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Mechanics / Grammar

6.1 Parts of speech

6.2 Mechanics/ Grammar

6.1 Parts of speech


In every language we find groups of words that share grammatical characteristics. These
groups are called “parts of speech”. Every literate person needs at least a minimal
understanding of parts of speech in order to be able to use such commonplace items as
dictionaries and thesauruses, which classify words according to their parts of speech. This chapter
describes several kinds of properties that separate the major parts of speech fromeach other and
des cribes several ways in which to identify a word’s part of speech. There are 8 parts of speech and
below ar e the lists of parts of speech that we will look at in this chapter .
Dalam setiap bahasa kita dapati kumpulan kata yang mempunyai ciri tatabahasa. Ini
kumpulan dipanggil "bahagian pertuturan". Setiap orang yang celik memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya pemahaman yang
minimum mengenai bahagian-bahagian pertuturan agar dapat menggunakan barang-barang biasa seperti kamus dan tesaurus,
yang mengklasifikasikan kata-kata mengikut bahagian pertuturannya. Bab ini menerangkan beberapa jenis sifat yang memisahkan
bahagian-bahagian utama pertuturan antara satu sama lain dan menjelaskan beberapa cara untuk mengenal pasti bahagian
ucapan. Terdapat 8 bahagian ucapan dan di bawah senarai bahagian-bahagian ucapan yang akan kita perhatikan dalam bab ini.
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6.1.1 Noun

Traditionally, a noun is defined as a word that names “a person, place, thing, or idea” . In
addition, nouns name qualities, feelings, concepts, activities, and measures .
Secara tradisinya, kata nama didefinisikan sebagai kata yang menamakan "seseorang, tempat, benda,
atau idea". Di samping itu, kata nama memberi kualiti, perasaan, konsep, aktiviti, dan ukuran.
Persons: Stephanie, Dr. Edelstein, teacher, accountant
Places: Chicago, island, Italy, college
Things: novel, surfboard, bicycle, horse
Qualities: patience, honesty, initiative, enthusiasm
Feelings: happiness, anger, confusion, sadness
Concepts: knowledge, freedom, friendship, travel
Activities: snowboarding, dancing, management, eating
Measures: day, week, inch, kilometre, million

Nouns are important words in our language. Sentences revolve around nouns because
these words function both as subjects and as objects of verbs. To determine whether a
word is really a noun, try using it with the verb is or are. Notice that all the nouns listed here
would make sense if used in this way: Stephanie is young, Kuala Lumpur is in Malaysia ,
butterflies are beautiful, dancing is fun, and so on. So there are 4 types of nouns.
Kata nama adalah kata penting dalam bahasa kita. Kalimat berkisar pada kata nama kerana kata-kata
ini berfungsi baik sebagai subjek dan sebagai objek kata kerja. Untuk menentukan sama ada perkataan
itu benar-benar kata nama, cuba gunakan dengan kata kerja itu atau ada. Perhatikan bahawa semua
kata nama yang disenaraikan di sini akan masuk akal jika digunakan dengan cara ini: Stephanie masih
muda, Kuala Lumpur berada di Malaysia, rama-rama itu indah, menari itu menyeronokkan, dan
sebagainya. Jadi ada 4 jenis kata nama.

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i. Common Noun

Common nouns name classes of things. Individual physical objects are the most
straightforward instances of things, and the words that name classes of such things are
indeed generally nouns, e.g., book names the class of books and hard drive names the
class of hard drives.
Eg: wallet, ball, table, chair, book, college, glass, girl, etc.
Kata nama am kelas nama. Objek fizikal individu adalah contoh perkara yang paling mudah, dan kata-
kata yang menamakan kelas perkara seperti itu biasanya kata nama, misalnya, buku nama kelas buku dan
cakera keras menamakan kelas cakera keras.
Cth: dompet, bola, meja, kerusi, buku, kuliah, kaca, gadis, dll

ii. Proper Noun

The nouns that name individual things are proper nouns but these things are many and
varied, e.g. printer is a common noun; Denver is a proper noun. In English, we conventionally
capitalize the initial letter of proper nouns. They include individual people (Madonna),
individual animals (Lassie), individual places (Addis Ababa); individual things (Earth).

Still cannot differentiate the differences between proper nouns and common nouns? Below
is a table to show you.

Kata nama yang menamakan setiap perkara adalah kata nama yang betul tetapi perkara ini banyak dan berbeza-beza,
mis. pencetak adalah kata nama biasa; Denver adalah kata nama yang betul. Dalam bahasa Inggeris, kita secara huruf
besar menggunakan huruf awal kata nama yang betul. Mereka merangkumi individu (Madonna), haiwan individu
(Lassie), tempat individu (Addis Ababa); perkara individu (Bumi).
Masih tidak dapat membezakan perbezaan antara kata nama yang betul dan kata nama am? Berikut adalah jadual
untuk menunjukkan kepada anda.

Common Nouns Proper Nouns

coffee shop Starbucks
waiter jeans Simon
sandwich Levi's Big
chair Mac
arena country Roll-O-Rocker
fire fighter Amway Arena
Captain Richard Orsini

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iii. Collective Noun 集体名词

You might not know it, but you encounter collective nouns in everyday speech. Collective
nouns are words for single things that are made up of more than one person, animal, place,
thing, or idea. You can’t have a team without individual members; even so, we discuss a
team as a single entity. Once you’ve read these examples, you’ll find it much easier to
recognize collective nouns when you see them.
Anda mungkin tidak mengetahuinya, tetapi anda menemui kata benda kolektif dalam pertuturan sehari-
hari. Kata nama kolektif adalah kata untuk satu perkara yang terdiri daripada lebih dari satu orang,
haiwan, tempat, benda, atau idea. Anda tidak boleh mempunyai pasukan tanpa ahli; walaupun begitu,
kami membincangkan satu pasukan sebagai satu kesatuan. Sebaik sahaja anda membaca contoh ini,
anda akan lebih mudah mengenali kata nama kolektif apabila anda melihatnya.

Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.

Kelas kami melakukan lawatan lapangan ke muzium sejarah semula jadi
The herd of bison ran across the prairie, leaving a massive dust cloud in
its wake.
Kawanan bison melintasi padang rumput, meninggalkan awan debu besar
We waited anxiously for the jury to come to a verdict. Kami menunggu
dengan bersungguh-sungguh juri untuk membuat keputusan
This year’s basketball team includes three players who are over six feet
tall. Pasukan bola keranjang tahun ini merangkumi tiga pemain yang mempunyai
ketinggian lebih dari enam kaki tinggi
Napoleon’s army was finally defeated at Waterloo. Tentera Napoleon
akhirnya dikalahkan di Waterloo.
The town council has approved plans to create a new park. Majlis bandar
telah meluluskan rancangan untuk mewujudkan taman baru
He comes from a huge family: he’s the oldest of eleven kids. Dia berasal
dari keluarga besar: dia yang tertua dari sebelas anak
The rock group has been on tour for months. Kumpulan rock telah melakukan
lawatan selama berbulan-bulan.

