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Dilip Rajeev

Copyright © 2021 Dilip Rajeev

All rights reserved.

A ncient Indian texts refer to family with

the term, Grhasta-ashrama. Grhsta means the one

who has knowledge, or the one who comprehends,
and Ashrma means a spiritual place, or a


A human birth is one in which one can

attain to high realms of existence. Further, when

one lives with the goal in view, an inner purpose,
light and Joy fills.


T his inner light is what gradually appears

outside as worldly joys, prosperity, brightness of

form, wisdom, prowess, and so on.


T he false science teaches that there is only a

three dimensional world and the goal of life is to

gather as much of the passing forms that appear
here. Thus people tend to fall into a tortured

This perpetual state of worry, adds nothing to joys

of family, friendship, or of the world even. If
somehow that frantic state lead to you becoming
the King of Algogordia – would you still be happy
if your body were subject to disease and decay?

The wealthy going to perpetual tortures of

existence says outward wealth in itself does
nothing to find joy and wordly happiness even.
This is not to say one shouldn’t strive for wealth of
good things in life – but to say, the greater goal
should be in view, and the rest of the things fall in


place. What one needs to be on the guard about is

that greed programmed into by the world.

Let me give you an example. At a young age a child

wants to discover more about the world, that is
inherently it seeks wisdom, it wants to hear about
the stories of mythology, is inspired by heroic
legends, and aspires to greatness.

Once it enters school, it begins to get tortured till it

repeats all that is stuff of imagination.

Then the parents, teachers, and society form a gang

where they pretend it has to live as a software
developer. By 40 he has lost his youth, spending
time ruining oneself and dumbing down society.
Another works as a genetic engineer, by 40 a
similar fate, and destruction done on the world by
the work the individual did.


So, what is it that an Individual can attain? Well,

a life lived joyously, fully, with great friendships,
life long learning, study – in fact great joys of
family, and celebrations everyday –
leads the individual to joys, prosperity
and happiness not just in this world, but
he or she attains to higher divine
worlds, in a stream of never ending

Of course, in the ideal, the individual attains

enlightenment and goes beyond all this. But there
is a lot of programming obscuring the idea put into
everybody’s brains. “But is not spiritual people sad
and boring – I saw it on TV” is the argument in the
average person’s head.

In fact, good examples of Spiritual people are

Arjuna from Mahabharata, Hercules from Greek
Mythology, and in fact any hero from any legend of
ancient era is a spiritual hero.

The false idea where decaying fools who engage

nothing but banks and the supermarket engage
reality, while anything beyond is spiritual and


imaginary is a story fed by the banking societies

that rule the world.

While in mythology spiritual heroes are powerful,

in television and media, they are weak people. And
arrogant, barking gym goers are strong. Does
barking and gymming make people strong or just
diseased in the brain and body eventually? And
does empty attitude do good or destroy people ?


A good amount of deeper thought needs

to be put in at ease to understand the right path of


Indians have been working in greed exporting all

their food and everything to the cheapshit pink
British who do not even have fidelity in own
family, in hopes of getting rich and happy and find
themselves still poor and insulted by the reptile
British. Btw, call the British pinks – insult those
who insult you. If you keep saying white and shit,
while they are pink as fukk, they will think you are
weird and demented and keep insulting you.

Why? Because greed has made people look

outwardly at the dollar and glitter and run like
fools, missing out on life, and true path to a
glorious society.


As it didn’t work – it might be a good time to

ponder what path to take now. More of the greed
definitely won’t work.

What absurdity are Indians living now. The newer

generation are growing shorter, sterile, lifeless.
Working like slaves. Insulted world over, kicked in
the nuts at Ukraine Poland border, punished by
their parents if they attempt anything but slave in
front of a machine all day.

Because if Indians do this any further – and add to

that imitate the worst of ideas from the west that
destroys manliness in men and femineity in women
and turns the genders against each other, teaches
people that is nothing divine, and so on – it will
only be a machine like hell that descends on India,
at best. Add to that laws that destroy marriage,
empower a gender that is flimsy in the head, and
prone to evil if not protected, as per the
Manusmriti itself, and so on. Those who make laws
that are adharmic stand against Dharma and
family. Laws are to protect innocent – not empower
50% of the populace to do what they want to harm
the other. In ancient days, those who made or
upheld such ideas had their heads roll. And that is
the form of Dharma.


D uring the Russia Ukraine crisis, Indians were

constantly whining about their career, Indian

finance minister about Indian money prosperity
affected by war, etc.

It takes a huge amount of evil programming to

think about career when people die. To worry
about money when world is on the brink of a huge

Money is a number. Any amount can be typed in

into the banker-systems to generate that number.
Assume you needed to buy heavenly organic
natural sugarcane juice with the money. Unless
heavenly atmosphere, and great farms exist where
joyous people generate the product making soulful
effort for the welfare of the world, money cannot
make the product out of thin air. It cannot get you a
good wife, either.


When an evil attitude is held, God, that Spirit that

pervades the worlds withdraws, and joys and
prosperity withdraw. I am sure by prosperity you
do not mean 24 belly dancers, 32 camels, 42 Arabix
slaves, and an empty dried up fool waking to it all
till death. That’s the best money can bring.

So pause and think – what are you frantically

working for? If Arabix habibis have prosperous
amount of food in desert lands – there is some
black magic being performed by this monetary-
trade systems.

And Indian lands are fertile and greatest exporter

of a lot of food items but people India still do
survive on chilli powder and flour and a lot die in

If India sits and worries about money prosperity,

double talks and sides with the evil west that
murdered 11 million innocents in the middle east,
and refuses to openly support Russia that defended
us from the USA when it raised the 7th fleet of
warships on us, and is now defending itself from
over 30 bioweapons labs set up in Ukraine by the
USA, what exactly does India have the spine to
stand for.


Now that the evil west shot itself in the feet, and
runs low on supply of wheat- Do not feed the evil
with India’s wheat, while women and children
starve in every sacred city on India. Are you
blinded in Greed? They will eat, get healthy and
attempt to drag down India further. Friendships
should be with good nations. UK threatened us
during the 1972 war as well. Once somebody
threatens us, they are NOT friends. Do you
understand – that it is the defining foundation of

God is named Purusha in our traditions. Teerms

such as Paramtapa, Purushavyagra appear in out
texts. What is the foundational idea of Gita? Do not
buckle to evil in hopes of a happy time.

See what happened to Ukraine when it attempted

to blojobb evil NATO? Same kind of evil NATO
does to every good nation in the middle east
descended on it

That is the first principle – stand for what is good.

Don’t serve evil in greed and fear. Better to die
with dignity.

Well, India had prosperity when it knew to serve

its own interests.


The superiority factor India has is an

inherently greater spiritual potential.
Why go and take the foolish mlechhas for an ideal?


Greed, competitive spirit against

each other are sins in our
traditions. Just like irrational anger, lust, etc.
Matsarya is a sin just like lobha. An individual
works to maximize his potential and ability to do
good for the world, not to harm and outdo his
brothers like deranged women clawing at each
other. It’s better to exit the world before you end
up that way. What are you actually going to gain
after that? The suffering of those of the same blood
as your ancestors so that you stay extra happy
eating more than the rest? That’s a long term goal
or a path to hell here and hereafter?


Children are programmed that madness from a

young age. Like for instance, the Vedic
Mathematics Sutras are an inlet to all knowledge
when profoundly studied. Instead they are taught

Mental Tricks, for Competitive

as “

People taught mental tricks to fight each

other become diseased in the body and
the brain, and descend to hell.

Competitive spirit makes hells of the

place where that evil spirit stands.

Those who are strong lift oneself up and others up.

A bunch of madmen in a dark well competes
against each other on what?

It is not to compete for 10 dollars additional each

week that Indians should learn, but to grow by
deeper study. And to uplift own brother
in a natural way, and take no glamour for that




If USA etc. progressed materially in one era – it is

because they didn’t madly compete against each
other – but good efforts were encouraged on.
Today’s USA with 82 genders is worse than death.
That resulted from the idea there is nothing beyond
the 3D world, and the goal became narrow. Have
seen that US army ad, Emma the calling where girl
were born to two mothers somehow and is whining
about joining military by first devilupping strong
chest muscles like her fourth mommy.


W e live in a universe with infinite worlds.

And there are planes above and below. Prosperity

in a whole way of a nation or an Individual
emerges from well directed effort in aligning
oneself with Divine principles over lifetimes.


T here is a very particular kind of work people

enter the world to perform. That is to enrich oneself

inwardly and thus enrich own inner kingdoms,
that becomes one’s wealth here and in future
worlds. One literally is building one’s assets in
heavens when one lives a good life aspiring to
inner growth.

But if a frantic response ensues – instead “NO..NO..

*LOOKS AROUND* if I work hard I will become

king of Algogordia.. Spirituality is weak” – then

put this book down and
fucking leave. This is for a different
quality of people.

The four orders, which are not by birth but by

guna, quality, and action, is eternal. In the USA,
there is a working class, a business class, an
academic class, a ruling class. Same in Europe.


Well, two of those classes are in every flight.

Only thing it is all serving the evil bankers. Even

then the four orders are seen – at the top are the
evil bankers and their satanic priesthood, the ruling
families of the Rothschilds etc.

Instead, in the proper ordering, a dynamic four

ordered system begins to serve the Divine.

This has got nothing to do with a artificial order.

Some people in a family are inclined to wisdom,
others are evil, Prahalda were inclined to wisdom,
people around him not so.

The those who have to work for a living are born

by that tendency to spend their life doing so. The
situation of birth also demands that.

That doesn’t mean everyone has to repeat the same

foolishness. Do things intelligently and

with a sense of freedom for the
welfare of the world. If you frantically do
“No.. no.. I need to work in ai, in need to
genetically engineer everything” Then you are
playing Yama’s role and will be punished by Yama
himself for doing that. “We are raising the demon
with AI”- Elon Musk. Why the fucking hurry to do


that and dig your grave?

The west is standing with Yama at the door saying,

“We are here to deliver devillupment by putting ai
chips in your brain and editing out genetics of
humans and of all the food you eat. Kud we gie it
one more try.” Did they turn healthy or diseased
taking that path? What are their wifes doing?
Instead, where are they? Who are their Dads. Is
having a Dad important or do you wanna devillup
AI dildos to replace it?

If you use a bit of brains it is obvious it is onlhy to

kill humans – people are already dead and lifeless
inside. And what is it going to do “It will drive my
cark .. wank my wanktool for me.. I will live
happiy ever after.” That’s absurdity – because the
goal is not a 3D one.


A nother thing with the new age India is

imitation of Hollywood. And talking and acting

around like zombies. People should be whole and
well rounded. This culture is affected by aunties
who appreciate kids for talking like that Kid: “I
type NSENSE into KB, AND compile say ERR1232
=NSENSE=NONSENSE.” And aunties go ‘woaah,
And this cheapshit culture is reinforced.
Hollywood movies make fun of Indians, Indian
says to pink old dude, “This is not my best joobu.”
Every Indian is an IT Piess of shit. Why turn the
Aryan land into this demented nonsense?

Instead grow a spine and do a spinning bitchslap in

your imagination on the aunties and ask them to
shut the fukk up and mind their own business. It is
sudra natured women who go enquiring about
other people’s “joobu.” I fyou have noticed, even
to get married, they will go entirely by “joobu.” As
per Freud, the subconscious fallacy is that they


assume hardworking translates to hardworking


Higher quality people – and not by birth – for in a

royal family people lower than sudra quality can be
born – have greater endeavours. Sudra, btw, were
no swear word, it were a mode of consciously
working in service to the Divine. If you select what
work you do – and do it, it is a good idea. Well, “I
do it as karma yoga, and because that is the
dharma on myself now, and also because this is the
work that I find has best impact on the world.”

Because not everybody is given the faculties of

greater study, etc – they have to make progress step
by step. You probably have to be lab assistants a
few life before being Newton.

But if you just want to be zombie lab assistants for

moneys, you will never be Newton. So one needs to
find a but of time for greater things.

So again without humility, ability to talk in well

rounded humble ways, one sinks to even lower
existences. That is because the word is the offering
into Agni, the fire of existence, God appeared here.
Since that offering is possible only with goodness
and humility, good people one can talk to in good
ways is necessary. And without profundity, one


deroots oneself and turns weak and empty. The

Samuris, KarteKa, Japanese Warriors, Nijnas,
Aryan warriors of Mhabharata all these people had
very profound gesture such as Namaste. Its not
weakness and it is not that if someone behaves
proufndly the weakness will dribble down, and
everything is lost. Elehphants, Lions, Whales –
these don’t bark around. Rabied dogs, hyenas those
things do, perhaps. Even dogs have gratitude and
loyalty and ability at a deeper love. If people do not
have that they reincarnate into those forms to
relearn it.

Talking around “NSENSE” while living an utter

cheapshit life DOING no good for the world,
jealous of own brothers, worse than bitches at
jealousy, ETC., SHOULD take a backseat.


A nother idea is social media. Would you have

women in your previous generation in family post

their photos everywhere? No. Why because it
weakens the spiritual strength of the family. The
new age trash are taught the purpose is to display.
The more the display and the more the
“Appreciation” the happier the future. Why don’t
you start with making the previous generation of
women in your family happy in that sense – if you
think it is good . Grant them independence and

As for men posting selfies on social media -its .

.well.. Think.. appearance focus is loss of inner

Social media ensures people pretend they are

happy while they die inside. And happier than
the others – leave the evil trash to do that.
Remember those disgusting women on social
media get a dozen dick picks a week. Its giving
themselves access byanybody and everybody. Let
them stay displaying their happiness over all that.
It’s got to be a need. The rest of you get the fuck out


of social media – talk in whole, well rounded ways

to each other.

Study different books, form groups to discuss ideas

in a friendly way. Like take that book on Ikigai,
read, explain ideas you got from reading it to your
friends, over the weekend, or every easy evening.

That is how one grows. Frantically doing nothing

and whatnot- one decays. Even if a superpowerful
AI is built, by a thousand monkeys the human is
still nothing.

Or if you have time and enough money – don’t

work – spend years relaxing and studying – and
from that you will do a great good to society over
time. It is necessary that ease exists. Each day,
discuss what you study. Make a beautiful culture. I
will get to discussing it further.

Why were the once Italian and French culture

admired – ease. Focus on good food, elegance, art,
etc. Absence of franticity. Even the face of death
one should not be frantically working without a
purpose. In the Drama Manfred is the idea, “It’s
not that difficult to die, Old man,” What are you so
scared of that you must set aside your own greater
good and spiritual progress. In the end of the Poem
Prometheus is, the idea “Making Death a Victory.”


Where ancient prosperous India, or China, or

even Europe of a few centuries ago great because of
frantic working on AI and devlippment of
datascience to monitor what their wives were
doing on highly devlipped social media, where
every stranger appreciate their “booty.” Facts are
fucking facts – if you are so modern you need to
oppose what I say – you are welcome to host your
wife and the previous generation of your family on
every social media.

This kind of rubbish work making social media to

destroy the world and being destroyed by it is
what is to be avoided.


Another idea is fucking equality. Were your dad

and mom equal? Same gender? Is your wife little
more wqual than you? When men accept these
ideas – women actually tend to ditch them – so
don’t imitate foolishness and go all modern.
Sending women to work – well, when I were
working I had an assistant.. well.. I won’t discuss
the details. But it gets weird when women work
with others - it is human nature. Tired, working 70
hours weak and since eve Vishwamitra were
moved by an aspara, and so were Vyasa, both of
them banged asparas after losing control - it is
human nature. So the ordering where men work,
women support the family is necessary for the
building of inner heavens, the performance of the
yagna. Do you understand?


O kay now that one has the

foolishness clearly in view – one

can build an idea of what de fuck one can do about

“I will devillup ai, mint money, live happy life” –

well, get the fuck out. What are you doing here?
For the rest, the goal is to aim for a maximal
growth of the Individual and society.

To achieve this, one ought start with a great

amount of humility. And hold humility through
the whole of the endeavour. Foolis peisses of shit
have made a culture where hearing spirituality
some go ”buaahahahahahaha I r de brahman and
god”- ever heard any sage of mythology do that
arrogance? Only asuric trash do that. So simple
steady effort is the idea. Or they stand under
various banners and fight each other. Enough of all
that nonsense. Calm the fuck down and
understand what to do.

Humility, eternal gratefulness, admiring that which


worthy of admiration, remembering one’s position

all these are necessary in any system. Even in the
slave work people do in technology firm they have
to do all that in outward drama to make their way
around. In reality all that is actually necessary to
make your way around in the universe. Evil is
punished with a demotion into lower realms of life.

O ne of the first things you need to do is to


brighten your intelligence by studying the Gayatri

Mantra as described in the appended book. And
even then there are fools – who would go – “O NO
talks in a flat voice, insults people around opposing
scripture has pretended that it is some kidna
birthright to act that way, and wears fuckked up
thread, eats and gets fat, wanks 4 times a day and
dullness shows in the eyes and face, .. well.. I ply
the false evil frahfinn pretender shit.. well.. unless
that guy asks me I wont do it.. because..”.. WELL..
if you are one of those fools.. THEN FUKKING

Anyway, in the appended book you will fidna

quote from Bhrigu of Mahabharata saying anyone
who can undertake study of scripture may do so.
The fear mongering peisses of shit should eb
bitchslapped out in imagination. Just like OM, the
essence of Vedas is for everybody, so is the Gayatri.
Well.. Gayatri is the essence of Vedas, and OM is
the essence of Gayatri.


“B ut will I get cold hard money by doing

any spiritual stuff.” Well.. I dunno.


A nyway, studying the Gayatri daily, and any

time you need to brighten your inner self and body,

one steadily progresses in wisdom, physical
strengths, joyousness, proceeds towards
immortality, failing to achieve enlightenment is
born for eternal ages in heavens, brightness the
environment, brings joyousness to own family,
dispels darkness and wrong ideas in thought and
other epic shit. Wisdom increased, physical and
metal and moral quality of people greater, the
nation takes unstoppable strides. Pink people in
sunshades cannot compete with such a glory.

Instead, if people work hard to make these metal

cages called cities, where the only thing people can
do work like hell, watch a movie at weekend, and
wank in the weekend to prepare for more work – it
is hell on hell, till AI and genetic engineering
eliminates all.

Brightening your intelligence .. dimag ki Bhatti will

go on.. and realize blooojabbing the west is not
necessary for prosperity here. And quite the
opposite is necessary.


“But my British slave masters

taught me in LKG that it is all
imaginary .huhuhuhuh.. only reality is
bloooojabbing the west for money”.. well.. this is
in the style of reasoning and logical argument so..

HERE. Keep blojabbign

for money.. NOBODY IS



A lright. Back on the topic. Why do people start

families with the vedic ritual and not bang like.

Rabbits, doggy style.. well that’s wierd.. but
relevant rhtetoric here. It is because it is the onset of
a sacred endeavour.. a yagna.. And the yagna is not
to breed the next peiss of shit that will do nothing
but devillup AI.

The purpose of family is to set up a divine

environment for progress in yagna. LOGICAL
ARGUMENT: “But that is superstition..
huhuhuhuh”.. RESPONSE:“Yeah.. I am sure your
previous generation didn’t have that ‘superstition’,
if not you would have been able to understand the
depth of the idea.” By previous generation am I
referring to half the village?.. If not *hint* . because
of superstitious yagna form.. ”


A re these fools wiser than Vyasa, Pannini,

Dante, Socrates, Einstein, Plato, and the fools

Schrodinger and Oppenheimer – all of whom
studied the ancient ideas with a profound sense.
They sought the divine truth. What about
mathematician Ramanuja. So don’t do the dumb
idea anything deeper is superstition. I have to write
in a nonsensical way because it is into that level of
darkness things are sunken. I cannot write in
Hieroglyphs for the illiterate.


Anyway, print and spiral bind the Gayatri Yagna

book and study it daily. Read a few times when
you need to brighten your spirit.

Well.. back to the topic of the tone.. I had written

quite a few soft spoken books. So this is what is
necessitated. Anyway, help your friends and family
understand the importance of doing it once you
understand it yourself.

This is like saying “Drink this weird drink, it tastes

fucking good.” Well, If you drink it you
understand. Same, do it and see what happens.

A home is a sacred space. Get dressed up for


workplace and wank at home is not the idea. One

needs to keep it clear and pure, simple for spiritual


S acred incense oil like camphor mixed with

essential oils can be sprayed to invite divine spirits

and energies in the home space. This also keeps all
kinds of pests and insects out. Little reptiles, bugs
and and what not. The thoughts will be bright in
such a space.

Remove out all the unnecessary stuff. All you need

is a few books you read now, and a clear good bed
and a table. Keep aside and throw out all the junk
you do not need. Old books, and so on.

The books you do not actively study, keep aside

perhaps in ziplocks so no dust touches them. OR
give them away. A ZEN MINIMALIST
environment is beautiful and easy to maintain. If
you have one unnecessary bag or furniture, you
need to spend time wiping dust that accumulates
on it for no reason. And it will look ugly and get
uglier faster than your other half.

Make sure no corner of the house and your room is

dull and dark. Even if a cottage it can be brightened
up beautyfully, use flowers, paintigns and what
not. A cottage can be more beautiful than a palace.



R emember when Russia said Indian students

were being kept hostage? And videos emerge of

mistreatment. A student in Kiev is shot 4 times like
a dog, where no Russians where there – for simply
beign in a taxi. And the Ukrainaian minister
openly threatened India with the students stuch
there, when India took the stance of not opposing
Russia. Still, India were bloojabbing the west and
Ukraine. There were even reports saying an Indain
girl were dragged by her hair.

In Kiev, where there were no Russians.. an WHEN

THE Indian student in a taxi were shot at four
times , once in the chest. What the fuck? And the
Minister of External “Affairs” were like .. no… no..
there are no reports saying Indian students are
being held hostage. This is the kinda shit that leads
to glory? Blojabbign where you see money and




So doNt spend life bloooojabbing for money.



Now, back to the topic. Understand the way to

do Zen from the attached book.

Understand the goal of life is enlightenment and so

devotedly do meditation each day.

Btw, Bhutan is the happiest nation in the world.

High civilization 10 percent become monks. And
they are respected. Prosperity everywhere. Not a
single person in hunger. Even though the land is
beautiful pristine and unpolluted, it is not as fertile
as plains of India in terms of food productssion.
Still, far more peaceful, everybody is cultured, and
happy. Why? The right focus. The goal is not to
blooojabb de west. Westerners need to play 200
dollars a day even to just stay in the nation. And


that not the hotel rent or anything. Its just a fee to

reduce tourist traffic.

Bhutan doesn’t have a single traffic light even. The

towns and buildings are beautiful. Not even the
airport is the modern concrete-cage architecture –
but entirely traditional.

So a lot of fancy buildings are not needed to get

happy, peaceful, and advanced inside. Such a
nation naturally keeps out invading forces. Why
didn’t British ruin it? Because the spiritual forces
were too strong.

European towns are simple but beautiful buildings.

So we don’t need a fancy ton of nasty shit from the
west to make habitations as beautiful as a euro
town or a mythical Japanese zen ninja village –
focused on Zen and spiritual growth.

Another approach is to keep competing and

imtitign the west – competition on each other to
blojabb de west better. Till their bring “freedom” to
the women of your family which actually is
prostitution. Remember none of them are now
born to 1 dad. Its awful to live in a cuckold porn
world. Don’t for fucks sake strive for that cuckold
porn culture where you wont even .. well.. your
descndents wont even have a dad to point at.. or


many a few dozen to point at. For fucks, sake. Now

is the time to think and take a better path. Let fools
run into that dung pit for the soul. Le the wise stay
behind and learn from the errors of others.

And remember now they don’t have genders. What

that latest Emma something USA military ad. What
a society. Actually.. well.. kids are asked to select
their own gender when they join school in some of
the western shitholes. Like if a boy before learning
language says it is a girl, then it uses the girls
bathroom. A man may identify as a trans and a
woman to win a wrestling competition for women.
Women jails are asked to host males to identify as
female or trans – even resulting in pregnancy.
Think of kids growing up in the environment. Even
top universities, like Princieon, when people sign
emails, they use pronouns to announce what
gender they are to identified as – like a man can say
‘she” , or well.. I dunno.. she/he/they are the short
list of pronouns. This is an unimaginable hell still
in the view of India – is that culture worth


W ell, Procced to.. I were about to say do,

pranayamas, and engage games like cricket. Play

cricket with your friends in the evening .. but do 5
minutes of gayatri Mantra study and Pranayama’s
before that. With bith of brahmacharya- The
impact on growth of nation, happiness, Individual
is far higher than a thousand years of monkeying
those empty lands of evil nymphs.

The great folks like Gandhi or people who do not

have a lot of formal education but still are great..
etc.. Where did they have their ability from? The
ability to gain wisdom is also rested in..


Another idea from the west is no sacredness in

male female relationships. Well, that is the
foundation of yanga. If people become all wankers,
and women want to display themselves to
everybody in the village- surely, all of them
WOULD BE wankers too – then there is no yagna.
No rising of energy to heavens happens. And in
return there is no descending Joy from the heavens.

There were a recent real incident. Well let me just

say imaginary incident for safety purposes. A girl
wanted to get her arse “tatooed” by a FAMOUS
“tatoo” artist. Well, a female should first be taught
her body is sacred, and serves her husband in his
spiritual journey. Otherwise, it’s a useless bundle of
“genetic” stuff.

Anyway, she were shy so she wanted to do it in

private. Her male friend waited outside, but
frantically being a frantic Indian remembered he
had to go somehwere. So left. The tatoo artist who
were asked to tatoo a vagina shaped winkign eye


or something pulled her undies down mid way..

with her permission.. turned her around and they
kissed and they went rabbit mode and the tatoo
session took around 40 minutes, with the tatoo not
full done. Now at the end of it – which were
ofcourse unprofessional conduct, the tatoo artist
were filed some weird shit charges – rapp and all.
Well.. how does anybody rapp in an open space,
for 40 minutes, crowd around.. go home and then
realize a rapp occured. The word rapp should be
used for authentic evil incidents. Not as a tool for
cheapshit people who engage in cheapshit
behaviour with other cheapshit people, and then
for their cheapshit ego want to bolster themselves
up by saying nonsense when the disgust sets in.
Well, then after 4 days she realized it and withdrew
her charges. That tatoo artist meanwhile had his
whole palour sealed and tattooed by the
authorities. And a few other women turn up with
similar allegations, “Well I went there to get a
butterfly tatoo on the underside of my boobs..”..
Well.. I already have a hard on BRAIN.. imagining

So.. WOMEN should hold up virtue in society..




TATOOIGN THEMELVS.. “No .. women are strong
and independent..”.. “well... did your ONE STEP
previous generation introduced her to the parlour.
So just don’t dumbly imitate anything labelled
modern. “But I saw on TV that pink people..
AND familial existences GENERALLY, but for evil
places like NATO and USA NATIONS.

I point this out because in the absence of yagna and

a deep natured devotion – evil sprouts. Getting
tattoo on arse but no banging etc - is not the ideal
to strive for. Just an opinion. WELL.. THE
AN arse..

Another thing usual in India now is women

claiming.. well “he rapPed me in Ooty, Kodaikanal,
Shimla, and Nagaland over the period of 8 years


when I Were visiting him again and again”..

THE demoness says.

Why did this happen in India?

Because of dumb imitation of everything down to
the laws their evil societies satanic cults engineered
to destroy them. Men are made to work for
alimony when their wives bang have the town and
leave them. Then both enter hellish states. Then
they do boob augmentations and ass
augmentations on the alimony of their kid’s dad,
well.. for the public. And what happens at the end
of all this. Death of society. Joylessness. Imitation is
often worse than the imitated.

Good natured marriages, and

depth in love etc. is the remedy. Not
moral policing in public and wankign in private.
Even Gandharva Vivaha is prescribed in ancient
Indian scripture as a high form. That is when two


people unite in Love. With depth and Truth.

One enters the love field not to wank with live

material – BUT as the yagna. Of improving oneself.
Of serving the divine by enabling the spiritual
growth of their husbands is the role of the women.
They should elevate and purify themselves through
peaceful study and so forth all life. Marriage is as
sacred as any spiritual or monastic endeavour, and
the vows even more sacred.


Women working for other people 80 hours a

week is strong and intendent? Slavery is
independence? Dependence on the supermarket is


B y undertaking Yagna one gains powers

similar to sages like Vishwamitra. Not by working

like a slave.


S o how does one progress in the Yagna. Well, the

sacred space of the yagna is own body. And it

should be established in a pure space – saucha, says
the yogasutra. So first brighten your environment
and living space.

The second step is to make the body suitable for the

yagna. This has to start with good food fo a
stabilizing nature. “I eat 22 kg chili, 42 kg pepper,
fart FIRE and sleep” is not the idea. Food’s tase is
the vibration it leaves on the body. Which is why
Ayurveda and yogic texts all say avoid pungent
vegetables like that. Early stages it is impossible to
keep a stable mind if your food is evil a violent
vibration natured.

Cheese, cream etc. is healthy when with the fire of

Brahmacharya. Good fat in food reduces the
glycemic index of food drastically and thus the
negative effects of sugars are avoided. Further a lot


of vitamins are fat soluble.

The vedic texts say a spiritual person who doesn’t

eat beef will die and be reborn as a beef animal.
Because it is offering into the fire of the yagna –
and all forms have to die. Even the gnostic writings
have Jesus saying, “A man that eats a lion is bless
while a man eaten by a lion is cursed. “
Vivekananda and Gandhi have written that beef
were necessary diet for every good spiritual
person. It were removed and made an export thing
by forces that wanted to make India weak and get
food from this land. Not to say everybody is to eat
beef – women should have a lesser amount of red
meat. Specifics are to be figured out.

“But they taught me.. cow is.. “. .well.. don’t eat the
pet cow.. Nobody asked you to. Important that
huge beef bull from USA – that thing is designed
for beef.. It doesn’t look spiritual. .”But if the cow is
my.. the bull would be.. .” WELL.. STUFU.. DOES
ANY of your scripture teach you this nonsense?
One doesnt usually kill animals part of.. well.. just
like a pet goldfish.. But the mahbharata etc is full of
ideas saying.. A king slayed such amount of cattle
and prepared a feast for all the spiritual people in


the land..

The first step to turn spiritual and gain spiritual

prowess is Brahmacharya.. Not what you eat or
not. By Spiritual one means all kinds of abilities.
Mohammed Ali practiced Brahmachayra for 108
days before a major match. Newton did the same.
Surely Neweton’s work and Ali’s punches were not
imaginary spiritual featherweight and stuff. It is
just the science of human biology. The body as an
entity of different dimensional chakraas.

So physical strengths, wisdom, outward prosperity

of great Kings, all emerge from what? Gymmign
and slaving? Even an Indian PM went from
teastand to PM because of what? Hardworking and
slaving to devILLUP AI for the USA?


There is nothing that corrupts faster than falsely

given power. The idea of empower women to fight
own families is that. Women were always treated
as sacred, just as all 52 genders of the American
family were. They feed the lie – that women were
subjugated. Well, they were protected, and they
desited to be protected before the world were all

Even now the inner nature of women is that. When

men feed them modernism they turn around and
punish men.

The laws that turn gender on gender, encourage

evil behavious by either gender, all needs to be
dismanted. Laws should be punishing evil based
on evidence. Not punishing randomly based on
false suggestions made on a whim. Dismantle those
laws if you need a nation to exist.


The same laws are being pushed into marriage. A

famous actor in INDIA, IMAGINARY OR NOT,
had his wife accuse him of “HonEYmoOON
RAPP”.. after being together for a rather long time
after that too.. The actor pointed out that he has
dated several celebrities greater than her and
nobody accused him of anything of the sorts. The
investigative agency found she had done similar
accussations on several and there were a pattern in
her behaviour. Yet the “legal” system exists to
serve the demoness. If the deomonsses were
without folly then India should celebrate all the
demonseses in its mythology.


“ But then people would have nothing to do if not

devlupping AI and genetic engineering”.. Well
there are different paths of progress.. Die by AI is
not mandatory. Why does Elon warn a everybody
over and over again?


“But isn’t hardworking great..” Of course.. but if

you kan help divert the internet traffic on porn to
better endeavours.. Nobody is hardworking with a
purpose.. Simply mechanically slaving without a
purpose is not hardworking.. When one works for
something… make sure the impact it has on the
world is good. Also make sure unnecessary effort is
avoided. IF you wanted to to scratch the tip of your
nose, you dig a pit, then get fire ants, give the ants
good food, feed it honey, then rub honey on the tip
of your nose, then dip your nose in the ant put is
unnecessary. Its like working hard to export
everything to evil NATO and USA nations. If you
need good food.. make sure the land is fertile, play
subliminal vedic sounds.. keeping the environment
free of noise pollution while at the same time
vibrating the plant or the seed in the vedic
vibrations, make sure the food is nourishing.
Increase bio diversity with good food plants and
pretty plants. Avoid eating the same burning shit
like capsciums and chilly – all of which Ayurveda


tells you is bad.

When the body is offered good

food, the world good action, when
there is humblenss and willingness
to serve the more spiritually
advanced, just as humans are in a
hierarchy of the divine planes, then
emerges kingdoms of Joy, tech
from different worlds, and so on.
All of which is a function of
spiritual growth.

