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Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #129

Old Campaign, New PCs: Creating New Characters

For Existing Campaigns



From: Johnn Four,

--> A Brief Word From Johnn

--> This Week's Tips Summarized:

1. Dealing with a Dead PC
2. Either Way, It's Still A New PC
3. Dealing With A Bored Player
4. Conclusion

--> Tips Request: "Introducing New PCs Into Existing


--> Readers' Tips Of The Week:

1. Feel Free To Experiment With Kings & Their Citizens
From: Karl
2. Tips On Building Dynamic Campaigns
From: Dwayne
3. More Dynamic Campaign Tips
From: Simon M.
4. More Info About HackMaster And This Week's Free
HackMaster Module Contest



Free HackMaster Module Contest!

Kenzer & Co. has kindly offered 20 of their B1: Quest For
The Unknown modules as prizes so it's time for a contest.
With 20 modules up for grabs, I think the odds are much
better of being picked as one of the winners. Cool!

Contest entry deadline: Saturday, June 29th, midnight PST.

Contest details: NPC secrets. Send in generic NPC secrets,

25 words or less per secret, multiple contest entries

Please include your name in the email entry.

Send your contest entries to:

Example secrets could be:

1) The NPC has a body buried in the basement.
2) The NPC is really a female disguised as a male.
3) The NPC has a deadly disease and has 30 days to live.

An email with three secrets like those, for example, would

give you three entries in the draw.

Kenzer & Co. is also paying for shipping, so there's no

strings attached here.

Privacy: For this contest, I will be forwarding Kenzer & Co.

contestants' names for the draw, but no emails, IP
information, or any other personal information. Names only.
They'll pick the winners, email me their names, and then
I'll contact them all by email myself.

Check out Reader's Tip #4 at the bottom of this issue for

more info about HackMaster and the prize module up for

Good luck with your entries!

Convention Tips Supplemental Ready!

All of the great convention GMing tips that were requested
in issue #126 have been put into Supplemental Issue #8:
"Running Games At Conventions"

This Supplemental Issue is 100% free and available simply by

sending a blank email to:

My autoresponder should send it to you within an hour or

less. It's a big issue though--8500 words, 48Kb. I hope you
find it valuable and I feel non-convention GMs will get some
great tips out of it too. :)


Johnn Four


Take Home a FREE Copy of Undiscovered Quests & Adventures

For a limited time only, Eilfin Publishing will be giving

away copies of their first supplement to Undiscovered: The
Quest for Adventure when you purchase a copy of the game.
The supplement, Undiscovered Q&A Issue #1, is a 96 page
e-zine filled with great gaming material. And as a bonus,
we are offering free shipping on all books to RPTW readers!

Go to for details




A Guest Article By Walks in Moonlight

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Walks in

Moonlight, and I have been running a Werewolf campaign for
more than two years now. Of the six players currently in my
game, two have been playing since the start, two have been
playing for around six months, and the other two joined
within the last three months.

Now, one of my original players has decided he wants to

change characters because, after two years, he just couldn't
stand playing his character any longer, even though I felt
it was an important part of my game.

I had no problem with allowing him to create a new

character though, so I offered him two options:

1) Carry over unspent xp to be used as xp for the new


2) Use slightly more than half of unspent xp as 'character

creation' a.k.a. Freebie points. This would be in
addition to the standard creation points given to a new
character, as well as any points earned by taking
Disadvantages, a.k.a. Flaws. (Please note that Werewolf,
like the other World of Darkness games, is not a game
where one has 'levels'. PC power level, therefore, is
more subjective.)

He countered and asked he be allowed to use half of all the

xp his previous character had earned, both spent and
unspent, as he felt he could create a more 'useful' (which I
read to mean powerful) character with it. I said no, but
offered him enough Freebie points so that he could buy an
extra Gift (power) if he was so inclined, which is about the
level where the second newest player was. (The most recent
had just joined two weeks prior to the character change)

He accepted the offer, but felt dissatisfied; I felt

exasperated. So I asked Johnn for advice on the matter. We
both agreed that this question be posed to the readers of
Roleplaying Tips Weekly, and that if there were sufficient
material, then I would write a guest article about it.
[ ]

Given the volume of great responses, I believe there is

enough for two separate articles:

1) How to handle the creation of new PCs for an existing


2) Working new PCs into existing campaigns.