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Herd A group of herbivore animals 一群草食动物
Pack A group of canine animals such as wolves or dogs; also used to describe
playing cards and packages containing multiple objects
Sekumpulan haiwan taring seperti serigala atau anjing; juga digunakan untuk
menggambarkan bermain kad dan bungkusan yang mengandungi pelbagai objek
Flock 群 A group of birds; also used to discuss small hooved animals such as sheep
or goats 一群鸟;鸟儿也用来讨论小蹄类动物,例如绵羊或山羊

Swarm 一群 A group of insects 一群昆虫

Gang 帮派 – Usually used to describe a group of criminals; also used to describe a

group of workers, particularly sailors or dock workers 通常用来形容一群罪犯;也
Panel 控制板 A group of experts 一群专家

Stack堆 A group of items neatly laid one on top of another; i.e., a stack of books

This list of common collective nouns contains words that describe groups of animals, people,
or things. These words are sometimes interchangeable, and English writers and speakers
often use them to describe different things. For example, the word swarm is usually us ed to
discuss a group of insects such as ants, flies or bees, but many writers use it to talk about a
very busy crowd of people. Once you are familiar with these words, you’ll notice that they
are used in a variety of situations.
Senarai kata nama am kolektif ini mengandungi kata-kata yang menggambarkan kumpulan haiwan,
orang, atau benda. Kata-kata ini kadang-kadang boleh ditukar ganti, dan penulis dan penutur bahasa
Inggeris sering menggunakannya untuk menerangkan perkara yang berbeza. Sebagai contoh, kata
kawanan biasanya digunakan untuk membincangkan sekumpulan serangga seperti semut, lalat atau
lebah, tetapi banyak penulis menggunakannya untuk membincangkan tentang sekumpulan orang yang
sangat sibuk. Apabila anda sudah biasa dengan kata-kata ini, anda akan melihat bahawa kata-kata itu
digunakan dalam pelbagai situasi.

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iii. Abstract Noun

If a noun is abstract, it describes something you cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.
Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize when the noun is abstract because there are a
number of words that can function in different ways. For example, some words might
function as verbs in some cases and abstract nouns in other cases. Love and taste are two

 I love my husband. [In this sentence, the word love expresses an action and is
therefore acting as a verb.]
 Send them my love. [In this sentence, the word lo ve functions as an abstract noun
because it is a thing that exists beyond the five senses.]
 Sarah could taste cilantro in the salsa. [In this sentence, the auxiliary verb 'could'
functions with taste to illustrate action. She can physically taste the salsa .]
 Sarah has great taste in clothes. [In this sentence, taste functions in an abstract
manner. Taste refers to her preferences.]

Sekiranya kata nama abstrak, ia menerangkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat anda lihat, dengar, sentuh, rasa,
atau bau. Kadang kala sukar untuk dikenali ketika kata nama itu abstrak kerana terdapat sebilangan kata
yang dapat berfungsi dengan cara yang berbeza. Sebagai contoh, beberapa perkataan mungkin berfungsi
sebagai kata kerja dalam beberapa kes dan kata nama abstrak dalam kes lain. Cinta dan rasa adalah dua

• Saya sayang suami saya. [Dalam kalimat ini, kata cinta menyatakan tindakan dan oleh itu bertindak
sebagai kata kerja.]
• Kirimkan cinta saya kepada mereka. [Dalam ayat ini, kata lo ve berfungsi sebagai kata nama abstrak kerana
ia adalah sesuatu yang wujud di luar lima deria.]
• Sarah dapat menikmati ketumbar di salsa. [Dalam kalimat ini, kata kerja bantu 'boleh' berfungsi dengan
penuh rasa untuk menggambarkan tindakan. Dia secara fizikal dapat merasakan salsa.]
• Sarah mempunyai selera dalam pakaian. [Dalam kalimat ini, rasa berfungsi secara abstrak. Rasa merujuk
kepada pilihannya.]

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Abstract nouns can be countable or non- countable (mass). They can also be in singular or
possessive form. Abstract nouns follow the same grammar rules as other nouns.
Kata nama abstrak boleh dikira atau tidak boleh dikira (jisim). Mereka juga boleh dalam bentuk tunggal
atau posesif. Kata nama abstrak mengikut peraturan tatabahasa yang sama dengan kata nama lain.
Emotions/ Feelings Ideas/ Concepts/ Ideals Movements/ Events

Love Belief Kepercayaan Progress 进步

Hate Faith Iman Education
Anger Liberty Kebebasan Hospitality 款待
Pride Kesombongan Culture Leisure 闲暇
Peace Kedamaian Information Trouble 麻烦
Charity Amal Dedication 奉献精神 Friendship
Success Knowledge Relaxation

Abstract forms of nouns are very common and an important part of communication. In
many cases these types of nouns are derived from an addition of a suffix or alteration in the
root word. Child is a concrete noun, for example, but childhood is an intangible state, so it
is abstract.
Bentuk kata nama yang abstrak sangat umum dan merupakan bahagian penting dalam komunikasi.
Dalam banyak kes, kata nama jenis ini berasal dari penambahan akhiran atau perubahan pada kata
dasar. Anak adalah kata nama konkrit, misalnya, tetapi masa kanak-kanak adalah keadaan tidak
ketara, jadi abstrak.

Nouns with the following suffixes are often abstract:

-tion -ity -ness -ance -ship -acy

-ism -ment -age -ence -ability

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6.1.2 Pronoun

A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose,
someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. In the sentence Joe
saw Jill, and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill,
respectively. There are three types of pronouns: subject (for example, he); object (him); or
possessive (his).

Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. You can
remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence.
Example: did the job.

I, he, she, we, they, who, whoever, etc., all qualify and are, therefore, subject pronouns.

Kata ganti nama diri (saya, saya, dia, dia, dia sendiri, anda, itu, mereka, masing-masing, sedikit, banyak,
siapa, siapa pun, yang, seseorang, semua orang, dll.) Adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda . Dalam
kalimat Joe melihat Jill, dan dia melambai ke arahnya, kata ganti dia dan dia menggantikan Joe dan Jill,
masing-masing. Terdapat tiga jenis kata ganti nama: subjek (contohnya, dia); objek (dia); atau posesif

Kata ganti subjek digunakan apabila kata ganti menjadi subjek ayat. Anda dapat mengingat kata ganti
nama pelajaran dengan mudah dengan mengisi ruang subjek kosong untuk ayat mudah. Contoh:
melakukan tugas.

Saya, dia, dia, kita, mereka, siapa pun, dan lain-lain, semuanya layak dan, oleh itu, menjadi kata ganti.

Subject pronouns are also used if they rename the subject. They will follow to be verbs, such
as is, are, was, were, am, will be, had been, etc.


It is he.
This is she speaking.
It is we who are responsible for the decision to downsize.

Kata ganti subjek juga digunakan jika mereka menamakan semula subjek. Mereka akan menjadi kata kerja, seperti,
sedang, sedang, akan, telah, dll.


