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Known as the vital system of the body as it pertains to mainly on the existence of human
life. The continous pumping of the heart, day and night throughout your entire lifetime is such an
obvious key to the presence of life that it is no surprise that this organ has been the subject of
wonderment and poetry. When your heart stops pumping, your life ceases.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Describe the heart as to location, position, structure, function and blood supply 2.
Discuss the different types of circulation:
a. Pulmonary Circulation
b. Systemic Circulation
c. Portal Circulation
d. Fetal Circulation
3. Differentiate arteries, veins, and capillaries in terms of structure and functions.
4. Discuss the control of blood pressure and pulse rate.

Try This!

Activity 1. Answer the given questions based on your own understanding.

Place your index and middle finger on your wrist. Locate your pulse by applying gentle palpation.
Count your pulse in one full minute. Do this in two separate occasions of activity. For example,
while sitting and right after walking.

Describe the characteristic (regularity and strength) of your pulse? At the first instance, I checked
my pulse rate while I was at rest (sitting) and was able to count 67bpm. On the other hand, after
doing some Jumping jacks, I was able to tally a whopping 88 bpm. I think that the work done is
directly proportional to the Pulse rate. When the body is at rest, so does the pulse.

What is your pulse rate per minute? When I was relaxed, my pulse rate was 67 bpm. After some
jumping jacks, it was increased to 88 beats per minute.

Compare the characteristics and rate of your pulse taken from two different activities. Although
they are directly proportional to the body’s work/activity, they are still different in some factors.
To prove this, I did the activity given above and was able to observe something vital. It is, when
the body is at rest, the pulse rate is not that strong. However, when I did some activities, I noticed
that my breathing is faster and my pulse rate is very fast and can be felt with ease.

You did great in answering Activity 1. Congratulations!

Think Ahead!

Activity 1 shows how your blood circulates throughout the body. The arterial pulse on your wrist
is the radial pulse.
Arteries expand and recoil in every ventricular contraction, this pressure is called pulse. In
normal adult, average pulse rate is about 70 to 76 beats per minute. Pulse rate can be obtained
manually by placing two or three fingers (do not use thumb) on arterial pulse points (Fig. 58).

Figure 58. Arterial pulse points

To learn more, do the next activity.

Try This!

Activity 2. Tracing the pathway of the blood.

A. Go With the Flow

You need colored pens/pencils or crayons for this activity. Using lines and arrows, trace the
pathway of blood through the heart. Color RED the lines and arrows for the oxygen-rich blood
and BLUE for the oxygen-poor blood. Then, label the parts of the heart (You may use references,
textbook or internet, to help you with this activity).

Superior vena cava Aorta

Right Pulmonary Artery Left Pulmonary artery

Left Pulmonary Veins

Right Pulmonary Veins
Right atrium Left atrium
Aortic valve
Tricuspid valve Bicuspid valve
Pulmonary valve
Left ventricle
Right ventricle
Inferior vena cava
Visceral Pericardium

B. As you go tracing the flow of the blood, make a list of all the structures that the blood passes
through. Using one sentence per structure, briefly describe each structure’s functions.
Superior vena cava Pulmonary valve Left pulmonary artery
Inferior vena cava Left ventricle Right pulmonary artery
Right atrium Right ventricle Left pulmonary veins
Left atrium Bicuspid valve Right pulmonary veins
Tricuspid valve Aortic valve Aorta

Superior vena cava - receives deoxygenated blood from the head, neck, upper limb and chest
to the right atrium of the heart.
Inferior vena cava - receives deoxygenated blood from the trunk, viscera and lower limbs to the
right atrium of the heart.
Right atrium - receives blood from the veins and pumps it to the right ventricle.
Left atrium - receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.
Tricuspid valve - responsible in making sure that blood flows in a forward direction from the
right atrium to the ventricle.
Bicuspid valve – closes and keeps blood from flowing backward into the left atrium when the
ventricle contracts.
Pulmonary valve - prevents flow from the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle.
Left ventricle - the strongest chamber that pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body.
Right ventricle - receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs, where it is
loaded with oxygen.
Aortic valve – it opens to allow blood to flow from the left ventricle of the heart to the aorta and
the rest of the body.
Pulmonary arteries (right and left) - carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.
Pulmonary veins (right and left) – transport oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart.
Aorta - largest artery that carries blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.