A warrior cannot have or wield the

divine weapons without spiritual
strengths. Likewise dazzling
spiritual kingdoms have existed
here and disappeared with the fall
in plane of thought. These different

timelines simultaneously exist.

Simply by improving the spiritual
nature of man, those worlds
appear here over time- through
human efforts and divine means.
Mathematicians like Ramanajua
will appear. People will not
frantically work in greed.

People will eb friendly and good to

each other. Seeking and engaging
in discussion of things of a plane of



The Study of the Gayatri Mantra alters the DNA.

There isa Solar DNA, and this is the onset of the
birth of the Solar Race.


T he effect of the study of the Gayatri Mantra is

thus across generations.


I f parents do not gain wisdom how do they guide

the next generation. In the Mahabharata, Bhishma

says only one’s father or the spiritual guru has the
right to gently guide the son, and that too only for
the purpose of Vedic Spiritual instruction.

Children should not be chided around for no

reason. The pattern enters their personality. When
guidance in strong or gentle words is given, it
should be with deep reasons. Not fear of minting
money as the foundation. Unless you are that poor
and likely to die -such thought is unnecessary. And
such fear only leads to further stupid behaviour
and further losses.

The goal of family is to establish each other in deep

spiritual endeavour.


T elevision has become purely a tool of

programming and dullening. Bright and creative

activities need to be found to spend time one.

Gentle human interaction in family is one of the

great forms of existence, that enables further
spiritual growth.

Instead the evil media makes the family cut apart

and each working on a corner of the AI machine to
kill humanity. The greed and competition is such
that nobody wants to missout.

A human becomes a god, over time, through

spiritual endeavour. That, and that alone is the
purpose of life here. The path is action of different
sorts – which for the higher natured are
predominantly, study, doing what is good for the
world, and so on. The action proceeds in pattern of
Sva Dharma, or that awareness of that impulse of
action that appears in the heart from God Planes, or
planes beyond vibration, the Brahman planes.
Through such action one keeps the awareness on
that Silver Brightness, and integrates the physical
form into it. The appended books give the deeper


Such action is labelled “Yagna – Artham,” meaning

for the purpose of yagna. Any other form of action
binds one down weaker into the vibration worlds.

The purpose of male and female roles are all in the

Yagna Artham. Even among wolves, lions, whales,
the ordering is seen.


T he equality idea arguing women have bigger

chest muscles than men and so men should try to

be equal to women, and so on, is absolute evil.
Think of the evil – do you want your parents to be
equal or different playing different roles, giving
you different kinds of loving guidance?

Women ought be equal, join the army, and so on

and on – eventually it becomes a death cage. The
ability of humans to transform themselves into
something greater is lost in that paradigm.


Did this frenzy bring anything of joy? Why

should people frantically run around all day , bjue
jump from the 4th floor four times a day, get into
crowded trains in fusty cities and starve and get
bogged down in polluted air – to achieve what?
Death of humanity? What’s the hurry?

So action should be accompanied by wisdom. The

Gita clearly says it, “The Demonic engage in
frenzied action, with little intelligence resulting in
the destruction of the world. “

The same people wasting away like that could

enjoy Scandinavian quality life if beautiful village
environments are done.

The practical approach is that each home is to be

made a place which invites heavens down to earth.


The entire education is a form of propaganda - it

needs to be undone. Indians need not be taught the
history of the fake shit British who have nothing
but live like parasites. They dress up and fool
people. What does the British “queen” look like?
The resemblance is to a parasitic species known as
the reptilians. Study the book, “Alien World
Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer
the Human Race” by Len Kasten. They are a
reptilian mixed species and they themselves have
accepted they have a cannibalistic history.

Watch the documentary AETHER by Marcia

Ramalho. There are vast underground structures
beneath cities across the world. In Paris, for
instance. Dating to at least the 12th century. Who
built it and how. Where the ancient structures such
as the Pyramids built by desert nomads who didn’t
manage to invent the wheel before it?

Research the topic of Tartaria. If you have frinds

with living brains, research and discuss it amongst
yourselves. Keep a downloaded copy of the
documentary Aether by Marcia Ramalho. Even if
not entirely accurate there is a lot of things worth
uunderstanding inside the presentation.


Study and life should be easy and Joyous.

Sthiram sukham says the Yogasutra.


Stress in any form is found to result in the

methylation of DNA. This carries across
generations. It is not to say one shouldn’t make
effort, or fall into an empty – but meaningless stress
like working in fields that one shouldn’t work in.
Destroying own nation by frantically working to
devilup enemy nations, and so on.

This is to be profoundly understood. It is sinful for

a Prince to work. It is wrong for the PrimeMinister
of a nation to work clearing the fuselage of the cars
in front of the Rashrapathi Bhavan. The nation will
fall apart. If a general does the work of a soldier all
day, the army will disrespect him and the entire
army will fall apart. So each by own propensity
and Nature are inclined to different forms of
Natural action. A child’s natural inclination ought
be nurtured -not for fame or greed, but so that in
that mode of action the child may rise to the
highest. A sage may achieve the highest in silent
meditation. Bhaskarachayra through mathematics,
and a prince through the study of war, etc. Own
field, even if it may seem a difficult field of action
to the outer observer, is effortless..Well..
Beethoven, it were Joy for him to do the 9th


symbphony while he were stone deaf. It seems a

difficult action for the outer world. But it is the
natural action and spiritual joy for Beethoven. As
one progresses in the work of life, actions become
easier and more effortless.


“But if nobody works hard how will we devillup?”

What I am saying is ease and work with ease, and
the nation will do better. 70 years and it is still
chaotic because of the rush without a plan. Assume
you wanted to build beautiful cities. If you start by
working hard and digging the earth, the idea will
never materialize. What is necessary? First
everybody should SHUT DA FAKK UP.

Why? Because nobody knows how to do it. So a

few years of peaceful study is necessary. In that
phase people should spend free time with good
food, pleasant games , a bit of travel when
opportunity arises, and so on. While all that keep
discussing the ideas among each other. That
NEVER happened in India. So VIRTUALLY
NOOOOOOBODY knows THE WAY to build a
city. The knowledge isn’t there. If children were left
by themselves – some would say “I want to know
how to build beautiful buildings, and cities.” TO
THAT some give easy animated education

Good education is easy. Instead in India from 6th

grade kids re tortured to get into IIT by the parents.


Do log division and logarithms in the head.

Answer difficult trick questions which will make
Einstein stumble and take Paul Erdos an hour or a
day of thought if seeing it first time – so a lot of
dumb memorizing, dullening of the intellect and so
on occurs. Then it finally becomes a few tricks
pony. Paul Erdos on seeing that Monty Hall
Puzzle got the solution wrong and refused to
accept the right solution till a simulation were
shown. That is the nature of thinking and being at

“”What about the military?”” Same - with good

education we would now be building advanced jets
of own. What makes the Indian brain any less – its
only sharper and faster. And it is only that frantic
hurry that keeps India dependent on every nut and
blot on foreign nations.


A lot of things from the west are propaganda. Go

to Wikipedia and find an image of the Lunar
Module Eagle. Look at the while screwed on pads,
the flag hanging off it on a pole, the tea poy legs- is
it anything that can carry three astronauts, and a
rover, and take off the moon and what not? So
don’t be fooled. Same with the idea of
spacestations. They show open air bathrooms, a
bunch of wires.. and people displaying suspension
dynamics. First of all a vacuum pump and open air
bathrooms inside spacestation is permanent mess if
a drop escapes the planned trajectory. It’s a whole
bunch of lies. Russia knows it and which is why
there were that news “Russia sends Actor and
Director to Space”. I’d probably add a book to the
appendix to describe how their propaganda
machine works. Think about it 11 million deaths of
innocents in the Middle East done by them and
when Russia were forced gto dismantle the
biowepaons and everything they stuffed into
Ukraine against Russia, the entire world media
pretended the west were all sages. Russia sacrificed
a thousand soldiers so that only a few hundred
civilians died. Look up imagery of how they cluster


bombed the Middle East. All civilian sites and for

nothing. The evil British continues to provide
weaponery to bomb children in the Middle East.


“So, what is the practical

way to grow? ” Well, after
setting up a good environment,
print the Gayatri Yagna book

The cover page and the interior of

the book are attached such that you
can give it to any press and for a
nominal reate of less than a dollar
per copy they will print a dozen
copies for you. Print a few. Give it
to all your family members. Have a
copy with you.

Search for a vide describing vedic

svaras on Youtube to understand
the svaras. Read visually from the
book frequently, anytime you need

to upgrare yourself. Even reading

just a few times is good.

The second step is to understand Zen mediation.

This will give you a way to meditate.

And the third is to understand pranayama – this

will give you all the exercises that is necessary to
activate the energies of the body to the greatest.
Pranayama itself is a whole path as per the yogic

With these three you are prepared to make full

progress. Ideas in the “Path to Greatness: A Book
For India” can be thought about.


By doing good for the world, one progresses. So

printing these books and distributing among
people around you is a great idea to uplift oneself
and the world around. Each home in India should
eventually become a sacred site. Good deeds are
rewarded on heaven, and earth.

Have a schedule where every week or every month

or few months, you distribute a few print copies of
the book, for free, done from your own income or
family wealth. Do things as a soldier for India.
Seeking no name, or glamour for the action.


Make a culture where friends meet to

joyously discuss things. Explain ideas to
friends. Any field – mathematics, or even say Ideas
of automated agriculture – what will make
nourishing food. Why is good food important for
even spiritual progress? And what exactly would
be ideal food in terms of taste and properties.
When people discuss ideas things begin to
materialize – the very act of discussion is a
transformation of the world.

Many things blindly done through the decades

need to be undone. Like good food as per the Gita
is the opposite of eating a lot of spices. Is
nourishing, tasty, gentle, not harsh, of enduring
properties in terms of granting health, etc. Taste is a
great factor, nutrition is a great factor, that the
vibration of it is gentle is a great factor. Much insigt
can be drawn from European food – which is
similar to the diet habits that once existed world
over. Research tartaria.

Things such as Chilli, again, if banned the nation

will progress 50 percent. Where they each such
harsh herbs – be it Latin America or anywhere,


everything from crime rate to whatever goes up.

Stabilizing energies should be a nature of food.
Chilli is that way so as to keep animals from eating
it. It is harmful. Ayurveda is clear on it. Even for
working on science or an alert mind, such food is to
be avoided. Other thing is capsicum which has
similar active ingredients as chilli.

The stoics, the Greeks all spent a great deal of effort

in finding the right type of food. The endeavour is
upheld by the feminine in every great society. Not
because of the narrow goal of eating happy food to
be happy. But it is offering into the fire of the
Yagna – forming the eternal body – holding up the
eternal flame, while one fulfills the purpose of

Once when I were in the Himalayan Kingdom

regions, I were offered a Rasgulla as perto fa dinner
desert. The moment I had it I touched the Zen zero
point. It were before I had seriously explored Zen.
Usually people have a motive in preparing food.
Either as a job, for salary, to impress, to celebrate a
material success, etc. Whoever did it had none of
that, there were a zen .. one might describe the state
as peace, or pleasentness – but not an aritificially
pleasant state. The state where that Zen Enso, or a
circle with a silver dot in the middle, the origin.


Just by the intent or absence of intent in it – I

touched that plane. I were unable to figure what
intent were in the thought of who did it.

Anyway, so food in various ways enables

transcending the universe.

As society progresses, say French culture in its

heights, tends to explore these arts profoundly. Or
the Italians. Or, those wines with a hundred herbs.
Well, remember it were the monks involved with
the wine making. Why? Because it aided their
efforts to transcend. Not talking about getting
drunk. An Elixir in immoderate amounts is poison.


S o, what’s supernormal? Well,

the boxing speed of Mohammed Ali, the way
Magnus Carlson hits upon the chess moves, etc. –
even that is supernormal. Carlson says he gets the
idea of which move to do – but doesn’t know how.
Then upon seeing it he thinks only to verify it.
Sankuntala Devi doings things like the 23RD root of
a 201 digit number in 50 seconds and the result
were verified afterwards in the fastest computer of
the era which took longer. This is recorded in a
paper by Arthur Jenson of University of California
Berkley, “Speed of Information Processing in a
Calculating Prodigy.” Or the mathematician
Ramanjua directly arriving at results which a
century of mathematicians have not yet fully
processed. Even these trivial things are often direct
evidence of a processing beyond what the surface
brain’s neuroanatomy would allow.

And all the stuff of Ramayana and Mahabahrata is



To produce a generation of geniuses, one should

have a society where people improve themselves
beyond the 3D.


R eal world games and

entertainment are important. It is not

stretching that is yoga. If one is established in a
phase of brahmacharya, does a few pranayamas
daily, studies the Gayatri Mantra whenever one
feels like, and then engages the joys of real world
games – be it cricket or anything, that becomes the
physical yoga that yokes the evolved energies on to
one’s body.

Joyous interaction between humans -not like

auntires trying to show of whatever they have –
that is important. The goal of interaction ought be
study, doing whatever bit of good for the world,
ensuring each other’s welfare. With the
devillupped competitive culture Indain kids call
each other to ensure nobody is doing fine. “Mental
tricks for competitive exams” stay at play through
their existence. Methylation of DNA and it carries
over to the next. Like I said, it is a sin that leads to
hell. An evil appearance of the sin of lobha. It is not


eating beef that is sin. IT is dullness and

backstabbing each other to serve evil nations
deviluppign AI to put in people’s brains.

Buddha had said, “It is not the eating of meat that

is sin”.


Well, AI and what not shouldn’t be going directly

into people’s heads and controlling thought,
plugging them into a network of 70,000 sattelites.
Its an evil agenda, driven by the reptilian race.

Why is it that there is no AI WASHING clothes

and things yet – but it goes directly into the already
dead by the machine human’s brain.

Nations should entirely avoid those ideas. Cars

should be driven by humans. AI can exist for
safety. The goal is not to become a dead ant hill
where humans do nothing but watch movies and
wank. Driving is a pleasure on its own. Nations
will be forced to implement AI in defense fields if
any other nation does it.


Speaking of defense, there are Greek texts saying

the Greeks were unable to enter India as the sages
brought down thunder. Well.. They weren’t
making it up. Even without that why were it that
tiny Buddhist nations north east of India were
never occupied by British? Because what averts a
tragedy is first virtue or punya. India probably fell
into the evil Brahmanism that were doing nothing
but eating things up and hiding the ancient texts,
denying people the right to study, making false
groupisms based on no foundation in any scripture
- going the opposite way of scripture etc. The
knowledge should have been with every family. So
Nature or the Divine itself displaces such things.

With superpwoers electronics are one of the easiest

things to shut down – but not even that a powerful
disciplined military develops when people
inherently have a greater wisdom, Become
physically and mentally strong due to spiritual
efforts, the society stands together in a spiritual
hierarchy that is not artificial but naturally falls in
place, etc.

By hierarchy I imply that in any good society


people with great achievements are respected.

Great families are respected. If Bhaskaracharya
were to walk by normal people would say a good
greeting and a Namaste. Because it should be
thought of as the Brightness of the Divine itself
taking appearance. That is not to say one should
make a culture of appreciating pretenders. But a
natural profundity should be there. As of now,
with the idea of deviluppment it is backstab at
every opportunity that is taught to the Indian races.
Its awful to teach people to compete against each.
Will you become Beethoven by competing, or
shakespare? Or Sachin Tendulkar? Only by
peacefully working on own art – does that happen.
And sometimes the best seek to remain unknown
to the world


Beyond any fancy spirituality, the first step

people need to take to save themselves from the
death by machines and DNA editing vaccinations
state, is begin to talk like simple humans.

By the way, those vaccines were an agenda to put a

code into the human DNA, which evolves some
weird things in the human brain and dumbs out
other portions that makes humans humans. “But
mRNA vaccine don’t edit DNA”.. Well.. read the
paper, “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of
Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
BNT162b2..” Markus Alden Et Al of Lund
University, Sweden. Which says, “"Furthermore, a
recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be
reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome
of human cells.. “

The science field out there, just as the news field

which put out only fringe and traumatic stories to
destroy the human psyche, is here with a very
narrow purpose – keeping humans in a state where
they can be controlled by machines, a particular set
of higher dimensional energies harvested from
them and so on. But this is beyond the scope of the
discussion here. Some DNA editing results in
things that only appear human.


Throw out facebook and twitter –

and worse still Tikk Tokk and all that nonsense –

people have spent billions on devilluping these
things. People have worked perhaps a billion man
hours building and supporting it. A billion man
hours are lost every day on those platforms of
those stuck on it. And it does nothing but gneraate
addictions, destroy people’s lives is responsible in
over 40 percent of divorces, makes it impossible to
have devotion and so on. These are not trivial for
fun platform, but specifically designed toward evil
ends. Especially women stuck on it are impossible
to drag out – displaying happy days and what not
become an evil addiction for them.

As activity is necessary, one should introduce

platforms with bright activity. Well, that is for an
online society. Real world is more important. With
good friends and family, people will naturally
avoid the online happy pretension life. People have
already understood how deadening to existence it



All endeavour has goal as forming the inner

worlds, so the energies ought travel inwards. A
small group of devoted friends and family - as
existed naturally in societies before the
introduction of this display aunty culture where
everybody is supposed live for display – turns
energies into forming own inner substance, which
involves own worlds in higher dimensions. Lay
treasures where thieves cannot steal says an idea
found in the Bible. Well, the exact quote from the
King James edition is from Matthew, “19: Lay not
up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where
moth. and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal: 20: But lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven,”

First I wanna point out a lot of relevant stuff were

removed from the Bible before what were bundled
together as the Bible were bundled together,
several centuries after the original teachings.

Anyway, How does one do

that? Lay treasures in
heaven? Well as I said. First one needs to

have a spiritual quality being built through in the

way I suggest here, Gayatri Mantra, Pranayama,
doing own Dharma, study, and so on. In that state
all good activity does that. One good word, one
good action, etc. Well, nothing fancy.

If a parent is good and situated n the Yagna and

with spiritual quality, good words spoken to the
parent does that. If a child is good – not in the sense
of 24 hours working for money, but evilign
spiritually, then a normal word, Well.. anything
and everything of good family life. Good food
prepared in Joy, unto what does that become the
offering the Agni or fire inside, that brightness of
familial Joys.

This is the most normal and simple natural mode.

What is unnatural is kids working devillup ai to
kill humanity and parents punishing them if they
don’t do that, and generation after the next turning
more demented even in appearance. Well if this
advanced scientific shit were working, peoples
health and appearance ought improve. In the USA,
because of greater ease and eating up shit
appearance alone has improved – not a lot of
scientific success in terms of achieving inner
happiness. And further utter destruction perhaps
in terms greater joys. Who wants a world where 50


percent chance your wife will ditch you? And

further in a world of 24 different genders.

Again I want to emphasize that idea of Simplicity,

Did you read that Book by CC Tsai – an illustrated
thing of Zhuan Zi’s writings. The book is called “
Way of Nature.” Just as wolves know inherently
the way to build an ordered society, humans
inherently know what is good and virtuous.
Parents know inherently tying up kids infront of a
machine and making themwork is not good.
Students know inherently doing that homework is
boring and a waste of existence. What goes wrong
is fear based programming. Nobody had to force
Tendulkar to play cricket. Similarly, a child is to eb
guided joyously.

The educational system is where the first changes

ought appear. The Indian educational system were
designed as a weapon by the British to destroy
India. If those sneaky little evil looters wrote the
history textbook syllabus and Indians do not have
the dignity even to discard it – in the span of 70
years – that is franticity. Because you are running
frantically in greed. You do not realize the books


are posionign the dignity of your own kids. Who

wants to learn extensive shit about mountbattons
batton and victorias whatever and whatnot. Why is
that relevant? Teach that epic and glorious phases
on Indian history. When teaching invasions of
cheapshit manipulation and invasion by the bitish
gloss over it and teach it with a view of what went
wrong. What were the evil strategies they used.
Did India fall in Dharma – what enabled it, and so
on. With a view of seeing them as the invaders.
And with a view of teaching kids of the future to
avoid similar situations with India. The British
textbook history is to run down India’s idea of itself
and to make people serve them and their evil plans.
Not propagandistic and feeding hate, but giving
the right picture, and giving wisdom. Just gloss
over that phase in history. Indian history is far
more extensive and filled with glories. Accept the
mythology for likely ancient history. Add a field or
a subject – mythology. Cut down the time spent on
useless history like somebody date of birth death,
years etc – its only to torture people they add it to
school curriculum. It stunts brains, generates dumb

The first thing that should happen is teach kids a

glorious explorative history. Not even teach – just


mke a few games they should reach level 8 on.

That’s the only detail they will anyway remember.
This fear of ease and addiction to torture in every
field is evil. Torture is nothing but torture of
human Spirit which rests in God. So it is obviously
evil to torture people in the name of educating
them. It’s a false education if it doesn’t bring out


A strong circle of family and friends is the what

every Individual needs. Not devilluped AI in the

For friendships to exist values should exist. People

should be taught competitive spirit is evil. What is
needed is dignity and enabling rise of own nation –
dignity to not work of nations that acted against

Competing each other to get into a position to work

for any one of those nations is absurd.

The IITs are another good example of the Frantic

India. What a retarded frame. People are tortured
from age 6 and finally when they graduate they are
celebrated for getting a jooboo to work for some
foreign firm. How does it benefit anybody. That
peiss of shit didn’t even have a childhood, nor will
have a good college life, nor will have a good
family life after all that, nor will enjoy own
existence in a full way, till it fucking dies. And if
working for a foreign firm will it benefit India?

Does it gain knowledge or becoming a zombie of a

few tricks. Even the IIT exams only test that level of
dementia. The great scientists, philosophers, people


od depth, thinkers are all filtred out – for all of

them are partly dreamers – not a bag of fast tricks
fools who repeat what they are taught dumbly.

Allow me to explain from another angle, with

another example, the way this foolish frantic world
runs. There are nearly 10 million school teachers in
India. Assume out of it 1 million teach the British
syllabus history. These 1 million people drive to
work daily, generating smoke dust and useless
traffic. The children drive to schools daily,
generating smoke dust tears and useless traffic.

In school they spend an hour in deathly anguish

staring at a blagguboordoo in utter boredom daily
to study that history. Nobody ever is able to give
any attention to what is said. The torture
programming occurs underlining things on that
evil textbook, repeating it in exams. Kids are
punished for not remembering it – if not physically,
psychologically. Parents torture them. Parents put
them into fear. Before the exams there is panic and
fear. During the exams there is stress panic and
fear. DNA is damaged. Stress damages DNA is
well known. DNA damage propogates across


generations. Children grow stunted. Time for

joyous study and discovery is gone. Fear and
aversion to study emerges. If the grades in history
class drops as the child is too intelligent to engage
it parents tear up. Really? Child has no future
without doing that drama? Even very well off
families are in feearrrr.

While even those aiming to work all life should

remember companies can take people.. well..
remember Elon saying no degrees needed.. any
work that demonstrates proficiency is enough?

Basically .. why is this torture framework neeed?

To build skill?

Now thing of the non frantic India. We have a

dozen video games. Each to played in the year
corresponding to grade 1, grade 2, .. uptil 12. It
plays out ballte scenes, construction of ancient
buildings, mtyhologicla scenes, with active

The video games can depict with a level of

accuracy the weapons, food, clothing, army
strategies, and things of the era. What happened in
the battle could be told, and a better outcome


attempted with a different strategy. Patriotism and

dignity over the interests of own nation ought be
generated – and not in a overtly propagandistic
way. It could even be like XBOX fighting games. If
the kid has engaged it and has an overall idea, then
it is enough. Which brings advantage and better

Writing, reading, essaying, all these can be made

joyous. Mild competition can exist – at a level
where it is fun, and then everybody is in good
spirits afterwards. But not frantic fear oriented
runs, harming each other. Children should be
advised against it. Children should be taught to
have a rooted whole personality. A person can
only improve by improving oneself – not by
competing around.

Is not sitting for one hour in a place physically

harmful? By pure biology – is it good? It is evil
torture. Let them joyously play around strengthen

One hour or 15 minutes of useful study is all that is

necessary daily.

In the non frantic mode instead of a million fools


teaching evil false manipulated history by torture -

a few video game companies can do the job. If you
dotn want video games with todays tech just a
team of 20 or 200 can do a visual education
package. Well even in that avoid franticity – avoid
putting a peiss of shit lecturer there. Are
documentaries done with lecturers? Are
edutainment games done with their dumb faces?
Add fantasy characters – let imagination soar. Very
least, delink the material from people who will
disappear after a few months of work. Thereby
built educational material that can be continuously
improved and reworked. IF a lecture has no human
grinning in it – to upgrade it one needn’t go hunt
down the same peiss of shit and force it to grin
while scribbling of a blackboard. It’s a old dead
ritual of an era where there were no other option.
Don’t do it like superstition. Do the great ritual of
life inside.

“ But children will become strong if tortured.”

Well. Another evil idea. In the Mahbahrata it is
cledarly said Abhimanyu grew up in every kind of
ease. And routed the whole Kauravaya army. Even
Bhisma and Drona ran.. as in “ yelp.. yelp.. “ from
Abhimanyu’s prowess. It is not through torture,


not through gym, not through arrogance, not

through grunting, ot through false egoism, or
pretension, or demonic laughs, or social media, or
sun glasses or bunjee jumping 9 to 5, or anything
that strength is built, But..well.. I said earlier.. the
mode o yagna.. Because strength orgins in
profounder planes.. deeper dimensions. It is not
from the 3D muscles alone.. not from the arrogance
or anything that the strength of Abhimanyu
emerges. But from the not so imaginary powers of
the normal of existence – which is profoudner
study, following own Dharma, undertnding ht
euniverse deeply, etc. OF course not everybody
can be an Abhimanyu in every lifetimes. But
progress can be made in gaining depths, awareness
of own soul, and he worldly glory, joys, and
prosperity will naturally emerge from that.

The previous generation in India and world over

thougth it a shame for higher families to send their
members to work for others. So the families
engaged their own whatever, building their own
business effots, or agriculture or anything. Now
everybody wants their kids to go sit in front of
some desk for somebody and lead a happy life. It is
an ozymoron.


One reason it happens in India is the previous

generation faced a lot of unnecessary obstructions
in business etc from foolish beuataucratic
procedures which si again just British era frenzy
and torture. It all for that one thing – make like
difficult. So the previous generation throught kids
would have it easy going the route of becoming a
zombie worker.

So ease of business – removing every unnecessary

step. A culture of rewarding effort. Individual ease
preferred over government dramatics is all
necessary. Make things super easy for the
Individual. Reward the Individual.

A lot of drama can be avoided by minimizing the

official labeling and groupism. One cannot fight
groupisms and have mechanisms that function
based on those terms together. It is again franticity
and torture on society as a whole. Giving people
artificial group labels itself is false as per Indain
scriptures itself – why do sinful things and invite
negativity on oneself and nation? Remove all those
useless ideas. Those group names all are stuff of
tribes – not the high society of ancient India. Did
Valmiki or Vyasa anybody have a group name?


Filled into forms? Freud describes it as a feature of

aborgininal tribes – marriage systems based on
those ideas Etc. If such existed in India how did
Arjuna marry a Naga princess and Bhima a
Rakhsasi? It were all inventions of a false dumnh of
evil demons who labelled themselves brahmins
and what not – that word were for anyone touching
the brahmanknowledge – but that’s of a different
era- nobody needs labels. If anyone can make the
brahmastras- they are all welcome – and they don’t
need any seal on them that they can do that. So let
now people falsely label themselves as this and
that. If you cannot make a brahmastras you haven’t
touched the Brahman and are no fukking brahmin.
Similarly if you are so diesaed you cant chase a
mosquito around the room, don’t call yourself a
kshatriya for as per the Mahabharata a single
khsagtriya by himself can subdue all the armies of
the world. If someone wants to label himself so let
him first get into the boxing ring and face one.
Then with proper safety, two.. Then four.. Then if
it fails, let the match be stopped before further
damage, and let his good friends visit him in the
hospital. So point beign labels are not necessary. It
were wired into Indian constiturion and used as a
weapon by the British.


If you look at the Nath Samrudaya writings, even

the harmony between religions were so great.
Again these are only empty labels – let them be put
aside. Nobody is a mathematician for a label. It is
knowledge that matters. Just as it is absurf to say
mathematician of Wingwakya school .. because
Math is math.

Well, I have frantically written up more than

needed. The necessary thing is to frantically print
and distribute the appended books.

Keep a few copies for own home – especially of the

Gayatri Yagna. Depending on your ability, wealth,
brains, etc. – you can print and distribute more.
That is work that entirely transforms India and the

Take up uselful work like that. Not torturing

oneself daily just to destroy the world – working in
AI, or whatever. I will list the names of the books I
append but before that -

The frantic life has a person spend qa quarter

million dollars on education in the USA to get an
information technology job. And then what? Live
like zombie? What for? Instead be brave and strive


for greatness. If you can afford not to slave – DO

SUCH AS MANTIAN some social media database
or TINKER some corner of some app. LET PEOPLE
WORK. ITS LIKE thinking everybody should be a
brck layer. NO there needs to be dreams, architects,
poets. Yeah poets – for once buildings are done

Btw, remember the lockdown agenda? Watch that

series of Brian Rose and David Icke interviews. The
goal is to next generate a climate change scare, take
away all private property and a good proportion of
humankind will be locked up in deathly cages
called skyscrapers . China were already doing that.
Those lockdown camps were introduced in
Australia, Newzealand, etc. People were beign
experimentally forced into those camps this time
around. In 10 years they plan to have AI based
lockdowns and entire shutdown of a weakened
human race. Plugging inhuman brains with AI
enabled implants into the matrix. Which is why
they are rushing into the idea of the metaverse.
These things need to be burned .It is franticity to


assume somehow humans need to work 90 hours a

week to go into their own tech traps. The people a
the top pretending to devilup it all are actors. They
are controlled entities. If it is not fought now and
rebelled against, nothing will be left to rebel for.

Assume western forces descend and devillup de

fukk out of Tibet. Big tall metal buildings where
people to IT work to build the west.

What exactly does IT work done by everybody do?

Its like everybody is a birck layer. Is that a nation?

And anybody with good talent should go and serve

some other nation. What kind of logic is that?

Well, if people do not have opportunities for joy

and good interaction in India – they will abandon it

Nobody should take self torture for a nation of

greedy fools, as an ultimate goal.


I were watching Indian news – repeats news whole

scale that is propaganda from the west. Russia
stood for us when China, Pakistan, USA, Britain
together ganged up against Inida. Now Indai is a
gang bang with the west – not even wondering
wethr to spit of swallow the propaganda the
peisses of shit journalists are fed. Money, drugs,
alcohol given to the greedy were the tool of taking
over civilizations by the evil nations in the west. It’s
the same now. People only want to do what the
money thrower asks.

The monetary system, the very control of the

number exists in their society. No matter how
much you hard work – they will not let ht ebankin
gmachines hold a number in your favor. Its like
you have the freedom to type in any number you
want into a machine, has the power to generate
incidents that alter the stock market, and knowing
that ahead can buy up the stocks etc. Like a banker
in England bought up all stocks during the
napoleanic wars , I guess.

Even if you are the greatest genius, if dependent on

J.P Morgan you will die poor and alone. Btw,


watch that Epic Rap Battles of history video.

Edison vs Tesla.

Speaking of which I will point out electricity

existed much earlier, and they are probably actor
figures in history. If you wanted the Aether
documentary by Marcello or researched Taritaria,
you already know.

How where these huge buildings, seen not jus tin

Europe.. but documented in 1500s Mexico are vast
apalaces still present there, European style. Who
built it and how? The cataombs under France in 12
century. Who dug it and how. And the grand
architecture found world over, from Brazil and
Mexico to Europe? Did drunkards on horse drawn
chariots build it?

No, a grand civilization existed world over.

Through wars, and timeline editing they were

made to disappear. Mud floods were generated.
Even in India we see grand archtietcture found
under the mud. How did it end up there and locals
don’t even have a memory of it? Mirror polished
walls in those Buddhist caves – what tech is needed
to achieve it.


So the buildings of the previous grand civilization

were buried over by a Parasitic alien race attack.
Calcutta’s palaces are not British made -those
buildings existed before. And most were destroyed.

After these timeline wars, and I will describe what

timeline wars are. Anyway, after those wars, those
palatial looking buildings were given to those races
that were mixed with the parasitic species, like the
admittedly cannibalistic dynasty of the British.

It is impossible today to build something sa grand

as the Great Pyramids. Impossible to imitate beauty
of the Greek Architecture 2000 to 4000 years ago.
Impossible to imitate the literary stuff found in
India. So who exactly evolved from primitive to
advanced? Or, is the whole history a lie?

Take the Taj Mahal. Google, find a photo. How

deep are the foundations of Taj Mahal. Well, it just
stands with zero inch foundation on a slab of
sandstone, which in turn rests on a foundation of
brick and wodden pillars, near a moist river bank.
Is it possible for a building to stand with no

Now search for a top-view design of Taj Mahal. A

very clear octagonal symmetry is seen. Almost like
it had a technological purpose. Don’t just read


.Whip out your phone and google. “No I only

search for.. “ Well for a difference research this

On the Wikipedia page for Vimanas, you will find

a 1650 painting of a Vimana – with octagonal
symmetry and and a bell shaped godlen glow
around it.

Taj Mahal has a glow of its own.