Ia adalah dia.
Ini dia bercakap.
Kita yang bertanggung jawab atas keputusan untuk menurunkan saiz.

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In addition to subject pronouns, there are also object pronouns, known more specifically as
direct object, indirect object, and object of a preposition (for more detail, see the definition
of a verb in the Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects section). Object pronouns include me,
him, her, us, them, themselves.


Jean saw him.

Him is the direct object of the verb saw.
Give her the book.
The direct object of give is book, and her is the indirect object. Indirect objects always have
an implied to or for in front of them: Give [to] her the book. Do [for] me a favor.

Selain kata ganti subjek, ada juga kata ganti objek, yang lebih dikenali sebagai objek langsung, objek
tidak langsung, dan objek preposisi (untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat definisi kata kerja di bahagian Mencari
Kata Nama, Kata Kerja, dan Subjek). Kata ganti objek merangkumi saya, dia, dia, kita, mereka, mereka

Jean melihatnya.
Dia adalah objek langsung kata kerja gergaji. Beri dia buku.
Objek langsung memberi adalah buku, dan dia adalah objek tidak langsung. Objek tidak langsung
selalu tersirat atau di hadapannya: Beri buku kepadanya. Tolong bantu saya.

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The possessive pronouns yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs, and whose never need apostrophes.
Avoid mistakes like her's and your's. The only time it's has an apostrophe is when it is a
contraction for it is or it has. The only time who's has an apostrophe is when it means who is
or who has. There is no apostrophe in oneself. Avoid "one's self," a common error.


It's been a cold morning.

The thermometer reached its highest reading.
He's the one who's always on time.

Pronouns that end in - self or -selves are called reflexive pronouns. There are nine reflexive
pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, and

Kata ganti posesif milik anda, miliknya, miliknya, milik kita, perkataan mereka, dan yang tidak pernah memerlukan
tanda keras kepala. Elakkan kesilapan seperti dia dan anda. Satu-satunya masa ia mempunyai apostrof adalah ketika
pengecutannya atau pengunciannya. Satu-satunya masa yang mempunyai apostrof adalah apabila ia bermaksud siapa
atau siapa. Tidak ada kerasulan dalam diri. Elakkan "diri seseorang", kesalahan biasa.

Sudah pagi yang sejuk.
Termometer mencapai bacaan tertinggi. Dialah yang sentiasa menepati masa.

Kata ganti yang berakhir pada diri - diri atau disebut dengan kata ganti refleksif. Terdapat sembilan kata ganti
refleksif: saya, diri sendiri, dirinya sendiri, dirinya sendiri, diri kita sendiri, diri anda sendiri, dan diri mereka sendiri.

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Reflexive pronouns are used when both the subject and the object of a verb are the same
person or thing. 当动词的主语和宾语都是同一个人或事物时,会使用反身代词。

Example: Joe helped himself. 乔帮助自己

If the object of a preposition refers to a previous noun or pronoun, use a reflexive pronoun: 如

Example: Joe bought it for himself. 乔为自己买的

Reflexive pronouns help avoid confusion and nonsense. Without them, we might be stuck
with sentences like Joe helped Joe. 自反代词有助于避免混淆和胡说八道。没有他们,我们可能会


Correct: I worked myself to the bone. 我努力工作

The object myself is the same person as the subject I, performing the act of working. Objek saya
sendiri adalah orang yang sama dengan subjek I, melakukan tindakan bekerja.
Incorrect: My brother and myself did it.Tidak
betul: Abang dan saya Berjaya melakukannya.

Correct: My brother and I did it. Betul:

Saya dan abang saya berjaya.

Don't use myself unless the pronoun I or me precedes it in the sentence. Jangan gunakan diri
saya kecuali kata ganti nama diri saya atau saya mendahului dalam ayat.
Incorrect: Please give it to John or myself. Tidak betul: Tolong berikan kepada John atau saya sendiri.
Correct: Please give it to John or me.
Tolong berikan kepada John atau saya.
Correct: You saw me being myself. Anda melihat saya menjadi diri saya sendiri.

In certain cases, a reflexive pronoun may come first. 在某些情况下,反身代词可能首先出现。

Example: Doubting himself, the man proceeded cautiously. 怀疑自己,那个人谨慎地前进

Reflexive pronouns are also used for emphasis. 反身代词也用于强调。

Example: He himself finished the whole job. 他本人完成了整个工作。

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6.1.3 Adjectives

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words.

An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.

In the following examples, the highlighted words are adjectives:

The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.

Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper.
The small boat foundered on the wine dark sea.
The coal mines are dark and dank.
Many stores have already begun to play irritating Christmas music.
A battered music box sat on the mahogany sideboard.
The back room was filled with large, yellow rain boots.

Kata sifat mengubah kata nama atau kata ganti dengan menerangkan, mengenal pasti, atau mengukur
kata. Kata sifat biasanya mendahului kata nama atau kata ganti yang diubahnya.

Dalam contoh berikut, kata yang disorot adalah kata sifat:

Belon berbentuk trak melayang di atas puncak pokok.

Puan Morrison melapisi dinding dapurnya dengan kertas dinding yang mengerikan. Kapal kecil yang
terletak di laut gelap anggur.
Lombong arang batu gelap dan lembap.
Banyak kedai sudah mula memainkan muzik Krismas yang menjengkelkan. Kotak muzik yang hancur
duduk di bufet mahoni.
Bilik belakang dipenuhi dengan kasut hujan kuning yang besar.

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6.1.4 Verb

The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A verb asserts something about
the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. The verb is the
critical element of the predicate of a sentence. Action verb s show the action of a sentence.
Some action verbs are runs, studies, works, and fixes. Verbs that express a state of being
generally link to the subject words that describe or rename it.

e.g., Jason built an excellent Web site. (Action)

e.g., He is proud of it. (State of being)

In each of the following sentences, the verb is highlighted:

Dracula bites his victims on the neck.

The verb "bites" describes the action Dracula takes.

In early October, Giselle will plant twenty tulip bulbs.

Here the compound verb "will plant" describes an action that will take place in the future.