Today we're going to deal with handling the creation of new
PCs for an existing game.

First of all, my thanks to everyone who wrote in. The advice

was fairly evenly split between:

1) Not allowing the experience point carry-over.

2) Compromising at some point in between.

3) Allow the player to keep the xp.

A couple of readers even offered their viewpoint as players

faced with this choice. I suppose the best way to compose
this article is to divide it into three main sections:

1) Dealing With A Dead PC.

2) Either Way, It's Still A New PC.

3) Dealing With A Bored Player.

* * *

1. Dealing with a Dead PC

Death of course, is inevitable. And in a campaign, it's not
too unusual for characters to succumb to the wounds
inflicted by the creatures and/or villains of your game
world. So your player's PC just died: how do you, the GM
deal with this? Here's what some of you had to say:

a) Keep PC mortality low. Not all traps are meant to be

lethal and not all monsters are simply out to kill
everything in sight. A role-playing game should give
players opportunities to ROLE-PLAY, not just fight
monsters. Even when I played D&D, I often found the
intrigue of interacting with the NPCs more exciting
than the combat.

b) Let the player play a PC of equal level as the dead one.

There are a fair number of arguments for this one:

* The player's probably unhappy about their character's

death. Why make them suffer more?

* Difficulties with running parties of disparate levels.

The weak ones get upstaged by the strong ones and the
challenges worthy of a high level party could easily
kill the weakest member.

* Constantly replacing powerful characters with weaker

ones creates a vicious cycle of deaths. Average PC
level goes down as successive characters die, which
leads to stagnation, rather than progression of the

* The game's supposed to be fun. Therefore, the GM should

do what is needed to keep the players happy.

c) Players should have backup characters in reserve. One GM

requires that his players have 1 active PC and 2 fully
fleshed inactive characters, for a total of 3 characters
per player. The inactive characters remain at 1st level
until tapped, and at that point, they are given 1/2 of
the original character's xp.

d) Character is one level lower than the original PC.

e) Controlled Reincarnation. This GM invented a new spell

that allows the player to bring in a new character of the
race of their choice. The character then loses two
levels: one for dying, and another as a cost of the
spell. In addition, this spell requires an 11th level
Druid, which the party has to find.

f) Some GMs use mathematic formulas to determine the

starting level for a new PC. Here are some of the ones
used. Using my campaign, I will give you an idea of how
the various formulas work out based on the five remaining
PCs, which could be vaguely translated to D&D cleric
characters of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 10th level:

* Minimum experience level to get them to the "average"

level of the party. (Translates to about level 5.)

* 10% fewer xp than the lowest character in the party

(Translation: 1st level; 0 level if you're mean.)

* Average the PCs' experience. Give 3/4 of the total.

(Based on minimum xp for each level, this translates to
about 7th level.)

* 2/3 to 3/4 of the old character's xp, based on the

circumstances of the death (an avoidable death earns
less, while a heroic, well role-played death earns
more.) (Translation: character winds up being about 9th
level, regardless.)

* For World of Darkness games: player gets to use 1/2 of

any unspent xp towards a new character, in part to
compensate those players who were saving up for a large
expenditure. This is pretty much the exact method I
offered to my player.

g) Hit the books. Check out other game systems as many

actually have rules that cover bringing in new PCs. But
always keep your own gaming system in mind. Your players
might protest if you use the guidelines from say,
Dungeons & Dragons to apply towards a Vampire game.

h) How did the PC die? Did he die after jumping in a spike

filled pit and after the GM asked "Are you sure?" at
least once, and probably twice? Or did they die walking
into an illusion that they (the player) knew was an
illusion, but they (the character) failed their save
against it?
A well role-played death should be rewarded, while a
contrived death should be discouraged. The GM should
determine which category the character's death falls
into, and reward (or punish) the new PC accordingly,
using one (or more) of the methods for new character
creation outlined here.

i) Player starts at the same level as (or possibly one or

two levels lower than) the lowest character in the group.

j) Character starts at first level. Here are the arguments

offered for this:

* Why should the other PCs be penalized because one

character died? Is it really fair to the other players
that Player A gets to be the same level, when Player A's
character died and the other PCs successfully won
through the challenge?