Great! You are done with Activity 2.

Think Ahead!

Activity 2 helps you understand the concept of blood circulation. Furthermore, you have
identified the structures of the heart. Compare your answers on the Read and Ponder section.
Did you get it correct? To learn more, move to the next activity.

Try This!

Activity 3. Differentiate the two (2) major blood vessels. Fill-out your answers for each
question on the table below.

Questions Arteries Veins

1. Describe the structures Every Artery is a solid Veins have similar designs or
of each type of blood cylinder lined by smooth layers as the Arteries. Albeit,
vessel. tissue and are made out of every one of the layers are
three distinct layers. The present, there is less smooth
outermost layer is the muscle and connective tissue,
adventitia which is made of this makes the dividers of the
versatile and collagen veins more slender than those of
filaments, it is vital for supply routes which is identified
interfacing the corridors to with the way that blood in the
different tissues in the body. veins has less strain/pressure
The subsequent layer is the than in the arteries. Since the
media or the center layer, dividers of the veins are more
comprised of more smooth slender and less unbending,
muscle that can widen or veins can hold more blood.
tighten that let conduits
handle the high tensions from
the heart. The deepest layer
of the corridor is known as
the intima, lined by a smooth
muscle called endothelium.
The intima makes a cylinder
for the oxygen-rich blood to
travel through to arrive at the
suitable site of perfusion.
2. What are the major The conduits divert blood Veins convey deoxygenated
functions? from heart under pressure. blood from the body to the heart,
This blood is typically where it tends to be shipped off
oxygenated, except for that in the lungs. The exemption is the
the pulmonary artery, which organization of pulmonary
conveys deoxygenated blood veins, which take oxygenated
to the lungs. The essential blood from the lungs to the
capacity of arteries is to ship heart.
exceptionally oxygenated,
supplement rich blood from
our heart and distribute it to
the remainder of our body.

Congratulations for completing Activity 3!

Think Ahead!

Activity 3 helps you to understand about the two major blood vessels that make up the
cardiovascular system. Blood flows through pathways called blood vessels. The circulation of
blood within these vessels is called the vascular system. Oxygen-rich blood is distributed to tissues
through arteries. Veins carry the oxygen-poor blood or carbon-dioxide rich blood from tissues
going to the heart.

Read and Ponder

In every pumping of the heart, it supplies oxygen and nutrients throughout the body as
delivered through blood vessels. To maintain the normal functions of all systems and organs, the
cardiovascular system also works on the transport of waste and carbon dioxide as blood vessels
carry it away from tissues.

The Heart

The heart is situated in the thorax, specifically on the medial section of the thoracic cavity. Its
apex is at the level of the fifth intercostal space, directed toward the left side of the body. The
base or the broad aspect is directed toward the right shoulder under the second rib. (Fig. 59)
Figure 59. Location of the heart.

The heart walls are composed of three muscular layers – Epicardium, Endocardium and
Myocardium. (Fig. 60)
 Epicardium – the innermost layer of the Pericardium. Pericardium is the outermost
membrane that surrounds the heart. A serous lubricating fluid produced by pericardial
membranes in which it reduces friction within the pericardial cavity when the heart
 Myocardium – made of thick bundles of cardiac muscle. This layer contracts and pumps
blood through the heart and other major arteries.
 Endocardium – the innermost layer of the heart walls that lined the heart chambers.

Figure 60. Membranes of the heart

The four chambers of the heart are the atria and ventricles. The upper chambers or the
superior atria are known as the receiving chambers. The ventricles are the discharging
chambers, inferior chambers, its thick wall defines the pumping action of the heart.