Kata kerja mungkin merupakan bahagian yang paling penting dalam ayat. Kata kerja menegaskan sesuatu
mengenai subjek ayat dan menyatakan tindakan, peristiwa, atau keadaan. Kata kerja adalah unsur kritikal
predikat ayat. Kata kerja tindakan s menunjukkan tindakan ayat. Beberapa kata kerja tindakan adalah
jalan, kajian, karya, dan pembetulan. Kata kerja yang menyatakan keadaan umum bertaut dengan kata
subjek yang menerangkan atau menamakannya.
misalnya, Jason membina laman web yang sangat baik. (Tindakan)
mis., Dia bangga dengannya. (Keadaan)
Dalam setiap ayat berikut, kata kerja diserlahkan:
Dracula menggigit mangsa di leher.
Kata kerja "gigitan" menerangkan tindakan yang diambil Dracula.
Pada awal Oktober, Giselle akan menanam dua puluh mentol tulip.
Di sini kata kerja majmuk "akan menanam" menerangkan tindakan yang akan berlaku pada masa akan

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6.1.5 Adverbs

The traditional definition of adverb is “a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or

another adverb.” This definition is clearly functional and actually represents the typical
functions of adverbs (or at least, adverb phrases) fairly well, e.g., run quickly, extremely
adroit, remarkably cleverly. Adverbs are often classified semantically in terms of Time, Place,
Manner, Frequency, and Degree.
Definisi tradisional dari kata keterangan adalah "kata yang digunakan untuk mengubah kata kerja, kata
sifat, atau kata keterangan lain." Definisi ini jelas berfungsi dan sebenarnya mewakili fungsi khas kata
keterangan (atau sekurang-kurangnya, frasa keterangan) dengan cukup baik, misalnya, berjalan dengan
cepat, sangat terpuji, sangat bijak. Kata keterangan sering dikelaskan secara semantik dari segi Masa,
Tempat, Cara, Frekuensi, dan Darjah.

meaning examples

Time today, yesterday, now, then

Place here, there
Manner Adab well, slowly, convincingly, meyakinkan quietly
Frequency频率 often 经常, regularly 经常
Degree Ijazah completely, thoroughly, absolutely 完全,彻底,绝对

Adverbs of Manner 礼貌副词 Adverbs of Time 时间副词

She moved slowly and spoke quietly. She tries to get back before dark. 她

她缓慢地移动着,安静地说话。 试图在天黑之前回来。
It's starting to get dark now. 现在开
Adverbs of Place 地点副词 Adverbs of Frequency 频率副词
She takes the boat to the mainland
She has lived on the island all her life. 她一生都 every day. 她每天都乘船去大陆。
住在岛上 She often goes by herself. 她经常一个人走

She still lives there now. 她现在仍然住在那儿。

Adverbs of Degree程度副词
She drives her boat slowly to avoidhitting the
rocks. 她缓慢地驾驶船,避免撞到岩石。
She shops in several stores to get the
best buys. 她在几家商店购物以获得

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6.1.6 Preposition

A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or
phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. A preposition
usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the
sentence as in the following examples:
Praposisi menghubungkan kata nama, kata ganti nama dan frasa dengan kata lain dalam ayat. Kata atau
frasa yang memperkenalkan preposisi disebut sebagai objek preposisi. Praposisi biasanya menunjukkan
hubungan temporal, spasial atau logik objeknya dengan sisa ayat seperti contoh berikut:

The book is on the The book is beneath the She held the book over
table. table. the table.
The book is beside the The book is leaning She read the book during
table. against the table. class.

A prepositional phras e is made up of the preposition . The most common prepositions are
"about," "above," "across," "after," "against," "along," "among," "aroun d," "at," "before,"
"behind," "below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "beyond," "but," "by," "despite," "down,"
"during," "except," "for," "from," "in," "inside," "into," "like," "near," "of," "off," "on," "onto," "out,"
"outside," "over," "past," "since, " "through," "throughout," "till," "to," "toward," "under,"
"underneath," "until," "up," "upon," "with," "within," and "without ."
Ungkapan preposisi terdiri daripada preposisi. Praposisi yang paling biasa adalah "tentang", "di atas,"
"seberang," "setelah," "melawan," "bersama," "di antara," "aroun d," "at," "sebelumnya,"
"di belakang," "di bawah," "di bawah," "di sebelah," "di antara," "di luar," "tetapi," "oleh,"
"walaupun," "bawah," "semasa," "kecuali," "untuk," "dari," "dalam," "di dalam," "ke," "seperti,"
"dekat," "dari," "mati," "on," "ke ," "keluar," "luar," "selesai," "lalu," "sejak," "sampai,"
"sepanjang," "sampai," "hingga," "menuju," "bawah," "di bawahnya," "sampai," , "" on, "" dengan,
"" dalam, "dan" tanpa. "

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Each of the highlighted words in the following sentences is a preposition:

The children climbed the mountain without fear.

In this sentence, the preposition "without" introduces the noun "fear."

There was rejoicing throughout the land when the government was defeated.
Here, the preposition "throughout" introduces the noun phrase "the land."

The spider crawled slowly along the banister.

The preposition "along" introduces the noun phrase "the banister" .

The dog is hiding under the porch because it knows it will be punished for chewing up a new
pair of shoes.
Here the preposition "under" introduces the prepositional phrase.

Kanak-kanak mendaki gunung tanpa rasa takut.

Dalam ayat ini, kata kerja "tanpa" memperkenalkan kata nama "ketakutan."

Terdapat kegembiraan di seluruh negeri ketika pemerintah dikalahkan. Di sini, awalan "seluruh"
memperkenalkan frasa nama "tanah."

Labah-labah merangkak perlahan di sepanjang tong sampah.

Kata kerja "along" memperkenalkan frasa nama "banister".

Anjing itu bersembunyi di bawah beranda kerana tahu ia akan dihukum kerana mengunyah sepasang
kasut baru.
Di sini awalan "di bawah" memperkenalkan frasa preposisi.

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6.1.7 Conjunction

You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses, as in the following example:

I ate the pizza and the pasta.

Call the movers when you are ready.

Co-ordinating Conjunctions

You use a co -ordinating conjunction (" and," "but," "or," "nor," "for," "so," or "yet") to join
individual words, phrases, and independent clauses. Note that you can also use the
conjunctions "but" and "for" as prepositions.

Anda boleh menggunakan kata hubung untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa, dan klausa, seperti dalam contoh
Saya makan pizza dan pasta.
Panggil penggerak apabila anda sudah bersedia.
Penyelarasan Penyelarasan
Anda menggunakan kata hubung koordinasi ("dan," "tetapi," "atau" "atau", untuk "" begitu, "atau"
belum ") untuk menggabungkan kata-kata, frasa, dan klausa bebas. Perhatikan bahawa anda juga boleh
menggunakan kata hubung "tetapi" dan "untuk" sebagai preposisi.

In the following sentences, each of the highlighted words is a co -ordinating conjunction:

Lilacs and violets are usually purple.

In this example, the co -ordinating conjunction "and" links two nouns.

This movie is particularly interesting to feminist film theorists, for the screenplay was written
by Mae West.
In this example, the co-ordinating conjunction "for" is used to link two independent clauses.

Dalam ayat-ayat berikut, setiap perkataan yang diserlahkan adalah kata hubung bersama:

Ungu dan violet biasanya berwarna ungu.

Dalam contoh ini, kata hubung koordinat "dan" menghubungkan dua kata nama.

Filem ini sangat menarik bagi ahli teori filem feminis, kerana lakon layar ditulis oleh Mae West.
Dalam contoh ini, kata hubung koordinasi "untuk" digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua klausa bebas.

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Subordinating Conjunctions

A subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and indicates the nature of the
relationship among the independent clause(s) and the dependent clause(s). The most
common subordinating conjunctions are "after," "although," "as," "because," "before," "how," "if,"
"once," "since," "than," "that," "though," "till," "until," "when," "where," "whether," & "while."