* Players tend to value their character's levels more when

they've earned them as opposed to simply being handed
them. Why not take stupid and unnecessary risks with
your 5th level PC if you know the GM will let you create
a new 5th level PC?

* All the other characters started at a lower (or even

first) level and worked their way up.

* Playing a lower-level PC can be an interesting and

challenging experience for a player used to playing a
higher-level one.

* Because the player can now bring in a new character,

they might min/max the character to better fit the
campaign, which could give that character a distinct
advantage over PCs created earlier.

k) This actually may be the harshest of all the methods. Let

the other players decide the new PC's fate. Give them the
option of either starting at 1st level, the same level,
or some compromise in between. And while this should
eliminate resentment between players (i.e. You let so-and-
so start at 5th level when she died!), it could
potentially create more (i.e. Your character got killed
before we encountered the ancient Wyrm. Why should we let
you reap the benefit?)

2. Either Way, It's Still A New PC

Perhaps the best argument for this line of thinking is that
if a player doesn't like his/her PC, they can get them
killed off. All it takes is one fudged die roll, one flying
leap off a 30' castle wall, etc.

Also, it's good to keep in mind that old characters make

good NPCs. You remember (hopefully) the mannerisms and
habits of the old PC, and the PC has intimate knowledge of
the group, which you, the GM, can exploit. Not to mention
that you don't need to spend time creating their stats.

And of course, rewarding the players and keeping them happy

and interested is important to any campaign, so if their
character dies, or they're bored of it, they should be
allowed to make a new one. Now based on this 'unbiased'
approach, here are the suggestions for dealing with new PCs:

a) Same level as old character. After all, in most systems

there's no hard and fast rule that players HAVE to play a
first level character!

b) Same level, but with disadvantages:

* No prior knowledge of the campaign.

* Character loses all magic items, equipment, favors

owed, etc. In a long-running campaign, this can be a
major disadvantage. The player's old character is dead,
so the party can't go to Zarn the Priest and ask him
for major healing spells anymore because the old
character saved his illegitimate son; the new one

* Character works for what they get. That could mean that
they have to create a damn good background, detailing
things their character has done to justify the higher
level, and that they have to find a way to work
themselves into the party rather than leaving it to
the GM.

* Average level. Character starts either at or behind the

average power level of the other PCs or the GM gives
the PC the average xp of the party. In this way, the
character will be 'useful', but will likely not be the
'best' or 'most powerful'.

d) Give the new PC 10% of the highest level character's xp.

e) Use the dice.

* Vampire Revised offers a method where you give 1d10 per

10 points of experience earned by the AVERAGE character
in the party, which would be spent as experience points
instead of the more valuable freebie points. Based on
this method, the new PC would have been given 2d10,
resulting in between 2-20 xp.

* Dice determines starting magic items for a PC.

* Percentile dice determine how much xp is carried over

from the old character.

f) Make character 1/2 to 1 level lower than the original PC.

g) Make the character first level. Everyone else had to

start there. And if the GM creates well-balanced
scenarios, the players will have fun regardless of what
level their character is at. And while this philosophy
seems harsh, here are some ways to compensate for it:

* Give the PC knowledge important to the campaign. Perhaps

he knows the location of the secret Imperial base
they've been searching for. Or he knows the 'truth'
about that nasty villain who's been plaguing the PCs.

* Limited use magic items. Perhaps the character has a +4

sword lent to him by a priestly order that must be
returned at a later point in time. Another example might
be a wand of fireballs with 8 charges left.

* Prepare a solo campaign for the PC until the PC is ready

to join (if it takes longer than expected, have the
player play an NPC until they can safely join the PCs).
Or, alternately, allow the PC to join, but have 'side
tasks' that only they can complete (and thus is the
only one that gains xp). For example, while in town, a
merchant could hire the PC thief to steal a scroll from
the library of a fellow collector of rare historical

* Accelerated progression. The DMG has a suggested rule of

using 'accelerated progression' for PCs. That is, you
take the experience earned and offer another 20% as
bonus, similar to the 10% xp bonus given to a character
with better than average stats. This gives the PC an
opportunity to 'catch up' without overly punishing the
other PCs (or making them miss out on RP opportunities.)