In the technology of the previous civilization, the

technology wiped out by aliens and a false history
presented to people now, bell drives existed. Bell
drives where reeingineered by the Nazis. Research
Nazi Bells, Die Glocke.

The top portion of the buildings, dome like, is in

architectural description of ancient Indian texts,
called a vimana. The mercury based engines for
Vimanas are described in Vimana Shatra. Later the
Nazis were said to have made the Mercury based
drives – the bell drives.

I have friends in various worlds – alien

civilizations – so what my alien friends told me is
these drives one set into movement , a fast spin,
once it reaches a critical velocity, a thunder appears
on the top – as if withdrawing down energy from


ether. The spin rate goes up – apparently violating

conservation of angular momentum. This is the
way pulasrs drawn down energy and emit it.

The top of buildings all had that placeholder

architecture for belldrives. The drive itself would
form an ether warp around it and turn invisible.

These drives form a network. And that makes free

energy available. The very geometry and
architecture of buildings and the city as a whole
enabled it. And a free energy network formed.

The pointd portion at the top of buildings called a

Shiakra, is about drawing down that energy. Which
is why even Victoria era lamps have that shikara.
Eiffel tower were for the purpose. At the top were
an invisible bell drive.

Another function of the bell drive technology were,

as it formed an ether warp, in another mode of
functioning, it enabled an entire building to be
controlled by the mind. Of course the person
driving it needed a greater spiritual prowess than
average, And mercury mirrors and what not sort of
technology enabled the process.


Vi- means to withdrw, mana means mind, ether,

etc. Withdrawn by the mind, driven by the mind..
ether warp forming, etc is the meaning. Pushpaka
Vimana is described as mind driven.

On this space it having no inertia would pass

through objects – as in it enters another dimension.
That propery exits in UFO ZERO IENRTIA
DRIVES, and other forms of hyperdrives. The craft
enters an invisible dimensions. Which is why UFOs
often seem to suddenly disappear. In other cases it
can be seen with a glow. The painting I pointed out
had a bell shaped glow on it, remember. Tajs is no
tomb. It has no dead bodies inside. What is there is
symbolic two things.

Right adjacent to the Taj, you will see on Google

Earth – well richt across the Yamuna from Taj – a
site. The same kind of .. a place where a standstoen
platform stood is seen. IA building once stood
there leaving impression marking into the earth. It
is said now to be a site where a “foundation”for a
Black Tajmahal were bing done. Well, Taj has no
foundation – and what left the markings of a
building that stood here. As in like a weight
leaving the impression markings on earth. Is that
how a foundation is done?


It were a platform form another flying vehicle. A

flying vechicle needs a platform. A building needs
a gfoudnation. The black Taj mahal probably flew
away. The scaience being too advanced for people
now, they need a story they can accept. Like telling
tribes in Rawanda about mobile phones would be

Detailed ideas of mecuru based drives were spoken

of before the Nazis actually built one. How did that

Not just that entire cities were done with the

planning. So we find legends not just in India but
in Sumeria etc as well of a Kign that rules for a few
ten thousand years and then disappeared with the

In India, south America, parts of himilayas these

buildings moved to other dimensions and worlds
exist. Not visible here, but existing in a world that
overlaps with here, but is in a deeper dimension.
That is how an advanced civilization disappears
from the earth. The Kigndom of Rama still exists on
a different plane.


The Mayans did not simply disappear. The Aztec

conquest is a false history. A few dozen euros
cannot conquer the greatest empire in South
American history, ruled by the greatest conquerer
they had. Even their stories don’t add up.

Remember there is astory fo a pandemic, etc.

around the point. It is called a great reset when
such a thing is done on earth.

Lets take the Spaniard invasion tale. Their own

writings say, they wondered if they landed in
Heaven. They describe the Emperor as a father
figure to them.

And then say they held the Emperor hostage and

stayed safe. The emperor were arrowed down by
their own people when he spoke from the top of
the building to them. And they were told or
informed that the Emperor died 3 days after
refusing food and water.

Is it a logical tale? Because if they didn’t see the

emperor for 3 days, how were they holding him
hostage. If they had to be told of his death – how
wer they safe till then. Were they killed after the
Emperor died and there were no way to hold


anybody hostage?

This is an example of a false timeline edited history.

When we do something positive say, the future

changes. Infact a timeline is like a string on the
Kalachakra. So not just the future changes, the past
also changes, the memories alter, the visions alter.

The Sun is a 6 dimensional Living Entity. Russian

torsion physics had arrived at the idea Sun is
conscious, gravity as conscious torsion waves and
so on. Research on your own.

The Sun projects its own DNA story here. The earth
beign 5D, receives, and processes it consciously.
The DNA timelines generated in the processing is
processed by humans here whoe hert chakra
awareness is 4D. So the Soalr story, is received by
the human DNA, the human is the evolver of th
story here. And not simple random gasball Sun,
stoneball earth and random evolved human.

So what the human awnress holds is critical IF the

human awareness holds not the good ideas, the
world sinks, and the individuals joys also


disappear. The future accordingly becomes empty.

Through false education, the human awareness

were distorted. In a pandemic darma, the DNA edit
out. So their immense tech that formed a matrix
around the Sun, ere able to shift the reality. To
where things seem now. Human brains- THE
VISIONS of those timelines, and that became the
reality here. That is how the grand cities described
as having existed in Indai disappeared without a
trace. The false education, media, news, evil
entertainment industry is all to continuously feed
human brins the same evil lies.

The documentatry Aether has Marcello pointing

out the star cities and what not around the world
wer ebuilt by a different alien civilization for
humans, in a single day. Those are the pretty
buildings we see in the west. In India it existed but
now is buried, disappeared with timeline editing
etc. Dwraka were built in a day, with tens of
thousands of palaces, as per the scriptures. It is no
false imaginary tale.

Only when humans are humble do beautiful

worlds appear.


In addition to that, they should engage study and

spiritual effort that uplifts their intelligence .

Bhutan and Tibet werfe exptremely beautiful

despite beign no different from say a thousand
years ago. A thousand years ago it would have
been even more beautiful and mystical.

The metal cages in which you work are for the 2030
AGENDA where all humans will beplugged to AI,
another false pandemic announced, nobody has
right to land due to a false climate change scare,
eating of beef and other things that strengthen the
human energies entirely discplaced, and people
given the purpose of life is to hardowork to build
their own death cages, and even send women in
the family to become strong and independent and
do nothing but slave in those evil metal cages.
Those are the cages where exverybody is planend
to be caged and harvested for soul energy. A reality
is needed where ehumans will behave
liekmachiens, that is what the advent of the
metaverse is for. All physics taught to people is
that narrow spectrum of ideas needed to enslave
them. They need people to build their own cages
and become a slave before they take the final step.
Thereby humans can be preserved and used as an
energy harvest. The human soul can move energies


of different worlds – so it is an asset to keep a few

alive plugged into machines.

Also the entire destruction of all forms of human

thinking. If you daughters are taught the theory of
survival – only good is propagation of genes, etc.
what will they do when they one day get married
and see somebody with better moneys or anything?
What is happening in Europe? Hypergamy.

Add to that all the programming in the movies

over worship of whatever is nonsense. And add to
that social media – not a single virtuous woman
with depth is going to be left on the planet soon.
Any morality will be artificial fake, and just to
pretend around in society.

That’s not to say a moral repression is the distilled

solution. There is no point in making India a desert
like Arabia and importing Afghan terrorists to fix
things. Behind closed doors people will remain
wankers. As long as the internet or means of any
communication exist same evil will persis with
women having no wisdom. So, suffocating people
is not the idea either. There should be wisdom,


birght activity, a celebrative culture, there should

be Love in alignment with Dharma. “ I am Love in
alignment with Dharma says the Gita.”

While modern laws want to suffocate that. They

shift marriage age from 18 to 21 – what for? To
send women to work and devillup them? Why
don’t your devillup you r immediate previous
generation by sendinf them to work? Don’t be
peisses of evil shit. Don’t oppose Nature.
Remember Nature is Durga.

Leave that - if your wives are working – is there

not a human tendency to be animated by the
opposite gender? *hint *hint. So you need to
review what you do in life. It’s a good idea and a
good time. The lower shit type of people will
encourage on the false ideas of independence etc to
get into the good books of women. Not exactly
good books, but you know. Not that it will work
for them – but they are desperate. So people have
to strengthen themselves in virtue.

People have to live in a way that fulfills the true

purpose of existence.

Appearance editing tech exists. Go on youtube and


search for reptilians, and in particular the video

“Hissing Reproter.” Watch it. A thousand people
comment on the way the reporters seem to shift to
a replitian appearance. And one points to the face.
Then their sounds are all heard as hissing. This is
during Live TV. If it exists download it and keep a
copy. This has been documented by several
authors. When they are angry or emotionally
activated, their eyeslits, that central portion of the
iris, are seen as vertical.

So, I will describe the way that tech works. In one

of the highly devilupped UFOS a game I used to
play with my oceanic alien friends were the form
matrix. When one gets angry one takes on the form
of a shark. A little angry a sword fish. And so on.
When I multiple thought streams – One big shark
and a few small sharks. Trying to be serious and
not playful – a stegosaur.

So what happens ? And how does the tech work.

The form of a form is the form it observes itself as.
The wavefunction is collapsed by the Observer, in
the form of one of the eigen functions of the
observation operator.


Sometimes when we feel strong, we say I feel like a

Lion. That is because a sub-Dna pocket is activated.
And partly that affects own observation. If that
pocket were to be amplified, and what the aliens
escribe as the identity wave of the being
altered, then the self observed form will be that of a
lion. The Buddhist monks had those transformation
powers, for instance. Padmasabhava, for instance.

Now after entirely ruining civilization, and

education stuffed in to make people serve their evil
agenda, the west is going, “ PLUZZ.. ONE MORE
want absolute death? Switzerland has started
marketing suicide pods for its elderly. Totally

And not only that everytime you served them they

enslaved you even more. Stood against your people
and nation. Engineered their academia to tell bad
about India – that Indian history were all about


Sati, female infanticide, child marriage and cow

woriship. A standard line is Indian tradition is all
about cow worship. Even people in India
swallowed that bullshit and remote regions they
mudeed people eating beef ot get spiritual. Do you
see the danger in inviting the trash again into India
or encouraging people to take their academia for a

If Indian slow the fuck down and first with a group

skilled in animation and entertainment – throw out
all teachers and make beautiful animated works –
then India naturally will be a education oriented
nation. Increasing in wisdom daily. Why is it that
Indains can blojabb facebook and twitter – but
cannot leverage the software engineering field to
uplift India? Because the cheapshit want to run to
some ease to blowjobb.. Anyway..

The idea is don’t be peiss of shit spineless

cowworshipper serving people who swear at the
land of your ancients.

Once they insult your land – do not work for them.

Don’t think.. just one more bloojaabb and they
prosperity will spay on you from them. For fukk’s
sake. It never happnned. Never will. Look at a


blaaggu beeble in USA – the more they slaved after

a few centuries even same shit. They locked up
Mohamed Ali even out of their evil need to
suppress everybody. Ali were in later years of the
opinion Black Americans need a separate nation.
Because uniqueness grows in free unique
enviroenemnts. Not suppressive mixed
enviroenments of 81 genders. Where the only goal
is to work for moneys.

First of all India needs to remove all repressive

frameworks. Unnecessary beaurocratic procedures,
unnecessary and pretentious EVIL laws – remove
them under the banner of devillupping better laws.
When they hear the world devillupment, Indians
programmed by the evil British will go…

One of the major roadblocks to progress in India is

the gombedition extends not just between kids, but
using kids between parents. Parents equire what
other people’s kids are doing and start aking faces
at each other based on each other’s jobs.

Now the remedy to it is to realize it is the cheapshit

Sudras that are obsessed with jobs. Sometimes we
need to leverage terminology and a bit of insult


against those who hold evil attitude. Even though

Sudra is no swearword. For them to rise to the
status of being a Sudra – being able to work in the
mode of serving for a Divine end – is a billion miles
from them.

Anyway, on a practical sense, respond with “ He

doesn’t enjoy working for money all day. He
believes in leading a free life with study, self
improvement, and a bit of exploration. We also
think that is the path to a full life. At any point in
life if he needs money he can go out and attempt a
business or anything. This frantic run everybody is
doing is a product of another era that we need to
abandon. “ Or, “I find it good that he is nor
‘working’ for anybody.” Or, it is a girl, “ I think
girls of good families should spend time studying
arts, various fields, relaxing, reading, engaging the
greater aspects of existence, and uplifting
themselves and family.”

Or respong in a terse way, “ He prefers not to work

for other people. I think it is a good thing.
Especially when there is no need, why do the
drama “ Or, “These IT jobs have damaged a whole
generation. Are people still doing it?”

Life doesn’t exist in some tiny little workspace. It is


torture. A kid would tear up to no end if forced to

work without a deeper purpose. It is education that
finally makes people so demented, that even if well
off they want to enslave their kids. False education,
the movies, the television, etc. which are pure evil.
Think of a good family sending their women to
work? Even higher the greater the Sin. If Alexander
The Great’s wife went to work for other people to
become strong and independent, Alexander
wouldn’t be so great. We’d all laugh naturally at
both the idea and also at Alexaander the “Great.”
Assume then she got an “offshore” “ opportunity”
in Africa. Things won’t be great at all for
Alexander. Its human nature. Did not Diana
blobobb her horse driving instructor. Why does the
second “prince” look exactly like that? Well, they
are a reptilian lineage – so they might even
willfully set it up to drag down ideals of
humankind. They are not royalty. Again if you look
at the west even the royalty is not royal beyond the
fake attire. They are people worthy of derition. It is
only their own evil media that attempts to peddle
the trash as anything worth attention. Again these
peisses of cuckold porn shit should take up a good
portion of your kids history textbooks in school –
programming them to think of them as their ex-
slaves? Have some dignity.


Another idea is working in foreign countries as

some ideal. We saw how Indains were getting
kicked in the nuts in even Eastern Europe. These
working class shit lead out a meek existence there,
and then do drama in front of others at home. Trat
them likes social pariah if they want to make shit
out of the fact that they are traitors. The very idea
of working for especially Brits ought be an
abomination. We saw even during the vax phase
they attempted to run down India. Their evil vax
itself were made by their wing in India and foolish
Indians took it and became GMO. Then, they were
saying Indians need to revaccinate or quarantine
there and Indian vaccine certification is not
accepted by them. Indian government responded
in the same way, And then they became normies.
Even then their tweet on it were saying “ Vaccines
from India, congo, rawanda.. will be accepted”
Something of the sorts, clubbing India with those
nations. When India did the mars mission drama,
or the nuke test thing, or anything – Brits wanted to
drive a kinfe into India. Well, they often hook their
royal “princess” with a paki because they hate
India that much. Their parliament is filled with
stinky pakis. When India adopted the same stance
regarding British vax, Indians wanting to travel
there were scared they would face endless insults.


Even to go through their courses, on India, or social

things, they have to repeat Indians are cow
worshippers doing Sati, and what not.

Well, in some of those places where traditionally

funerals have been held, there are records of 150
years, with the year of death – there is no record of
husbands and wife all dying on same day, or same
year, etc. In ancient Yogic era, where everyone
were a sage, they could abandon the body at will.
Even then we do not see they doing that. When a
Mughal Indian king, if I remember right, died, it is
recorded, and the wife wanted to leave the world
with him, she were forcefully prevented from
doing that, and as the children were to be taken
care of she were advised into that mode of action.
In eras of wars it were normal for women to take
their lives during wars when men died, rather than
“ enroll” in the opposite army for a happy life,
with luxuries monthly “ salary” and shit. In the
German drama William Tell, written by the great
German philosopher and playwright Friedrich
Schiller, we find the conversation, .. Well. I will
devote a whole page to it.



Whate'er great Heaven inflicts, we must endure;

But wrong is what no noble heart will bear.


This house--thy pride--war, unrelenting war

Will burn it down.


And did I think this heart

Enslaved and fettered to the things of earth,
With my own hand I'd hurl the kindling torch.


Thou hast faith in human kindness, wife; but war

Spares not the tender infant in its cradle.


There is a Friend to innocence in heaven.

Send your gaze forward, Werner--not behind.



We men may die like men, with sword in hand;

But oh, what fate, my Gertrude, may be thine?


None are so weak, but one last choice is left.

A spring from yonder bridge and I am free!

STAUFF. (embracing her).

Well may he fight for hearth and home, that clasps

A heart so rare as thine against his own!

What are the host of emperors to him?

Gertrude, farewell! I will to Uri straight..

- Schiller, William Tell

So women abandoning their life when husbands

died during a war of the sorts is presented as an
Ideal even in the 1700s Germany. What might have
been recorded with the Rajput during time of war,
and so on, were of course no normal mode of
behavior in India. The Brits have been absolute


poison to the world. They will take the most frienge

of ideas and use it to hide the great ideas in the
land for their parasitic benefits. Never import
anything from here to that dead island of Britain.
They have been poison to the mIddle East, to
Russia - just existing by their poison glib, and one
or two old towns. What do they have if they stop
bloojabbing USA? Nothing. Empty, devoid of
substance trash. Not only that their academia have
been explicitly antagonistic toward and jelaous of
Indian students that are bright. Throughout their
fukking history.

Anyway, to the topic of doing good in society.

So what is the mode of work as a society. If you

find someone doing great things, will discipline
and faith, assist the action. Don’t abandon half
way, etc. All these are principles. Loyalty is a
profound principle. It invites blessings from
heavens. Loyalty to what is good, to what has done
good to you during difficult times, etc. The evil
academia teaches simply jumping boats for money.
That exact sme advise they give on television
programming to your wives.

Measure the impact of what you are doing in the

world. Is it work your time. Is it good for the


world. What is the long term impact. And then

with great ease and patience do the world, with
discipline, respecting the word you have given,
and things of the sorts.

Even more importantly ask yourself what are you

doing as non-profession. Not for money – what is it
that you do for the world or yourself? If you spend
your easy time intensely improving yourself, that is
the greatest thing you can do for the world. If
world were transformed by outward action alone
hell holes like hyberabad would have been great. A
lot of glass buildings and fools swarming around to
eat and do hellishly empty work, in chaotically
built cities is absolute hell. Why would anybody
spend a day doing that? For what? Build more hell?

Where a human improves oneself the whole on

Nature is filled with Joy. The wisdom is propgated
into the world. The DNA fields evolve. New
phenomenon appear on earth from the Solar
Origin. This is the way great kingdoms are built.

Assume you all worked like hell for a billion years,

you would probably devolve into lesser and lesser,
and there is a legend ants were once such a group
of humans that devolved. Remember already your


heights and stature are dropping. “ If I devillup AI

and put it in my brain then everything will be fine”
“ Well.. good luck if you think that will be the
outcome.” Working on such a path is worse than
taking posion and drking it – it is poisoning all
your world – making generations demented. Just
like nuke bomb. Even the effect of zimmply
working in IT, will take a few generations to
reverse. Now if you put machines in your body,
probably will go entirely sterile, dumb, without
wisdom, working stubborn as a mule, and then
they will introduce artificial wombs – well, they
already have devilluped lambs in artificial wombs.
Matrix tech invisible to the human eye will make
the controlled humans appreciate the artificial
wombs and genetic altered evil-alien alien genetic
humans agenda on social media, etc. And the rest
of the world too weak from wanking and working
all week, will be to weak to oppose. Well, weekend
would be for waning, weekdays for working. So
when do they oppose?

Actually, because of the tech that edits out

appearance, and that tech hovers around in another
dimension or space invisible to the human eye…
What happens is even if they are making evil
aliens, it will appear as humans to the ordinary. It’s


an absolutely sinister agenda .

I were talking to an alien friend, when asked what

the vaccination agenda is for the friend replied,” To
make their babies.” I laughed it off as my friend
were kinda very young. Despite repeated insistence
that were the agenda, I were unable to figure how.

Then, a few weeks later, I see this video by a

doctor, Dr. Carrie Madej, in which she says in the
fetuses .. when either parent is vaccinated.. they
were “ for the first time ever” they were seeing in
the images of it, what seems “parasitic like” “ “
squiggly lines.” “Nobody knows what it is and
they are told by their superiors to shut up.” Don’t
say a word. Don’t do anything about it” “ I don’t
know.. but there were more parasite than embryo”
she says in a frantic tone. The video were doing
rounds on Social media in Jan 2022. Even though
they systematically erase things from social media,
it is still available at the time of writing. You could
perhaps google to get the details.

The thing can with editing made to look like

human, by the time it is born. When that tech fails
for a second, another device scans and replaces it.
They have their tech around earth. That is why in
those reptilian appreance glitch videos, - which


include entire presidential families, the royal

families, the superstars etc. These people seem to
have a very . .well… not so human quality.. Like
entirely glamour and money focus, etc. Humans
seek something more, usually. That kind of
behaviour is then peddled by the evil controlled
media to make room for their kind of existence. The
sunshades appeared in the west as their tech fails I
the eye, often. The pupil of the eye– when angry,
emotionally exited, etc. – turns into the form of the
lizard. Tons of these incidents have been recorded
even on live televition and if you would do a
youtueb search you will see it. Search your
favourite politicians name with it. Politicians in the
west are either that category, mixed genes, or are of
the satanic ritual group. Nobody else- NONE
make their way to the top. Every wrester actor is an
actor – no matter which side they pretend to be on.

When parents stress out children to run on this

treadmill to death – they should realize they
damage genetics for generations. This phenomenon
, and it is now thought since all chronic diseases
have their origin in the DNA alterations, different
forms of environmental stress is at the origin of it
all – ranging from psychological stress to social
media generated stress, to environmental toxicity,


toxic partners, etc. Regarding toxic partners,

everybody should educate themselves on the
phenomenon of the Narcisstic Personality Disorder
through youtube videos, etc. Immediately a
thousand different things that seemed wrong with
people that do attitude is brought to light. This is
one of the major factors of unhappiness and
dissatisfaction of the modern way of life. An
inexplicable why some people behave entirely
subhuman. NPD explains it. A KNOWN devull IS
easier to handle. And an understanding of it given
in early schooling even will enable kids to stand up
against it in life both during youth and during the
afterwards. These forms of psychological tools
needs to be endowed to the kid. It enables also
individuals to be on guard against devilluping the

But that said one shouldn’t go to extremes and

label everything NPD. Then one will end up as the
American wusses whining over everything.

Well, I were talking about the run on the treadmill

to death for fame to please parents and a bit of
carrots thrown at the donkey doing that. Parents
should take a good look at themselves are they
investing their child’s life to reap their greedy gains
– and to show off among their evil money minded


relatives. Those relatives will not say a how are you

during your oldage or illness – if you run out of
money. If you want to put the same disease onto
the rest of your family – what will they too behave
like? When leaving from this world, people take
along their thought traits etc. So not just in one life
will that torture exist around.

Actually, unlike what false spiritual traditiosn say,

what forms here is a view of the eternal. So family
etc are not passing forms. Its what you did now
that reflects in your future worlds too. A Yanga
oriented life – and I don’t imply some out ritual of
fire yagna – but that life of study, gayatri mantra,
pranayama, Zen, friendships, good food, family,
joys, engender the similar patterns in future
worlds. The brighter aspects of the same is
heavenly worlds.

“ But I saw on teevee that meditating people are

soo sad and boring they don’t like family and all
that shit.” Who were like that? I dunno.. In
Mahbahrata who were like that? None. In Ramyana
who were like that? None. Even the greatest sages
cared for their family and sons. And their sons all
sages, devoutedly cared for their parents.

It is only when family turns adharmaic that one


keeps a distance.

In an era, monks resorted to a meditation study

oriented life. More often than not in those societies,
they understood as a society the goal, and their
family were joyous to understand they take such a

The idea proceeds of an entirely meditative path

from an understanding of Buddhism. Buddha’s
original teaching were only in a tiny and narrow
aspect recorded. Btw, it were not thought distinct
from the traditions already present in India.
Buddha advises the chanting of the Vedic Gayatri
Mantra. The Nalanda university had idols of
Ganapati, etc. In the excavation it hs been found
Vedic studies being part of the curriculum is
recorded by the travellers, etc.

The superficial divisions were made by the evil

western academia. They have to invent labels and
write things under subtitles and aprgraphs to get a
degree. Things in reality were different and

One of Buddhas efforts were to remove the focus

on banners, groupisms, empty termsetc and bring
the focus on to knowledge as pure knowledge. So
often Buddha would say that he has not taken


either standpoint – but urge people to understand

through thinking. He often engages people to think
for themselves through dialogue. But remember all
these were recorded only based on hearsay and
that too after a few centuries.

Analysis, debates, thinking profoundly,

progressing to absorbed meditation on the
Absolute, etc. were part of the tradition. And that is
still preserved in the Himalayan version of

Buddha has been described as some as giving a

unique spiritual medicineof advise to each who
asked. It were not a mechanical academic banner of

They also systmetically - as the acedmia at the top

is reptilian 0 attempt to hide the truth. Like
Buddha’s second teaching Anatmalakkanasutta,
the sutra of signs of the non-eternal, is about
distinguishing the Self from the Non Self. The Self
as the eternal dynamics and the Non Self as the
passing non eternal views. Finding the Self is the

The same Bright Eternal world spoken of as

Brahman, is spoken of as the Great Brightness by
Zen, as the Clear Light of the Day by Tibetan


Buddhism. These are only different words, not

different realities.

Zen repeatedly uses the world the Self.

In the 10 Ox Herding diagrams of Zen make

obvious the search for the Self and the entering the
Origin. The window of the Nothingness, the ether
planes, were only that window into the great
brightness that Zen took. There are other
approaches too. This is evident from the writigns of
the Blue Cliff Records. Now they grow wings and
fly sideways at the great gate the Blue Cliff Records
say. That is one has to after touching the gate of
Nothignness, transcend into the Beyond, the
Eternal, the Brahman.

Well.. I were driving at the Academia knows next

to nothing and they neither see nor feel anything
directly. They are machines repeating one another.
Punished if they don’t repeat what they are
demanded they repest. So awful.

What the evil academics have done - due to their

evil, superficialness, and foolishness – is make up
an idea that Buddha taught there is no underlying
reality or self, etc. Well, Buddha taught the
appeared phenomenon and false ideas of self are
all passing. At that era in India just as even now in


the vernacular the word atma meant different

things. Some thought the transmigrating bodies are
eternal. Some thought atma meant ghost just as in
Indian movies now. Well, that is not the idea of the
Self. The Self is not of the appeared worlds, but of
the Brahman planes. The Individual Soul from its
position in one of world-matrices, or world wombs,
gains salvation into existence in eternal worlds, and
that is identification with the Brahman worlds , or
the light of the Brahman in a stage of the path.

Well, to understand the structure of the universe,

remember I described the Sun as a 6D entity. It
were first taught to me by a Preistess from a South
American Temple – which is in anther dimension
now. It were moved to another dimension. When I
asked about something her response were, “ The
Sun is not a gas ball.” At first It hought, “
Hhuhuhuhuhuh.. I have a more advanced
knowledgeof astronomy. “

Then in the audio talks of a Vedic Mathematics

thing , by Dr Kapoor, I saw the same idea that all
phenomenon here origins from the Sun, the vedas
are written on the rays of the Sun.

Actually .. Well… if you saw the design of the new


Ram Mandir – you see a large gopuram or what is

word.. spire.. surrounded by smaller ones… then
thre are even smaller ones around that.

The worlds are mathematically structures. At the 4

dimensional plane, as Dr Kapoor points out, the
four faces of Brahma represent 4 directions
structures as worlds. At the 5th , the domain of Siva,
there are in 5 directions Brahma worlds, and at the
6th , there are in 6 directions 5 dimensional worlds.
The manifestation of the Supreme being at the 6th
plane is the Suns, the Adiytas, which is why the
Gita says, “ Adityanman aham Vishnu” Among the
Adityas, know me to be Vishnu. Upanishads
describe God as the Man in the Sun. The Purusha
in the Sun. Well, the term Purusha means Man,
Person, he who is the dweller in the world-
phenomenon. Remember that the Bible uses Son of
Man, and Son of God interchangeably.

Russian Torsion physics arrived at the same Idea.

Gravity as a result of some kind of consciousness
affected torsion waves.

So the Sun is living, and the earth is one of its

charkas, the all six chakras of the human are the
universal chakras and thus aspects of the Solar


charkas itself, in the inner view. The earth is 5D.

The earth is not such and such a distance from the
Sun, but the way we process the waves in the Solar
Matrix, gives us the idea tht it is. Just as in a video
game we might think a building is “ far away” but
it is only an interpretation of waves in own brain.

The wave filter is the DNA. The brain is the DNA

expanded. The 4D nature of the DNA is why the
skull has 8 major bones. Human DNA is the core
DNA of this plane.

The King of a race is not a random occurrence but

is the core DNA matrix of that group. Thus the
people tend o serve the king as serving the Kign
nourishes the whole Kingdom. Thus the world
forms an ordering even by the structure of the

bHASKARACHAYRA begins his treatise on math

by bowing to the “ UnApperaed Ishvara, the
Number, and the One Seed of the Entire Universe.”
The number is the dimensional domains 6,5,4.. etc.

The familial ordering is similar. If you want glory

in this world and the other that Dharmic ordering
is extremely important. It is not a random
occurrence. But is the Divine ordering reflected


The soalr phenomenon idea ought not be

understood as “ Oh the world is a machine” well, it
is divine machine, which the Supreme Beign has
power to alter in its story aspects and other aspects
the way He would Will. And ther eis a Divine
Eternal that is viewed through the world
phenomenon. Thus the world phenomenon, held in
sacred ways, is the Path.

Because Buddhism involved analysis of the worlds

and beyond, Buddha taught directly analyzing it in
perception . When pereption as oen whole in
absorbtive meditation, it were samPasyan, and
when analyzed part by part it were viPasyan, sam
like sum meant together, vi means kind of
something like separate. Also Pasyan has sound
passh like perss in persseption *HINT *HINT.
ViPassana is the Pali version of it. Because the
human body is the universe-matheamtical frame
perceived here, the chakras and the above the head
as the 7th, the universe is in a whole aspect of it,
unveiled through the lens of own DNA, the inner
mathematical machine and frame, whose DNA
vibrations are perceived as the human form. The


perceiving of it directly in different aspects were

ViPasyana, and now it is diluted and marketed ad
some kinda easing and breathing. That is worse
than getting dressed up like Newton and staring at
the skies to imagine one is doing what Newton did.

“ And I also saw on teevee.. e.e.e.e. that spiritual

people only eat leaves.. weak.. weak clothing.. is
always saaad..e tc.. gets bitchslapped always etc.”
Duh.. I have to repeat again.. That is programming.
The seven course dinner is seven course as it serves
all seven chakras. Well, at some stages just as in
ordinary life, you prefer a adifferent kind of food.
Its not that you only want to eat 7 course dinners if
you turn spiritual. You don’t even feel the existence
of the charkas when you get started. So listen to
your ehart and soul, and reason and brain to
understand what you should eat. The sciences of an
era definitely provide a kind of scientific advise-
but greed of corporates can and does obsure

The clothing of the emperors is so because it

strengthens the spiritual qualities. Doesn’t men you
should join a fancy dress troupe. The normal attire
of an era is good. It is the Brahman that evolves


every phase of history

The warriors of yore were warriros of Epic

proprotions as they had their spiritual strengths.
The Vikings even shouted “ For Odin” .. Well. Odin
is their God, as they enterd war. Not “ for happyyy
liiife going to supermarket after working for
moneeeeeey… “

Prosperity and Joys have to exist here before

money or anything can bring it to anybody. If the
world outside is a bunch dull evil people wanting
money for what? Even if they want to go after all
the hedonistic things.. even then there needs to be
quality things in the world.

Wines are another good example. All monks drank

wine. It is the mentall deragned that cannot handle
that drink. Or if by some reason one is not inclined
to drink it, it is equally fine. But it were always
htougth a divine Drink. Jesus did not manufacture
Coca Cola but made Wine.

Now, what happens when it is thought to be some

empty form of entertainment – utter and
permanent disaster. If it is understood to be sacred,
it will be dealt with in sacred amounts and sacred


ways, for the sacred purpose of keeping the

awareness bright and clear. Well, Ayurveda is full
of what? Wines. And that is about the amount to

I always wonder if the western kind of refinement

of wine making I adapted into wines of Ayurveda..
Or, if homeopathic preparations are to be made
from it… Well.. it would be epic.

So Wines, Family Life, Education, ability of

Warriors, Joys, Food, have all been proven to be not
material but spiritual.

Well spiritual planes being real are material and

material planes are only a level of density of the
spiritual planes. So the weird division made by
modern academia is plane weird.