Each of the highlighted words in the following sentences is a subordinating conjunction:

After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more independent.

The subordinating conjunction "after" introduces the dependent clause "After she hadlearned to

Gerald had to begin his thesis over again when his computer crashed.
The subordinating conjunction "when" introduces the dependent clause "when his
computer crashed."

Midwifery advocates argue that home births are safer because the mother and baby are
exposed to fewer people and fewer germs.
In this sentence, the dependent clause "because the mother and baby are exposed tofewer
people and fewer germs" is introduced by the subordinating conjunction "because."
Konjungsi Subordinat
Gabungan subordinat memperkenalkan klausa bersandar dan menunjukkan sifat hubungan antara klausa bebas
dan klausa bersandar. Sambungan subordinasi yang paling biasa adalah "selepas," "walaupun," "sebagai,"
"kerana," "sebelumnya," "bagaimana," "jika," "sekali," "sejak," "daripada," "itu," "walaupun," "sampai,"
"sampai," "kapan," "di mana," "sama ada," & "sementara."

Setiap perkataan yang diserlahkan dalam ayat berikut adalah kata hubung yang rendah:
Setelah dia belajar memandu, Alice merasa lebih berdikari.
Gabungan subordinat "selepas" memperkenalkan klausa bergantung "Setelah dia belajar memandu."
Gerald harus memulakan tesisnya lagi ketika komputernya hancur.
Sambungan subordinat "ketika" memperkenalkan klausa bergantung "ketika komputernya hancur."
Penyokong perbidanan berpendapat bahawa kelahiran di rumah lebih selamat kerana ibu dan bayi terdedah kepada
lebih sedikit orang dan lebih sedikit kuman.
Dalam kalimat ini, klausa bergantung "kerana ibu dan bayi terdedah kepada lebih sedikit orang dan lebih sedikit
kuman" diperkenalkan oleh hubungan subordinat "kerana."

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Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs -- you use them to link equivalent sentence elements. The
most common correlative conjunctions are "both...and," "either...or," "neither...nor,", "not only...but
also," "," and "whether...or." The highlighted words in the following sentences are correlative

Both my grandfather and my father worked in the steel plant.

In this sentence, the correlative conjunction "both...and" is used to link the two noun phrases that act as
the compound subject of the sentence: "my grandfather" and "my father".

Bring either a Jello salad or a potato scallop.

Here the correlative conjunction "either...or" links two noun phrases: "a Jello salad" and "apotato
Corinne is trying to decide whether to go to medical school or to go to law school.
Similarly, the correlative conjunction "whether ... or" links the two infinitive phrases "to go tomedical
school" and "to go to law school."

The explosion destroyed not only the school but also the neighbouring pub.
In this example the correlative conjunction "not only ... but also" links the two noun phrases ("the
school" and "neighbouring pub") which act as direct objects.

Sambungan korelatif selalu muncul secara berpasangan - anda menggunakannya untuk menghubungkan elemen ayat
yang setara. Sambungan korelatif yang paling biasa adalah "kedua-dua ... dan," "sama ada ... atau," "tidak ... atau,",
"bukan sahaja ... tetapi juga," "jadi ... sebagai," dan "sama ada ... atau." Kata-kata yang diserlahkan dalam ayat
berikut adalah kata hubung yang saling berhubungan:
Kedua-dua datuk dan ayah saya bekerja di kilang keluli.
Dalam ayat ini, kata hubung korelasi "kedua ... dan" digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua frasa nama yang
bertindak sebagai subjek majmuk ayat: "datuk saya" dan "ayah saya".
Bawa salad Jello atau kerang kentang.
Di sini kata hubung korelasi "sama ada ... atau" menghubungkan dua frasa nama: "salad Jello" dan "kerang
Corinne sedang berusaha untuk memutuskan sama ada untuk pergi ke sekolah perubatan atau untuk pergi ke sekolah
Begitu juga, hubungan korelasi "sama ada ... atau" menghubungkan dua frasa infinitif "untuk pergi ke sekolah
perubatan" dan "untuk pergi ke sekolah undang-undang."
Letupan itu memusnahkan bukan sahaja sekolah tetapi juga pub berdekatan.
Dalam contoh ini, hubungan korelasi "tidak hanya ... tetapi juga" menghubungkan dua frasa nama ("sekolah" dan
"pub tetangga") yang bertindak sebagai objek langsung.

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6.1.8 Interjection

An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion. It is not grammatically

related to any other part of the sentence. You usually follow an interjection with an
exclamation mark. Interjections are uncommon in formal academic prose, except in direct
Kata hubung ialah kata yang ditambahkan pada ayat untuk menyampaikan emosi. Ia tidak berkaitan
dengan tatabahasa dengan bahagian lain dari ayat. Anda biasanya mengikuti kata seru dengan tanda
seru. Gangguan jarang berlaku dalam prosa akademik formal, kecuali dalam petikan langsung.

The highlighted words in the following sentences are interjections:

Ouch, that hurt! Oh no, I forgot that the I don't know about you but,
exam was today. good lord, I think taxes are
too high! Saya tidak tahu
tentang awak tapi,
tuan yang baik, saya rasa cukai
terlalu tinggi!
Hey! Put that down! I heard one guy say to
another guy, "He has a new
car, eh?"

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6.2 Mechanics/ Grammar

Mechanics refers to all the arbitrary “technical” stuff in writing: spelling, capitalization, use
of numerals and other symbols, etc. These are conventions, and you just have to memorize
them. For example, you should never begin a sentence with a numeral:
NOT: 2012 is an election year.
BUT: Twenty-twelve is an election year.
OR: Remember, 2012 is an election year.
Mekanik merujuk kepada semua tulisan "teknikal" sewenang-wenangnya: ejaan, penggunaan huruf besar,
penggunaan angka dan simbol lain, dll. Ini adalah konvensyen, dan anda hanya perlu menghafalnya. Contohnya, anda
tidak boleh memulakan ayat dengan angka:
BUKAN: 2012 adalah tahun pilihan raya.
TAPI: Dua puluh dua belas adalah tahun pilihan raya. ATAU: Ingat, 2012 adalah tahun pilihan raya.

