angle
F. Bond enthalpy
G. Bond length
H. Bond order
I. Octet Rule
32. What are the conditions for hydrogen bonding?
33.What are the types of hydrogen bonds?
34. Show that the Oxygen molecule is paramagnetic based on MOT.

States of matter

35.State & write the mathematical expression of:(learn even the basic graphs)
A. Boyle’s law
B. Charle’s law
C. Avagadro’s law
D. Gay lussac’s law
E. Dalton’s law of partial pressure
36. Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases
37.Define Surface tension and mention its SI unit.
38.Define Ideal gas and derive its equation
A.Ideal gas
B.Critical temperature
C. Aqueous tension
D.Critical Volume


40.What are the extensive & Intensive properties? Give examples.

41.What is enthalpy.
42.State all the four laws of thermodynamics.(0th, 1st, 2nd & 3rd)
43.Give the mathematical form of Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
44.What is the relationship between ΔH and ΔE.
45. What is heat capacity?
46. What is specific heat capacity?
47.What is entropy? Mention its unit.


48.What is the law of mass action?

49. What is the effect of pressure, temperature, catalyst and concentrations on the rate of
50.What is the law of chemical equilibrium?
51.Define Arrhenius base and acids. Give examples.
52.Define Bronsted-Lowry theory with examples.
53.What are Lewis Acids and Bases? Give some examples.
54. Define:
A. Buffer solutions
B. Heterogenous and homogenous solutions
C. Equilibrium
D. Active Mass
E. Henry’s law
F. Ionic product of water(Mention with the equation)
G. Hydrolysis of water
H. Solubility product(Mention with the equation)
55.Explain Ionic equilibrium with an example.

Redox Reactions

56.What is a redox reaction? Give an example.

57.What is the oxidation number? What is the oxidation number(O.N) of Cl in KClO3?
58.Define oxidation and reduction in terms of oxidation number.
59.What type of redox reactions are the following:

60.Give an example and mention the species that undergo oxidation and reduction of the
following reactions:
A.redox combination reaction
B.redox decomposition reaction
C.redox displacement reaction.
D.redox disproportionation reaction
61.Balance the following Redox reaction using oxidation number method :

62. Balance the following equations by half reaction method (ion-electron method).


63.Write the names of isotopes of hydrogen. What is the mass ratio of these isotopes?
64.Name an alkali metal with maximum hydration energy and why?
65. A.Explain reducing property of Hydrogen peroxide with iodine.
B.What is syngas?
66.Explain ionic hydrides with examples.
67.What is “auto-protolysis “of water? Mention its significance.
68.What is the chemical used in Clarke's process to remove the temporary hardness
of water?
69.Complete the following reactions:

70.Why does Li show anomalous behaviour

71. Explain the anomalous behaviour of Be(Beryllium).
72.Mention any three biological importance of Na metal.
73.Write the general electronic configuration of s-block elements
74.Give reason the melting point and boiling point of alkali metals are low
75.Mention the uses of NaHCO3 & NaOH.
76.Action of heat on CaCO3, and give its equation.
77.A.Write a few uses of quick lime(CaO).What happens when CaO is exposed to
atmospheric air?
B.What are the uses of Plaster of Paris
78.Explain the manufacturing of NaOH by Eastner-Kellner’s process.

p-Block elements

79.How is diborane prepared in the laboratory?

80.Explain Anomalous properties of Boron.
81.What is allotropy. Name the allotropes of carbon.
82.Diamond is covalent, yet it has a high melting point. why?
83.What is catenation?
84.Explain why there is a phenomenal decrease in ionization enthalpy from carbon to
85.How to obtain carbon dioxide in a laboratory?
86.How to prepare diborane on an industrial scale? (with equation)
87.Why carbon differs from the rest of the members of its family?

General Organic Chemistry

88.What are electrophiles? Give examples.

89. Geometric isomerism in 2-Butane.
90.What are position isomers?
91.draw cis and trans isomers of the following compounds

92.What are nucleophiles? Give examples.

93.Explain the nitration of benzene.
94.Draw the resonance structures of carbonate ion.
95.Explain the structure of methane molecule on the basis of hybridisation.
96. Define the following with examples:
A.Homolytic fission
B. Heterolytic fission
C. free radical
F.Alicyclic compounds
G. aromatic compounds
H.Heterocyclic compounds
I.Functional Isomerism
J.Position Isomerism
97. What is Resonance energy? Mention the resonance energy of Benzene


98.Explain Wurtz reaction with an example. Where is it used?