The heart valves are responsible in keeping the blood flow in one direction. The four
different heart valves are the following:
 Atrioventricular valves (AV valves) – located between atria and ventricles.
Bicuspid or mitral valve is a left AV valve and made of two flaps. The right AV
valve is the tricuspid valve and has three flaps. These valves prevent backflow into
the atria during ventricular contraction.
 Semilunar valves – these valves prevent backflow into the ventricles during
ventricular relaxation. It opens when ventricles contract and blood is pumped out.
These valves are known as pulmonary semilunar valve and aortic semilunar
Figure 61. Structures of the Heart

Blood is pumped out from the heart and further circulated throughout the body.
Simultaneously, the heart receives blood or oxygen-poor blood from body systems. This action is
achieved when the ventricles contract and atria relax or ventricles relax while atria contract.

In order for the heart to pump, there are two known systems that influence the heart
contractions. The involvement of the autonomic nervous system influences the regulation of the
heart rate. For example, sympathetic division response is to increase the heart rate; whereas,
parasympathetic response is when the heart rate is slow or at rest.

The heart muscles contract independently. A built-in system in a heart tissue known as
the intrinsic conduction system or the nodal system, stimulates the heart muscles to depolarize
(Fig. 62). The depolarization runs in one direction, starting from the atria to the ventricles. The
impulse is triggered by sinoatrial node (SA node) or known as the pacemaker. Impulse is further
spread through the atria passing through the AV node. When atria relax, impulse is rapidly
travelled through the bundle of His or AV bundle to bundle branches, reaching the Purkinje
fibers resulting ventricular contraction. This heart activity resulted a single heart rate. This is to
conclude, in each ventricular contraction equals to a heartbeat resulting to pump out about 6 Liters
of blood throughout the body in one minute in normal adult. The process of the intrinsic
conduction system is best translated when electrical activity of the heart is measured using the
electrocardiogram or ECG.

Figure 62. The intrinsic conduction system

There are other factors that influence the heart rate activity. Hormones like epinephrine
and thyroid hormone influence the heart muscles resulting in increased heart rate. Ions play a role
in heart activity; imbalance of electrolytes affects the heart muscles. For example, sodium,
potassium and calcium ions which are essential in muscle contraction. In addition, heart activity
is influenced by physical factors such as, age, gender and physical activities.

Each complete heartbeat is termed as cardiac cycle. As discusses previously, when

ventricles and atria contract and relax simultaneously resulting a single heartbeat. In normal adult,
about 75 heart beats per minute; normal cardiac cycle is about 0.8 second. Ventricular contraction
is known as systole, and diastole refers to ventricular relaxation. When taking the heart rate using
a stethoscope, distinct sounds are heard in each heartbeat or cardiac cycle. The first heart sound
heard is “lub”, longer and louder sound, this is due to the closing of AV valves. Followed by a
short and sharp sound “dup”, due to the closing of semilunar valves.

When blood is pumped out by each ventricle in one minute, the amount of blood is known
as the cardiac output. Whereas, the amount of blood pumped out by ventricles in each heartbeat
is known as the stroke volume. When analyzing the cardiac output of an individual, cardiac
output is the product of the heart rate and the stroke volume. For example, a person with a heart
rate of 80 beats per minute and a stroke volume of 70mL per minute (the normal resting value of
an adult), cardiac output is 5,600 mL which supplies the body in each minute.

You may view videos about blood circulation at

Pulmonary Circulation

The right and left chambers of the heart have distinct functions in terms of blood
circulation. Pulmonary circulation refers to blood flow pumped out from right ventricle going
through pulmonary trunk and further passes through pulmonary arteries reaching the lungs (Fig.
Oxygen-poor blood from different systems of the
body enters the right atrium or into the receiving
chamber through the superior and inferior vena cava.
As the right atrium contracts, right ventricle is filled.
Right ventricle contracts which pushes blood out
going to the lungs. Gas exchange takes place on the
lungs; where carbon dioxide is excreted and oxygen
is picked up. Oxygen-rich blood will now flow back
to heart through pulmonary veins, entering the left

Systemic Circulation

Oxygen-rich blood from the left atrium flows

going to the left ventricle. Left ventricle contracts and
pumps out blood exiting the aorta and oxygen-rich
blood is delivered throughout the body. Systemic
circulation is completed when oxygen-poor blood
from tissues is transported to the right atrium (Fig. 63).
Figure 63. Pulmonary and systemic circulation
Portal Circulation