* Experience Point Vouchers (EPVs). One GM gives these to

those players who contribute above and beyond simply
playing. Examples of this include (but are not limited
to) a weekly campaign journal, regularly maintaining a
website for the game, detailed time lines, and sketches
(using any medium) of their character or those of the
other players or perhaps even a recurring NPC.

In a nutshell, any effort that enhances the game but is

not part of the gaming session. These vouchers can be
redeemed for a character only during game downtime,
which can include any time spent resting in a town,
doing spell research, or even time spent resting in a
dungeon, as they are meant to represent 'inspiration'.
"It was unclear last night, but upon thinking about it,
it suddenly makes sense!" And of course, if a player
loses their character, the EPVs can be redeemed as a way
of gaining an extra level or two.

h) Communication: This is by far the most important thing.

Make sure your players know what your policies are
regarding new characters in advance, rather than when
they want (or need) to change.

3. Dealing With A Bored Player

In a perfect world, everyone would be happy with the
character they created. But things happen. The player might
have expected a 'social' campaign that turned into a 'hack
and slash' game, negating their character's abilities. They
get bored with the PC. It happens, so now you have to deal
with it.

a) Perhaps the most important thing may be to find out why

the player wants to ditch the character.

* GM might be able to help the player rediscover the

'coolness' of their character. Perhaps all that is
really needed is fine-tuning, rather than a new

* Flavor of the week. The player has just discovered a

new rule/class/ability and wants to use it. This smacks
a bit of power gaming and should be discouraged quickly,
especially when you consider that some systems (like
d20) come out with new supplements fairly regularly.

* Player frustration. The player is frustrated by the PC's

limitations and rather than work around them or going in
a different direction, chooses to abandon the PC. Again,
the GM should try to help the player.

* The player may be bored of the game, not of the

character, and allowing them to change won't really make
them happy.

b) Most GMs will allow a player to change PCs. Here are some
of the reasons offered, as well as some suggestions:

* Abandoned characters make good NPCs. As discussed

before, their stats are already created for you. And it
can be quite interesting when the characters encounter
someone who used to be their friend and is now under
control of the GM!

* Players should inform the GM in advance of the character

change. This gives the GM a chance to work the old PC
out of the story and bring a new one in

* Allow the player to use an NPC for a while. That way,

they can 'try out' the type of character they want to
play before making a commitment to it.

* Have the players read the applicable books to their

Class/Clan/Tribe to chart a path of progress for the old
character. If that fails, allow the player to switch,
but ask that they plan for the "long-term". Character
continuity and consistency are good for the game, as
well as for the GM.

* Character changes are not reversible.

* Once a player switches characters, they can't change

their mind. This could mean the death and/or
dismemberment of the old character (some GMs won't
play the old character as an NPC) which might make the
player think twice.

* Player should not be allowed to play the same "Class" of

PC. After all, if they're changing characters, why would
they want to play the same class twice? Some GMs even
apply this rule to dead characters in hopes of
preventing the creation of characters that simply want
to 'get even' with the killers of their old PC. (This
tends to be more important in Vampire or Werewolf.)

c) Offer the character a heroic death. Don't tell the player

you're doing this, but offer the PC opportunities to
'sacrifice' themselves for the team.

d) Characters can 'leave' if they have a good reason, but

role-playing opportunities should not be denied to the
other players. For example, if the PC's leaving because
they want to escape justice, you're depriving the other
players of a good role-playing experience.

e) If you do allow a player to change PCs, here is a

sampling of how other GMs deal with the level issue:

* Allow the player to start new character at the same

level as the old one.

* The character starts at one or two levels lower than the

original PC. Try to reward character retention, but
don't entirely discourage switching.

* Give character 10% - 50% of their old character's xp.

* Give the character minimum experience needed to get to

the average level the party.

* Give the character 80% of the experience earned by the

lowest character.