99.State Markovnikov's rule.
100.Define decarboxylation with an example
101. Define hydrogenation
102.Draw the Newman’s projection of ethane
103.Define hydrocarbons.
104.Draw the sawhorse(ECLIPSE & STAGGERED) projections of ethane
105.What is cracking / pyrolysis?
106.Explain kolbe’s reaction of preparation of ethane.
107.Write a short note on isomerization of alkanes?

Environmental chemistry

108.Define environmental chemistry.

109.How is the ozone layer formed in the stratosphere. Name a chief chemical that
causes its depletion.
110.Brief note on Global Warming.
111.Name the components of photochemical smog.
112.What is smog? How is classical smog different from photochemical smog?
113.Acid rain is known to contain some acids. Name these acids and where do they come
from in rain?
114.What do you mean by Biochemical oxygen demand?
115.Write the chemical reaction that takes place during acid rain in the atmosphere?
116.Define Green Chemistry and Explain it with one example.
5 Markers Important Questions

Basic concepts of chemistry:

1.a) A compound contains 4.07% hydrogen, 24.27% carbon and 71.65% chlorine. Its molar
mass is 98.96g. What are its empirical and molecular formulas?

B)define molarity of a solution

2. a) Find the empirical formula of a compound which contains 33.18% of carbon, 4.60% of
hydrogen.29.49% of oxygen & 32.72% of chlorine respectively.At masses: C=12, H=1,
O=16, C=35.5)

b)State Avagadro’s law

c)How many significant figures are there in the number, 0.00257?

Atomic Structure

3.a) i}Pauli’s exclusion principle

ii}hund’s rule
iii}heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

B) Using s, p, d notations, describe the orbital with the following quantum numbers.

(a) n=1, l=0;

(b) n = 3; l=1;

4.a)Write any three postulates of Rutherford's model of atom

b) Calculate energy of one mole of photons of radiation whose frequency is 5×10^14.

5.a) Give the postulates of Bohr's atomic model.

b) Write the electronic configuration of copper (Z-29)

6.Write the significance of all four quantum numbers.

7.(a) Calculate the energy of one mole of photons of radiation whose frequency is 5 X 10^14

(b) In which region Lymann and paschen series are appeared.

States of Matter
8.a)Write any 4 postulates of kinetic theory of gases
b)Define critical temperature

9.(a) What is the mathematical expression for compressibility factor? How it varies with

(b) Calculate gas constant (R) value in Sl-system.

10.On a ship sailing in the pacific ocean where temperature is 23.4°C, a balloon is filled with
2 air. What will be the volume of the balloon when the ship reaches the Indian ocean where
the temperature is 26.1C?

11.a)calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid benzene(c6h6)
b) what is an intensive property.
12.a)Explain enthalpy of combustion with example
b)Define an isolated system. Give an example
13. a) Enthalpies of Combustion of carbon, hydrogen and methane are-394 kJ, -284 kJ
and -892 kJ respectively. Calculate enthalpy of formation of methane.
14.)a)what is a spontaneous process
b) Find out the value of equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 298 K
2NH3(g)+CO2(g)⇌NH2CONH2(aq)+H2O(l) Standard Gibbs energy change (△G0) for the
reaction at the given temperature -13.6 kJ/mol
15.(a) State and illustrate Hess law of heat of summation.
b) what are Thermochemical equations? Write thermochemical equation for combustion of
Ethyl alcohol
16.(a) Explain standard enthalpy of combustion with an example.
(b) Define entropy. What is the entropy change when gas is connected into liquid? Give an
example of intensive property.


17.)a)what is meant by a buffer solution

b) State the Le Chatelier's principle?

c)mention the conjugate base of h2so4

d)what is the effect of temperature in equilibrium.

18.a)what is chemical equilibrium

b)explain lewis base acid-base concept with an example

19.a) If Ka of weak acid is found to be 1.78x10° what is its PK value?

b) What happens to the PH of water when NH,Cl solid is dissolved in it and why?

c) Give the Kp expression of the equation H, (g)+1,(8) 2H1 (g)


21.a) With neat labelled diagram, describe the estimation of nitrogen by Dumas method
b) Give any two differences between Inductive effect and Resonance effect
22.a) What are free radicals? How are they formed ?
b) Write the structure of 3-methyl-pentanal
c) Give the example for +R effect
23.a) Explain functional isomerism with an example.
b) Explain positional isomerism with an example.
24.How Nitrogen is estimated by Kjeldahl's method.

NOTE: All estimation methods(Qualitative & Quantitative analysis) and reaction mechanisms
are important.


25.a) Explain free radical mechanism of chlorination of methane

b) Explain the mechanism of addition of HBr on propene
26.a) Write the steps involved in the nitration of benzene.
b) Explain Wurtz Reaction with an example.

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