Now, what about even more superficial things like

ornaments. In the origin they were purely of a
spiritual purpose, and which is why the royalty
used it. Like the necklace pendant were to activate
the heart chakra. The forehead ornaments to
brighten up the forehed chakra, to keep the


awareness there. Just as an additional catalyst, not

necessary - but you know it kan nd does have its
place in world aesthetics, and reflecting the
spiritual here, and amplifying energies, etc. Well.. If
inner spieitual evolution and brightness is not
there, its is as empty as anything else. The shields
etc the warrirs used to wear, all of that often served
a simialr purpose. The winged helmets of the
ancient Germanic warriors reflected the evolved
crown chakra. Well, the crown of the king did the
same. In war they had to keep their energies at the
brightest. The weapons would be charged by it.
Anybody who did even simple karate knows
human invisible nergies play a role in any decent
punch. Which is why they do the shoute from the
lower abdoemen, releasing the ki, etc. When any
art goes supernormal, it ihas to understand
supernormal principles. When society goes
supernoermal it aligns in outer form of art,
buildings, ornaments, music, food ,
enterntainment, games, all with the brighter inner
world. That is not to say building spiritual ooking
buildings all around. But beuatuful aesthetic
architecture, is a reflection of the ordering of the
worlds. The Ancient Geek Buildings. The
architecture of the now buried under the earth
Tartarias. Those tall city poles with an angel figure


on top- the spine and the unfolinding the crown

energies.. Actually even the totem poles were the

The so labelled Tribal cultures – are worthy of far

greater respect when they have a Spiritual
endeavor, They in their efforts keep the earth safe
from evil forces which are actually invited in by the
emptiness of the modern ideas. So who is the

The fountains, all reflect inner human worlds, the

flow of energies inside, and thus from the outer,
reflecting in inner feeling encourage on a bright
evolution inside. Thus cities ca be made inherently
spiritual without introducing an explicit idea of
whatever. Even the study of usual math, any field
that brightens th einner, the culinary science, wine
tasting, all these .. can form aspects of own path.

As I have already repeated a few ideas, this would

be a good time to repeat another idea. That
spiritual effort is not fancy. It is not about Bujee


jumping from Himalayas, Then Skyyy diving

upside down from Agarhta, etc.

A good idea would be to describe a scenario. Usual

world, kids have just after spending dull time
doing well.. dullennign things.. and after escaping
the fear of exams and what not of fearful studies
with no substance, reason, or prupose.. escaping
the fears of their teachers who are just doing drama
for salary.. decide to spend some time playing
circket. There is some fun, perhaps a fight onsents
to much worry over triviae, and then back to dull

Instead the same act of engaging a sport. The

children already know the naturalness of
Pranayama, reading the Gayatri Mantra etc. So
they spend around 5 mintues doing Gayatri
Mantra- visually reading as I Descibe in the
appened book , and doing a few pranyamas. This
charges up their physical energies. Pranayams (
Alernate nostril) bring an energy that is beyond the
dualistic energy of the world. They hold the good
bright Spirit, even the cellular mechanisms are
inclined to do so. The brain is inclined to do so by
virtue of the Gaytri, and then they proceed to


joyously play the game. Their joys are a thousand

times brighter, as the physical form itself is
brighter, and adapted to the evolution of joy. Their
joys brighten family and society. The sight of them
endows wisdom to parents and the world. Nature
brightens up. There is prosperity from Nature. The
sport becomes even better than the phgyscial
exercises of Yoga, not just Joy evolves, the energy
sparked in Pranayama and Gayatri evolves and
merges with every cell of the body.

Here it is not about over coeptitiveness, gavskar for

umpire, etc. Engage the sport with itnellgience
planning, and what not. But it only deepes the
underlying friendships – it is not that kinda
grunting barking everybody is an enmy kidna
lifeless shit.

If an apartment play cricket inside, with rules like

one bounce catch is out. There were videos of Virat
Kohli and friends playing cricket that way indoors.
So simply Joy is the goal.

That Joy is the Light of the Spirit, Light of God, “

Joy, Joy turns the wheels, “ writes Schiller. Sat Chid
Ananda says a few anceitn sages as the Nature of
the Divine Being or the Supreme Being. Ananda is
Joy. So that Life aligned to the deepr purpose is a a


stream of unending Joy.

In the final stage one may undertake a greater

amount of meditation. It is that which gets
recorded and then people think spirituality means
meditating on weed. At that stage they may ignore
the things of the world, as the inner brightness
itself Joyously storms away all attention.

The Gita is clear on this. In the beginning of

Chapter 6, “Of he who desires to ascend to Yoga,
action is the path. Only who ahs already touched
yoga, of him alone is the tranquility the path. “

That were said while Arjuna were urged on to the

Spritual action of the terrible war. As it were his
Dharma. This is different from people ganging
together and fighting everybody etc. Or
waakakakakaka screaming tribals or grunting
around or barking around, and always being in a
violent mode, or being a terrorist to go to heaven.
Arjuna and brother went to 12 eyars exile to avoid
war. Even during the war, is principles such as
only one major awarriro faces another, etc.
Dharmic thought pervades. Even while sending the
Brahmastra against Ashwattama, for havign
murdered the sons of the Pandavas at night while
they were asleep, and then using the Brahmastra


against the Pandavas who tacked him down,

Arjuna is a deeply Sattvic state, and Vyasa records
Arjuna wishing the best for Ashvattama, and all
beings, before releasing the Astra.

So these aren’t feeple you can imitate bluntly. It is

better to stick to trying to become Shah Ruh Khan
by wearing sunshades on social media First photo
– simple one “ Naah.. I am not impressive” Second
one changes background to americans, and wears
sunshades “ Wow I gotta be great” Devullups
pride. Strutts around. Ruins existence.

Another thing is if you can gradually adviss your

family and parents on these ideas it will help. Share
the book with your friends so they share similar
ideas and your own world is brightened as well.
Friends understand your ideas. They have similar
ideas. And similar endavours is a great thing.

Well, if your parents know the ideas, they wont

make ugly faces everytime you go to play circket,
or curse you for spinging time playing circk “ why
don’t ziiimbply spend time devilupping dumb
work in ai like ooooolllll other tech support indain
kids * head nodding sideways * ugly expfression
revealing they have a deep rooted disgust over
ever making their kids”


Well, the advantage is also that if all your peers and

girls in your generation don’t devillup comeptiivie
spirit and comparing you with other people, future
there is a change your wife wont compare your “
perforence’ with your neighbours “ performce” – I
imply salary etc. Don’t think ideas. Everything
starts with keeping a good brain.

This evil idea – assume your brother had an injury

and has to hopp around on a stiletto for a weak –
abroken ankle – would you care more or be
displased at the performance? So parents similarly
WENT PAST EXPIRY SOON. Performance wise
they don’t even stick around as family. Worth

What is the “ PERFORMANCE” OF A MONK? Or

“ performance” OF A.. WHATEVER.. YOU

Then we might all make an arabix belly dancer de


Indan parents of a generation were absolutely evil

in the idea. Froma young age kids had to live for
the performance. The ideal were the demented
show pieces on TV. “ smart” “outgoing” cheapshit


tin foil peiss on nonsense were imitted around.

Because visual.. Not judged based on actual joys or
anything. So Indian kids slave around for money to
please parents. Take happe selfies to please
parents, give out an idea of happy married life to
please parents.. and before the marriage NRI
Indian kids are expected to party like hos in
preparation of marriage.. well.. if they did that they
would give out the impressing they have a happy
bix life. Then the parents see the visuals of each
others kids all of them empty in the head.. and
compete against each other sung kids as pawns.
Every sentence of the aunties of an era were.. that..

So it is important that with the discipline of Adolf

Wittler, one needs to advise and correct the evil
behaviour of parents. These negative words,
negative ideas, negative thoughts are all when
offered to a kid who is to grow, like dirt thrown at
the fire of Yagna. That engenders evil. Family is not
to keep a ugly face at home and show off face in
society. Family is the space of Yagna. SO in family,
the interactions ought be even more profound and
deep. The only guidance one need to give the kid
or vice versa kid to the parent is to live a substance
filled life. When the parents have that substance,


the child can offer good words, and even that very
act is an act of rising toward heavenly existences as
a family. That Joy appears here and now.

Greed and money mindedness, takes several masks

including over worry of “ performance “ of kids. I
am sure kids are not comparing parents.

Speaking of performance the “ performing” arts

such as singing, dancing ,etc. were not ACTUALLY
FOR PERFORMACE. Siva made the art of

Let’s take singing, if you have an inherent spiritual

effort and idea of that endeavour, Gayatri Mantra,
Pranayamas, Zen, then the seven swaras magnify
the awrness fo the seven chakras. Well, that is felt
as the chakrs evolving faster.

Without the spiritual evolution, you can ofcourse

win triphy clear the threat, become a performance
whatever, etc. There is a story of a performing bear
in a golden cage and another at freedom by the
river side.. The free bear wept when he it wer etold
its friend is now a performance artist in a golden
cage. Same is the idea of success in the world.


Which is why those who have touched other

worlds kidna don’t want to get fmous and be
trapped in the attention of fools. Also during the
stage of evolution, the sealing away of the world,
avoiding attention etc. is extremely important.
Which is why people naturally form circles of a few
friend,s all evolving animals form families, etc. This
is not to say go to an extreme walk around in a
bitchblack whatever .. even in the dark.. when ther
eis no power supply.. wear sunshades.. etc. and
make people run think you are a terrorist and what

Similarly the art for of dance is a form of yoga, and

most of the forms were designed for the female, It
is because it is sacred and a form of Yoga that it
evolved from Siva. So done with the awareness of
the energies fo the Supreme Being, inside, it is a
form of Yoga.

Similarly study of fields that interest. The culinary

arts are not a field of blind imitation but that allows
profound study. In my opinion Euro food is near
the idea the Gita advises. This is because to make
India fall food had to be weaponized. Things like
chilli etc were introduced to India, didn’t exist
before. So the question of what is the food that
evolves the human best – in term of stability for


spiritual endeavour, physical stability of energies,

etc. is to be understood. The very taste is a guide.
Tea has slightly purifying qualities given the sharp
taste. What does the Japanese tea making art have
to teach?

Coffee is somewhat invigorating in taste followed

by a kind of dullness, so perhaps too much is not

Medicinal substances or strong herbs are not food.

Gentle herbs are gentle in taste. Merdicinal ones
have a strong vibration – a strong taste. What
happens if you regularly take medicine without
reason. Also if the food vibration is made chaotic,
the substance wont settle in the physical form in an
orderly way. Even endeavours such as searching
ancient recipies of different traditions, reasoning
and profoundly meditating on the why. When a
Greek text says a substance has the property of fire,
can you feel it yourself. Can you understand it
from the feeling of the taste, or sight. Or, just the
deeper vibing with it.

Food has an overall smooth vibration, such as with

cheese. The idea of eat a lot of carbs and spices is
from when the evil aliens engineered a mudflood
and everything were lost. So people had to survive.


Carbs – grains should be produced with sacred

high quality agricultural practices. What about
subliminal playing of Vedic chants, or vibrations.
Research vibratory medicine on that aspect. Well, it
has nothing to do with filling the society with
chaotic noises and noise pollution in the name
ospsiritualty as if blaring shit here will directly
reach heavn in the sky. All that chaotic and frantic
activity is to be discarded – it is not of a sattvic
nature. Sattvic, doesn’t btw mean sad borning
wearing weird pastes everywhere, talking in a
nasal sound, eating only fermenetd flour, etc. It is
th opposite, the bright strong state of Arjuna, ever
ready for steady bright eneavour, filled with
unwavering vigour, aligned with the Origin, the
Truth, the Etneral Brightness Filling, etc. is
Sattvic.Sat means the truth planes, the eternal – the
energies thereof, the energies of the Brahmastra etc.
What is shown in teevee is the opposite
programming a dull state – tamasic. When spices
and over activsting food is had, the mechanical
result is tamasic state. A necessary amount of meat
on the other hand activates the dull aspects and
enables establishing of the bright state. Too much
activation without inner substance, swings into
dullness such as that of the glutton, etc.


All endeavours thius have a deeper purpose and a

goal, when proper spiritual effort runs in parallel
and is the foundation. It IS as is one nature with th
spiritual effort. Even going out on a dinner with
good friends is activation of what? Joy? Good Joy is
what? Activation and integration of spiritual
energy into the physical form. As I have said, a
phase of Brahmachrya is the foundation of
understanding this and naturally achieving the
state. By Brahmacharya of awareness, it is
established naturally.

The Gita advises, “ Unto the One, situated in the

heart alone resort.” Even in outward worship, it is
that inner brightness that brightens. So eventually,
.. well.. you will understand when you
understand.. The inner brightness keeps the
awareness from going outward.. the integration
with eh form occurs, etc. The movements enable all

Martial arts, SPORTS, adventures, study, and so on

serve the similar purpose. The two different
genders naturally gravitate toward different

Don’t underestimate the amount of energy evolved

by simple activity. Even all of western history and


history f he world were altered by the simple

discussions Socrates, Plato and friends had in the
evenings. Not even that, no philosophy is needed,
the most normal, gentle, genuine kinda interaction-
when not too affectatious, etc. is all great.

Parents should remember the goal of study, etc. is

for the kid to evolve in eternity, for the family
prosperity is not just prosperity in this world. Well.
have you noticed people feel little no fear when the
stand in war for a great cause? A bright light seems
to take over. That way, even fear of death old age
doesn’t affect an individual leading a life in the
more which attends to the authentic evolution, the
thing bracketed out as spiritual, but which is
actually material evolution for every life, the
prosperity generator in Eternity, generation of
familial jos, fulfilling the greatest purpose of
existence, gradually. This applies to all in the
family. Nobody should be living dreaming of a
happy life filled with money, punishing kids to
make money fall from the tree etc. Time a human
has as human is the most important. If there is
enough for life, why torture kids out of life and
health, in greed, and descend all together into
lower ideas and thus lower worlds, eventually.

Do you see people mint tons of moneys and then


become healthy wealthy and wise? No.. wealth is a

different function from bankers numbers and
something one may get for a while from the
supermarkets. People who win lottery usually ruin
everything for themselves, healthwise, and
wisdomwise, and also whole of their lottery is also
gone often.

That anrrow greedy algorithm should be removed.

If not Indian, afriacn warlords, these would have
all been super rich long ago. If that greedy run
worked. If it ididnt work for you – chances are it
wont work for the next generation. Just seeing kids
do everything as society would have them -
doesn’t mean anything when society as a whole
have been sinking for a while now.

Liekwise, just shifting to other countries. Blagg

beeble from Africa “shifted” to America centuries
ago – again they to this day feel like they do not
belong. One cannot ignore own duty of building
own homeland. Only whenthe highest is touched is
there true freedom.

If empty work – it is the same, same kind of

dullness and meaninglessness inside, doesn’t
matter where. And the populace of many nations


see others who arrive there as not fitting. It’s a

natural fact. If a lot of pink Europeans or blagg
Afriggans arrived in India, there would be a
inherent level of opposition. So don’t blindly think
distilled solution to all their worries is some pretty
place and moneys. When the covid arrived – did
the wealthy move through it happily? So
phenomenon affects all. Preparation for life and
purposeful joyous living is something else.

The thoughts evolve joys and prosperity in an

environment Bright thoughts invite invisible
Devas. If the thoughts are always dull and “How
do I get my son to mint money.. I want him to mint
more money so that my public image goes up.. and
everybody will be sooo happy.. “ and a dull face
appears corresponding to the ugliness of the
thought.. Well. that ugliness is the being turning
ugly.. It is the repelling of Divine Joys.. the Devas
disappear at that thought.

Words torturing the child, irritating him, asking

him to work when there is no reason to, asking him
to do work which is not own Dharma, that is,
which his own Inner Soul, God Urging him – or her
for that matter - .. alright the sentence became too
complex. So let me break it down. Sva Dharma is
called Sva Dharma, as it has Sva as in Sva- Stika,


which means Standing in the Self, well. Sva means

Self and Stika means standing, situated.

Punishing till self awanress, awareness o fown

wrth and wisdom, and deep spiritual sense all
disappears.. Any way Sva Dharma appears inside
in the Soul, and as if an Impulse from God acting
through the Soul planes. This is descriebd int eh
beginning of the mimamsa sutras. Even if it isn’t
described there, It is so. So that inner thingy is what
a child must obey. The parent’s role is ot urge the
child to obey that through all adversity. It is
beyond a desire for worldly things. Just a parent
knows the child should be protected from the evil
ideas of the world. The parents knows it from
within. It is the false programming from TV, that
makes parents want to make the kid an evil money
minter who will then virtually ditch the parent in
old age. Why do self goals? As in the soccer kind
of self goal.

Then after all that when the child becomes callous,

without principle zimmbly wrogging for money
and wanking and his future wife similarly trained
is ofo a similar nature, and the whole world is a
mess – you blame the world and the new gen? Or


should it be like in the Linkin Park song.. “ Hollow

and Empty ♩.. The fault is my own ♩.. The Fault is

mu own ♩"

So it is not torture to become a hollow idiot that a

child is to be given – but a depth of Love despite
outward circumstances an urging to evolve
through the pattern of study, pranayama, Gayatri
that is described in the book. Didn’t ancient sages
advise that? Didn’t they say all happiness and
prosperity also emerge from it? Were they wrong?

So the goal should be viewed in terms of a stream

of lives. And the best opportunity ought be made
of the day. And a particular life.

There is a very particular purpose to existence. Its

not to randomly live and collect things while
growing diseased. Time gets everybody. And takes
every form away.

If one has devilluped that knowledge in oneself,

then one kan non frantically guide kids. Gently.
Growth takes lifetimes. Nothing is disappearing in
terms of what is eternal.

The usual Indian patten of



AGAIN NONSENSE… is absolute evil which is
why the new gen looks all demented and
purposeless, talks in one word sentences, etc.


function of moneys minted by the kid. Should you
expect a nation of greed to have Devas bringng
happiness? Have Soul. Study the Living On a
Prayer song by Bon Jovi. In which Bon Jovi says,

“ He's down on his luck, it's tough, so tough. Gina

works the diner all day working for her man. She
brings home her pay, for love, for love. She says,

we've got to hold on to what we've got. It

doesn't make a difference if we
make it or not. We've got each other and
that's a lot for love. We'll give it a shot. Woah, we're
half way there. Woah, livin' on a prayer.

Take my hand, we'll make it I swear


Woah, livin' on a prayer”

That is the foundation of life and family,

friendships, and so on. When children see and feel
that attitude in the Soul they will understand that it
exists and is the norm.

In such a state, the world around will emerge into

prosperity – wisdom, depth, Joys, etc.

Homes whether small or large ought be bright

spaces. We see lake side little huts but everything is
made dull and dark – why? With no budget, do a
few fancy wall paintings, ptu a few flowers inside.
Use a incense, make it a sacred pretty space.

Another thing is the new appearance oriented

culture. Those people are the empties hells walking
around. Not one action or sentence of depth can
they manage. Not one kiss of love if they are
married for a dozen years, its all empty shows, the
Soul is absent in them. The great appearance of
Gods, Vyasa says in Mabharata emerges from
Brahmacharya and spiritual effort. So false
appearances are not what a society should take as
the high ideal. That’s like a demon aspiring to
become an agel through altering appearance, even


if achieved it is the deadliest thing to be.

Similarly when people get a lot of easy money, and

a fw big homes, dullness sets in. Amazon founder
and wife separates when they were the richest in
the world. Money takes a grater imporantce a
delusion of happiness and a mortal physical form
that cannot go after all that, and there is a rush int o
hosptials, medicines, and death. If you did your
front two teeth in gold, had no soul , felt empty
inside, and floated in yacht all day, after your wife
and the parent of your kids took half the money
and is doing boob implants with it- DUNNO FOR
WHO – do you feel epic? USA it is normal for those
demonesses to send the father of their children to
jails for being unable to workup enough money for
a month or two. That soulless. Elderly are tortured
like that. The kids are fed hatred against their
father. They do not know what a family is like,
what the role a father is, and then do not know
what manliness is either. That existence leads to
hells on earth and world of similar whatever in the
next existence. Is it worth anything? Where do they
do vacations, a simple place a cottage with pretty
nature around.

Why not do that? Build pretty villages. A plan and

a vision is needed. The origin of what is pretty is


not the outer world, but the inside. So one initially

needs to uplift oneself – again through Gayatri,
Pranayama, performance of own duty, etc.

Just by going to college and learning a few tricks

one is not endowed with a deep aesthetic sense –
one doesn’t become Vishwakarma by mere
outward education. One cannot design the palaces
of Dwaraka or Hastinapura just by learning a few
simple ideas. The Self should be able to hold great
ideas, great inspirations, and for that the Spiritual
growth is the foundation.

The foundation of the goodness and whatnot

experienced at a home is own heart.

I am not advising for retiring before doing

anything or things of the sort – but avoiding
franticity. No matter how frantic a family is there is
only one in 7 billion possibility of the kid becoming
the richest in the world. In ease study, earning, all
those things are done more efficiently. And don’t
be driven by greed. If the kid is destined to mint
moneys, he will naturally be inclined to business,
etc. In the form of own Dharma that happens. Some
may chose to focus more on self growth say for 18
years after graduation as the family has enough
resources – that is great as well. And then he or she


may want to do things in the world. In fact as per

Bhisma, the form of yoga is when one gains
prowess through that natural spiritual endeavor
and then shakes up the world.

Study, knowledge etc being the foundation, and …

well.. remember if one person grows in wisdom,
practical knowledge, anything, the whole society is
lifted up automatically even if no work is done.
Ideas are not formed in one brain alone. One
person thinks great ideas, the vibration is world
over. This is a known effect. Like crystals are most
difficult to form the first time. There are researchers
saying if formed in one laboratory it is easier then
to form in any across the world. There is a field of
knowledge. Also, if one animal on one Island pick
up a skill, animals in other islands separated by
ocean and a hundred miles also do the same.
Within a species, with a group are all fields that
define the existence of that space, group, the DNA

So living a life studying one degree after the other

is a great contribution to the world. And it enriches
oneself across lifetimes. Shakespeare lifted up
humanity a thousand frantically working monkeys


have no way of imitating it. Shakespeare,

Beethoven etc. are possibly not the product of one
lifetime’s effort.

Another thing is one should largely be silent

humble about one’s work in the world. The culture
of everything including the photos of their wives
are for public show.. is disgusting.

The new agre kids fed of ideas of survival, and

somehow climb to the top are empty trash.
Whatver they do they remain at the lower rungs of
the ladder, if a few climb to the top they will throw
stoens at the rest in competitive spirit make a
disgusting and obnoxious show of oneself, and
really make an ugly space of where they are. They
have no depth – they do not want to udnerstand a
thing – what throws the money, they will go slave
for till they die hollow and empty in that sin and
descend to where they belong. This harms the
whole of society, the very spiritual space. It is what
generates criminals -these ugly patterns. And then
society whines trying to suppress it with shitty
useless laws which again end up punishing largely
innocents. As Einstein said, a problem cannot be
solved by the same level of consciousness that
created it. And repeating the same folly over and
over again is a sign of madness. If everybody


around you were frantic -did it work to make you a

truly better being, with depth?

Franticity can be avoided by just doing s few zen

breaths every time it rises. Without frnticity – you
are btter everything. Even for a warrior if he is al
lfrantc nerves unless it is some mad porcupine
kung fu – he is useless as a warrior. Zen were
incessantly done by Ninjas, Samurais, some of the
greatest swordsmen to live in the past few

Take a normal breath, gentle and a bit deep,

breathe out slow, gentle, deep, prolonged, YET
ALMOST EFFORTLESS, into the lower abdomen
area, below the navel, the hara. Visualize the breath
travel along the front of the body and enter the
lower abdomen space. Visualize the breatj clear the
dust on the mirror of the self the Soul.

In Zen one just observes the breath, breathing into

the lower abdomen.

Videos of Zen Teacher Hinnerk teach Zen

medittion. Hinnerk beign a Zen teacher, it should
have been obvious without me having to frantically
type the other half of the sentence. This is the


problem with India, enforcing unnecessary effort.

Anyway, the place one is born is like the egg where

one’s spiritual body is being incubated, and then
guess what.. yep.. hatched. So place or Nation of
birth is important till the spiritual transformation is
finished and one has freedom. People who hole up
in happy places, taking all the insults in exchange
of a degree or money is .. actually.. Well, if you
look at them, they gradually turn empty arrogant
evil. A good proportion, not all. Especially the new
gen – which thinks getting bitchslapped in front of
the IT machines is the goal of existence. And then
they devillup pride over the “achievement,” and
pride is the root of all fall. Bitchslap the arrogant
NRI trash and ask them to do things humbly for
their own family and own motherland, and work
for the benefit of the world. Not random bloojab
level jobs and imitate to the whatever the American
trash and what not. As in – DO NOT missout on
doing on Dharma and the joy it eventually brings.
A thousand years or a few hundred years,
remember blagg feeple in Americas are
discriminated. Mohammadi Ali were treated badly,
jailed for 5 years, during the best years he had. If
you want to do nothing but help them fake moon
landings, devllup AI and genetic engineering to


destroy the planet .. WELL.. THE FAULT IS ON


No devillupment of happiness or joys has been

brought by this culture or this tech. Nor will it. SO
FRANTIC EFFORT in the right direction, for
heaven’s sake – ONCE.

Everything emerging from Europe has been poison.

One of which is gender equality. Assume – if you
are proponet, especially – your dad and mom were
gender equal. A father’s love is different from the
mothers. So which equal love in equal proportions
will you experience. And assume your mom is
commanding around your dad .. well..
willkommein to new Europa. Its worth than death.
If you want to exchange having paretns for a happy
place promise.. well.. the false heaven.. the trade
off.. NOT all devillupments are good.

When parents in India bringup their sons going

SON OF A BITCH” .. WELL.. FIRST, you are


destroying his paurusham, or manliness, second

you destroy his decision making ability, third you
are priming him on the way to get treated by
society. Fourth you are showing him the way to
treat others. Way to build a strong family.

What is to eb gained by devilluppong AI. As for

me, I got myself a certificate in AI from Stanford,
another in applied AI from IBM, understood the
field, and never worked on it. Its worse than
working on nuclear bombs. The work general
people do is just nothing – tinkering level stuff.
Why live to do that? And just to ruin the world,
own health, acquire all the negative karma and so
on, before dying of diseases spending days like

Retire and live your life is a huge lie. People these

days aren’t healthy enough in 30s to live their live
the way a good, full life should be. And after
retirement your brain will be able to support
studies, self improvement, etc.? Even the age for
spiritual work is the young age. Old age is only for
a greater focus, from the ability to do that gained
during the younger years. Otherwise it is difficult
to get started at old age. If during youth you do not
have the vitality, analytical powers and focus to do
that – at old age you will? Ever seen anyone do


that? People grow greedier, emptier, foolish.

Rigveda says a son should do Yagna with the

family wealth. Foundation of any spiritual effort,
Yagna is study. It is not a n empty ritual – but the
usual process of life itself. It is the movement of the
universe that is held in the Yagna. Not some
outward ritual. Well, not saying a few who feels to
engage a ritual shouldn’t. But generally the mode is
oridinary action aligned toward the Yagna
purpose. “ Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam,” says the
Gita, and also “ Yagnartham kuru karmatvam.”
The first statement means yoga is hidden in
ordinary action. Second, means for the purpose of
Yagna evolve the action.

The point and purpose ina profounder action is a

human can become a God. Not by building priding
and going buaaaaaaaahahahahhaha nor my taking
selfies and and assuming oneself epic or anything.
But through rooted humble effort.

And all that is needed is a simple pretty place, a

garden like village with good friends of similar
thought, fresh air, a devoted wife with a spiritual
nature, if you can get one. The rest of the
devillupments are just frantic runs. People need ot
thoroughly improve themselves before a


meaningful course of action emerges. Especially the

better off sections of society that needn’t frantically
run, ought give up the simple IT jobs, etc. to those
who need that cheapshit money.

Assume a someone from a well off family has

interests in chocolates. Spends 12 years eating
different chocolates, exploring chocolate making,
and in parallel does the zen, study, gayatri,
parayama, and own dharma. In 12 years that
person will be among the world’s best experts in
the field. Then an endeavour can be attempted – of
making the world’s finest chocoaltes. If people ar
inclines to support each other, help talent, etc. all
done for the greater good of the world, a joyour
endeavour can emerge. Why should Belgium be the
world best chocolateur? Indian soil produces rich
in quality cocoa, rich in quality milk is produced by
Indian cattle

Speaking of grass and cows, introduce plants like

Alflalfa which take up nutrition from deep soil and
bring it to the surface. The quality of milk increases
thus. See if you can increase organic content of the
soil, perhaps by using coal based fertilizers.
Repeated harvest has reduced nutritional quality of


food world over.

People who live in village areas have it easier. The

milk of a mountain grass fed cow tastes like a drink
from heaven. A thousand times better than the milk
from the market which in comparison has neither
life nor taste. People pay a 2 dollars a liter for
water from Pristine locations, such as Evian from
Alps. Why not keep our river ways pristine, rather
than destroy it all frantically screaming we want
devillupment. After getting devilluped the best that
can be done is filter polluted water and put it on
the shelf. So avoiding franticity figure the best and
ideal paths of progress. We don’t have one
beautiful city after 70 years of frantic effort. Cities
that are built are built like metal cages for slave
work. And some entertainment areas in malls. Its

Is NYC like that? There are people seen playing

chess on the street side, there are places for living
activity of various sorts, squares for people to relax
and read, and so on. It is time for India to stop
being torture centers for the British, and other
western Nations. Do not even trade with nations
like UK, NATO nations – murerers of innocents, 19
million in middle east alone.


What happened to Europe when their spiritual

quality disappeared. Even the Beligian chocoaltes
taste like empty sugar syrup. When God
withdraws, everything of Joy disappears. And as
Beethevon wrote, "Anyone who .. has not a pure
heart, ..cannot make a good soup." This applies in
all areas of life. If a group takes up chocoalteur
endeavour in India, they should have a perfect
devotion to achieving quality, improving the health
of the people through their efforts, bringing them
the Joy of the finest taste. And even educate them
on the benefits of lower sugar chocolates. Evil
MBAs have disaplces traditional recipies with
sugar syrup recipies for sales. The goal is not to fill
your bank account, but to maximize your spiritual
merit account. Let’s over time build a culture,
where people are educated enough to purse health
over empty taste. And taste itself is cultivated
enough to select the best of food.

It is an entirely false idea that spiritual people

weird shit people dressed in werd dresses talking
in weird ways, existing doing nothing. Action is
part of the path. Buddha describes right action as
part of the 8 fold path. Buddha himself does 2 eyars
or so of isolated mediation, returns to the palace
and as per Buddhist Legends, takes the permission


of his father to stay outside the palace and guide

his own subjects to a state beyond suffering. That
were a way of performing his duty as a King, for he
served his own people. And that era, that were the
treasure his subjects sought. Several lifetimes of
virtuous action of the Buddha is recorded in the
Buddhist Legends.

While in some lands people are born with that

inclination for monastic effort – Tibet, Bhutan, etc. –
in India the mode is family itself. Family is where
the spiritual fire is held. Grjastashrma is what the
Mahabaharata teaches.

Joys are part of that. It is not a dull empty

existence. Even Arjuna, the gratest of warriros is
described as KuruNandana, the Joy of the Kuru
dynasty. And at the same time is also described as
a great sage by the Mahabharata. So a sage is
someone in own natural mode of action, with
wisdom. A Prince does things a prine ought.
Arjuna aldo does naturally take time to meditate
alone in the Himalayas etc – for the Pasupathastra.
Upon invited by Indra to stay in heaven then,
Arjuna denies it saying he has no whatever
towards those pleasures, but wishes just to perform
own duty, and if he does not do so he will only
gain eternal notoriety. Duty is not some difficult


action. It is what is joyous, the only natural option.

Like I write this book now. Instead I could just a

movie. For anyway, I am going to put it out there
free and not gonna mint moneys with it as per
modern logic. But everything is do dead and
fucked up if I don’t make an effort I will feel the
notoriety of not doing own Dharma on myself.
There a joy of achievement when having done it.
There is a frantic joy in doing it. Even though I
wanted to spend time something usually far mor
ejoyous to me – the study of some ancient kinda
mathematics, the greater dharma sense is this now.
I can do it in a few days, and keep it aside. It would
have an impact if it would – either way I will make
some effort to make sure a few read it and then
forget about it. “ Why don’t you spend time
answer ought be obvious the way the world dies
now. And I am not foolish enough to help raise that
demon. AI itself is not the problem – but there is a
group at work to directly put it in people’s brains
and what not. With a sinister goal, advertized as
bringing devillupment to people’s bodies.

Parents now want to chase kds away in every

direction and nobody stands as a unit. So people
are devolving isolated, devoid of nurturing


interaction – no borthers, no siblins, no friends.

ONLY TALK in abbrevations, act like a zombie,
wear sunshades for social media, be demented, die
like peiss of shit. These is the new shit. Which is
kidna different from what the great Marylyn
Manson wrote in the 90s,

“ Everything has been said before

There's nothing left to say anymore

When it's all the same

You can ask for it by name

Babble babble bitch bitch

Rebel rebel party party

Sex sex sex and don't forget the violence

Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-


Stick your stupid slogan in

Everybody sing along


Babble babble bitch bitch

Rebel rebel party party

Sex sex sex and don't forget the violence

Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-


Stick your stupid slogan in

Everybody sing along” – Marlyan Manson.

Even that shit is far better than this shit we live

now. But that shit probably led to this shit. So we
need some better shit.

But back in the 90s people had the brains to

distinguish a song from reality. Do people get it

Anway when Yudhistra and brothers got

displaced, did they all pack shit and leave in
different directions for different kuntries? Or did
FAME .Did yudhistra go “ Fukk this shit, I am
shifting to USA” They stood there, did their yagna,
devillupped themselves, fought the war, won back
the kingdom, enjoyed heaven and earth and then


rose to heavens.