* Player CANNOT use already spent xp towards the new

character. New characters shouldn't get credit for
things they didn't do.

f) Players cannot change characters unless theirs dies.

Period. End of sentence. Character changes disrupt the
game and destroy the cohesion of the PCs. Of course, if a
GM were to take this harsh a tactic, players would find
ways to circumvent the rule by simply 'suiciding'.

4. Conclusion
In the end, no matter which policy you intend to use, I
believe that communication is by far the best method of all.
Tell your players up front what your policies are on
character creation, and then there will be far less room for
criticism or complaint. Of course, if you're going strictly
'by the book' and use the rules already in place for your
own game system (assuming, of course, such rules exist), I
think that will garner far less arguments than using some
other method.

Now in case you're curious as to how I intend to resolve my

dilemma, well, the past is past, and cannot be readily
changed. So what do I intend to do in the future? Well, with
luck, my player base will remain stable, no one will get
killed off and no one will want to change characters. But
failing that, I think I may just leave the decision to the
players next time.

Thanks again for all your help.

Walks in Moonlight


TIPS REQUEST: "Introducing New PCs Into Existing Campaigns"

Walks in Moonlight, guest author of this week's tips, needs

a few more ideas to help her flesh out the sequel article:

"Greetings again! When I asked for tips on introducing new

characters, I don't feel that I was clear on what I really

Having run a Werewolf campaign for over two years, I have

had a number of players come into the game. And after a
while you start to run out of ways to bring a new character
into the game. There are only so many times a pack leader
can say "Here's Mr. X. He's your new buddy."

So my question to you, the GMs, is how do you go about

introducing a new character into an existing game besides
the tried and true method of meeting them in a Tavern? Do
you make the players do all the work? Or do you give them a
break and take on the burden yourself? Or some combination
of both?

Thanks again!"

So, if you have any PC intro tips, send 'em on in to me


Thanks! :)



1. Feel Free To Experiment With Kings & Their Citizens

From: Karl
In the same way that different cultures will have different
monarchical styles, methods of succession, etc., so too will
there be different ways in which the kings interact with the

Take for example the Forbidden City in China. The emperors

are very distant from their people but the laws that they
pass have immediate and serious impact on the everyday lives
of the population. Another example is the Japanese Emperor
under the Shoguns. This style of ruler was largely
ceremonial and had no ability to issue laws affecting
everyday life. But what about some examples that may be
harder to find "real" analogies for?

In one of my games, I have a civilisation where the King

(Pharaoh as it turns out) owns literally everything within
his/her domain. Essentially, in this kingdom, there is no
legal concept of private property. The citizens have a
dispensation to use the resources for personal gain (soil
and metals from the ground, rain falling from the sky, and
the diverted waters of the Nile) in return for taxes,
military service and respect for the laws. But in the
absence of personal property a very dramatic change takes
place in the nature of the relationship between the citizens
and the rulers of the land. If the Pharaoh doesn't like what
an individual is doing any and all possessions can be "re-
nationalised" without any problems.

As GMs we can make the rules any way we like. One of the
interesting points to come out of last week's tips on kings
is the "try it out" concept. It may be that a new Pharaoh
ascends to the Sun Throne and wants to give his/her citizens
the right to private property. Obviously, this will have a
big impact on the culture. But what happens when the next
Pharaoh ascends and wants a return to the good old days?

Feel free to try everything you want! Don't forget, people

far more stupid than all of us have been rulers before and
they've tried things that would make our minds boggle. Why?
Because they were the King! You don't have to justify any
legal system, systems of ascension, or whatever. It just is
the way it is; and if the PCs want to become rabble-rousing
political agitators then that's great too.

Different styles of monarchical structure will give a nice

feel to exotic lands and cultures. You build it how you
like then add the PCs and see what happens.

2. Tips On Building Dynamic Campaigns

From: Dwayne
Hey Johnn, I really liked the last issue. I wanted to write
in because of the info requested about a "dynamic" campaign.
I have a couple more tips for you:

1) Have recurring NPCs that are rather important to the

setting. I once hosted a campaign where I had a bunch of
characters who the PCs ran into from time to time who were
pretty detailed and had their own stories going on. I got
some feedback about that later on from a player who said
that this made him feel like the world was going on outside
of his own character, which seems to be the definition for a
dynamic campaign.