The hepatic portal circulation is the flow of blood draining from digestive organs –
intestines and stomach, and spleen and pancreas to the liver. When digestion takes place,
nutrientrich blood is absorbed and drained through mesenteric veins, splenic vein and gastric veins
(Fig. 64); and to be further delivered to the liver for detoxification entering through the hepatic
portal vein. The liver removes toxins and other harmful substances from the blood. From the liver,
blood will now enter the systemic circulation exiting through the hepatic vein going to the inferior
vena cava entering the heart (Fig.65).

Figure 64. Hepatic Portal System Figure 65. Hepatic Portal Circulation

Fetal Circulation

The fetus is nourished by the mother’s blood through the placenta. Gas exchanges, waste
excretion and absorption of nutrients occurs through the placenta. The umbilical cord is
composed of two arteries and one vein. Oxygen and nutrients from maternal blood flows through
the umbilical vein going to the fetus.
Umbilical arteries carry carbon dioxide and
metabolic waste from the fetus to the

Since the liver of the fetus is still

immature, blood flow bypasses the liver
entering through the ductus venosus and
further flows to the inferior vena cava
reaching the right atrium of the fetal heart.
Fetal lungs are non-functional, blood from
right atrium enters through foramen ovale
going to the left atrium, left ventricle then
exiting through the aorta. Simultaneously,
blood from the right atrium going to the
right ventricle, pulmonary trunk then
passing through ductus
arteriosus bypassing the lungs
respectively. From the aorta, blood flows
through the umbilical arteries, transporting oxygen-poor blood and metabolic waste to the
placenta (Fig.
66). Figure 66. Fetal circulation

Blood Vessels

As discussed earlier, oxygen-rich blood is distributed to tissues through arteries. Veins

carry the oxygen-poor blood or carbon-dioxide rich blood from tissues going to the heart. The
unloading of carbon dioxide and loading of oxygen take place within the capillaries.

Recall the concept of the pulmonary

circulation, pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich
blood from the lungs to the heart. This is to
exempt that only pulmonary veins transport
oxygen-rich blood.

Blood vessels are composed of layers or

tunics. The innermost layer is called tunica
intima, made of thin layer of endothelium which
helps blood to flow smoothly within the vessel.
Tunica media is the middle layer, it is made of
elastic fibers. The outermost layer is the tunica
externa, made of fibrous connective tissue which protects Figure 67. Structure of blood vessels
and supports the blood vessels (Fig. 67).


Basically, arteries carry blood away from the heart. Considering blood carried by arteries is
to be distributed throughout the body, strong pressure is required. The arterial wall is thicker and
heavier. It can adapt the changes in pressure as it is capable to stretch and recoil.

The largest artery is the aorta. From the aorta, branched out to major arteries that serve
different organs of the body. Take a closer look on the illustration below (Fig. 68, 69 and 70).
Arteries are named based on the organs, regions, locations or shape it served.
Figure 69. Major arteries of the brain

Figure 68. Major arteries

Figure 70. Major Blood Vessels of the Heart


These vessels carry blood back to the heart. Compared to arteries, veins have low pressure
and walls are thinner. Due to low pressure within the vessel, the tunica externa of the veins is
thicker than arteries. To be able to compensate the blood flowing back to the heart, large veins
have valves. The valves prevent backflow of blood and to promote good circulation or venous

Most of the veins are named identically with arteries. Like arteries, veins are named from
organs, regions, location or shape it drained (Fig. 71).
Figure 71. Major veins Figure 72. Capillary bed


These fine blood vessels have only one layer, its tunica intima is thick. Due to its thinness,
movements and exchanges of substances between tissue cells and blood are easily permitted.
When blood flows from the arteries to the target tissue cells, exchanges take place on the capillary
bed (Fig. 72), in return blood is drained through veins; this process is called microcirculation.