They could well have worked for a salary rest of

their lives. Anyway. Different people different

But devlupping oneself has profounder meaning. If

you have seen those Russian dolls, a doll within a
doll, within another, when properly the yagna
oriented life is done. Well, that is the non-frantic
normal life with study, zen, gaytri mantra,
pranayama, games, family and so on. When that I
doen, the awareness forms abilities associated with
the deeper bodies. The sukshma sariras. These are
in the same space as own body. But of deeper
worlds. And by other means as well, different
abilities form. But yogastruas and other texts warn,
these are just side stuff, one needn’t and shouldn’t
devillup such a narrow focus on gaining abilities.
That section in the appended book which describes
pranayama discusses the role of the abilities stuff
more. Just like a monk is humble but in ability
supernormal, ought be the state of any individual
who walks the path. But pride and arrogance is a
disease which will keep anyone from entering the
path . To take the first stable absolute inner
humility should be there. And at the last step the
same. With any idea of display fame etc. – one


never approaches the path.

sThe family person of the world is not someone

who ignores the deeper purpose of life. But fulfils it
in while in the mode of funditoning in the world.
The opportunity to perform worldly actions is all
aligned for and toward.. well. feels like wrong
grammar.. but that’s the ideas.. toward that goal. It
can be aligned to world purpose. AN evening
before an exam when you need to study do a few
pranayamas, and Gayatri, clearing your thoughts.
After exam if you are afraid of flunking it, devillup
your Zen ability. Do Zen, wipe away those
yooseless thoughts like dust on a mirror. If you
flutn a foolish exam – you are not going to roll up
and die. Life is broad, the possibilities and
opportunities immense. Let the rats running into
cages do so. If everything fails, if you attend well to
your Zen, you can go sit in the Himalayas and
achieve the greatest goal of life.

One of the greatest evils of the agenda against

humanity is peddled under the banner of male
female equality. No two people are equal. If you
were to strut around saying you are better than
Aryabhatta, well, you are probably headed to


disaster. If Aryabhatta were to strut around saying

his arachery is equal to Arjuna, its time for a visit to
the doctor.

Profundity, differences. People find it beautiful that

they have someone to admire and respect. Why do
we have celebreties? People want something to
celerbate. An ideal.

The ideals required for each gender is different.

In ancient eras, before machines protected humans

from demons from worlds of the Orcs, it were the
strength, sense of truth and dignity, and valour of
th males that society had to depend on. Now the
evil west is attempt to do away with it. Children
are borought up in ways, they theose their sense of.
.. well the idea that they should be inwardly strong,
should by inner dignity maintain order in their
space, and should not allow themselves to be
pushed around even in their idea of what they
need to do with life. A person just simply working
to please parents, or society is demented, is not
holding inner spiritual truth or fire. The equality
agenda is another kind odampening an destruction
of the female. Well, what should be equal? Chest


It is the polarity that enables yagna. It is dfferences

that enable profdundity.

It is the ability to be humble that enables humans to

first vibe with the heights.

Strong people – karate folks, ninja folks, Buddhist

monks in Tibet – these are all the people that do the
Namaste or similar gesture the most. Boxers touch
gloves before fighting to indicate mutual respect
and absence of animosity. Famous boxes of history
admire other great boxes. Army feeples aren’t
arrogant, but disciplined. Nobody is strutting
around trying ot eb equal.

The Yagna can only per performed where people

are aware of own role in reality. If the king is like a
bix and the bix is like a male hyena, good luck
performing the yagna, or even living a good life.
With proper polarity and alignment, the family
unit becomes a something that unveils the
brightness and strengths of the eternal.

Train yourself in spending time talking about

ideas, simple things of life, daily to a family


member or to a good friend. This is both healing,

spiritually elevating, and generating of inner joy,
stability and so on.

Simple talk. Talk about ideas. Talk about social

events. Talk about what might benefit society. Talk
about a recent war. Talk about a book you have

On another plane to make a bright world, organize

discussions. You have a friends group. You all have
interests in understanding things, you all do
Gayatri Mantra, Zen, and Pranayama. That is
enough mutual interests to form a group were
ideas are discussed. One of you encountered a
good book – CC Tsai, Zen. You could spend time
online or if possible meeting at a bright place, to
read together, exchange thoughts and ideas.

If a fried is writing a book, discuss. Read the draft,

give your feedback and ideas.

Living to so show off on social media makes

diseased things. Even more obnoxious and dead
than the nosey Indian aunty. And a diseased
society. Discard that evil and find a deep existence.
Things of depth, profundity, devotion.

If you want you could even record what you said


during a discussion on a topic, etc. Those would all

seem precious and enriching moments in the
future. When you meet, spend time on good food,
games, etc. as well. A balance that makes a full life.

In ancient eras, they kept a natural level of

separation between boys and girls as they grew up.
It were to polarize and prepare their energies
during the growth phase for the Yagna of married
life. It is not to be taken to an extreme such as in
terrorist nations of Afghanistan, but not respecting
the fields enables the generation of a world with no
yagna, no substance.

This is one of the evil and sinister goals of the evil

organizations that run social media. All of them
have a satanic agenda. You can investigate these
things. And even getting the evidence from various
online sources, and discussing it would be fun.
Who funds them. What does the “ satanic verses”
tweet by the Twitter founder imply. Is Zuckerberg
from a Rotschild or somekind wierdshit family?
Does the evil CIA fund that evil social media.What
forces control the CIA?

Any discussion can be fun. Collect images of

Tartaira. If one of you have reasonable writing
skills or video editing skills, try to make a


presentation to be put online. Do whatever has a

positive impact on the world.

Experiment a weekend on preparing some fancy

cuisine from the lands of the Greeks, or the
Mediterranean. Or anywhere.

Experiment with Japanese tea making.

Discard social media. Do not put your iamgesout

there, etc. Even oen phot out there is only a torture
generator, energetically. Try removing it for 4
weeks, and see the freedom you feel. It is literally
like a plug to your energetic bodies when you even
aloked profile on social media. Experiment deleting
it and see the way you feel freedom and joy. As if
life returned to you again. Read the experiences of
those who did.

Brian views social media as an addiction worse

than nicotine. Dailymail reports a doctor as saying,
“Social networking sites such as Facebook could
raise your risk of serious health problems by
reducing levels of face-to-face contact, a doctor
claims.” Reports the Daily Mail.

“may have wide-ranging biological effects, said

psychologist Dr Aric Sigman.


Increased isolation could alter the way genes work

and upset immune responses, hormone levels and
the function of arteries. It could also impair mental
performance… [and result in greater likelihood of]
strokes, heart disease and dementia, Dr Sigman
says in Biologist, the journal of the Institute of

One of the first steps India should do is avoid

friendships with evil nations. The Brits fooled Indai
that freedom will be granted if it fough for Britain
in WW1. Same lie in WW2, and foolish Indians
opposing the wisdom of Subhash Chadra Bose,
fought against Adolf Wittler, who were fighting the
evil bankers. Did they get their freedom? Nope.
Fooled again. They prtended friendships and
fooled their way in. Did they leave with dignity –
NO. They divided Idnai again, and fed antagonism
between enighbouring nations and borthers and
escaped. That is their nature. After that what did
they do- kept venting hate using academia. Did
they even apologize for murder of innocents in
Jalain Wala Bhag? Did they ever say a word against


mass murder of innocents in middle east? So when

people are evil – know they are evil. Don’t go for
friendships with murderer s of innocents. Their
whole history is that. When they take a break to
smooth talk, and dress and do the glib, it is only to
fool again. By trading with evil, one loses virtue
and punya, and these are the reasons why a land is
not elevated.

In the Mahabhrata Yidhistra is advised that neither

through goodness, nor advise with Duryodhana
stop his evil acts. Nature is nature- just as a snake is
not advised into being a butterfly. Be a good judge
of Nature, don’t be fooled by deceptions, and work
with good Nations. Help the good but pooerer
nations. That is how one gains spiritual merit, and
gthat leads to prosperity. Do not serve the evil –
wiether poor or in palaces.

Do not allow any forces to engender divisions in

India. Spiritual paths are not about banners.
Traditions from different lands have profoundly
added to the substance any deauty of what were in
India. If at a phase, India a nation of incredible
wisdom and potential fell for invaders, the reason
ought be sought out in what went wrong with


India. Were there false Brahmanism and the

damaging of human Spirit that God himself
wanted displaced? If Even Bhutna has never been
invaded, remember India holding its spiritual roots
and values is invincible.

Spirituality has nothing to do with obscuring the

joys of usual existence. But it only amplifies them
and situates them on a greater footing, evolving the
being itself into higher realms of existence, and into
awareness of the Self.

A bit disconnected, but it just came to memory.

After the war, Yudhistra wanted to leave for the
forests of India again. He is advised he should do
the Dharma of a King, By Vyasa, the sages,
Krishna, Arjuna, and so on.

Anyway, there is something to observe there, if

finally Yudhistra chose that option his brothers and
family would go along. Even though it were no
ideal choise, as Ydhistra himself realized

Family is that which enables Yagna. Only when

somebody in own family pushed one against ways
of Dharma does one do an own stand. The working
hard and forgetting own family, thinkgn happiness
is in hopping around, etc. is to eb understood as


damaging. In a human state, the goal is to rise. We

enter earth for that purpose. Humans go through
difficult situations in life one way or the other.
Running from own Dhamra only adds to the

If a pet dog brings great Joy , how much infinitely

more substance and meaning ought humans
present each other?

Btw, Yudhistra even refuses to abandon his pet dog

when the chariot from heaven descends to take him
to the worlds of other dimensions.

So it is not about no attachment, dull, etc. But

offering attachment in a profound way, in the
sealed form of own Dharma. The Soul of own
beloved is adored. At the same time is a principle “
Do not love the world” found in the Bible. And also
in the Mahabahrata, in words such as Paramtapa –
he who burns down the outward.

Well, For the Aryan Prince, marriage were a

spiritual path. An aspect of the symbolism of the
Siva-Linga-Yoni, and the symbolism fo the lamp
etc. With sacred devotion with the oil preserved,
thus brahmacharya a vow that is never deviated
from, the rising transmutando, evolved perception
of the absolute. Children were engendered by a


singly zoosperm that achieved maturity, and thus

would find a way on its, all by itself. Alone. So
well, the endeared children were also of a greater
DNA evolution. The idea of touching that state of
lost of vital on any plane of awareness were
forbidden. Traditions have always held that such
brahmachyra is no optional requirement. During
youth, marriage with absolute devotion to the
vows is the path. Well of course that is theory of an
era. Without a wife devoted to the Spiritual and of
that noble nature it is only a wild goose chase for
the awaress which should rest in the Self, the Silver
Brightness of the absolute.

Without a field sealed, I imply a sealed field, a wife

that respects and adored her husband – it is no
marriage, there is no joy, and is but moment to
moment hell and torture. A deep and profound
sense of the nature of relationship in the marriage
is necessary for a society to be able to grow, hold
joys, etc. It is of the soul, more than it is of
appearance, what engenders Joy. The Bible says the
husabdn is as the head of the church, etc. What
does that mean. And then you have the 7 chruches
where the Light of God should appear, that is the 7
charka spaces. Its not at all strange that the fluer de
lis is a esoteric symbol, or that Schiller’s Ode to Joy


says, the wine Bubbles from the full glass to the

Good Spirit, which is ht eEternal Self, situated in
Own body, the Silver

In an ideal world, all one needs a space for family

or oneself, a pretty cottage, a spiritual joyous
society, a few books, food that grants vitality, all to
bring heaven to earth or rise to heaven, be
superman, or to achieve enlightenment. Or to live
ht emost fulfilling existence possible.

The Gayatri Mantra evolves the DNA, heals the

being, all into an ideal Solar State. Again,a cross
generations, and that is the way a Solar Race is

Even outwardly prettification of the world,

naturally follows.

Well, every individual can easily add to the

endeavourof beeatiying the world. “ I get it.. I will
go to buj khalifa.. bunjeee jump from the top 22
times.. take selfies to pretend I am happy.. send it
to parents.. and to make cheapshit friends jealous..
and then the world will be better” Welll.. no.. there
are other things oen could do in life than give
oneself a day’s gastric disorder hanging upside
down and using the photos to pretend ou have a
fulfilled life.


Geothe, the German philosopher used to sprinkle

around the seeds of flowering plants he would
keep in his pockets, as he walked along the streets.

An inward focused, humility, depth, all add to the

prettification of the world. No truly powerful
character in ancient legends is hown as totally
arrogant grunting barking etc. Now, in Indian
spiritual ideas are like the individual is god etc.
Which is absolute etc. “ Aham Ishvaaram” is an
evil idea, the idea of the demonic, the Gita says.

Svetashvata Upanishad, etc. is very clear on the

idea. Even otherwise, the individual soul is only an
entity viewing the phenomenon of the universe. IT
is in a matrix pocket, in a differentitated DNA
pocket, of the universal DNA. A DNA pocket of the
Solar DNA here. It only selects that it observes this
wave or that wave, and that is labelled action. “

“The individual soul surrounded by [the matter

named ahamkara] assumes it is the doer, ” says the
Gita. Apparently to translate Tat Tvam Asi as “
You are That” .. “ I am THAAT?
only damaging to the brain, but is even
grammatically plain wrong. Sankaracarya were
patently demented in a lot of ideas per the great


acharyas of ancient era. It were the fall of the depth

of the ancient traditions. If writing up a lot of
nonsense made somebody great.. then I would be..
well.. nevermind.. every peiss of shit in the
academia would be great then. Illterate feepels
admire anybody writing anything. To analytically
understand takes brains of own. Well, the way the
Universe is different from the observer entity in
any of the matrix chambers – DNA pockets. IF the
individual soul were the same, the universe would
disappear when any individual soul achieved
salvation, As for the Supreme Being, he never
disappears from the creation, and beign in the
position of alter its stories at will. The individual
soul performs no action but is an observer of this
possibility or that possibility. Much as in a
mutliplaeyr video game – the option to run right or
left is all already there, the whatever one would
experience if oen turned right or left is already
there. These are labelled timelines. Even a bomb
explosion is only altering a view to a timeline
wherethe exploded out is not there. In another
timeline it exists. So God has already laid out all
possibility, in the Prakriti or Nature ,the Universe
appeared here. That Universe or Prakriti is the
performer of actions, not the individual soul. It is
that identification with the beyond Prakriti, the


Purusha, the One, that is the enlightened state

described. Identification doesn’t mean any trace of
arrogance. Oen realizes one is not any of the
universe-machine, but origins in the One.

" ‘A tethered bird grows tired from flying in every

direction, finding no rest anywhere, and settles
down at last on the very same perch on which it is
tied. In the same way the mind, tired of wandering
around here and there settles down at last in the

Self, its life and breath, to which it is bound. All

creatures have their source in
that Being. He is their home;
He is their strength. ‘When a man is
dying, speech folds into mind, mind folds into life,
life dissolves into light, and his light merges into
that one Being. That Being is the seed, the truth, the
Self. That is the way your self is situated here in the
universe ( The so labelled Tat Tvam Asi phrase )"

The phrase can be read also as Atat Tvam Asi- you

are not that sueprme being. This has been pointed
out from the ancient ttimes of the great
Madhavacharya. The original phrase, Sa Atmatvam


Asi can be broen down in accordance with the

grammar and rules of Sanskrit as “Sa atma-atat
tvam asi -meaning, that Being is Not You”. Instead
of the “Sa atmaa-tat tvam asi”

“All beings are in me and I am not in them,” says

the Gita. The idea of the One Supreme being is
found the Gnostic Writings such as the Gospel of
John, Brahmasamhita, the writings of the Greek
sage Plotinus etc. All echo same ideas such as the

This - one person giving a wrong translation and

for centuries people repeating it and falling into
darkness - etc is what happens when people do not
spend time studying and thinking on own.
Fundamentally, then it would be as India has no
religion, but some bantering none understands,
and ofcourse praying for competitive spirit to
outdo all in competitive exams, etc. which is
demonic. No prayer at all. The opposite.

No sage every said “ Buaaaaaaaaaaahahahah I R

GOD NOW.. “ Did the authros of the upanisahds
refer to themselves or to THAT SUPREME BEING?
Were any of them demented and arrogant? SO
don’t dig up foolish ideas as another reason to turn
even more arrogant and disgusting. A person who


talks around like that or even thinks that way is

obviously obnoxious and disgusting. Our souls
intuitively know. Which is why when you go “ I
BUAAAAAAAAAHAHAH..” you feel empty and
kinda cheapshit demonic inside. Its because your
soul understands it is evil to say so. The feeling is a
good guide on that.

Even authentic demons adore Gods like Siva – and

are not that demented. So it might be a cool idea
not to turn all that demented to begin with.

The scholar Joel Berenton has pointed out that the

sankaracharya translation of tat tvam is
grammatically inconsistent. The reason being Tat is
is neuter, tvam is not. If the sage wanted to say “
you are that,” the phrase would be “ Sa tvam asi” .

The Sama Samhita, another ancient scripture, says

“atatvamasi putreti ya ukto gOtamena tu”,”
Translation of that section is quite straightforward
“…SriGautama repeats nine times to his son the
phrase Atat Tvam Asi, thou art not that, O Son,
giving illustrations demonstrating that the
Supreme Being, Krishna, is different from the
Individual soul.”


It is also very obvious from what our mythology

says that the Supreme being appears here age to
age, as Rama, Krishna, etc. “ A unique Individual,”
says the Yogasutras.

“ All creatures have their source in that Being. He is

their home; He is their strength.” Is what that
Upanishad says before the phrase tat tvam asi
appears. “ He is their home” should be cler enough
*hint *hint. In the context also It would mean Tat
tvam asi – In that way, the way the everything is
situated in the Supreme Being, are you Situated.
That is the way you are situated. Earlier discussion
in the scripture speaks of the way the world
phenomenon’s arising is Observation of beings of
different planes, and within it own observation is
structuring phenomenon in own domain. Forming
simple and dumb understandings, with no deep
reasoning, is in the mode of darkness says the Gita.
Specifically - and such understandings include
everything is oen homogenous mass and no
ordering principles and differentiating principles
exist. Everything is situtated in one origin, etc. is
right. Everything is one blob is wrong.

Spiritual understanding of universe structure, is


not different from the true understanding of

mathematical number domains, is not different
from the principles of architecture, music, art,
aesthetics, etc.

Tht spirituality is the domain of fools dressed up in

weird attires, aunties pretending to be better than
everybody talking fancy words nobody
understands etc is all absurd. Sanskrit is a beautiful
language, and the is fact that the Sutras etc need to
be studied in the Sanskrit form and sound. And all
those even need to be preserved with accuracy. But
the idea understood can be expressed in any

When Bhaskaracharya says the “ Eka Bija of the

Whole Universe”, one can as well in present day
expression say “The Universal DNA.”

So don’t allow aunties to do weird drama based on

everything and anything.

Life in its normal wholeness, the way of Nature, is

the highest. Any artificality is a deviation from the
way the Universe itself functions. The normal
effortless central path. “ Sukham, Sthiram,” says
the yogasutras. It is weird to go I don’t eat this
food, I don’t drink wine, so I am so pure. It is the
opposite of what sScriptures recommend -both


wines and beef are recommended. Not in the mode

of a mad drunkard. If you think something doesn’t
suit your physiology, it is again the normal and
absolute normal thing not to abuse yourself with
anything that harms you.

Speaking of which Socrates, and Plato arrive at that

wines are necessary. It is even a kind of training for
the Soul, thinks Socrates.

Adolf Hitler unlike the pink shaded woke west

which thinks they are some epic shit for having
some buidligns they never made, and goes nations
should all be mixed up and diluted.. pointed out
the importance of Nationality. Adolf Hitler, the
gold standard for racism arrived at that Indai is
absolutely great. Willter slept with books that
admired Indian philosopher. Himmer made weak
attempts to understand Idnian traditions, adored
Indian writings, used it o inspire the SS. Gita is not
the stuff of people acting wierld and weak or
aunties, but spoken in the warlfield, what were
even inspiration to the SS to be perfect soldiers.

A lot of things spoken of the Nazis are just

propaganda. They never got hold of Hitler. The
dead body they said were Wittler, were of a
woman. The German Navy under Dontiz, as


Donitx himself says were not responsible for a

single war crime. The conduct of the soldiers were
perfect. Any responsible for looting or anything
would either be shot or disciplined. The bankers
control the media – even books said to have written
by a 12 year old exposing all the atrocities, etc. are
possibly fabrications. Just as we see now, after
desgtroying the middle east, the villains are the
middle east and the evil USA sturts around holding
the bright flame of buman rights and saving the
world – by murdered 11 million innocents for
nothing. So beware of people who put up a show.
Some heroes go down playing the villain. Without
wittler, Europe and Germany would have lost all
tradition and turned all cucks long ago. Well.. it is
now so.. but still. .

One has to perform own Dharma, serve own

Nation. What are we trading with the Brits for?
Wht do they have. What does their land make?
Nothing. Cant we not make better chocolates than
all of Europe with a bit of ease and after ease, easy
well thought out effort. USA has nothing to offer
the world but weapons, to sell which they start
wars world over. Do not work for such people. It is
a principle by which a nation turns joyous, and


prosperous – by not being in a state of serving evil


“ But if work hard we will devillup faster” Well..

did it happen? So don’t do the same drama again.
The phsycis of the world need to be understood.
Without the tendency of the awanress to observe
the right thing, the right and beautiful timelines
cannot be held. It is observation that shifts
timelines. The right view, as the Buddha taught.

Which is why the Study of the Gayatri Mantra

daily, “ May that Resplendent Origin of the
worlds, Brighten my intelligence” is physical action
to transform the world.

In one of the appended books I describe a Sun

Worship ritual. IT can be done any time, especially
times of existence one needs to elevate oneself. “
But I saw in Hollywood that worship is weeg. Only
weak people worship” Well.. Karna, etc. were the
Sun Worshippers. Who take out a whole Army
single handedly. Were anu of them weak?

Because people have lost inner manliness, they are

trying to cover it up by granting like pink hyenas.

Also there is pure science to the action. Water holds

a pure intent. When one pours water on the earth,


after saying a Mantra or hodign a wishful thought

such as “may I be able to walk the path well” then
those virbations are held in the water. The water
poured on Earth, is actually poured on the Sun,
which is a chakra of the Sun itself. SO phenomenon
aligned with the vibration occurs. The vibration
should be positive, wishing the benefit of all
beigns, the world, etc. as ancient prayers always
have been. Then that offering is accepting by the

Sun is conscious and Livign as per Russian Torsion

physics. The Sun were a symbol of the Christ. The
Birth of the Christ day were the Solar Equinox day
of all traditions world over. Christian writings g
themselves say that day were selected centuries
after. Paintigns exist of ancient Chrisitan monks
worshipping the Sun. Of the Greeks worshipping
the Sun. Buddha refers to the Sun. Its good to flip
through the Wikipedia article on Sun worship now.

No ritual sense is needed. Follow your sense. If

poured on the roots of a cactus plant, that plant will
hold the vibrations. If in your aprtments, then your
apartment will be filled with the vibrations.
Needn’t strictly be a cactus.

So that Living Sense, that we are surrounded by


Life and even the Sun is Living, and a Friend of all

Beings, ought be there. Western education teaches
everything is dead. Even own soul doesn’t exist.
Even cosnciosuness is imaginary. So .. “ lay beside
me.. are you unforgiven II” asks the Metallica song
lyrics. In a similar idea, “Are you dead too?”

Live life at ease, with study, and so on. If you are

interested in cactus, you cannot stop yourself from
studying about cactus. It is the most naturl thing to
do. You discover, some cactus is good food. We can
even with a bit of tech make Rajastan desert fertile
.Perhaps the land underneath I sueprfertile. Either
you can write your ideas to various business, or
goernemtns. If you ahre interested in business, or
your friends are, with the desire for the well being
of people in the world, and he desire of doing own
Dharma, that thing that appears in the heart,
leading you on to good action, take up all those
actions, when you think you need to. The universe
will seem to push you inthat direction. Forming
ideas in itself is a great achievement. Don’t bother
too much about digging trenches in deserts. The
desert to be enriched is own heart and brain, and
with knowledge and wisdom.


Frantically doing things is the opposite. Build your

strengths toward the right action through
Brahmacharya, etc. Think about the ancient King, if
he were wanksta more than a gangsta, when the
enemy arrives, he’d be no good in terms of
wisdom, or on the battlefield. So let the war of
action arrive your way – your duty is to first
strengthen yourself.

By doing so, Nation is strengthened. Once people

devilup bright thoughts they wont feel the need to
backstab everyone around and serve a forrgien
nation for drugs and drinks and moneys and dress
up and strutt around because anyway de spinning
bitchslap is illegal and they feel safe. But whoa re
they damaging? Themselves. Why bother?

With the Brightness inside, one works not to

greedily gather stuff like that squirrel in IceAge
aafter ther nuts and running into a heaven of nuts,
never getting whatever it is running after.. The only
goal of it is .. even when the world is ending.. The

So, don’t end up like that. Action is to evolve the

inner brightness, by following own Dharma, Soul,
Soulful action. Not to gather things. When a war
arises, harming innocents, it is the most natural


thing for the men of the nation to fight. Running “

yelp. .yelp… “ is not normal, nor is it ease. Inside
those people, the healthy and whoever has it upon
themselves as own Dharma to protect their nation
through vafriosu efforts.. they will feel uneasy. So
even difficult action is ease, when own Dharma.
Warriors do not feel fear in the battle field. It is as if
a bright Light envelopes them. Even the elderly do
not feel fear in their end days, it is as if a peace
approaches them. Because Divine energies and
begins, are at play, always.

If one is situated in an awareness of the inner

brightness, one thus loses fear over death even.
Why be so afraid moving on to a brighter
existence? Even own immediate family will be
lifted up – for familial patterns, in aspects are
eternal. It is only the view that changes lifetime to
lifetime of the eternal ordering. So a stream of
joyousness exists inside, irrespective of world
phenomenon. To have died in war – well, not the
kind bombing millions of defenseless innocents for
no reason using bomber planes , or a few using
jackets - is not to have lost, but to have won
brighter planes, heroically.

Spirituality doesn’t mean losing one’s epic attitude

or coolness, it is rather the opposite, with a greater


prowess, one can be cooler than average if

necessary. Don’t betray anything outwardly. “
Yoga is Hidden in ordinary action,” says the Gita.

The study of it is the Normal study.

From the Soul we are disinclined to do things such

as read the Gayatri Mnatra in a public show mode,
etc. Because it is too sacred for display in front of
people who do not understand. When reading,
read in a firm normal sense, with an understanding
of the nature of movement of the tones. It can be
thought of as movement of the Spinal energies up
the spine. Don’t worry too much if you do not
understand what I say now. Read, even if you do
not understand the tones. In time, you can find
online videos that teach you the pronunciation of
tones. Even.. Well. .the Yajur Veda has the Gayatri
Mantra and Yajur Veda even traditionally were just
read and not chanted.

Other ordering of society, that somebody should

initiate, gudie, etc. is not found in the Vedas, or
Upanisahds, or anywhere. Fools making a
powerplay of things.

All the societal ordering in India now is ideas from

tribes, very much of Abroginal tribes and as
descriebd in the Taboo and Totem writing of Freud.


So abandon that shit. People naturally gravitate

and bond to those they should marry. It is eternal,
and Nature is guiding. Even people in other
nations, etc. are only marrying who they are
destined to.

Society naturally orders itself based on levels of

intelligence, inner quality, the substance of the
people, etc. It is not that fool evil drggard and Plato
will be best friends forever. As in the idea is not
extreme – but I am saying, overall, the ordering
principle is Nature – not false ideas on .. where.. I
dunno.. Its nowhere written…. Actually the Brits
wer ethe onees who kmaginfied it and used it as a
weapon to stress out the Spirit of India. They
added it to every census, etc. And then
manufactured and fed false tales. There is a martha
Emperor I guess, writing to Aurangazed – don’t be
foolish and think these are different Gods, and
differentiate people based on that, etc. Well.. you
can google online and find what it says… But the
point is nobody ever wer ein these narrow ideas in
the greater history of India. Its like the evil they
feed about India even now in the wesgt that in
India its all poor people doing sati, repressed
women, etc. Their women are treated like shit by
themselves. Burning thousands of “ withches”


peridocially to please their god, etc. In our nation,

always in the highest regard, were the females

Not that we treat females like males and males like

females doing away gender differences and the
kids go around searching for daddies everywhere.
Because nobody were an authentic daddy to them,
once the gender differences were done for. A
dather that behaves like a bitch is no dad at all.
Gender differences are necessary. Genetic tests are
needed to find the true lineage etc. , now in their

Think about how simplistically foolish especially

the Americans are. In India we are strong enough
inside to not be seeing people as markings ona
coloru strip. Americans and Indian trash there all
cateforie people on color “ White, Yellow, Brown
Black” .. how people are treated is on that scale as
well… What nonsense. Here In India our heroes
like Abdul Kalam , or Ashtavakra, etc. were never
based on any appearance. Because manly vrtue
were stronger inside. Men don’t see the world in
terms color shades and appearances like bitches do.
Also I believe it has to do that their women don’t
hold the field well, that the awareness of society
has fallen from inner substance to shades. India has


had every shade for a million years, we never fell

into that pattern. I have a smirk on my face as I
write this seeing how simplistic they are.

And one of the greatest mistakes of civilization is

calling pink people white. From which angle and in
which season? Don’t do that. If people are labelled
white their egos grow to harmful levels. “ My skin
is white so I am so blemish free I can do anything..
Let me go bobm the middle east and strut around
like zombie” They are as of now deserving of no
respect. Call them pink when they act that way. Or
there are regionalities, we say “ Indian” so Anglo
Saxons is a term for a pink behaving well. Don’t
fall into the error of insulting others without
reason. And don’t fall into the error of passively
enduring evil. Hit back on a similar note. That is
Dharma. Similar note- words, sneak attack, if sneak
attack. Don’t be passive. You will feel good, when
standing up against their bitchassery.

Nationality is important. If India were to be filled

with a lot of pinks or afrcans or aussies, would
Indaisn feel good? Nope. Because the Aryan
potential genetics is getting diluted. Aryan means
possibility of great spiritual potential. Buddhsits


referred to them as Aryans. Not because.. “ oo.. I

am so pretty.. “

Like can a Euro or aussie, or African study or read

he Gayatri with that Soul Spirit sense and
satisfaction an Indian can derive from it? It’s a
miracle and a blessing if they even get the
pronunciation right .

So root yourself in your strengths and rise. Born in

India, you can strive for the Absolute, and failing
that you will attain to heavens for eternal seeming
eras. Their little cities and packing shit to leave for
places where you will never find a sense of
belonging is not the idea. In Indian mythology, a
king would go to mediate. Then a demigod, would
often approach and say” Ssup dude.” “ What
about hang out in heaven” . The sage-kin gwould
say “ bix please.. I am here because I kant stand the
drinks and women bakk in the palace” “ I seek
something greater, eternal.

Joy is of the soul. A slave working 90 hours a week

to help another nation destroy the world is never
joyous inside. And accrues not just physical
disaster one life, but sins for a few different
lifetiems. So watch out what you are hardworking


on. Are you doing good for the world? Are you
doing good for your nation? Are you exporting
food o fa nation to enemy antions? Then you sin
against yourself, your nation, the people of that
land, and God’s ordering.

Only what is left in surplus even after feeding the

poor need be exported for other food. If our lands
grow lesser in organic content, it would be deadly.
A thousand million pounds of organic matter
disappearing from soil each season is deadly. A fast
way to permanent poverty.

Even that is normal logic. Why would you fucking

import away food when your family is hungry?

Are you eager to feed those who enslaved and

tortured your forefathers? Have some dignity.

When elderly mothers of the same blood as your

forefathers die in hunger – do you want to ignore
all that and pursue evil happiness? Where is your
sense of Dharma and Duty?

In Vrindavan elderly suffer hunger. I will not say

anything further on that.

Should this greedy and empty run be the ideal of


India? Where is your manly strength Where are the

Bahubalis? And where are the soldiers of Bahubali?

When Tartaria existed the European style of

budilngs and food were world over. So do not let
them appropraiate those ideas as theirs. If Gita
refers to that type of food, it were because it were
primiennt in India.

By the way the British even attempted to steal the

glory of Indai saying it is the mythology do their
lands that is in Mahabharta. What a joke. Never in
history were their women true to their husbands
even. All their little mythology is full of that kidna
stuff. And the Mahabharata, Aramayana are
continouslyh referring to the geography of India,
from Himalays to Yamuna and Ganges to Lanka.
They trace the lineage of the kings to a hundred
thousand yeara and yugas, in India itself. The
ornaments, the unbreakable marriages, the fire of
devotion in married life, is all stil only found in
India. It is as if even as a genetic group they are
unable to even approach the idea. Yeah.. here I hit
back but.. “Lord, I never drew first, But I drew first
blood,” as Bon Jovi says. Totally Dharmic.


The layout of north eastern cities or towns is an

example. Some are in the model of Euro towns. Or,
the ANCIENT buildings now labelled palaces such
as the one in Calcultta, were architecture for energy
generation from above ether planes. There is
evidence for these in other places in India itself,
which I will perhaps get to afterwards. I forgot the
name of the building I were about to discuss. I
might skip it, as well – research on your own.

In nations where the parasities found people easier

to control the architecture were preserved. In India
mud floods swept them out almost entirely.