6.2.1 Spelling

Rule 1

In words ending with a silent "e," you usually drop the "e" before a suffix that begins with a
vowel. Dengan kata-kata yang diakhiri dengan "e", anda biasanya menjatuhkan "e" sebelum akhiran
yang bermula dengan huruf vokal.
survive + al = survival
kelangsungan hidup

divide + ing = dividing

fortune + ate = fortunate
bernasib baik

Rule 2

In words ending with a silent "e," you usually retain the "e" before a suffix than begins with a
consonant. Dengan kata-kata yang diakhiri dengan "e" senyap, anda biasanya mengekalkan "e"
sebelum akhiran daripada bermula dengan konsonan.
arrange + ment = arrangement
forgive + ness = forgiveness
safe + ty = safety

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Rule 3

In words of two or more syllables that are accented on the final syllable and end in a single
consonant preceded by a single vowel, you double the final consonant before a suffix
beginning with a vowel. Dengan kata dua atau lebih suku kata yang beraksen pada suku kata akhir
dan berakhir pada konsonan tunggal yang didahului oleh vokal tunggal, anda menggandakan
konsonan akhir sebelum akhiran yang diawali dengan vokal.
refer + ing = referring
regret + able = regrettable

However, if the accent is not on the last syllable, the final consonant is not doubled.
benefit + ed = benefited
audit + ed = audited

Rule 4

In words of one syllable ending in a single consonant that is preceded by a single vowel,
you double the final consonant before a suffix that begins with a vowel. (It sounds more
complex than it is; just look at the examples.) Dengan kata-kata satu suku kata yang berakhir
dengan konsonan tunggal yang didahului oleh vokal tunggal, anda menggandakan konsonan akhir
sebelum akhiran yang bermula dengan vokal. (Kedengarannya lebih rumit daripada itu; lihat saja
big + est = biggest
hot + er = hotter
bag + age = baggage bagasi

Rule 5

In words ending in "y" preceded by a consonant, you u sually change the "y" to "i" before
any suffix that does not begin with an "i." Dengan kata-kata yang berakhir dengan "y" yang
didahului oleh konsonan, anda secara automatik menukar "y" menjadi "i" sebelum akhiran yang tidak
dimulai dengan "i."
beauty + ful = beautiful
accompany + ment = accompaniment 伴奏

accompany + ing = accompanying 随同 (suffix begins with i)

If the final "y" is preceded by a vowel, however, the rule does not apply.

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Rule 6

Use "i" before "e" except when the two letters follow "c" and have an "e" sound, or when they
have an "a" sound as in "neighbour" and "weigh." Gunakan "i" sebelum "e" kecuali ketika dua
huruf mengikuti "c" dan memiliki suara "e", atau ketika mereka memiliki suara "a" seperti pada "jiran"
dan "timbang."

i before e (e sound) e before i (a sound)

Shield perisai Vein urat
believe weight
Grieve bersedih Veil tudung
Mischievous nakal neighbour

There are 5 categories of spelling in academic writing for beginners:

Words You Have Difficulty Spelling – Change With Similar Words

Some may have difficulty in spelling those hard words e.g. beguile, obstreperous etc. It is
advisa ble and a must for the students to change the hard word with any other similar/
synonym meaning.
Kata-Kata yang Anda Pasti Kesukaran Mengeja - Tukar Dengan Kata Yang Sama
Sebilangan orang mungkin mengalami kesukaran dalam mengeja kata-kata yang sukar itu, mis. tipu
muslihat, mengelirukan dan lain-lain. Adalah wajar dan mustahak bagi pelajar untuk menukar
perkataan yang sukar dengan makna lain yang serupa / sinonim.

Beguile- occupy/ dazzle Obstreperous - disorderly/undisciplined

sibuk / mempesonakan Mengagumkan - tidak teratur / tidak berdisiplin

Words With the Same Pronunciation But Different Spelling

This word set can be confusing . A homophone is a word that sounds the same as
another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are
homophonesbecause they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using
Perkataan Dengan Sebutan Yang Sama Tetapi Ejaan yang Berbeza
Kumpulan kata ini boleh membingungkan. Homofon adalah perkataan yang terdengar sama dengan
perkataan lain tetapi mempunyai makna dan / atau ejaan yang berbeza. "Bunga" dan "tepung" adalah
homofon kerana diucapkan sama tetapi anda pasti tidak boleh memanggang kue menggunakan bunga

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Words that Have Recently Come into Use

The English language is notoriously fast in adapting to the changing world. New words enter
English from every area of life where they represent and describe the changes and
developments that take place from day to day. Here are some words and exp ressions that
have been coined in recent years.
Perkataan yang Baru Digunakan
Bahasa Inggeris terkenal pantas menyesuaikan diri dengan dunia yang berubah. Kata-kata baru
memasuki bahasa Inggeris dari setiap bidang kehidupan di mana mereka mewakili dan menggambarkan
perubahan dan perkembangan yang berlaku dari hari ke hari. Berikut adalah beberapa kata dan kata
putus yang telah dibuat sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini.
Applepick Steal someone's iPhone. Mencuri iPhone Frenemy An enemy who pretends to be
seseorang. your friend. Musuh yang berpura-pura kawan awak.
Bromance Blend of 'brother' and Buzz Excited interest or attention
'romance'. Campuran 'abang' dan 'percintaan'. surrounding, for example, a new invention, arecent
A close non -sexual relationship event or something that has become
between two men. fashionable. Minat atau perhatian teruja sekitarnya,
Hubungan bukan seksual yang erat antara dua lelaki. misalnya, penemuan baru, peristiwa baru-baru ini atau
sesuatu yang telah berlaku bergaya.

British and American Spelling

British and American variants of spelling are widely used in various fields. However, language
learners should stick to the spelling variant that corresponds to the v ariant of English that
they are studying. Be consistent in your choice: if you write "cent re" in one sentence and
"center" in another, it might be regarded as a mistake, especially in examination papers.
There are certain spelling patterns behind the differences, for example, "our" in British English
( colour, humour ) and "or" in American English (color, humor ).
Ejaan Inggeris dan Amerika
Varian ejaan Inggeris dan Amerika digunakan secara meluas dalam pelbagai bidang. Walau
bagaimanapun, pelajar bahasa harus mengikuti varian ejaan yang sesuai dengan arti bahasa Inggeris
yang mereka pelajari. Bersikap konsisten dalam pilihan anda: jika anda menulis "cent re" dalam satu
kalimat dan "center" yang lain, itu mungkin dianggap sebagai kesalahan, terutama dalam kertas
peperiksaan. Terdapat corak ejaan tertentu di sebalik perbezaannya, misalnya, "kita" dalam bahasa
Inggeris Inggeris (warna, humor) dan "atau" dalam bahasa Inggeris Amerika (warna, humor).

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Malay and English Spelling (Malaysian Context)

There are two versions of English used in Malaysia: Malaysian Standard English (MySE) and Malaysian
Colloquial English, known as Manglish. Malaysian English is descended from British
English, largely due to the country's colonisation by Britain beginning from the 18th century. However,
because of influence from American mass media, particularly in the form of television
programmes and movies, Malaysians are also usually familiar with many American English words. For
instance, both "lift/elevator" and "lorry/truck" are understood, although the British form is preferred.
Only in some very limited cases the American English form more widespread, e.g. "chips" instead of
"crisps", "fries" instead of "chips" and "diaper" instead of "nappy".
Ejaan Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris (Konteks Malaysia)
Terdapat dua versi bahasa Inggeris yang digunakan di Malaysia: Malaysian Standard English (MySE) dan
Malaysian Colloquial English, yang dikenali sebagai Manglish. Bahasa Inggeris Malaysia berasal dari Inggeris
Inggeris, sebahagian besarnya disebabkan oleh penjajahan negara oleh Britain bermula dari abad ke-18. Namun,
kerana pengaruh media massa Amerika, terutama dalam bentuk program televisyen dan filem, orang Malaysia
juga biasa dengan banyak perkataan Inggeris Amerika. Sebagai contoh, kedua-dua "lif / lift" dan "lori / trak"
difahami, walaupun bentuk Inggeris lebih disukai. Hanya dalam beberapa kes yang sangat terhad, bahasa
Inggeris Amerika lebih meluas, mis. "kerepek" bukan "kerepek", "kentang goreng" bukan "kerepek" dan
"lampin" dan bukannya "popok".