The movement of fluid and substances at the capillary bed is due to the pressure within the
blood vessels. On the arterial end, blood pressure is higher than the osmotic pressure, forcing fluid
to move out of the capillary and into the interstitial fluid. While on the venule end of the capillary,
blood pressure is less than osmotic pressure; thus, fluid moves from the interstitial fluid into the

Blood Pressure

Blood circulation is mainly influenced by pressure within the inner wall of the blood vessels.
This pressure is called blood pressure. In the systemic arterial circulation, blood coming out from
the heart has higher pressure and as it continuously flows through branches of arteries, to
capillaries, to veins and back to the right side of the heart, blood pressure gradient differs. The
pressure in the arteries is stronger than the veins. When arterial wall constricts, blood pressure is
relatively high. Blood pressure drops when arteries dilate.

Systolic pressure refers to an arterial pressure when ventricular contraction is at peak. When
ventricles relax, arterial pressure is call diastolic pressure. Using a sphygmomanometer, blood
pressure is taken and measured in millimeters of Mercury (mmHg).

Blood pressure is affected by different factors. Peripheral resistance is increased due to many
factors, to include age, weight, activity or exercise, emotional state, temperature and drugs.
Peripheral resistance is the amount of friction of blood flowing through blood vessels.
Vasoconstriction or narrowing of blood vessels is also influenced by the autonomic nervous
system. When blood pressure drops, neural factor will compensate by activating the baroreceptors
to increase blood pressure or to homeostasis. Kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure.
Kidneys release an enzyme called renin when blood pressure falls. Renin triggers the formation
of Angiotensin II, which stimulates arteries to constrict; simultaneously it will trigger the release
of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone reabsorbs sodium; thus, water is retained.
Sodium and water retention will eventually increase blood volume and arterial blood pressure.

Composition of Blood

As mentioned on the previous discussion about blood circulation that is constantly

distributed throughout the body. Blood is made of essential components. When it reaches the
target organs and tissues, it transports oxygen, nutrients and passing other route in transporting
metabolic waste, carbon dioxide and other substances for excretion. Blood is considered as a
connective tissue; it is composed of two parts – plasma and formed elements.

About 55% is plasma and 45% are formed elements. Formed elements are heavier in nature
than plasma. Thus, when allowing a blood bag hanging, the plasma components will appear on
top of the red blood cells or the formed elements.

Figure 73. Composition of blood

 Plasma – it contains about 90% of water which is essential for saturation of nutrients,
electrolytes, respiratory gases, plasma proteins, hormones and other products of cell
metabolism. The major component of plasma protein is the albumin. Albumin is a
byproduct of protein produced by the liver. It is essential in maintaining the osmotic
pressure of the blood to maintain appropriate amount of water.

 Formed Elements – this component includes the red blood cells or erythrocytes, white
blood cells or leukocytes and platelets. Table below shows the summary of functions of
formed elements.
Figure . Lobes of the brain

Figure 74. Types and functions of formed elements of blood

Blood Grouping, Typing and RH Factor

Blood grouping or the ABO blood groups are basically inherited genetically. Blood type
A, B, AB and O is determined based on the antigen component of the blood plasma. Blood type
A contains antigen A, type B has antigen B, type AB contains both antigen A and B, and type O
has no antigen neither A or B.

In normal conditions, antigens are considered foreign proteins and antibodies are produced when
the body is exposed to antigen. In ABO blood group, Blood type A contains anti-B antibodies,
and blood type B has anti-A antibodies in blood plasma. Blood type AB which has antigen A
and B, does not perform antibodies both anti-A and anti-B. Blood type O, which contains no
antigens A or B, both anti-A and anti-B antibodies are present in blood plasma.

Thus, when performing blood typing, blood type with antigen A will agglutinate with blood type
containing antigen B when added together. For example, Blood type A will agglutinate with blood
type B; this is due to, type A contains anti-B antibodies while type B has anti-A antibodies, making
it incompatible. Agglutination is when RBCs clumped together which will create obstruction on
blood vessels. Eventually, RBCs will hemolyse (rupture) where hemoglobin will be detached and
released into the bloodstream. In this case, severe reaction will cause and it may lead to death.