Anyway, what is important for a nation is a sense

of sealing an integrity, and establishing in oneself.
Just as a human body if its energies are going
outward is weak, without a level of sealing –
nothing forms, not even the embryo. Same with the
joys and spiritual and material growth of a nation.
If the best of nourishment is being fed to the enemy
by a human body – would it grow? It would just
grow weak from the parasitic entity. Same is what
India is doing exporting to the west, working for
the west, etc. They will just turn around insult and
attempt to harm India further, once the usefulness
is done for. So don’t feed the parasite. Don’t feed
the disease. Feed own body with healthy stuff. That


idea applies in nation’s growth as well. Don’t have

your awareness on some phenomenon elsewhere,
but the divine brightness that appears in own body.
Then the brightness fills the body, and integrated
individual or an individual nation is established.

Trade with good friends. Friends in Spirit. Nations

that have supported, etc. when trade is necessary.

I am not suggesting any extremes such as sit only

where you were born, etc. Sages are describes as
having “ roamed the earth.” But only that don’ take
for an ideal a simple joobu to serve a company in
some other corner of the world. Have an idea of
what to do with life, actually. Structure your efforts
around that. Using your own balanced reason
intelligence, things you understand over time, etc.
Adapt your efforts depending on your own unique
situation. No extreme ideas.

Charity is not a spiritual path, when charity is done

to the evil. Mahabahrata says charity done to the
wrong person is the sin of infanticide. They will do
a cobra kai move to you in return and then use the
money or resource to harm all good, initiating
disastrous chain. There is an Arab proverb, Be
careful about whom you were charitable to. Hold


the Dharmic form. Not the weakness of false


In ancient China, before all the eras of nonsense,

they figured the path to establishing an ideal state
of affairs. In the Great Learning a document Kong
Zi plagiarized from even more ancient writings –
the whole idea is that the Emperor down the
Individual ought cultivate the self. Individual
ordered, the family is ordered, families ordered, the
state is ordered, states ordered the Kingdom is
ordered. One cannot start by watering the leaves ot
nourish a tree, says the ancient document as it lays
down the learning of great civilizations – what they
understood by experiment and experience.

Water the leaf means, people attent to superficial

ideas, somehow build a lot of buildings to work
like idiots all life, live in metal cages, build AI, all
these deviate from the root. The inner, the inner
Sun needs to be nourished. Not light up street
lamps to generate a joyous society of good

The Great Learning says, in order to do it – they

first started by Study – investigating things.

The appended explanation to it, proceeds to say the

Prince transorms the Kingdom without leaving his


chambers. That is the idea of the way the world is

transformed. Not by hopping around
meaningliessly int eh world and bunjeee jumping
24/7. “What about sky diving?” Nevermind..

Every field presents room for Joyous discovery.

Even in Spirituality – or what is bracketed that way
- is a field of discoveries. Assume something that
ought be basic and settled, such as the sound of
OM. I remember reading somewhere that
SamaVeda has several pronunciations for OM.

Even otherwise, look at Tibet – the way they chant

OM, is deep, profound, OOOOOOOOOOO..
somewhat nasal, leading into a NNNNNGGGGG..

Ong pronunciation of the sound is found in India

as well.

Now let us attempt to see what might have been an

ancient sound. The Gita describes Om as “ Eka
Aksharam” - One alphabet. Then, there cannot be
two sounds to it, OOO and MMMM. What is that
one alphabet. It is that Sanskrit O, with a dot on
top. The dot indicates nasalization. The Javanese
form even resembles a nose a bit – but that’s


The dot is found in ancient iconography often near

the spot between the eyebrows. Such as in the
Buddhsit statues. Those statues are messages for us
from ancient days, on the technology that enabled
them to be something greater, go beyond the

Language, the way it is understood, has altering

the nuances and meaning of its words, with world
phenomenon and time. Who does a 90s kid imply
when meaning “ Cool” - definitely not the
temperature. Similarly, the English of Beowulf is
not even English. It doesn’t make any sense to an
English speaker of today.

An alteration in idea is there, that is the new

dictionary sense doesn’t full capture the word
meaning of an ancient era – ought be obvious. Even
in a field of science, assume someone picked up a
physics text in a world physics doesn’t exist and
sees the phrase “Space Time Bending” could it be
understood with a dictionary? Of course space
tiem doesn’t bend - it s a different phenomenon,
just saying.

The Gita discusses, in Chapter 8, verses 8 to 14,

about the use of the word OM in meditation. The
focusing the prana at the middle of the eyebrows is


discusses. Prana means that Bright Light or Silver

Energies, that appear first at the 7th cakra space, the
above the head. Thus the top of the head space is

In the human body, the Inner Sun, which is the

outer Sun seen through own DNA sieve, unfolds its
6D aspects as the 6 chakras. In the geometry of the
human frame, the 6th chakra is between the
eyebrows. This being the origin of the human
frame is also the Origin and Seat of the One. Which
is why Remembering the One God is discussed in
those verses. Another phrase which in modern
translations becoming “abandoning the body” does
also occur - meaning abandoning body awareness
to the awarenss of the Light, or thus, transforming
the body into the Light, the physical form becomes
that energy, as in - it is not abandoned, but merges
with the Light as superpowerful Silver-Light body.
This is done by understanding the body as
evolving from the chakra machine. So it can be
supernormally made or remade at will. The
mathematics of the chakra systems need to eb
understood, which is the mathematics of the
universe machine. This is a kind of advanced
mathematical knowledge system. See hwo even
the word prana is now assumed to mean just


breath. Ancient yoga texts use it to refer to the

Light of the Brahman, and Pranayama had also to
do with using the breath to move that Light and fill
the body with it. Understanding the mathematical
geometry of the universe machine, which appears
as the chakras in an inner view, the rotating worlds
in an outer view, were all part of the education in
advanced eras.

Anyway, so he anusvara, the nasalaization of O

would plausibly have been, in a more of saying the
sound, at the top of the nose, between the eyrbows.
This unveils the Light of the God that is situated
there. Then One’s awanress is absorbed into That
Light. The sounding of Om can be done in a silent
way, visualizng the vibration, the awanres between
the eyebrows. The proper way of saying OM ought
gather the awareness between the eyebrows. And it
is one nasal sound OOOOOOOO - said as If
speaking through the nose, the point of vibration
being the top of the nose, the spot between the
eyebrows. This ought be said with a deep vibration
and profundity. The right mode may be
understood by trying it out to see what best unveils
the Silver Light there.

Because the Light of the One God appears in the

Temple, which is own Body – the ancient idea of


focusing on the Origin, were not an outward act.

The outward forms were to amplify the inner
sense. In early stages of work one cannot progress
by focusing on what doesn’t appear inside. Do you
see the Brightness of the Brahman inside? That is
why even in Tibet the forms of adoration of the
Divine were thought profound.

Anyway, through that when the Light appears,

there is a natural and greater focus on it inwardly.
The Light being that bright, and pleasurous, it is
difficult to take one’s attention.

In the Avestan Lands they recite the Gatha to evoke

and invite the One God. The sacred ritual is called
Yasna, while Yajna ritual sense of India is of Fire
and a far more sophisticated ritual, Yasna is a water
ritual. Well, remember Yajna is of various forms,
normal life as I described earlier is Yajna when
driven by the Porpose of Life. The ritual is only
aouter codification of it. Just like an outer temple
only reflets int eh Inner words, and geometry of the

Anyway, In Yasna they recite the Gatha. In the

Panninian system of grammar the word root Gath
occurs, a verb with the meaning adore, praise, sing
etc. Verbs in the Panninain system are of two types


– the action falls on outer entity – parasmaipada –

or the action falls on oneself Atmanepada. Well.. if
a weapon is thrown, the result of the action falls on
another – so the word describing it is

The atmanepada is when the action falls on oneself.

The interesting thing is Gath is Atamanepada. So
the words of the scripture with ideas such as “May
the One God break through demons and enter the
World” Is adoration of the One God as the One
evolves through into the body. Well.. from within.

“Understanding “ a lot of fancy ideas but not able

to engage action as needed is absolutely demented.
The way to progress is to keep engaging the
dharmic action. Dharmic action doesn’t mean
airjuming bitchslapping, etc. If you have a pet
telescopic eye fish, and you remember to give it
evening food, and do so, it is dharmic action.
Normal action, emerging from the Soul.

What is adharmic and abnormal is “ I should do

nothing but zimmmmbly do daily work for money.
I am so epix for acting like a zombie. Now that I
have a cheapshit job, I will do drama around to
pretend I am so epic and great and happy, etc.” It’s
dharmic as per the Ninja sage Kitasho


Fokukaninari to bitchslap de shit out of such

people. As in people working for money alone, No
loyalty, bitches who hold their jobs greater than
their marriage even. Will do 14 divorces, but never
let the career lapse. These are all demented evil shit
good for nothing but destroying the world, no
matter how hardworking for money. You see those
bioengineers. They are not good for independent
thought. No that part of the brain. They will
genertically engineer anything if they are thrown
the money. Are they living things or programmed
one trick peiss of shit ponies?

Don’t learn a trick and live doing it for extra money

like a one trick poney. What you need to do is for
no moneys even, work on great endeavours
together. Days would be such adventure. For those
who need to work for a salary, ask the business
what its goal is and it if it is good humbly work on
supporting it with a loyalty to the endeavour. Not
be opporunists. Well. if you keep jumping for
money that is finally how you and your people will
be. Your family around you is influenced by your.
Then there is the outcome which is evil. No
spiritual merit. Just a bit of trash from the
supermarket will be loyal to you. How do you
expect to be rewarded with anything else other


than what you have given to the world. That kinda

zombie peiss of shit callous nutjob of a bootlicker
for money is glamourized on media. If you find
yourself becoming that, immediately bitchslap the
shit out of yourself for your own good. A good
sign is your social media. Open it. Do you have
sunshades? Bitchslap de shit out of yourself. You
are a reptile aping peiss of shit. If you are a woman
– really you want half the village to like your
photos? Or if you are a man, plizz.. what kidna
peiss of shit dude lives to put happy fotos of
themselves on the internet. Kan you imagine the
great and epic warriors doing that? Albet Einsiten
or Dante doing a selfie for happy pretension. Delete
it and GTFO of social media. Google social media
and diseases. It’s enough. If you stay their, the
women in your family will also imitate and get on
social media .Do you know what happens there?
It’s technical and out of syllabus.

People have lost both their masculinity and

feminity. How is a woman that is interested in
heart symbols and likes from other people a wife or
potential wife material. Men don’t feel good if all
de bitches in the town swarm around. And that is
what the social media trash lives for. Is there any


other purpose there? Once you lose your body’s

and field’s quality to do yagna, its over. You wont
recover it for a few lifetimes. Is a man who allows
hearts on his wife’s photos by the wansta next door
even a man? So that is not a wife , the other is not a
husband. Its all just attention seeking bixes.
Marriage is a profound ritual. If another wants to
violate it by appreciating the booty of your wife on
social media, well.. technically in ancient era, their
heads would roll. Can you imagine that happening
in a real society? People do not do it – because they
know it is hellish. On social media – people are
fooled. Once the images are put up all they can do
is what? Like each other’s booty. Women are
equallty influenced. Those who are repulsive in
real life, and one would want to keep a distance
from appear as both gentlemen and scholars.

Why is it that nobody settles down in a

whorehouse. It should be a happylife everybody
liking everybody. Because no yagna happens, and
soon both body and mind will be irreversibly hell.
Social media is the same. Generates addiction in
women who are prone to attention seeking. And
because that immoral life is normalized, doesn’t
realize they are poisoning themselves and the
world around them. And their family etc. Assume


there existed an app that increased the chance of

your getting dioverced by forty percent. Would
you use it? Welcome to social media.

Normal interaction dies with social media. It would

be a good idea if the Indian government banned
social media under some pretext. There is evidence
it is attributable to very damaging physical health

Social media health wise is probably more

damaging to individual and society in the long run
than any cigarette or anything is.

Tik Tokk similarly. What is its purpose? People

waste life and make a display shit of themselves for
the public while somebody in a foreign land earns
money for ruining their time and brains. The newer
generation wont even realize the absurdity of it.
Because they were born in selfie with the dude
who cucked the bixes husband. As in probably she
ran away on social media and then got pregnant.

Don’t shoot the messenger. I am just saying things

the way they are now. Nobody even wants to
approach these used up attention seeking trash
working 80 hours a week sweating it out with 120
other men, and returning home and calling
themselves “ devoted” things. It’s a lie on every


angle. And weekends they are off to unisex gyms

to work out to improve their curves. I dunno who
measures the visual statistics.

One such action done once, marriage no longer

bears sacredness.

Because it a great ritual to obtain heavens, its not


If a wife has a bunch of happy friends she goes out

with, without permission of her husband, then it is
no marriage.

But Freedom. Yeah, if your previous generation

didn’t demonstrate that freedom youd have
understood the Joys of devotion, sweet words,

Well, there is a game. Its called cricket. One throws

a ball the other hits it away. “ Why throw a ball just
to hit it away?” likewise, why seek the sacred ritual
of love and marriage if you wanted the freedom of
throwing it away Is it freedom? Have you seen
any” free” bitches? Are they “ free?”

So even words, movies, false history, is all used to

programme people. West the women wer
eposioned saying men subjugatged women. Well,


they fight till 40. Then get on tikk tokk and begin to
say she will marry any who can assemble an IKEA
chair. In ancient days, there were more stuff than
IDE chairs, hunting, protecting from wild animals,
dying during war, building trenches, bridges, and
what not one gender had to do. When the
automation set it, well stories were used to pretend
otherwise. Who died in war to protect you? What
ways did your previous generation behave -were it
some kind dominance hierarchy? Were it in ancient
eras dominance whatever in the bedroom either
one side dominated based on matriarchy or
patriarchy. All matriarchical societies are
profoundly adoring of their men. Its not a
bitchlspfu fight out there, women Kungfu kicking
in the nuts the fathers of their kids or anything fo
the survival of the fittest, and what not.
Matriarchical means the kids are given more
motherly guidance, than fatherly wisdom. It’s the
same everywhere. A marriage is mased on a
particular kind of devotion. Men are men. Wield
weapons. Fight wars. Do work in the fields etc.
Women do womanly stuff. But difference usually
is thatin partiarchical there is a more fatherly kinda
wisdom and ordering, in amtriarchical a more
motherly kidna wisdom and ordering. I dunno..
you go find a place where women are kicking men


in the nuts. It’s the bullshit west has been fed for an
ideal. Men fell, then women began to look to
“other” places * hint NEVERMIND.. to find manly
men. Now Europe is no Europe.

So donot accept the modernism

See, that is what happens, once men are made to

put their manliness down, and act sooo sweet,
soooo kind, sooo appreciating everything bitches
do, the bitches themselves will kick them in the
nuts. So that ability to hold the field, say no – say
no bullshit will be tolerated all needs to be
cultivated in the man. Then the bitches tag along.
Because that is their nature. If a man holds
profoundly spiritual strengths – just a single world
or an *ahem sound and de bixes fall into the right
mode of action. Instead if men grow up fed with
false ideals, and are wankstas and have no inner
strength then women being the yin, which needs
the guidance of the yang, begin to get guided by
everything else around.

A husband and wife should work to build their

inner spiritual world. Not the outer world. It is not
a husband’s job to worry about the neighbour
lady’s lower backache. No matter what amount of
kindness. So the sealed field is what feels good and


is the evolving of a bright space. Not a false idea of

worldly kindness, or anything. That false kindness
Europeans were taught, were to emasculate them.
It is not about being cruel, barking , grunting, or
anything. A normal rootedness.

Years should be spent together, building spiritual

strengths, ignoring the world. Then if necessary
world endeavours can be taken up.

Speaking of which – why not ease a few years, not

working. Should you wait till you are a permanent
promise to the doctor’s income sheet before finding
time for yourself?

Bixes are so much into the false morality of

working to build ai, going home to wank, that the
Bixes if they saw the Etenal Beloved would think it
is immoral to take their heads out of their peiss of
shit work to destroy the world, and attend to the
Eternal Beloved. One mode of action builds the
worlds, and own eternal joys. The other pretty
much hells here and hearafter. What kan ai do?
Automate wanking?

I am not against Ai. -but it has a place – dildos FOR

BIXES, warmachiens, automated maintaince of


homes, etc. and not PLUGGED on human brains.

Once you add a fukcing drop of reason and stop

being demented work doing machines, you will not
eb like the doctors recommending triple masking to
save oneselfr om a virus. It by any standard is
permanent brain damage.

When the evil at the top said put all unhealthy

covid people in ventillators, they did it and
murdered them all. Ventialltors are to animate the
diaphragm muscle if it is somehow dead. Covid
damages lungs. Ventiallros do nothing to
undamaged lugns. If the diaphragm is normal and
breathing muscles are active, a prietne is put on it..
he or she will probably die of panick unable to
breathe in own rhythm. That is how they first
murdered the elderly.

Then the simple solcuiton were like 100,000IU

Vitamin D while symptoms lasted -for a few days.
Did any recommend that? Instead they found if
deficiency of Vitamin D the disease were deadly.
On the other hand that a high dose heals were kept

Did any one government recommend good


nutrition? Did any one health agency recommend

plenty of fresh air, natural nutrition, vitamins, and
exercise to keep the immunity strong? To mask up
a lung with apthogens inside is to murder. It will
multiply superfast inside that space. A mask keeps
the diseased air inside, remember. Thee masks are
a joke – it is known to do brain damage. Research.

So do not think this establishment-system you

work for exists for your good.

By the way, Fauci and Co engineered covid in

China. They had labs in Ukraine, etc. as well.

Compare the appearance of Fauci and Mother

Theresa. Compare the appearance of Fidel Castro
and the Trudeau the Canadian prime minister.
Compare the appearance of Bush and the evil
British reptile queen. They are all part of one
satanic system at the top. Pay pal co founder.

“Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young

People's Blood”says an August 2016
article. “Peter Thiel Wants to Inject Himself With
Young People's Blood”says a Vanity Fair article.
The ..well.. what’s the word.. context is .. Well
before that, Peter Thiel is the cofounder of Pay Pal
with you know who.


Theil started a business to collect young people’s

blood in the name of a “scientific idea” of keeping
young. It were just a cover to get the blood. They
are all high vampire DNA blood lineages. Find a
few photos of Mother Theresa – what’s the vibe?
Find a few photos of her family. What’s the vibe?

These parasitical races and their DNA mixed

humans run the world politics and academia. A lot
of the celebrated people for their achievements are
just actors put there. Bill Gates to even famous
scientists, possibly. People are made to admire
these evil people. Just as they now run biopics for
shitty women alone.

They need to destroy out the brightness and the

inner human spiritual strengths to keep their
positions of power on humanity. In a sense they are
deeply afraid of human growth.

The movie industry is both consciously and

unconsciously driven by that scum even in India.
In the Hollywood it is explicity satanic as several
actors have come forward and said. Satanic
sacrifice of children, drinking the blood. The
addiction to adrenochrome – a set of hormones
produced when a someone dies in extreme fear –
are all norms of those trash. Fear were part of


humans when evil thigns hunted them, so the

blood composition they drink is best for them
when people die in fear. They hunted the young of
humans as they were helpless. And adult could
wield an axe. For them the blood of the young is a

Anyway, in India it is the same ideas of evil as in

the west getting pushed now. Starts with imitating
Hollywood. I were watching a movie of Jhansi Rani
– So the new idea of freedom in Indian movies is a
mother figure getting angry at the woman – the
wife – for wanting to go dancing in the slums. Well,
it is like saying the husband will become happy
and free if he were th dancer in every bachelorette
party in the slums. In this case the king- ought be
the gigolo dancer in free time. This is the level of
brains and shit of those who make the movies. Who
needs the British to ruin in India if people are that
shitty in the brains. I’d rather be ruled by someone
with a bit of dignity.

So when that scene started when she joins the slum

dance. Well, I shut the window down. And with a
finger, elegantly closed the laptop, never to watch
the movie again.

If the name of the movie were Jhansi “Randi,”I


would have elegantly shut the door before

watching the whole thing.

See, the royalty I sa manifestation fo their own core

dna, of a group of people, so they need to be
respected unless evil.

The prosperity of a kingdom is a direct function of

what the royalty does. Just like if the husband of a
family is a slum dancer, the family would fall in
happiness and virtue for eternity or perhaps
lifetimes. Nobody has the tendency to whip out
there.. well.. dancing costume.. and go dancing in
the slums – this is programmed. Then bitches en
masse will think that is the path to “freedom”- till,
well.. When they realize they got no freedom. Does
a whore have “freedom” or is she in a hell of her
own? People naturally keep a distance. 99 percent
of men would rather die than get married to a
whore. They get the attention of nothing but the
rot. It’s a dung pit.

This idea that only the 3D world exists takes people

to the idea freedom is achieved by running around
whipping out ones whatever FOR EVERYBODY
TO SEE. IS it absolute freedom?

Freedom is achieved by transcending the world, in

glorious and joyous action.


Also Jhansi Rani is a circus clown in the movie.

Well, that part is fine. Nothing against circus
clown. I imply the idea that acrobatice make a a
warrior. It is not possible – no matter what
acrobatics to fight a dozen single handedly. So the
powers of the prince or the warrior princess, were
all supernormal.

I remember reading someone comment on the

strength of Mahbarhata warriors, “Ah that were all
powers given by gods, its not real skill.”Its not
given by any external god, and even if an external
god gave the technology or weapons, the
individual already needs to have gained divine
strengths to use it. It’s a bit like saying messaging
on internet is not real messaging like writing on
paper and walking all the way. Or, like saying
quantum factorization running on a quantum
machine is not real factorization. Its just a different
level of real tech.

Similarly, powers of the prince, etc. doesn’t arrive

in imaginary packages, but is understood just as
one understands aspects of the 3D world, and only
on gaining the understanding are those powers


“But how is it that one can have things like

Brahmastra – something as powerful sa anuke in
the battle field.”Well Mahbahata says where it is
used for 12 years it doesn’t rain, and no life grows.
Anyway, when a real nuke is made. Real as the
kinda nuke we know about in this era. It is nothing
but a form, A DNA FORM interpreted by the brain,
own DNA, a sub activation of own DNA, as the
brain is what sees it. So that universal UNIVERSE-
DNA FORM generates a world story, the story
being the animation of the N-DIEMNSIONAL
CHAKRA MACHINE that plays out the universe
story. Well, that whole fucking chakra machine is
theoretically directly and internally available. As
the more enlightened deeper parts of the awrness
keep it under lock and key, there is no danger of
casual use – generally. They were very few in all of
history who had that, and they were all on the
realm of near enlightened sages. Arjuna is
described as a great sage by the Mahabahrata.

In every era there is a unique form of society and

various bright possibilities of action. One should
enver enter dull inaction. “But I saw on Tveee..
ee.e.e …. That spiritua lepopel do nothing”
RESPONSE: *hiyaaaaaaaaaaa * spinning bitchslap.


Well, what they show that way is people who

already touched the absolute and ITS JOYOUS FOR
DAZZLE. So that becomes the action at that stage.
If somebody attempts to imitate it when they are
dull as fukk it is absolutely sinful.

Arjuna before the war is literally doing the spiritual

shit, almost literally ideas such as “All these people
.. how do I slay them in war and then partake of the
bloodstained earth? .. I do not wish to slay them
even for the absolute sovereignty over the kingdom
of gods.. I think it is better that I wielding no
weapons is slayed by them.. .. What are Kingdoms
to us? For whom we would hold all those things,
stand against us facing us in war.. “

So Krishna literally responds, albeit with a smirk,

by “Don’t bring this weak nonsense to me.”
Anyway , they were there after attempting peace
for over 12 years. And even another peace mission
attempted after that. And to fight the war were
arjuna’s Dharma as a prince. Krishan reminds
Arjuna of performing the action of his own
Dharma. If sitting smoking weed worked the whole
advise of the Gita were debatably unnecessary.


Being dull and inactive is the opposite of being

spiritually evolving. False activity like bunjee
jumping 9 hours a day is also damaging. Nobody
wants to do that. And that is precisely why it is
damaging. They are not listening to own soul.

A false kinda want emerges from watching TV,

programming. I want to be the American President
or the sunshadign wearing superstar and I work
hard for that. Surely, that not likely to be from the

Study is a form of activity. Easing is a form of

activity. Why? Because easing doesn’t have an idea
of dullness in it. Dull and doing nothing is

“ Who doesn’t turn the wheel of the universe here,

aghayur indriya aramo, he lives in delusion,” says
the Gita. Now what does that Sanskrit phrase mean
aghayur. Agh means densified, without movment,
word root or a similar one occurs in Af-ghan-stan.
Ap is water, ghan is to solidify, stan is place. The
place where water solidifies.

Indriya is usually translated as sense organs.

Upanishads give the meaning fuel if I remember


right to the sound Ind, saying the Gods love

mystery so have hidden the meaning. I might be
remembering it wrong though.

Anyway, if you research online, Indriya referred

not just to the external senses, but to facutlties such
as faith concentration, energy , wisdom, spiritual
faculties and the list is long. Buddhist text have
preserved aspects of the ancient meaning as well.

I guess it is what evolves from the origin, as one

engages in action. That Silver Energy. Which is
why Arjuna is the on of Indra. Well, just an idea.
And action is not just physical action. Like study,
watching a movie, reading a book, etc. Or playing

Aramo means to be inactive. Which implies he who

is in activity of various faculties of action such as
intelligence, spiritual faculties, wisdom, leads a
dumb existence. Obviously. Duh.

One may study books such as Euclid’s Elements, or

Euclid’s Data to devillup reasoning. Ancient Indian
doctrines such as Nyaya emphasized devillupment
of the reasoning faculties. It is necessary to devillup
those to do well on the path and in life. If nothing


take a Logic 101 course, or a Reasoning 101

COURSE, or finda good book on reasoning. Let me
google and see if I can find one for you. One

I dunno, you could find a good book on your own.

Logic didn’t devillup with the advent of the ai
devlipping scene. But, it were in the west first
devillupped by the Stoics. The very structure and
terminology of modern logic theory is from there.
The Stoics devilluped it to devillup themselves. Not
machines. As in on their spiritual journey, they
needed the ability to analyze and understand and
stand upon reason in every possible situation. If
you are philosophically inclined, the Discourses of
Epictetus, or the fragments on Stoic Physics is all
interesting stuff to explore.

If you are weird, you could study the poems of

Sappho. I do no think it has ANYTHING TO DO
with the weird ideas they associate it with.

Like a poem from Sappho as translated by

DUBNOFF, “ Immortal Aphrodite, on your
intricately brocaded throne, child of Zeus,
weaver of wiles, this I pray: .. O Blessed Goddess,
a smile on your immortal face,.. what did I desire
for myself, in my frenzied heart.”


Its just a set of poems and nothing of the sorts of

what the evil academia says. There is zero proof
that Sappho were into any weird idea. And most of
her poems have never even been discovered.
Fragments and bits from here and there is what
survives. Its mostly adoration of the Divine, and so

If you take a look at the poems, you will realize

how the evil academia doesn’t hesitate to slander
the sacred ancients even, who wrote lofty thoughts.
Nothing of the trash they accuse her of is true, and
not an iota of evidence exists to support it. Some of
her poems are even addressed to the Eternal
Beloved, it would seem, and thus a profoundly
Spiritual and virtuous woman is the image I get
from the poetry – from whatever I have seen.
Worth researching.

Studying the writings of the ancients such as

Homer, and that fall of Troy thing by the Roman
poet, Ovid’s metamorphosis, all those things, both
elevate the soul and temper it at the same time. I
read just the first few pages of that Fall of Troy
thing, and next to nothing of Homer.. Still.. The fall
of troy thing.. were profoundly transforming, one
lives the trauma and the strength of Spirit a man
finds in himself during war. That tempers, prepares


one for life.

Worgging IN AI for money to show off and fool

aunty relatives only leads one’s plane of thinking
into hells and the being soon follows. And the sin
of what you did to the world tags along. Why live
like that – if you can afford not to?

The government of India spends like 0.0000 percent

of its budget on defense R&D. Why not create an
educational system that would sustain the R&D in
India itself Why should Indians frantically work to
devillup facebook or twitter – and funnel human
energy and resources and time to a nation
destroying the world, and would in an instant turn
Indian enemy as well? Its like working for the
enemy, all to get bitchslapped. It’s shameful. No
dignity level stuff. Devillup AI for defense. Work
for India. The govs should make the opportunity.
Send this book to the gov, or bitchslap a decision
maker with it. See if it makes a difference. Wait..
and bitchslap again. De frequency of de bitchslap
matters. Too high.. it will just knock out the
whoever.. Wrong decision to do that. In particular
scenarios one kan go for a high frequency bitchslap
to bring out good decisions.


One of the gravest disasters in India is that “

parenting” phenomenon kids go through. First of
all, the school thing and associated franticity is a
demonicity and nothing short of torture of children
– that is to be discarded. Not improved upon – but
discarded entirely. One cannot pour more oil on a
creaky joint full of dirt to make it better. Or, eat
more tons more food while the body is already
unhealthy and having digestion issues to get

The educational system is that. Nothing but a

hellish drama. Serving no purpose. Not even
utliltarian. Let at least the well off part of Indian
society explore better options - Than a years long
drama endowing very little knowledge. Home
schooling with online stuff and simple exams every
few years or yearly is good.

Exams needn’t grade students down to the number

or anything. Well, just ensure they gain the
knowledge. Professional firms for testing of
knowledge before applying for jobs can be
established. If I wanted to be an engineer, I should
be able to work with a professional firm that will


test my real world skills an d knowledge. And that

should be sufficient. A set of certificates from
kindergarten is dumb. Well, the way I suggest,
companies will be able to make an informed
decision on the skills of who applies for the work.
The companies themselves can work with the
professional testing firms to emphasize the testing
of any particular set of skills, or knowledge of
particular domains. Before these type of schools
and certificates I assume warriors, philosophers,
artists, and all those things existed. Guidance is
what a kid needs – not the daily torture putting
them in unforms and lines. It is an evil ritual from a
reptile land.

What evolves a kid is not grades at school. Those

things are trivial. It is the knowledge that enable
growth – spiritual growth. Spiritual is a word – any
growth beyond just grunting and earning money.

When an Indian parent judges a kid based on the

grades, he or she is telling the kid that it has no self
worth. All its worth is dependent on grades. Then
in later life all its worth is dependent on salary. It is
better to die than turn into that kind a flimsy fool.
A human strives to a principle that is able to stand
independent of what the world thinks - while
doing what is good, and through that mode of


action , approaching the greater goal. If the inner

Atma, or the Self is discarded for flimsy outside
ideas, then the individua turns something flimsy.

The way people interact in a family, both the

aesthetic and celebrative quality, these evolve the
prosperity of a family. Think of a family that ahs
tons of money but the parents torture th kid based
on the grades, then based on salary, etc. Its an evil
den. What if the parents are treated like that “ I am
not impressed by your credentials and job, so I do
not like you, and do not want the world to know
your credentials and job aren’t great. Why don’t
you go work hard elsewhere so I can lead a show
off and pride based existence.” That’s evil. Why do
Indian parents serve that nonsense to their children
and expect themselves to be treated not as a
function of their bank account? Aren’t both sides
human. It is those kids that discard parents when
the utility is done.

The beauty of a family evolves as the family deals

with beauteous and everlasting forms. I am not
talking about external prettiness. I know some vil
bitches who everytime they hear the word beauty
het on social media and start display. “ Beauty is a
manifestation of eternal laws, that otherwise would
remain hidden to us.” While the false apeparnce


beauty of the evil bixes is absolute poison , more of

a prank by Nature, as everybody sooner or latr
realizes. The more shiny and proud about it usually
the emptier and more dangerous to the human
ways of existence. So , it is not that beauty I refer to.
But the spiritual aesthetics.

So, it is that aesthetics of thought, interaction,

words offered to each other, the time one says a
something, the intent being to respect the Soul,
which is the One God..

These evolve joys in the world and eternal


Agastya lived in a hut with his wife. And the

mountains would bow before him. Why because
their ways were great. Neither of them were
minting money or building buildings, yet achieved
eternal glory.

Its no fancy rocket science only a few can pull. It is

the simplest idea. When people begin to serve each
other’s inner self, and uphold the ancient forms,
then kingdoms appear on earth. Then humans turn
divine – wether in a hut or palace. Ornaments, big
buildings and empty pride is only a way to hells.

Think of how a low peiss of shit family behaves.


They will put on a face when they go outside –

wear the best ornaments, grin around, asl people
about their joobu, salary, etc – jut to decide who to
bloojoobu. Once they return home, they will do a
*gasp and “ normalcy” returns. The husband does a
spinning bitchslap on the wife. The wife shouts and
insults the husband. Words are shitty. Insults on
each other abound. They hate the sight of each
other. The “ home” is actually a hell.

A spiritually evolved family, they hold up each

others self respect. For a prince to spend days
working is an insult to everybody. The words are
beautiful. The space of home is a place where there
is aesthetics, simple brightness, and a space for
growth everyday. Every minute, be one easing,
studying, having good food, discussing ideas with
each other, enquiring about each other’s health, it is
an offering to the God, the Divine that has
appeared there.

False things give themselves names and fancy

titles, and boss around the poor people. That is evil.
It is again just pride and empty show. False
spiritual titles and shit is why India fell. Its entirely
something of normal life. Not a peiss of shit
dressed up and demanding everybody put him on
a pedestal for no good reason. All these groupisms


in India are just that. How can fools describe

themselves as pandits for every generation, etc. Its
like saying everybody is an engineer in a family
just because of a title, etc. Don’t have these display
things. Be grounded.

