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Barriers to Education

1. Student factors
a. Physical Disability
b. Negative Attitudes and Stereotypes
c. Poverty
d. Student’s capabilities, personal beliefs , and values
e. Students are more likely to drop out of school if schooling is irrelevant to realities
2. Institutional Factors
a. Inadequate Physical Facilities and Funding
b. Philosophy ,Vision , Mission of Schools
c. The Legal Framework around Education can be weak
d. Issues of safety and security inside and outside the school
e. Accountability Movement
f. Perceived lack of Support
3. Teacher Factors
a. Teacher’s Qualifications and values
b. Knowledge, skills and values of the teacher
c. Inadequate professional preparation
d. Lack of certification
e. Encroachment of Other Discipline

General Differences

 Baby Boomers
 Generation X
 Net-Gen, Generation Y or Millenials

Implications of Generational Differences

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