There is a known second erythrocyte antigen called Rh. It is also known agglutinogen D or Rh
D Antigen. Any blood type with erythrocytes presence of Rh D antigen is called Rh positive or
Rh +, and erythrocytes lacks or absence of Rh D antigen is termed Rh negative or Rh -. Thus,
any ABO blood type may have either Rh+ or Rh-. For example, an individual with blood type A
and Rh D antigen is present; the blood type is documented as A+.

Like the ABO blood group, Rh blood group occurs incompatibility problem. This happens a case
of a Rh- pregnant woman carries Rh+ baby. During or immediate after delivery of the baby,
maternal blood will be exposed to the Rh+ fetal blood. Initially, no reactions will occur. However,
maternal blood will start to develop anti-Rh antibodies. On the second pregnancy of the mother,
maternal blood with anti-Rh antibodies will cross the placenta and attack the fetal blood, causing
destruction of fetal RBCs leading to fatal condition and even death. This condition is known as
hemolytic disease of the newborn.

For additional information about concepts of Cardiovascular System, you may read any
textbook or references on Human Anatomy and Physiology. You may also go to
See if you can do this!

You have learned the concepts of structures and functions of Cardiovascular System. Take a
review by answering the following exercises.

1.What blood vessels that serve and drain the kidneys? IT IS RENAL VEINS

2..Nurse Mario is going to take the vital signs of his patient. Nurse Mario is aware that pulse
rate can be palpated on the wrist. What artery is palpated on this site? THE ARTERY

3.What component of plasma that plays a major function on osmotic balance? ALBUMIN

4.What structures that can be located between the atria and ventricles on each side of the heart?
The structure that are located between the atria and ventricles on each side of the heart are the
valves. At the bases of large vessels leaving the ventricles, atrioventricular valves (A.KA. cuspid
valves) can be found. While at the bases of the large vessels exiting the ventricles, Semilunar
valves can be found.

5.The nurse assesses the heart sounds of a 16-year old client who is complaining of chest pain.
How will the nurse document the findings of a normal heart sounds? The nurse should search
for ordinary heart sound, which is aortic and pulmonic. The aortic sound can be heard at the
zenith of the heart towards the left of the sternum. The pulmonic sounds are heard as single or
twofold sharp (thump) noticed that lessen with distance from their source. If you can't hear
anything then this might highlight a strange heart sound like mitral stenosis.

6.What component of leukocytes that release histamine at the site of inflammation?


7.Maria needs a blood transfusion. Her blood type is B+. If Maria will be transfused with blood
type A+, what will likely happen? Discussed briefly your answer. Blood type A+ is
incompatible with blood type B+. Blood type A will agglutinate with blood type B; this is
because of, type A contains Anti-B antibodies while type B has Anti-A antibodies, making it
incompatible. Agglutination is when RBCs amassed together which will make
hindrance/obstruction on blood vessels. Ultimately, RBCs will hemolyse (burst) where
hemoglobin will be segregated and delivered into the circulatory system. For this situation,
serious response will cause and it might prompt passing.
VI. The Cardiovascular System

8.Immediately after a baby is born, fetal lungs will become functional. What changes will occur
on ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale? Explain the process involved.
Ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale are closed. They will remain closed until the baby is
able to survive on its own, at about 2 months of age. At this point, the epithelium on the
inside of the two valves will begin to meet together. When this happens, blood flow stops
through these valves and their role in keeping airways open during breathing is complete.

9. A 55-year old male with a heart rate of 78 beats/min and a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat. What
is the cardiac output?
Cardiac output is the product of the heart rate and the stroke volume. When a 55-year old
male has a heart rate of 78 beats/min and a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat, the old male
cardiac output is 5,460 mL.

A client who had an injury on the right arm asked the nurse about the purpose of applying a
cold compress to a bruised area. What will be the best answer of the nurse?
Applying cold pack to an injury makes the blood in that space stream more slow which
diminishes the measure of blood that breaks out of the vessels into the encompassing
tissue. Cold pack likewise decreases the aggravation and expanding around the injury.

Congratulations for a job well done!!


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