2) For a modern or post-modern campaign (or possibly in a

fantasy campaign if done right) give random news reports
about world stuff. I haven't tried this yet but I have it
planned for my up-coming weird post-modern campaign. I plan
to have a private little episode with each of the players
after all the story stuff is out and about, and then feed
them with a news report of information that may or may not
come up in the campaign. From my visual rehearsals (meaning
from when I visualize this session idea in my head) I
calculate that it should work well.

Oh, that's another thing you might want to pass on. If you
recall, I used to complain a lot on how I seemed to have
lost my gift for GMing. Well, before this seemed to occur, I
used to do a lot of visualization. What I would do is
imagine sitting at the table with my players and saying all
the things I planned to say for important parts, bad-guy
speeches, important descriptions, or whatever.

In retrospect, it seemed to work very well, and I plan to

return to that with this new campaign. Some self-help and
psychology books speak of this concept of visualization for
important life stuff. I've been reading The 7 Habits Of
Highly Effective people and that's one of the things that
they really seem to push that I used to use but never
thought about.

3. More Dynamic Campaign Tips

From: Simon M.
Keep it very simple, start the party in a small town and let
them do all the work. Give them enough money to survive a
week. Place several small jobs in the area at their
disposal. Simple in-and-out work.

From this handful of small quests you should get a stack of

Dramatic & Dynamic hooks and ideas. Make the PCs really busy
with NPC interaction by introducing lots of contacts and
shady characters. It's possible to establish 1-3 threads
that are happening in your world right now. Keep it like
that and don't over-commit yourself to an early burn-out by
loading yourself down with too much campaign management.

Story arcs such as a war somewhere, a new trade route

established by a local merchant, an upcoming royal wedding,
new discoveries, long lost tombs, are good ideas to work

After each game spend time updating your notes. Use a plot
tree or some flow charts so that you can easily look back
and follow their progress. Keep your work to the local
level, where your heroes are adventuring. Keep track of your
NPC actions, villains, creatures, and humanoids. Work with
motives, goals, perks, flaws and lifestyles for your

4. More Info About HackMaster And This Week's Free

HackMaster Module Contest
I didn't want to load the top of the ezine with this
information for those readers who have no interest in
HackMaster, so I thought I'd put it here, out of the way but
still accessible to those who'd like to know. :)

I have yet to play HackMaster, but I've snagged the books

and have been planning a campaign for awhile now. The game
is basically 1st Edition D&D on steroids. It's a serious and
playable game. And don't let the name fool ya: you can hack
or roleplay, it's up to your group, and the rules allow for
either style.

For example, I've just boned up on the Honor Rules. Every

character has an Honor score that goes up or down according
to his/her actions. Having a high Honor gives PCs hero
points for re-rolls, automatic successes, bonus EXPs, bonus
dice pools, and other benefits. You can burn-off/sacrifice
Honor at any time for various benefits as well. Low Honor
means EXP penalties, bad karma, and other nasty things.

What I like the most about the Honor system is that it's
based on roleplaying--not hacking. And by roleplaying, I
mean heroic or honorable actions, not just/only acting.
Diving into a fire and suffering a permanent charisma hit
in order to save a child is worth just as much Honor as a
clever insult or tear-jerking performance (note though,
Honor is not dependant on alignment; evil PCs and NPCs have
Honor too).

About The Module That's Up For Grabs

Noah from Kenzer & Co. sent me this blurb about the contest

"Here is some info on the module B1: Quest For The Unknown.

Many years ago, rumor has it, two noted personages in the
area, a fighter of renown and a magic-user of mystery &
power, pooled their resources and expertise to construct a
home and stronghold for the two of them to use as a base of
operations. Word just reaching civilization tells of their
demise. If one only had the knowledge and wherewithal to
find their hideaway, there would be great things to explore!

This is the first instructional module designed for use with

HackMaster, filled with plenty of hacking for beginning

Here's a link with more info:
Good luck in the contest!


That's it for this week's issue.

Have more fun at every game!

Johnn Four



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