Well.. there are legends in the Mahabharata like a

Princess from her spiritual merit were shining as
bright as the Sun, people could hardly gaze in the
direction. Etc. Point being, spiritual quality also is
apparent. If someone has an evil appearance –
probably something is off.

Even with monks etc. One can from the brightness

of their appearance, and words, easily say if they
have situated themselves in Brahmachrya, etc.
Vivekananda, for instance. Yet, appearance in itself
is easily fakes.

People’s respect for each other, friendships etc –

which usually occur on a plane of society – ought
not be a function of which corporate job. After the
nasty upbringing – Indian kids interact with each
other only to make sure the other is doing not so
well. If CEO, then some fake admiration covering
the jealousy inside. If relaxing away from work,
studying then, thinks no joobu.. so they kan insult..
etc. That’s the kinda cheapshit culture we have not.


What work did Plato hve? Or Socrates have? Or

Diogenes have? Are you a bitch to judge people by
salary. There is a name for things that bloojoob or
not based on moneys. Not your genetics – or is it?

What happened when Americans and the west

abandoned all sacred ideas for a supermarket trip
oriented life. It is labelled “independence,”
Nothing but hell and darkness existed inside
people. Bible says, “ Who throws away the family
inherits nothing but the wind.”

Because till the stage of absolute enlightenment –

once cannot do things for oneself. As in.. .Well, the
Gita says, “ He who prepares food for himself,
without giving to the Gods, eats sin.”

When assume in a family people joyously enjoy th

meal together, it is an offering to the brightn4ess
appeared there, the divine. If you were so selfish
and arrogant and “ independent” all you can do is
prepare something for yourself and greedily eat..
Well.. by second day you will feel dull about your

Not just that words, discussion, all these things are

necessary. It is a similar principle. One cannot
progress by just sitting alone.. sometimes waking..
sometimes smoking weed. .sometimes going to


work.. all greedy.. hoping to become a superstar..

labelling oneself independent because the
supermarket chains makes it easy.. Independent of
what the fuck? If water supply, electricity, and
roads, and supermarket chain failed.. how long will
you live? Barking grunting..

Those kidns of trash – every word is an insult to

themselves. If yo udo good for them, they will do a
cobra kai move in return. Are all wankstas, have no
depth. Nothing. Better to never have existed. Why,
is it so precious eating food off the supermarket
shelf each day – that you need to grunt and brak
like a greedy dog at everybody. And add to it
theory of survival, they are empty hells in

If theory of survival – why is it that that paleolitic

tiger died and the sloth is alive and well. Its all
absolute lies. It is the solar DNA that becomes the
forms here – so on other planets in other suns, it is
humans . And similar forms.

There is not a single case observed where a dog

have birth to a duck or a horse. Interspecies
evolution has never once been observed. Well,
within as pecies, thing smay change colur, grow
taller or shorter or anything.


These false ideas are template based fed into

worlds that the reptilians attempt to entirely take
over. So, it is systematically planned. The
demented scientists are brain controlled trash. How
did two stpupid equations tell hawking there is no
God. Then the media peddles it. Nonsense trash. It
were probably a dead thing animated by aliens.

By the blackhole thing is only a mathamtical zero,

and there are different order zeroes. The star
systems being 6D, have A 7D entry space, the
center. A galactic one, as in center of galaxy one is a
higher order one. This and the mathematics of it is
immediately obvious from the Vedic math sutras
granted view.

Each space is a vector machine processing reality. 4

space evolves forth in t4he geometry of the
universe machine 4 such DNA-CODE processing
3D vector machines. Gravity and all forces are only
a phenomenon of the fundamental weave of the
DNA codes and each dimensional space thus is
associated with a kind of natural evolution, the
fundamental “ force “ of that order space. We are
here subject largely to what is around the 3
domain- and so would experience forces with
apparently 3 or 4 different types of math. Btw, I
didn’t need to do any fancy university to discover


this. It’s a direct view as the Sutras are studied. In

the future the peiss of shit scientists will see star
system blackholes and galaxy cdener ones have
different math. The year I write is 2022. So you
know .

Anyway, a narrow view that only a 3D reality

exists isn’t even physics. People lie that “Reality” .
Because consciousness structures vibing with hgher
order realities evolve higher pattens, such aa
prosperity, joy, etc. people should approach the
whole thing with ease and wisdom.

Like the NATO nations bombing 11 million

innocents, put a ban on Russian wheat. For
defending their territory. Sacrificing their soldiers
to ensure a great number of innocents don’t die.

What did Indian bitches do? “

Yeeeeeeeehhhaaaaaaaaaa.. opportunity to sell high
protein, high quality wheat to the evil west that has
been bitchslapping India for so long. “ “
Blojaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbb…. I here I kum running for
de munney.. hunney.. I am going to hardwork for
the munney”


Don’t get me wrong. Not all Indians are like that.

But the education and the evil ideas think all they
need to do is blojaaabb for money. Then money
kumms. Then they get fancy dressed like the evil
reptile dynasty of the west and insult round
everybody and become “Great.” It never happens.
They never get rich – even if they do they die
diseased. It is a pleasure to watch them destroy

Really who wants to live with front two tooth gold

to show off?

Should the best of nourishment of a human body

be sent to the enemy for money – so that the first
dude will get healthy wealthy and wise? No.. Its
death and evil unto oneself.

How different is selling the best wheat to the

enemy and forcing the rest of India to eat shit?

Are you all evil or pretending to be?

Simialrly, sea food. Eat yu rown sea food,

BITCHES. Why export it away?

This the delusion that generates poverty. Greed. A

small hut by the ocean is worth a ten thousand
dollars for a few weeks’ stay. So it is a beautiful


experience. Plus octopus to eat ought be heaven.

But if the insides are dull, they will never see the
heavens right in front.

India is of course people of all different realms of

thinking. One cannot blame dumb people for beign
dumb. That is the matrix they are born in. The
people with depth and wisdom are the only ones
that kan transform India positively. Lots of greedy
run is happy is the delusion of the .. you know. .the
cheap shit .

If prosperity hasn’t sprayed from evil Britain on

you in 200 years.. it never will no matter what you
do.. give them best of land and sea food… and
gawk at them.. think.. I dunno.. even education..
Nobody wants to do things afresh in India. One
reason is the greedy run set up by the present
education into a joobu life. Only the better off
portions of society can break it – by refusing to
participate on that hellish cycle.

But everybody should work hard for prosperity.

Nope – do you want to send “ Everybody” in your
family to work for the neighbour for extra money?
Same in a nation.

People born in a different situation has done

greater things before. Nothing is random. Or it


might be just punishment to destroy them keeping

them empty – if more moneys than inner

And not all work is good. People working hard to

export away your food is “hardworking?” Those
who study and do genetic engineering is
“hardworking?” The vaccine agenda proponents
are hardworking? Doctors who repeat the same
nonsense they are told, destroying health is
hardworking? Or people building social media on
which your whiff is likely to run away is
hardworking? Or people polluting our rivers with
poison things to sell goods to the west is
hardworking? People depleting lands of India to
sell its produce elsewhere is hardworking? Every
crop permanently depletes the land and if sent to
other nations – even more so. Or, those who torture
the new gen with false education is doing any good
to the world?

Its weird that a nation should have plenty to export

but not plenty to nourish itself. Plenty of time to
work to build twitter, facebook etc., no time to
build an educational network. Why? Greed.

And that hardworking thing is the opposite of

working. They are working like leeches. Drawing


blood. Parasites.

So the important question is what the fuck are you

doing? Not how hardworking in the opposite
direction – running into dung pits.

Bhutan has ten percent fucking monks. Still

prosperity. They sit and do nothing. Yet, not one
hungry person. Not one ugly building. Not one
chaotic town.

It is unimaginable to them that elderly would

starve on the streets while people have plenty to
eat. India were like that once. Before the parasites
taught this frantic runs.

So for fuck’s sake -don’t hardwork like a peiss of

shit woman in frenzy to destroy the land and own
world. Bitches will keep working stitching.
.knitting… etc.. with no purpose. A full individual
should have reason.

What a man is born into is his property. It is his

freedom to use it as he deems good for the benefit
of oneself or the world. That one should not run in
frenzy but do Yagna with it is what even Rig Veda
teaches. Any higher authority ,bitch?


If all of the pandavas were like, “ yyyyeeaaa.. we

are going to be strong independent, and each one
set up a separate booth, danss for moneys, get
glamour and rih, and live the happy life” What
kinda shit would they be? Of it they each went to
work.. I will work digging the earth.. the other
digs whatnot.. etc.. Its nonsense. One would never
have a glorious Mahabharata then.

Nature, the Universe is always functioning

bringing prosperity. It is not the bankers. Not

Speaking of which.. the Tartarian buildings were

built in one day with higher tech. No decent alien
race would help an evil and greedy humanity. The
evil aliens take grip – like the reptiles.

By the way, in the Alien World Order book, Len

points out how reptiles for a template introduce
ideas such as evil feminism in every planet they
destroy. Because bitches have biologically lesser
number of neurons. And they will if told working
90 hours a day for 40 YEARS is freedom will work
like shit abandoning family. Because no brains.

I were just seeing news of how the winners of

national womens competition in the USA are men
who identify as women. Everything is getting


gender fluid in the USA. They have no biological

similarity to women and yet, .. .

Well, that is where the inclusivity, equality, etc.

agenda leads. So don’t dumbly ape the west. Does
the whole village have inclusivity in your
bedroom? For your women are the nasty neighbor
equal to their own married partner?

So there is differences, and what is good is the

profundity it generates. I respect Mohammad Ali
greatly. And I am grateful to have seen Ali’s feats
in the boxing ring.

There is differences. People are better, not so good,

etc. in different fields. Where glory shines, we take
it for the glory of divine. We respect great

And lesser or grater in a world situation we allow

everybody their inherent dignity as they perform
own Dharma. Can you get everybody to be Ali or
Einstein? So each person has to do different things.

Bhaskaracharya is great. Yet, how does he begin

the begin the Text of the BijaGanita.. “ I bow to the
Invisible Ishvara.. the Number.. and the Seed of the
entire universe.” The emphasis is on the word bow.
The phrase “I bow.” He does not live in a demonic


awarenss of I am so great, everybody admire me

etc. “ I am so scientific I no no believe in anything.
I no bow. I only bark, grunt, etc. “

When people work in different positions, it is the

duty of those above to ensure proper decorum. I
am sure nobody will walk into a CEOs office
saying, I am your equal – and keep the job. Yet
people go and beg for jobs – why? Because they
innately know they have to serve to improve. Even
spiritually they have to understand how to do good
work, for the world’s welfare, with loyalty. Its like
getting to the next level in a video game. If people
ar arrogant about it, have no gratitude, then Nature
rewinds their evolution back to the state of bow
bows etc. Not me, Nature as in Prakiriti, Universe.
Don’t shoot the messenger.

When I am in the position of a student, I am

profoundly respectful to those who teach me.
Friendly and good to those around me, help them
with what I understand, etc. I do not go grunting
barking whipping out any greatness and
demonstrating it to everybody, etc. Because Life is
joyous in those forms of differences. To strut
around is what.. hellish..

A kign holds his position of being served, as an


authentic King has a crown. A crown is the open 7th

chakra. Not a false crown. So an authentic king is
enlightened or on a spiritually high plane, and is
the source of the wisdom, guidance and joy go a
kingdom. To who serve the king are respected as in
a high position, as well, in a Kingdom.

In a spiritual sense too, the profundity, the inner

joyousness, the depth and loyalty, somebody doing
a work has is about their own spiritual growth. So
it is the duty of society to allow them to understand
that. And also the duty of those who employ
people to ensure proper decorum. It is a divine
form being held. Not about one greater, the other
lesser etc. Just as in an army – the solder is worthy
or respect, so is the general. The form, the holding
of that order, is Divine.

Similarly, in a family, “ Be like a Father Unto us, O

Agni” says the Rig Veda in first Sukta. So .. are you
going to erode and make disappear the ideal of the
way a father should be? Are you going to import
the false ideals from the west and generate a nation
where kids are abandoned by both parents? Only
when a father plays the role of a father does that
point of Yagna exist. Only then does the divine
appear there, and only then does in familial
ordering actions and words enable the divine


offering in Yagna, in the pattern of interaction with

the father. Well, if you want a world where your
father is more feminine than your mother to
improve the equality of the genders, and so your
mother hates your father for being innately weak,
and family systems disappear, then the ideas from
the west have a role. For but poisoning human
existence, it is virtually useless.

We do not live to strut around or compete or

establish superiority, but with profundity serve the
Yagna. For a woman to transcend she should serve
her husband and God. Not the vaccine
manufacturing system of the antichrist.

One cannot serve both evil and God at the same

time. One cannot hold both arrogance and
profundity at the same time.

“ I have a doubt.. but Buddha left home.. didn’t

have attachment to anything.. “ Well those are
story versions. Buddha leaving home is like
American President walking out of office. He being
the Prince were always under observation to
ensure safety, etc. Buddha is no ordinary
individual. He left home for what? Because no
attachment and wanted to party all the time? Nope,
because of his attachment to his people, he were


determined to find a solution for their suffering. If

he had no attachment.. al Habibi.. why would he
first visit his wife on return? Why would he take
his father’s permission before generally staying
outside the palace to be teaching? That were an era
where people sought such a solution.. A different
time.. And it were his duty an enlightened or
borderline enlightened prince to find a way to
guide them, in wisdom. He took such a path. Did
he entirely stay away from palaces, etc. Nope.. even
the Heart Sutra, if I remember right, starts with
“While the Buddha were staying at the Royal home
in.. “

He did not abandon anybody. It is not possible to “

abandon” anybody in the luxuries of the biggest
palace in the entire Kingdom.

He guided his own family to the highest as well.

And it were all bright and joyous.

During that era, the Aryan form and knowledge

had been dwindled. Buddha decided to rediscover
things on his own. And what is described is one of
the lifetimes of the Buddha. We do not know the
exact story. The important point is he kept
performing own Dharma of guiding his people.
Never even went for luxury stays elsewhere, etc. So


that is a deep and profound attachment to own

Kingdom and people. For that attachment, he
sacrificed the simple, irrelevant material ideas, for a
while. A king is usually born as a king in various
lives. So he does not inherently value material
things that much – but for the Yagna, wealth has
little in terms of sway on him. As Buddha himself
says in a scripture, in the future people with no
understanding will say Buddha sacrificed luxury
food and so on. What he did were through
meditation and analysis impart understand the
worlds. He could be in different places at the same
time. Visit kingdoms in different worlds, and so on.
It is not a very simple view to take the example of

In the Mahabharta also kings are seen to withdraw

from the world for a while to affect own spiritual
improvement. Arjuna takes an opportunity to
meditate on the Himalayas for 12 years, .. well.. 12
years if my memory serves me right.

Just as only with strength, virtue, and a steep

spiritual rise, can a man serve own family, only
with the same factors can a King guide own people,
secure the Kingdom win wars against the dark
forces of the Orcs, and so on.


The Spiritual brightness in a authentic King is so

high – he does not fear death. There is an
awareness of heavens and eternity established in

“Wut if I strut around like that.. will it work” .. Er..

nope.. It is those who are pfoounly humble that are
elevated.. Bible says so .. doesn’t it? I dunno.. You

The first thing to do is strong beign a wanksta and

stop having a greed focus. Stop feeding own pride.
Stop being a display bitch with social media. If you
have substance, in a world where so many
unforntuante people deserving of good things
exist- you live to pretend you have a happy life. If
a neighbourhood aunty were like that – would you
admire her. One of the biggest dangers are pride
and display. The Sun has to try to shine not too
bright. The frog jumps against the Sun, hoping to
out do its heights. “ But what about equality
between the Sun and the frog? “ .. neevermind..

People falsely translate things. In the Gita is a verse

“sarvatra samam pasyati,” often translated as “
Everywhere seeing the same” Well.. the word
samam in my view had the ancient meaning,
understanding the appeared form in the ternal


planes. As in everything is a DNA form unveiling a

particular form that exists in the eternal. This is the
Panninian traditions understanding of words as
well, when one says “ Agni” its is a vibratory form
referring to the “Agni Tattwa” or the Agni
Principle existing in the Eternal planes. The form
od the word “ Agni” and the Agni Tattwa both
exist there in the eternal planes, the Atma Planes,
and that form is activated by, or viewed thriugh the
vibration “ Agni.”

What is a hint that might have been the idea? The

word before that phrase, “ ātmaupamyena sarvatra
samaṁ paśhyati” Atmaupamyena, by analogy to
the planes of the Atma, the Eternal Planes. If not if
everything is to be viewed the same, “
Dhuroyodhana is Yudhistra” and Arjuna can be at
home smoking weed, instead of battling war in the
warfield, and why the necessity of all the advise.
Such a simple everything is all one blob kinda
understanding, formed “without sufficient
reasoning” is described as in the mode of darkness
by the Gita itself.

In the 18th Chapter, 22nd Verse, the Gita says, “Yet

that understanding which sees everything as one
whole object, with no reasoning, with nothing in
terms of the underlying principles of reality, and no


deep substance that is in the mode of darkness.”

People rush into foolish understandings their

brains can process. Reasonign and that the
understdganding explains world phenomenon is
the foundation of any understanding, be it spiritual
or non spiritual. “ Reality”, and words such as “
Tat” “ Sat” etc. are the words used to describe the
object of Spiritual study, the God, a nd so on. in
ancient Indian traditions. “ The Reality” were the

“May I move from the unreal to real, from

darkness to Light, and from death to immortality”
is an ancient prayer found in an Upanishad.

Well, regarding the use of the word samam. It also

occurs in the Gita in the phrase, “samaṁ kāya-
śhiro-grīvaṁ dhārayann achalaṁ sthiraḥ” Well, it is
usually read as .. from the previous phrase saying
upaviśhyā, having sat down, one keeps the body,
head, and neck straight.. straight being the way they
translate samam there. Well.. if one is sitting down..
al Habibi.. how will one keep the body straight?

Samam there implies, in my view, the idea that the


entire body is to be understood in ots origin in the

eternal planes, and in that awareness of own Body
form, in Silver, one stays with the awanress still.. As
described by the rest of the verse. The “ samprekshya
nasikagram” also probably is referring to
understanding the the origin and awanress absorbed
at the origin space the 6th ckarka space,
corresponding ot the top of the nose, the between

Well.. some people refer to the nasikaagra as the tip

of the nose, as in the front tip. It is debatable what it
is. Because an Upanishad has these two spots as
different sports for the samyama meditation the
absorbed kinda meditation, in which the meditator
loses identity with the passing form of oneself and
identified with the meditated on - the inner Self.

The nose-tip in my feeling has an association with the

0 plane at the base of the spine. Both the spine and
the nose are breathing apparatus. Both ends of it are
peaks – agra - in a view. Agra also means before, root,
the origin, etc.

So there is a journey of discovery and understanding

involved in all these. There are traditions that say it is
ideal to meditate only on the higher charkas, but
having achieved enlightenment, it is necessary to
understand the properties of the mathematical
integer domains of the universe machine, around 0 to


7 domains of which, evolving a unique DNA stream,

appears as a human body and the universe around in
human experience.

In the phrase before occurs ekagram, one pointed, or

eka+agram, which has a plausible interpretation as
the Origin of the 1, the 0 domain.

Different points of meditation engender different

effects. The Gita verse also says, “not deviating to

On the surface body a point that is devoid of the

sense of directions is inside the head, neither up nor
down, not left not right, not to the front not to the
back. Everytime a thougth, a chitta vritti, in the
terminology of yogasutras appear, one may flash it
away with the light that appears there. The attention
is kept and the awareness absorbed into th light that
appears there. That light drawn out dissolves away
all world perception, and grants perception of the
Soul. Not just thought any deviating perception can
be dissolved away such.

Remember also that even though the 0 plane may be

perceived better on an aspect of own body, a point of
meditation has within it origin, the 0s of every
dimension. So once you decide on a meditation that
feels good to you stick to it. In ancient statues, such s
ancient Buddha statues, the point they meditated on
is indicated. And it would not be a bad idea to still the
awareness in the Light that appears there. Well, also


depends on where the Light appears for the invidual.

Like Alice Bailey points out in her text on YogaSutras,
written under guidance of a Tibetan Immortal, It is
the head-space that is usually where the awarnesss is
held in focused meditation. Another idea is to follow
the breath Zen, style. Till the Light is found, following
the breath is good.

Well, if an idea I say seem too devilluped to make

sense well.. skip it. Read On..

Studying any subject is that one. One simply doesn’t

explore a field one day and understand everything.

Before, we get into an exploration of the way

language were studied in India.. lets discuss a bit the
importance of the way a kid is brought up by the

“This body is called the Kshetra,” says the Gita. That

is the sacred temple, where the Light of Gods, ought
be invited with words and actions is the body.

If a child is sworn at from a young age and

btichslapped and made to slave against own will, wht
kinda ritual is established in the temple? Demonic?

That is how people turn dumb, demonic, dull. Such a

person has no self respect or self will, how will he or
she be a good person? The same that were done to it,
the child will tend to do by transference to society.

Look up the term transference in the context of


psychology. If a teacher behaves in a way that makes

the kid follow their will, in disciplining way the child
will imitate it around. So if you behave in a senseless
way, acting out your greed and fears, the same kind
of thing is the outcome.

At a young age is where formation occurs. After every

exam your greedy demons want to find out how well
the neighbour’s kid did – If it outpwrformed you
begin to toture and punish your kid. Either
psychologically, or with cover words, or with ughly
epxressions that never seem to disappear off the face.
How mich demons of lobha and matsyarya do you
have – is it leading you and your family to heavnen or
hell. Even the home is a veritable hell when such
demons control.

A good parent is only bothered that the kid forms a

overall good understanding of the subject. If it
memorized history books for firt place in class it is
bound to be a slave – for that text is lies and evil
programming. If it performs will in a math class
taught by teachers who have no reason – it is a good
sign the kid is equally demented. It is a sign of
intelligence to lose interest in such settings, as the
great matheamticial Polya wrote.

A parent has only the right to guide a child in the

Spiritual path. That is the purpose of life. One cannot


wear a perfume for the world, fart all day the same
time. Simialrly, one cannot lead a empty life and
enforce it on kids, and at the same time enjoy the
heavenly things - on earth or heaven. A good soul is
needed to taste a good soup even.

The idea of punishing children for material gains is

unimaginable in Indian traditions. And if you yourself
have no idea of what it is to make spiritual progress,
how would you guide your kid at that?

Think of Arjuna being punished by Bhishma for not

going to work for a salary? The very idea is demonic.

There are differences between planes of society.

Perhaps some by their sins have to live in those fears.
By fears I mean, wanting a joobu for salary, etc. Why
make the same fears part of your existence? That is
what is deadly about subscribing to ideas such as
equality. There is no equality between lions and
hyenas. Both are born different. One hunts when
there is a necessity to hunt. Is at ease otherswise.
Doesn’t do harm unnecessarily.. The other scavenges
at everything all day. If it is born a lion – let it be a
lion. You cannot punish it into beign a hyena. And if
everybody wants to be a hyena.. what will the poor
hyenas do?

Before the war Krishna asks, “ From what did you get
this dirt, This UnAryan, UnHeavenly, Not bringing any
glory..” So again a good discrimination between high
spiritual Nature- Aryan and de peisses of shit living


for money, in greed wether they have it or not.. that

inner descrimiantion is necessary. Aryan does not
mean rolling out tanks and pretty little pink people
bombing everybody. Aryan means something the
pink trash kannot understand in a billion years. Of
course with spiritual nature there will be a inner and
outer brightness, generally. It is not that you will look
like a dull eyes, ugly wanker if you have deep
spiritual quality.

Different planes of society exist.

Just like all the cells of a human body are not

different, have different DNA expressions, play
different roles , etc. There are differences in DNA
expressions on earth. Differences in ways of thinking,
language, life, and so on.

Even otherwise, beings are not born the same. Is

every pappu a great sage such as .. I dunno.. by
birth? Why I say this is - Don’t fucking pick up fears
from other starata of society. If parents from rich
families spend their days in fear “ If my son no get IT
joobu we will all blooojoooooobu and
dieeyeeeeaaaaaa *EEEEE *EEEEE.E.E.E.E” – that
that has been subject to it over generations. Why pick
it up from the foolish PLANES OF SOCIETY? AND

Like I say, it is not that difficult to die. Everybody


dies. The richest have kids that are demented in body

and brain born in their families. The rich die
diseased. The rich exist with diseases. So life spares
none. What is rare in this world is to lave lived to
improve yourself internally.

“ But hardworking will improve the world” Yes, if you

made useless shit and exported to the west and
Polluted the Ganga, from tomorrow onwards life will

If someone has enough resources, let him spend time

at ease improving oneself. Then let him at ease figure
our creative endeavours, or things that improve
society. Not some mad frantic run for money. If I
already have tons of money and my on ly goal is to
make useless and harmful products and make my
bank account bigger till I die of diseases – then there
is something wrong in my head. Its not hardworking.
It is imitating the mental disease of reptiles. I work
when people are willing to receive good things, align
with a great endeavour with a sense of .. a greater
vision.. a sense of giving the world something.. Of
aligning with a greater goal.. If not why frantically
run in greed to feed greed. Bixes are in the tons and
they kan do that well.


The false spirituality, Brahmanism of the pretentious

kind, is what initially destroyed India. In an India where all
had a Gayatri Yagna book at home, where everybody does
pranayamas, studies the ancient texts in a way one would
study mathematics or physics,

// a person who is his own boss

The western academic approach though it brigns

with it a level of sysgtemization has the absolutely
evil side of superficially labellign everything and
putting them into inflexible boxes. Ones the books
are written, reality is bent to the labels. In Mughal
India, I think the wife of Bajirao, or some other
emperor, were Muslim, her mother were a
practicing Krishna Bhakta, and all understood the
ultimate God as not dependent on the labels of a
religion. Of course, idiots existed in all eras – but
saying – nobody with wisdom thought the religion
is a box into which whole of reality and God were
to be wrapped up. That box exits in a reality. That
reality exists in God. Now, even the Upanisahds
say “ As smoke from Fire, were all these that we
have as scripture breathed forth from the Supreme
Being.” So no smoke cn describe that Fire - and no
religion is a net that captures God. It is but a view
that one holds, each view unveiling a beautiful


aspect. And without any of the frameworks one can

still do the same, studying mathematics, or the
views of different ancient traditions, one forms
own view.

The religion taught in the Gita is just action

following the Soul. You yourself know best what
you want to do. When you were a child, before
they taught you all about greed, and money – what
did you want?

People wanted to have good friends, a good family,

good food, joys, spend time on their own interests.
Exactly that is the way to adore God.

God appears with the Individual, as per different

traditions be it Indian or Sufi.

Academia and labels make people stand with

stubbornness against each other and fight each
other. Differences in views of the same thing – is a
reason to oppose each other? I am sure God is older
than your fukked up superstition and religion and
thinks of that box , the whole planet, the buildings
and everything as nothing.

At the same time, since these forms reveal the

Divine, even if it be way of an African tribe one
needs to appreciate it.


The Divine unveils itself in different ways. War

with principles were adored in the Mahabharata .

The fake academia of the West says the Aztecs

were “ Sun Worshippers” and sacrificed people
unto the Sun. The only people who are actually
known to have murdered people en-masse is a
particular species found in the West.

The Sun is a Living Consciosu entity. God is

described as the Purusha in the Sun, by the

If you take a look at the site of the Aztec temples,

the energies are sacred, and bright. There is no
sense of suffering and torture. If assume they built
a portal to worlds in other dimensions in the Sun,
anyone seeing it would want to get across, with or
without the body. So we do not know wether the
stories of human sacrifice are true – who were
sacrificed? Ordinary or those who willingly wanted
to go across, or captured aggressors. Or even if the
sacrifice thing a lie to cover up the true history. The
latter is a grat possibility -for in every aspect, these
were high civlizations. Well, if such a portal existed
– it would be like the presence of heavens here so
nobdy will feel uneasy or even in fear, at the notion
of dying there.


The reason I say is not to suggest imitating any

such idea. But to say , one cannot understand
another view holding on to a different set of ideas.

There is a story of a soccer kind of game the

Mayans had – only the most athletic could win.
And only the winner gained the right to be
sacrificed. Its funny – but assume a civilization that
lived one step from another world. They do not
have a notion of dying. And where did the Mayans
disappear? Went to another world? I believe there
is no evidence of mass deaths or war in the Indus
Valley either. Where did they disappear?

Why were those ancient cities “ abandoned “ –

because they went to another world, possibly. It is
written into the ancient texts how an entire city
were lifted up into another world, and so on. And
those texts are not imaginations of people who
never figure the way to use language – but
sophisticated ideas of worlds, civilizations, values,
ethics, art and architecture, fill it. How does one
form such ideas – but through lived experience?
Find someone off the Senegalese tribe or any
remote tribe and teach them language to emulate
the beginning of civilization – will they write
imaginary tales like that. When hunter gatherer
tribes in Africa are interviewed does their


imagination work like that.

When advanced tribes such as the Dogons speak of

other worlds and aliens- they have information
people generally do not and a very complex world
view along with their rituals, meditation, and so
on. All of which is a very profound and deep way
to live.

Minting money to make metal cages to kill human

civilizations is not an advanced way of existence.
Cities and towns should be built to bring forth
joyous human way of life. By joyous human way I
do not mean pay for fun booths in supermalls.
That’s death. But everyday places. If there is a river
– don’t pollute it to send goods to foreign nations
and get the river flthyh and become filthy rich.
Then the poor fools admire the flthy rich evil fool,
etc. All of which is evil. Why admire people who
heard in Greed? A true Emepror holds the wealth
Yagna-artham – not ruin th elan d for greed and
live to show off happy photos and front two teeth
in Gold.

Well.. back to the topic. If a river exists in a town ..

make a gently, and elegant culture raound it. Places
where people can sit and discuss ideas – a book on
Zen, thoughts on scriptures, what might the


Nyayasutras be trying to say – let people talk

informatlly and in freedom. A few tables to play
chess. Read. Relax. Places to play an informal
version of circket, like the indoor version – one
bounce out. Like those squares in European towns
of old. Its from a different era – they did not build
it. What India had were lost in a mudflood. The
mudflood and so on is why River Sarawati etc
disappeared, possibly.

Let there be desks and benches where people can

plug in their laptops and work in the beautiful
scenery and by the fresh air of the river.

Let there be life.

The purpose of a river, again, is not to pollute it -

or drive past by to frantically mint money for the
forrigen country, before dying. By spending 4
hours sitting there each evening, meditatively, the
quality of life will improve. And by the meditation
even one will go from human to a inwardly divine

Just like Indians are very much capable of elegant

home designs, when classical art and aesthetics are
part of education, they will know the way to
aesthetically transform the landscape near rivers. It
is not for setting up baazars either.


Bazzars and all can be there - but where is the

space for easy life? Do we build towns to self
torture? God disappears where the human Spirit is

The idea that the greater the torture the better the
progress is put by the evil British – do they live like
that ? Or in the ease they derive from your frantic
runs and mutual fighting to WORK for and export
things to them.

They have done this so long that it is Dharmic now to

treat them the exact same way. Call them “ Pink
Cucks” “ Fuck off you war mongering peiss of pink
shit.” The British should be treated like that even for
their own greater good, and for the welfare of the
world. Otherwise they will keep murdering kids and
innocents in Africa, laughing about it, pretending it is
nothing, etc. Is it not Demonic to treat demons well?

It is not good to put labels on everybody as in say

everybody from there is one way. But what are they
doing? Once they taste their medicine, they will

When doing that, it is like wielding a weapons. Do not

do so casually – but with a purpose, within Dharma,
as in war. When you insult a peiss of shit brit cuck –

Boycott the Evil British. They are FUKKING NOT




UNARMED ANCESTORS. Were they not innocents? So
go ahead and do the same back. Let them do their
apologies. Let them demonstrate that they kan

Should reptiles be respect4ed as human if they get

into a pretty coat that they stole from you?

In a fight – the goal is to hold up human dignity.

There is nothing wrong in backslapping the shit out
of people who demonstrate they cannot respect
human dignity.

I have not seen people in India disrespect each

other’s dignity. High society or low society, there is
an inherent divine sense that the Spirit is not

If you treat them well while they persist in en-masse

treating you bad – they will think you are worthless –
and nothing else will be derived from it. They will do
th4e same to other cultures.

Non-existent sati – non-existent massive caste system

all were propped up by the British to ruin India. Why
do India and Pakistan fight despite that the people
have a sense of brotherhood? British.

Who kept both the nations in poverty? British



The geeks had a code of duty in war. One solider,

celebrated by the Stoics, and referred to in the
Discoursesof Epictetus, I guess, were about to stab a
vanquished enemy soldier. But at the instant the
trumpet signalling the end of war sounded. He
paused and were stabbed at by the enemy. Well… he
didn’t stab because he were not a murderer, but a
solider- and outside of the war he had no such inner
impulse. This were celebrated by the Stoics. And
that’s a good idea.

But remember the British are no soldiers. Just slime.

They don’t fight. They make brothers fight. They have
proved themselves to be so. How many students.
How many generations of Indians have they
attempted to harm? And what for?

