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Performance Critique 2

The video to the concert I decided to analyze, titled “Untamed Elegance,” can be found

here: The performers in this concert

included Sherman Irby on alto saxophone, Ted Nash on alto saxophone, Victor Goines on tenor

saxophone, Walter Blanding on tenor saxophone, Paul Nedzela on baritone saxophone, Vincent

Gardner on trombone, Chris Crenshaw on trombone, Elliot Mason on trombone, Shareef Clayton

on trumpet, Kenny Rampton on trumpet, Marcus Printup on trumpet, Wynton Marsalis on

trumpet, Adam Birnbaum on piano, Carlos Henriquez on bass, Ali Jackson on drums, and Jon

Irabagon on saxophones.

The first piece I watched was called “The Business of America is Business,” which can be

found at 3:51. The melody of this performance was very upbeat and lighthearted. The rhythm

was very light but consistent. This piece also had a very good overall texture. I think all of the

music went together and blended very well. The second piece I watched was titled “The Elephant

in the Room,” which starts here: 11:14. The melody was less consistent than the first piece and

more difficult to follow. The rhythm of the second piece was very strong. The texture of this

piece was decent. I think that there could have been a little more sound here and there to create a

thicker texture. The final piece, “Laboratories of Ideas,” can be watched at this time: 20:58. The

melody of this song was very happy and reminded me of a Disney movie. The rhythm was

consistent and entertaining. I think that the piece was really well put together and created a really

good texture.

“The Business of America is Business” was written by Wynton Marsalis in 2017. Jazz

originated New Orleans about 100 years ago, but can be traced back to Africa and Europe.

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The saying “The Business of America is Business” is a famous line for Calvin Coolidge. For

him, this meant that government should not interfere so much with people and businesses. This

song could possibly be trying to send the same message. The fact that this piece is jazz could

affect the meaning of the song because of where Jazz originated and what that means to the

individuals performing it. This work relates to the modules we have covered so far because it ties

in history and gives the song meaning. I really enjoyed watching this piece. It made me feel

happy because of the upbeat rhythm and melody. This piece doesn’t necessarily relate to my

personal experiences, but I do believe that government should not interfere so much with people

and businesses.

“The Elephant in the Room” was written by Wynton Marsalis in 2017. Jazz originated New

Orleans about 100 years ago, but can be traced back to Africa and Europe. The infamous saying

“The Elephant in the Room” is used when speaking about an obvious, unspoken discussion or

issue. This piece may be trying portray a feeling or topic that is unspoken that needs to be talked

about. The genre of this music is Jazz. This could affect the meaning of this work because the

topic could relate to where Jazz originated from and the types of people the issue might affect.

This work relates to the the modules covered so far because it incorporates a common issue into

music. I think that this was a well written and performed piece, but it wasn’t my favorite. The

piece was kind of confusing because in the beginning the volume of the music fluctuated a lot.

This piece doesn’t necessarily relate to my personal experiences, but I have definitely witnesses

an awkward encounter when there was an unspoken issue.

“Laboratories of Ideas” was written by Victor Goines in 2017. Jazz originated New Orleans

about 100 years ago, but can be traced back to Africa and Europe. A “Laboratories of Ideas” is

another way of saying a plethora or a lot of ideas. This piece may be trying to portray that many

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people may have lots of ideas, but it may be chaotic if not controlled, much like music. The

genre of this piece is jazz. This affects the meaning of the song because of the certain type of

people who may relate to or enjoy jazz music. This work relates to the modules covered so far

because it shows the importance of choice in creating music. This piece was my favorite and left

me feeling appreciative for jazz music because of how well the piece was done. This piece

relates to my personal experiences because I have been in plenty of situations where too many

people with ideas tried giving their input.

I really enjoyed watching these performances. I have never really been that into jazz music,

but overall I really liked it. I definitely would recommend this concert to anyone, especially

people who haven’t seen a jazz concert. Unfortunately, I was unable to watch the concert in

person, but I would definitely attend if I could.

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