Malaysian British / American

handphone (often abbreviated to HP) mobile phone (British), cell

(sering disingkat HP) phone(American)
public telephone or public phone payphone
Outsta tion Keterangan out of office diluar pejabat

keep in view (often abbreviated to KIV) kept on file, held for further consideration
perhatikan disimpan dalam fail, disimpan untuk pertimbangan lebih
MC (medical certificate) sick note nota sakit
Bungalow detached house rumah berkembar
bank in (cheque) deposit a cheque (UK) / deposit a check(US)

Many words of Malay origin have made it into the standard form of Malaysian English used in the
media, literature and formal speech. For example, Menteri Besar (Malay for Chief Minister) The
suffix lah , is Manglish not standard in Malaysian English.
Banyak perkataan yang berasal dari bahasa Melayu menjadikannya bentuk standard bahasa Inggeris Malaysia yang
digunakan dalam media, sastera dan ucapan rasmi. Contohnya, Menteri Besar (Bahasa Melayu untuk Ketua Menteri)
Akhiran lah, adalah Bahasa Manglish tidak standard dalam Bahasa Inggeris Malaysia.

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6.2.2 Capitals

Capitalization is the writing of a word with its first letter in uppercase and the remaining
letters in lowercase. Below are rules on how capitalization works.
Huruf besar adalah penulisan perkataan dengan huruf pertamanya dalam huruf besar dan baki huruf
kecil dengan huruf kecil. Berikut adalah peraturan mengenai cara penggunaan huruf besar.

Rule 1. Capitalize the first word of a document and the first word after a per iod
Rule 2. Capitalize proper nouns —and adjectives derived from proper nouns.
Rule 3. Capitalize titles when they are used before names, unless the title is followed
by a comma. Do not capitalize the title if it is used after a name or instead
of a name.
The president will address Congress.
Chairman of the Board William Bly will preside at the conference.
Rule 4. Capitalize specific geographical regions. Do not capitalize points of the
We had three relatives visit from the West.
We left Florida and drove north.
Rule 5. Do not capitalize the first item in a list that follows a colon.
Example: Bring the following: paper, a pencil, and a snack.

Peraturan 1. Huruf besar huruf pertama dokumen dan perkataan pertama selepas period

Peraturan 2. Huruf besarkan kata nama yang betul - dan kata sifat yang berasal dari kata nama yang betul.

Peraturan 3. Huruf besarkan judul apabila ia digunakan sebelum nama, kecuali tajuknya diikuti
oleh koma. Jangan menggunakan huruf besar jika digunakan selepas nama atau bukan nama.
Contoh: Presiden akan berucap di Kongres.
Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah William Bly akan mempengerusikan persidangan itu.

Peraturan 4. Memodalkan kawasan geografi tertentu. Jangan menggunakan titik titik

Contoh: Kami mempunyai tiga saudara mara yang berkunjung dari Barat. Kami meninggalkan Florida dan
memandu ke utara.

Peraturan 5. Jangan menggunakan huruf besar dalam senarai yang mengikuti titik dua.
Contoh: Bawa yang berikut: kertas, pensil, dan makanan ringan.

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6.2.3 Lower case

Unlike capital letter, lowercase letters will be the opposite of capital letters. It will be in use
after a capital letter is used & all the other words in the sentence should be in lower case.
Tidak seperti huruf besar, huruf kecil akan menjadi kebalikan dari huruf besar. Ini akan digunakan setelah huruf
besar digunakan & semua kata lain dalam ayat harus dalam huruf kecil.

6.2.4 Italics

Generally, we italicize the titles of things that can stand by themselves. Thus we differentiate
between the titles of novels and journals, say, and the titles of poems, short stories, articles,
and episodes (for television shows). The titles of these shorter pieces would be surrounded
with double quotation marks. Below are the examples of italics for titles.
Secara amnya, kita mencetak tajuk perkara yang boleh berdiri sendiri. Oleh itu, kita membezakan antara
tajuk novel dan jurnal, katakanlah, dan tajuk puisi, cerpen, artikel, dan episod (untuk rancangan
televisyen). Tajuk kepingan yang lebih pendek ini akan dikelilingi dengan tanda petik berganda. Berikut
adalah contoh huruf miring untuk tajuk.

The New York Times To Kill a Mockingbird Sports Illustrated Grey’s Anatomy
How I Met Your The Wall Street Entertainment 2 Broke Girls
Mother Journal Weekly

6.2.5 Abbreviations

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words; acronyms are abbreviations formed by using
the first letter of each word to form a pronounceable word. Use an abbreviation only if its
meaning is clear. Below are several a bbreviat ions of familiar institutions, countries,
academic degrees, measurements & time. Singkatan adalah bentuk kata yang dipendekkan;
akronim adalah singkatan yang dibentuk dengan menggunakan huruf pertama setiap perkataan untuk
membentuk kata yang dapat diucapkan. Gunakan singkatan hanya jika maknanya jelas. Berikut adalah
beberapa maklumat ringkas institusi, negara, darjah akademik, ukuran & masa yang tidak asing lagi.

familiar institutions countries academic degrees measurements time

UPM- Universiti U.S.A- BS- bachelor of Celsius- C Minute- min

Putra Malaysia United science Centimetre - cm Month- mon
UKM- Universiti States of BSN- bachelor of electron volt - eV
Kebangsaan America science in nursing inch- in
Malaysia. U.K- United MD- doctor of kilogram-kg
Kingdom medicine volume - vol

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6.2.6 Punctuations

Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to
structure and organise your writing. Some common punctuation marks are the period, comma, semi
colon, colon, apostrophe, quotation mark and hyphen.
Tanda baca digunakan untuk mewujudkan rasa, kejelasan dan tekanan dalam ayat. Anda menggunakan tanda
baca untuk menyusun dan menyusun tulisan anda. Beberapa tanda baca yang umum adalah tanda titik, koma,
titik koma, titik dua, tanda titik, tanda petik dan tanda hubung
Symbol Definition Examples
An apostrophe is used as a substitute for a missing
- I can't see the cat's tail.
Apostrophe ' letter or letters in a word, to show the possessive case
(Jane's room), and in the plural of letters, - Dot your i's and cross
some numbers and abbreviations your t's.
Apostrophe digunakan sebagai pengganti huruf atau huruf yang - 100's of years.
hilang dalam kata, untuk menunjukkan kes posesif (bilik Jane), dan
dalam bentuk huruf jamak, beberapa nombor dan singkatan

- There are many

A colon is used before a list or quote.
punctuation marks:
period, comma, colon,
A colon is used to separate hours andminutes.
Colon : and others.
- The time is 2:15.
A colon is used to separate elementsof a
mathematical ratio. - The ratio of girls to boys is

A comma is used to separate phrasesor items in a list. - She bought milk, eggs,
Comma ,
Tanda koma digunakan untuk memisahkan frasa atau item dalam and bread.
A hyphen is used between parts of a compound
Hyphen - word or name. It is also used to split a word by - The sixteen-year-old girlis
syllables to fit a full-time student.
on a line of text. Kata hubung digunakan antara bahagian
kata majmuk atau nama. Ia juga digunakan untuk membagi
perkataan dengan suku kata agar sesuai pada sebaris teks.
A period is used to note the end of a
Period .
declarative sentence. 句点用来表示结尾 - I see the house.
Quotation marks are used at the beginning and
quotation " end of a phrase to show that it is being written
- She said, "Let's eat."
mark exactly as
it was originally said or written. 在短语的开头和结尾都使用
- Class was canceled
A semicolon separates two independent clauses in a today; Mr. Smith was
compound sentence. 分号将复合句子中的两个独立从句 home sick.
Semicolon ;
分开。 - Relatives at the reunion
included my older
A semicolon is also used to separate items in a series brother, Bob; my cousin,
(where commas are already in use). 分号还用于分隔系 Art; and my great -aunt,
列中的项目(逗号已在其中使用)。 Mattie.

69 | P a g e Ch a p t e r 6 : M e c h ani c s / G r a m m a r
Review questions

1. Provide the inflected plural forms of the following nouns: insect, email, hinge, solo, calf,
disease, coil, promise, daisy. Pay attention to the words’ spelling and consult a dictionary if you
are uncertain. 提供以下名词的变形的复数形式:昆虫,电子邮件,铰链,独奏,小牛,疾病,线


2. Briefly discuss the possible meaning relations between the genitive expression and the
noun it modifies in: 简要讨论在属格表达和它所修饰的名词之间可能的含义关系:

a) the candidate’s advisors 候选人的顾问

b) the book’s author 这本书的作者

c) Andy’s pottery 安迪的陶器

d) the bird’s egg
e) the company’s CEO
f) the country’s attackers 该国的袭击者

3. Identify which of the words below are verbs: eraser, elbow, sense, fork, several, even,
easy, always, up Kenal pasti antara kata-kata berikut yang mana kata kerja: pemadam, siku, akal,
garpu, beberapa, sekata, mudah, selalu, naik

4. What do the italicized adverbs below defines as?

a) Atwood writes clearly .
b) Clearly, Atwood wrote the letter.
c) This sample is obviously atypical.
d) Obviously , this sample is atypical.
e) Belinda smiled hopefully .
f) Hopefully , Belinda will bring some refreshments.
a) Atwood menulis dengan jelas.
b) Jelas, Atwood menulis surat itu.
c) Sampel ini jelas tidak tipikal.
d) Jelas sekali, sampel ini tidak tipikal.
e) Belinda tersenyum penuh harapan.
f) Semoga Belinda membawa sedikit kesegaran.

70 | P a g e Ch a p t e r 6 : M e c h ani c s / G r a m m a r
5. Correct the capitalization errors .
i. The young man became a citizen of the u.s.a.
ii. Is dr. awang and senator jackson members of the ISEC ?
iii. The month of March can be very cold, but spring will come soon.
iv. I would like to hear about algeria from r.a. lajnef.
v. Elementary school closes early on mondays.
vi. There will be a parade on main street in los angeles, ca lifornia on memorial day.
vii. Can you see the washington monument from the potomac river?
viii. Ms fernandez will travel to mexico in september to buy fabric for her company,
textiles international.
ix. They asked officer moore to meet them at 212 fifth avenue.
x. Charles dickens wrote the classic, oliver twist, about life in england.
xi. I like history and science, but I don’t like algebra II orenglish.
i. Pemuda itu menjadi warganegara u.s.a.
ii. Adakah dr. awang dan senator jackson anggota ISEC?
iii. Bulan Mac boleh menjadi sangat sejuk, tetapi musim bunga akan tiba tidak lama lagi.
iv. Saya ingin mendengar mengenai algeria dari r.a. lajnef.
v. Sekolah rendah ditutup pada awal pagi.
vi. Akan ada perarakan di jalan utama di los angeles, ca lifornia pada hari peringatan.
vii. Bolehkah anda melihat tugu washington dari sungai potomac?
viii. Cik fernandez akan pergi ke mexico pada bulan september untuk membeli kain untuk syarikatnya, tekstil antarabangsa.
ix. Mereka meminta pegawai moore menemui mereka di 212 jalan kelima.
x. Charles dickens menulis sentuhan klasik, mengenai kehidupan di Inggeris.
xi. Saya suka sejarah dan sains, tetapi saya tidak suka bahasa aljabar II.

6. Which of the following sentences contains an error?

a) The term "algebra" comes from the title of a book written in the ninth century that
b) Explains how to balance equations.
c) Atomic clocks keep time by measuring the vibrations of Atoms and molecules.
d) The chemical formula for the caffeine molecule contains calc ium, hydrogen,
e) And nitrogen.
f) No mistake
a) Istilah "aljabar" berasal dari tajuk buku yang ditulis pada abad kesembilan bahawa
b) Menerangkan cara mengimbangkan persamaan.
c) Jam atom menyimpan masa dengan mengukur getaran Atom dan molekul.
d) Formula kimia untuk molekul kafein mengandungi kalsium, hidrogen, oksigen,
e) Dan nitrogen.
f) Tidak ada kesilapan
71 | P a g e Ch a p t e r 6 : M e c h ani c s / G r a m m a r
7. Use appropriate punctuation ma rks in the following sentences.

i. We had a great time in France the kids really enjoyed it

ii. Some people work best in the mornings others do better in the evenings

iii. What are you doing next weekend

iv. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems

v. Did you understand why I was upset

vi. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work

vii. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least I think so

viii. A textbook can be a wall between teacher and class

ix. The girls father sat in a corner

x. In the words of Murphys Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

Gunakan tanda baca yang sesuai dalam ayat berikut.

i. Kami bersenang-senang di Perancis anak-anak benar-benar menikmatinya

ii. Sebilangan orang bekerja paling baik pada waktu pagi yang lain melakukan yang lebih baik pada waktu

iii. Apa yang anda buat hujung minggu depan

iv. Ibu terpaksa pergi ke hospital dia mengalami masalah jantung

v. Adakah anda faham mengapa saya kecewa

vi. Ini adalah idea yang baik, mari kita berharap ia akan berjaya

vii. Kami akan tiba pada hari Isnin pagi sekurang-kurangnya saya fikir begitu

viii. Buku teks boleh menjadi dinding antara guru dan kelas

ix. Ayah perempuan duduk di sudut

x. Dalam kata-kata Murphys Law Apa sahaja yang boleh salah akan menjadi salah

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