After Abhimanyu were murdered breaking the rules

of war, it were Dharma that the PAndavas wouldn’t
foolishly stick to rules the other side doesn’t uphold.

One should select good friends. Even in the

philosophical pursuits, Nyayasut5ras in Sutra 116
says, one should discuss things with those establishe
din brahmacharya, people who are unenvious,
prceptors, seekers of the final goal. If we let in evil
enemies that teach education that turns people on
ech other for trivial profits and worldly gains, and
people are taught to idolize evil looters and
plunderers of their anciesters, what nyaya or logic
will exist in this land?


The principles of action is to follow Dharma, that Soul

Impulse, Arising from Ishwara Inside.

If we are to think about it – what is necessary for a good

life – A good room, good food, and study. The good room
is for study, rest and meditation. Yogasutras describe its idea
of Yoga as of three parts, 1. Tapa – which can translate to
effort, meditation, an intense Spiritual effort, etc. 2.
Svadhyaya – which can translate to self-study, and in a
deeper sense the study of the inner, the Soul and the
Universe Number Machine 3. IshvaraPranidhana –
Obesance to the Ishvara, the One, the One God above it

Now it is again important not to give names to that God

and fight – of course the Gita, Brahmasamhita, all describe
that One God. So does the writings of Plotinus, the Gnostic
Secret Gospel of John, all with an almost word for word
similarity in the Description.

Indra, Varuna, etc. is to be understood as appeared

aspects of that One God. At least the Rig Vedic idea seems
to be that,: "They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and
he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutman. To what is One,
sages give many names. They call it Agni, Yama,
Matarisvan,” Rig Veda Samhita 1.164.46. Rather than to
appeared dietes, it would seem there is in the word form a
view into the aspect of the Absolute so indicated. Agni for
instance is neither fire, nor a deity named fire, but that which
is Self-Existent, in Own Abode – and the Own Abode of
the Self Existend God is emphasized in the first Sukta of
Rig Veda itself, “Vardhamanam Sve Dhame.”

How will India prosper. One idea is that people will mint
a lot of money, eat up everything, gym and become arrogant
trash and go to de booty parlour to get bootiful and India


will be a pretty nation rolling in gold. Is that what everybody


See what happened to the USA, they are running gender

neutrality agenda cartoons – sponsored by Disney for kids
under 8. I don’t anybody wants to drag own nation into that

Another idea – and the only possibility – is to have a

strong spiritual vein running through every family. When
Spiritual quality improves, the quality of action, quality of
own DNA, all improves.

From a early age, such activity meditation – even just

taking year off of school to listen to the Vedas, as the Lyrics
with proper accent marks are displayed on screen, is all

Just like in Tibet, etc. a good portionof the populace

spends time on illustrated spiritual art – why not produce
illustrated versions of various vedic manuscripts? Let that
be an art form. Let even children engage in art based on

This is not for just fun – it evolves the being, brightens

society, improves the being across lifetimes, enriches the
inner, and improves the joy, spiritual and inner and out
prosperity fields of both nation and family.

Just like if you put a shit ton of rich abududubai sheiks

and oil in Tibet – Tibet’s once glory is not achieved. Do
those metal building cities feel good for long term. Soon life
feels empty.

So India needs to learn from what happened to other

nations as it takes own unique path. Don’t run madly after
every glitter.


Practically again the first step to discard is social media.

“ Just zimmbly maaggu munney and den shooww off yurre
priddu” It is shitty, both for the woman and the man to live
like that. A dude who wears a sunshade and shows off “
glamour” on social media is a cheapshit clown to be
avoided. Soon that pride display competition generates a
world when dudes are social media aunties. Is it worth it?
Avoid any form of pride, that unroots you from the Soul.

As Dao De jing says one who tip toes cannot walk at

east. So don’t build a pride and arrogance display oriented

“Make munney my hunney and show off” is what

aunties will advise – because that is their level of intelligence.
For life to eb driven by aunties is a pitiful state, as the
German philosopher Goethe noted or not.

What happens after you ruin your life living like that.
What will y our family say? Typical Indian family will say, “
If I asked you to jump into a well, will you jump?”

And they will give no further explanation for what they

did in urging you on to a foolish life.

Remember in a way it is God and Nature teaching

people they way to live. That people follow empty ideas, and
then regret, and finally see there is nobody to blame but

The next step is to ensure that you have a print out of

that Book with Gayatri Mantra 108 times. Do you? Do you
have a copy near you? Do you read it a few times often?

The step after that is to ensure you know zen meditation

- a way to meditate. Study form this book.


And the other important step is do you have a field you

want to study? You can alter that field daily – but find
something you want to understand – art, music, traditions.

Spend a joyous while daily studying those things – it

could be anything even attempting to imitate Zen art. Or
writing essays on Chinese paintings.

Hard working and women sent to “ hardowrk” for

companies – do not build a joyous world. And neither do
they turn indepdennt of anything. Even Arnold
Schwazinnager needs assistants, electricity, water, buildings,
a place to work out, and what not. He is dependent on the
world. Even to do anything.. When he needs a surgery, he
needs doctors. When he is down he needs friends. So what
the duck are people getting idnepednent of? Becoming like
shit peiss of dried up machine serving a career is low quality
trash. Nobody is interested in that kinda trash.

Women should undersgand the Yagna of life and serve

it. Even independent wolves stay devoted to that Great Way
of Life. Don’t they? They get married.. Form social ideals,
etc. Or are they grunting barking.. walking around alone.
Rabied. .Diseased… Just like holly wood? Why don’t try
walking like that for one day? Fun?

So, don’t get fooled by visuals designed to programmed

you into servitude to the machine. Predators need to sperate
the prey from the herd to murder it. That is all the strong
independent agenda is. Why do males generally not use that
phrase? Because they have more neurons biologically, and
they are not so easily fooled. They know they are socially
functioning as part of a whole. And no matter what amount
of gymming, barking or anything, one cannot plant harvest
food on own, make rubber tree extracts, create plastic,
produce electricity, invent medical treatments, and so on.
What amount of things do you do on own – other than go


to the supermarket and wipe own ass?

So that axis is not the axis of achievements. Are there

any aunties like that around? People avoid such hardened

So women should play their part in the Yagna if Joys are

to be experienced. “ No.. I want to be a bersek warrior.. I
want to join the barbarian hordes.. And be a warlord..”
Alight.. as for the rest..

Women should begin to serve the sacred Yagna. Even

the making of food is not some ritual. Everyday, as you
improve on the art – of food that serves Spiritual Energies,
in sublimity, taste, the Nature of who did it, you are forming
eternal Kingdoms, by serving it own family.

Everybody is serving the Yagna. And that is Joyous.

When one studies. When one does the things of family.

Beign along and progressing spiritually early stages is

virtually impossible. Which is why even monks have to have
a group around – study, debate, games, celebrations, dance,
are all part of monasteries in Bhutan- and world over. The
exact same thing, with greater ease can be done in a modern
home and family setting.

Otherwise why ..Well. .. if someone wants to build bigger

and bigger homes.. take up everybody’s space, and what not.
.for no deeper reason. And is a greedy pig. Selfish. Doing
nothing for the world, then is that an idea? Does it bring joy
to anybody but the worse of demons?

Its not to say one ought to aspire for prosperity. But

there ought be a natural holistic function of growth. Do you


want a world of show off aunties? Or – worse – work hard

20 yesars in hopes of living like one?

When you spiritually grow, ease will fill you. Ease will fill
the world around as society grows such. People will
maintain every fence and every building in way that reflects
the beautiful forms of heavens.

For enabling this – appreciation of classical art needs to

taught in schools. I do not imply drawing birds and stuff.
But overall idea of what is aesthetic – ancient buidligns from
different civilziations. Tartarian art. Children can discuss
what is good about a particular design.

The same ideas that go into making good movie sets and
ideas that make good architectural designs, can be in overall
principle taught. Thus a course on aesthetics ought be part
of every year of school.

Spiritual aesthetics, values and inner aesthetics are

endowed by study of ancient literature. Again these kan be
approached in a fun way. Games, playful fights, and so on.

Do not go too specific in a school course – like in the

name of a course on aesthetics – torture everybody to draw
classical art etc. If a prodigy is so inclined, encourage. But
generally it is only torture. Why do that to someone who
wants to study a totally different field?

Ease, just exposure to good designs and stuff is enough.

Well.. begin by making the textbook designs aesthetic.

Classical Greek or Europen art level. If that garbage design
is seen all life, the child’s brain neurons are wired that way.
That is the aesthetic the grown individual will display in
building the world around then.


So these things need to be thought out from scratch.

Abandon that old torture system of education entirely. You
can’t make a Taj Mahal by tinkering on a old dilapidated

You have to start anew.

Brand new textbooks. Is every page more beautiful than

the best of the best in the world?

Is the education experience one of reason, ease,

goodness, and peaceful guidance? Then the child will
transfer those patterns to society.

Transference is a human psychological whatever. People

transfer to others what gets done to them.

All the dramatix that exists in India is from repetition of

self torture. And nothing else. There is NOOOOOOOO
NEEEED in modern India to torture kids with a
dilapidated version of “ education.” Yet, fear and ritual. Mad
run. Repeating the same nonsense.

Another thing is religion- a religion label is given, then

they put all the Aryan ideas, Tribal groupism and everything
under it. Who believes in Tribal groupism – but dumb

So remove oneself from such banners. Have a religion

based on the principels of my book Sun Worship- and call
yourself “ Surya Yagnika” or any idea such as that. A religion
that tortures people based on false labels is nothing but evil.
And that idea is filled into forms, and everywhere. Unwire
it from the Indian constitution itself – the ideas of
Groupism that the evil British put in.

A spriitual society, where it is understood people are


spiritually evolved to different planes. And the outcome of

spiritual growth is not no pride, arrogance, show off, talking
in a nasal voice. Neither is it ussing words like glooha ngyaha
and all around – or talking around in weak ideas, pretending
to be a bitchslappee etc.

“ These kids of flowery words, they use people of no

substantial understanding,” says the Gita. “Yamimam
Pushpitam Vacham..” In Verse 42, Chapter 2 of the Gita.
Neither is it about without any deeper understanding
repeating on things from ancient writings. As the same verse
from the Gita says.

The Zen Ox Herding diagrams in the last Diagram says,

“ Barefoot and in everyday attire,
I mingle with the people of the world.
My clothes are ragged and dust-laden,
and I am ever blissful.
I use no magic to extend my life;
Now, before me, the dead trees
become alive.”

No idea or hint is given to anyone of ones spiritual

progress. Normal usual behaviour.

“Just as the attached function in society, so should the

adept,” says the Gita. But, obviously, without a sense of
attachment to the material things of the world – or
achievements int eh world as the final Goal.

“ May we through glorious action attain Thee, O

Spureme Being,” says the Yajur Veda in the very beginning.

“ Action is found in ease, and ease is found in action,”

says the Gita. “ He who understands that understands well.”


.To enter that state of being able to perform yagna with

life. That is to lead a good and meaningful existence filled
with joys, one needs goodness inside. A false education that
destroys it – teaching greed, and working for worldly things
alone, thus is dangerous. Instead of teaching competitive
spirit and so in it is important to teach the importance of
the opposite. One idea benefits both individual and society,
the other idea makes a world of madness where people claw
at each other like evil bitches.

There should be a deep rootedness in the self-form, and

strength. The ability to do good, in form of own Dharma as
well. Engaging another’s Dharma is fearful, says the Gita.
Own Dharma appears in own Soul. If you want to be a
mathematician and are pushed to being a chemist – you will
have a less than satisfying life. This applies in all spiritual
ideas, too much world focus, ideas of pretensions and
kindness, false dramatics, are all out of place. Naturalness,
as suggested by the book Way of Nature, of CC Tsai, is the

Again, get to organizing your space in a way that

supports the yagna. DO you have a good bookshelf for the
books you read – which at a time cannot be more than 10.
Ideally don’t go beyond 4.

If you read one book at time, greater the chance you will
finish it. But at times you need to interweave reading a few
books to get more ideas, and avoid boredom, etc.

The next thing is to ensure – what kind of food do you

eat. Instead of eating stabilizing and nourishing food, you
need to eat chilly daily, because that is what everybody
around you does – naturally your brain will go from gangsta
to wanksta.


For this the family unit becomes essential. You cannto

hunt for food from 9 to 12, set fire from 12 to 1, and go to
the ocan to find salt from 1 to 2, and prepare food from 2,
4, daily. Not even foolish animals to do that. Bears collect
honey and sleep all winter.

So the family unit is seen in the animal Kingdom even.

When one reincarnates in higher forms of existence, it is

the same universal ritual intensified. There is a section from
the Mahabahrata where Indra points out even the things of
the forests live by vedic form. Penguins get married. Lions
form a pride. Whales take care of children. Elephants have
familial groups. Why are humans being taught to violate
nature – and torture themselves?

The yagna form is the same thing – only thing it is

intensified. Nature’s central form is intensified. So that
generates the upward rising energies in the spine. The spine
is the central part of the human body.

Every opportunity for a joyous good act in familial form

is a rise to heaven.

Every good word and gentle act becomes a material gain

in own heavens.

This is the way wealth and prosperity is won over time,

over life times even. Death is not the end of anything – it is
as easy as going from one second to another. If you notice
during last days people are at ease, as if angels surround

What we gain in life, in a material sense is the good merit

of action. This is called Punya. It is as if a material currency
across worlds. Whether you get a vehicle or a luxury home,
it is in exchange of good merit, and Punya.


At a high state as of Arjuna, one engages Own Dharma

with an awareness of it. That is why Krishna says to Arjuna,
even if he were to Destroy the whole Universe, with an
awareness of the Brahman, no sin will touch Arjuna.

Engaging own Dhamra, the Soul Sparkle, the Brightness

of the Soul becomes brighter and brighter. Sva Dharma is
natural, for a newly married couple the Sva Dharma is to

In Love their energies rise heavenwards, Godwards,

Unveils the Soul.

The awareness evolves what it holds, thus when then

Soul awareness is held, the Soul evolves forth and unions
with the Body.

The outward is only a view of the inward. And in ways

of Dharma, the world perception unveils the Soul.

Familial forms are thus in a sense to unveil the DNA

expression that unveils the Soul. The DNA strand in a
higher dimensional sense unveils a set of n-chiral structures
in n dimensions.

Vedic chants and so on have their powers. I had earlier

mentioned the idea of identifying oneself as Surya Yagnika
etc. In that religion on whatever, one abides by the essence
of the Vedic Aryan things. All the udeas of cedic chanting,
and all those .. Yet, the false things, not found in Vedic
striptures and opposed by it – as just by birth one gets
brhman knowledge and is a brahmin aspiring to the ultimate
- these false ideas used to hide the true knowledge – and
keep the knowledge people deserve from people – the false
things we do not identify with.

Think about it. One labels the whole family pandits. Two


generations later somebody is a total duffer and surname us

pandit. These are the whys why India fell.

Reason should not be abandoned. Spirituality is no place

for dumb labels and pride displays – it is the opposite. So
families who already have such labels ought think deep.

Only when every individual has a way of improving

spiritual quality in India – will the appearance of the whole
nation change. If pretenders are allowed to hide the truth
and say people cannot even read a mantra on own?

Bhrigu very clearly says in the Mahabahrata, “"Bhrigu

said, 'There is really no distinction between the different
orders. The whole world at first consisted of Brahmanas.
Created (equal) by Brahman, men have, in consequence of
their acts, become distributed into different orders. They
that became fond of indulging in desire and enjoying
pleasures, possessed of the attributes of severity and wrath,
endued with courage, and unmindful of the duties of piety
and worship,--these Brahmanas possessing the attribute of
Passion,--became Kshatriyas. Those Brahmanas again who,
without attending to the duties laid down for them, became
possessed of both the attributes of Goodness and Passion,
and took to the professions of cattle-rearing and agriculture,
became Vaisyas. Those Brahmanas again that became fond
of untruth and injuring other creatures, possessed of
cupidity,--engaged in all kinds of acts for a living, and fallen
away from purity of behaviour, and thus wedded to the
attribute of Darkness, became Sudras. Separated by these
occupations, Brahmanas, falling away from their own order,
became members of the other three orders. All the four
orders, therefore, have always the right to the performance
of all pious duties and of sacrifices. Even thus were the four
orders at first created equal by Brahman who ordained for
all of them (the observances disclosed in) the words of
Brahma (in the Vedas). Through cupidity alone, many fell


away, and became possessed by ignorance. The Brahmanas

are always devoted to the scriptures on Brahma; and
mindful of vows and restraints, are capable of grasping the
conception of Brahma. Their penances therefore, never go
for nothing. They amongst them are not Brahmanas that are
incapable of understanding that every created thing is
Supreme Brahma. These, falling away, became members of
diverse (inferior) orders. Losing the light of knowledge, and
betaking themselves to an unrestrained course of conduct,
they take birth as Pisachas and Rakshasas and Pretas and as
individuals of diverse Mleccha species. The great Rishis who
at the beginning sprang into life (through Brahman's Will)
subsequently created, by means of their penances, men
devoted to the duties ordained for them and attached to the
rites laid down in the Eternal Vedas. That other Creation,
however, which is eternal and undecaying, which is based
upon Brahma and has sprung from the Primeval God, and
which has its refuge upon yoga, is a mental one.'"

Read the phrase, “All the four orders, therefore, have

always the right to the performance of all pious duties and
of sacrifices.”

Nobody is anything by birth alone. What were the

Lineage of the Pandavas and Kauravas, grandchildren of the
Brahmana Vyasa.

It is the mode of action and inner quality ther ewre

broadly labeleld so.

If you think about it – India of Vedic era were the

opposite of what the brits pretended India is.

Think of a European royal marriage ceremony and a non

royal car driver’s son participating. In Mahabahrata Karna
distinguished humself as a great warrior – and this freely
moved among the Kings.


It is a lie that Karna were not allowed to participate in

Draupadi’s Swayamvara. The story were pulled from a
fringe manuscript by the British. Karna participated as per
all major versions of the Mahabharata but – even though he
managed to lift the bow, were unable to tie it. Only Arjuna
were able to perform the feat.

It’s a joy to study what they now label scripture – which

actually were just the scientific, and historical textbooks of
an ancient times. And when done with reason, and
gentleness and joy, it’s a great way to spend time. Because
it generates joy, evolves. Think of discussing beautiful ideas
in every field, across the dining table, over a delicious meal.

In things great and small, that inner culture ought be

established. The frantic run- eating whatever to frantically
run for money to get diseased to pay the hospitals - for what
is usually a messed up treatment – and then decay into the
grave. Teaching kids materialism to be ignored and treated
without Love by them, and so on.

Why live to waste days.

Your dream were not to mint money and have front

tooth in gold to show off.

But a beautiful life.

Why not establish it.

Every fairy tale is possible in a cottage and a garden.

Dostoevsky the Russian Novelist wrote, “You ask

yourself: where are your dreams now? And you shake your
head and say how swiftly the years fly by! And you ask
yourself again: what have you done with your best years,
then? Where have you buried the best days of your life?


Have you lived or not? Look, you tell yourself, look how
cold the world is becoming. The years will pass and after
them will come grim loneliness, and old age, quaking on its
stick, and after them misery and despair. Your fantasy world
will grow pale, your dreams will fade and die, falling away
like the yellow leaves from the trees… Ah, Nastenka! Will it
not be miserable to be left alone, utterly alone, and have
nothing even to regret — nothing, not a single thing…
because everything I have lost was nothing, stupid, a round
zero, all dreaming and no more!”

Your inner most dream is to experience meaning. You

do not want a thousand fake friends but a few who stand
with you. You do not want a million family members who
love your bank account, but a few who stand with you even
in death. The pattern that unveils Soul and Heaven is what
the being aspires to. Work till death is ..

When action arises that pushes you to great endeavors

in the world, by all means dedicate yourself with a strong
will to it. But the frantic run in circles, achieving nothing
good in the long term for oneself or the world – don’t live
for that.

If there is no great war in the world – you cannot run in

frantic circles to fight a great war. All you can do is improve
yourself as a warrior. And in that action improve yourself
spiritually. Just as the Samurai spent significant time on Zen.

People make up a false dream. I will make a billion

dolalrs and then lead a happy life. How do billioanries live?
One recently had his wife divorce him and his girlfriend go
after Di Caprio. Just a yacht and sunshine cannot bring
meaning or even an inner sense of Joy. If your situation were
that way – would you be fine inside. We see top celebrities
have lives that are truly sad.


People set up that false dream. And then torture oneself

to achieve it. And get totrued when they don’t get it. If by
remote chance they get it – they are generally ruined. What
happens when a fool is a given a lot of wealth?

The famous the rich etc. are society’s one in a million or

whatever. So the probability of being that is also one in a
million. And life precious days if one spends in that greedy
frame and dream – what good emerges of it. If everybody
ahs that dream - 99 9999 of very 1 million people will still
lead an empty inwardly violent and frenzied life without
achieving anything.

Prosperity emerges in a world, where people encourage

each others growth. For that each one needs a spiritual
quality. If that is absent it is as good as a world where people
screech around at each other for nothings.

So even to progress the goal is not to fill the world with

empty moneys. Look at cities that were done. People just
want to escape that hell.

Where people have calmness and reason, they have built

beautiful cities for joy, and purpose.

So that calmness and reason has to start from own self,

and own family.

On the opposite kind of world one cannot even find a

good friend. Eating machine made food -and living in metal
buildings – there is no joy.

Outwardly what looks happy and glittery needn’t bring

happiness. Some of the world’s richest live in small homes.
Because they know there is no happiness in the opposite.

Assume you want to keep your beighbourhood


beautiful. People who are greedy, of ugly minds, would get

unbalanced if you bought a good anything – they cannot
build a good society. Only with calm , goodness, aesthetics,
imbibed with a strong spiritual base, is a good neighborhood

So when you run frantically for money – you are

dragging down the nation, the environment, everything.
When you do what you want to do at ease- then you
improve the whole spiritual field of the universe. Even
beautiful cities will appear on earth by itself. And all
traditions speak of it.

In fact the great pyramid- The King with great Spriitual

energy would enter it. And as its geometry reflected that of
hyperspace 4 dimensions – actually twice four – the 4
inflected sides of the pyramids. Through the tapering end it
would bind with the 4d ORIGIN. The king could then shift
the world to a better state.

In fact through the 4D origin the energies rise to own

crown charka. The Great Pyramid in Egypt is from the
Atlantean Era. It were at the center of the world’s land
masses – before the great flood. Its top is still at
29.99792458 degree North Lattitude. That is the number
associated with the speed of light. The unit of meter were
based on “one ten-millionth of the distance on the Earth's
surface from the north pole to the equator, on a line passing
through Paris.” The second is based on the number 6 and
divisions of the day. 6 is the dimensionality of the sun. So
Sumerians had a number 60 based number system.
Egyptians had a number 12 bsaed decimal system.

In hyperspace, the different world configurations are laid

out. So entering hyperspace, it is possible to based ont eh
energy of the King, to shift earth to a better state – even
new buildings and so on does appear if the energy is great.


Usually that is why, when a great King appears, his

Kingdoms also appear. In mythology, that is a theme. The
King disappears taking his Kingdoms with him,

Bright things do not exist in a world where people are of

a lesser mind.

A great King invites down a state where ethe world is


Even for being a great King, it is the product Spiritual

Merit, open crown Charka, etc. Not hardworking and evil
politics. When evil politics work to put people as false rulers,
then the world grows dark.

A rootedness in spiritual effort is thus indispensable.

If you find an image of the Egyptian pyramid there is a

queen’s chamber. “ But the queen is working in IT.. OR IS
AT THE MARKET HAWKING” is not a possibility. Such
a peiss of shit cannot be a queen by definition. NOBODY
wants to be in a kingdom where the queen goes to work

As one enters a higher plane of existence, across

lifetimes, one is serve the yagna with great devotion. The
awareness shouldn’t deviate from it for an instant. Good
families teaching their daughters to go to work is as good as
making it impossible for her to be a queen. She should be
guided to an understanding of the Yagna – in an ideal world.
As in the ancient eras. Well, a few decades ago world over
it were shameful to send women in own family to work. If
you want to live like dust and die anything goes. But for a
higher existence to be attained there are patterns of life.


That’s is to say, if the queen’s chamber of the Great

Pyramid is to hold a queen, it cannot be a woman insisting
to be working for the money alone. But ought have a deep
divine sense.

If it falls on one as own dharma in life to adopt a pattern

- then one does that. So there are people who have to work
for moneys.

The point is to not lose the central idea of why one does
things in life. If somebody just wants to simply do
meaningless work – then it is awful.

“ Sarva karmani joshayet” says the Gita, people should

b encouraged in doing things in the world. What I am
opposing is their doing things that neither they enjoy in a
deep sense, brings no good to them nor their family nor
society, nor to the world. There is a normal way and
inclination to beings – which is lost in franticity, greed etc.

Doing own Dharma is not just going by what one wants

to do – that is dumb. Because most thoughts arise from
surface brain, programming, things seen on TEEVEE..
emotions, etc.. The origin of Dharmic thought beyond all
those planes, in Ishvara, God. The Mimamsa Sutras in their
beginning define the Dharma Impulse as so.

So in the beginning when one is not directly aware of

that one follows principles such as Yama, Niyama, etc. The
Dharma impulse always has those ideas.

Ahimsa is what drives Arjuan in war. He knows nothing

dies. And “purified by the arrows of Arjuna” freed of Sins,
they attained heavens, is what the Mahabharta says about
the enemy forces. Arjuna is described as a great sage.

IT cannot be randomly imitated. Even in war one should


eb situated in sattva says Arjuna. So there is no sense of

anger in Arjuna. But a Divine force. And were their actions
impulsive? Did they not forbear for 12 years before war?
Did they not offer peace deals even after that?

But they had to do their Dharma as a prince. If the land

serves the evil kings, it is evil on all. If it serves Yudhistra all

So they have to hold their position, in Dharmic form,

for the welfare of all.

It is not some selfishness, or greed, or “ successful life”

motivated war. It is to remind that to Arjuna that the
teaching of Gita were given.

Yajna in a general sense is the joyous life, in good forms.

“Yajna sista amrita bhujo,” says the Gita. Abhinavaguta
reads it as sista means to repose, to relax, and amrita is that
divine and joyous feeling that evolves inside, the energy
from heaven.

The Vital fuel is the body’s vital that ought not be lost.
The appearance of the Divine is also the Soul Light within.
The Vital is preserved, and the light of the Lamp is
preserved in the Yagna.

When the awareness itself is in Brahmacharya, the vital

rises, and the system is in Brahmacharya. To say the vital
rises – the seed is computed, the newly appearing DNA is
processed, new hyperspace views evolved, and higher
hyperspace awareness evolved, through generation of
higher dimensional bodies. A conjugate computation of 4
directional human heads is seen int eh Brahma state of

Back to what I were saying about Yagna Sista Amrita


Bhujo. Only when you have a good heart, is doing good

things, at ease.. kan that state of relaxation even appear.

If you were frantic mad, and insane and zimmply

wanting some money and luxury to show off.. kud that state
arise in the midst of an insane brain?

The result of yagna over one life or another is ofcrouse

divine states – and divine states is not a state of absence of
resources. Mahabharata well describes what the great Kings
attained to on both heaven and earth, by following the yagna
ways of existence.

Spirituality is study of reality. So all fields of study are

relevant. Be it in the western form, or the ancient eastern
meditative form. At no point does one deviate from reason
or observed reality. A true understanding of vedic
mathematics and the structure of hyperspace encompasses
and explains everything mathematically – including what
quantum mechanics does.

In fact the Study of the Vedic Mathematics Sutras leads

to all that knowledge.

Ancient traditions have pointed out that mayavada is

pure bullshit. Nothing is maya – it follows mathematical
principles, and that is why in scientific fields it is possible to
study phenomenon. These fields of study are observations
of patterns in which Nature, Prakriti, the Universe
Machine’s mathematics unveils itself.

In Spiritual work what is most important is the words

one offers and worlds people offer each other.

People are programmed arrogance in the false ideals that

emerge from the west.


The west and everything it offered has only proven like

poison in rat’s cage made of glitter.

Think of the use of words programmed in. IF a bix were

to dicard more and more of her clothing, the peiss of shit
new gens are programmed to say “ bold” “confident” and
so on. Really? Showing arse is confidence?

If that is the definition of boldness and the purpose of

existence is approached that way – why don’t you make your
own family bold?

So these dumbshit ideals, and arrogance need ot be


There is a purpose to life.

It is not building a hundred room building to show off

and become a show off aunty.

It is well establishing yourself in yoga, improving

yourself internally, making a path for a steady and good
existence through this world and future worlds.

It is done in a simple beautiful room. One room. And a

few books is all you need.

Why do you need this frantic run? Is it making India

better? If Bhutan with 10 percent civilization, and 20
percent male civilization monks is perfectly prosperous –
why not India?

Just by being frantic – you are only fooling yourself and

your foolish family and people around and going enmasse
to a more degenerate existence.

Frantic people do not achieve anything but a mess.


Acting steadily in reason is a different story. And doing

things is not doing in the world outside – but working on
oneself inside.

Indians grown in this show off competitive culture are

virtually demonic. If tell them about chakras and silver
appearance, they will respond in a show off spirit with a
golden chakra they see, a platinum chakra and so on. It is
that demonic the new generation. Why? Because from a
young age they are taught to do that and rewarded for empty

Social media magnifies and rewards empty show off.

And everybody is okay with it till bitches in their own family
become everybody’s “ social media superstars.”

Break free from all that remember glitter on fools idea

as prosperity – it is only hell on hell, and polish on demons.
That’s not the goal. If your family is greedy for money and
you mint money for them – you have empowered demons
– that is all. Better to die. For if you do that to your own
family, everything including anything in heaven will be
destroyed for that group of people. Family, and so on is
usually for more than one life – as things reflect and appear
from a greater ordering.

In a simple ordering, find beauty and aesthetic. Use it to

improve yourself. A large house with a thousand devils is
useless. One cottage with one good person, invites heavens
to earth.

When one is born as a prince, do the dharma of a prince

– for what? Empty show? No -for spiritual growth. Own
dharma as the path.

Even then, in our mythology, all great emperors and

princes have been seen as withdrawing from the world for


focused spiritual endeavour.

Of course, that pattern is unnecessary. One does the

work, while in own home.

That which one si given or born to is for the purpose of

spiritual work. In that sense, for a spiritually established
person, the inheritance is the dharmic birth right. An
adharmic person , even if a king – we see in mythology is
deprived, of own inheritance, even by Divine forces.

The western idea of work till death to accumulate what

they throw at you and work like slaves is to serve them - It
didn’t work – you did it for a few centuries. Still a hell hole.
Places that did that were destroyed faster.

Ask yourself what is the necessary. What should you do

in life. There will always be a portion who are not spiritually
wise. Let them do the work they want to all day. That is
their path of growth as well. The idea everybody should
slave in workplaces and streets till death is absolute evil.

Improve yourself daily.

Read a bit.


Study what is worth studying.

Teach your own family to interact well. If your parents

are in the dullness of whatever – swearing at you, punishing
you for that evil school system grades – strongly advise
them with reason.

With reason, over time, just a frantic response won’t do.


You may pretend anger and so on measuredly if pure reason

fails. Only for the display. What kan be done if people do
not have reason?

Do not let them form a habit of running over your

dignity and ruining your existence just to get happy over
marks or money. It’s a form of insanity that has dragged
down families and the nation as a whole into hell.

What kind of words does the parent offer the Son? Does
it evolve him in a spiritual sense?

Or does it invite down demons?

We see lofty epithets used when mythological

personalities interact with each other.

That doesn’t mean devillupping arrogance either. They

have the right to demand the Divinity in them be respected.
IF you lead an existence where you yourself are an insult to
everything Divine – what kan you demand?

Only by serving the Divine that appears in each other

does the family unit evolve.

Only when the family unit evolves does the nation



Language and other studies were taken to both spiritual

heights and scientific precision in ancient India.

Allow me to point out the way Pannini encodes ideas.

He defines strings, given them names, and establishes
grammatical rules the same way the grammar of a
programming language is defined.

The Siva Sutras of Pannini are strings with stop markers.

The first few are
ai au C
ha ya va ra Ṭ
la Ṇ

The term iK when used by Pannini means the ordered

set of alphabets in the above list, that start with i and
ending with K, avoiding the stop markers. Stop markers are
written in capital font above. iK=(i,u, ṛ, ḷ ) . Similarly, yaṆ
=( ya, va ra, la )and aC=( a, i, u, ṛ, ḷ, e, o, ai, au), the ordered
set of all vowels.

The Sutra Aṣṭādhyāyī 6.1.77: iKaḥ yaṆ aCi says then

before vowels (aCi) replace alphabets in the ordered set iK
with the corresponding ones in the set yaṆ.

The idea is before vowels, i becomes ya, u becomes va,


All voiced consonants can be referred to with the label,



Without a deep sense of language, whatever is written is

read in a weak sense.

And just because somebody wrote a comemtnary don’t

assume that is the absolute truth. Does the Gita respect such
people “ ved vada ratha, na anyat asti vadina” Those who
delight in the “ved-vada, and argue there is nothing else” is
referred to in the Gita as an example not to be followed.

Regarding the brahmaical knowledge even in the

Dwapra Yuga, the Gita says, “Yavan artha udapane,
sarvatah samplutodake, tavan sarvesu vedesu, brahmanasya
vijanatah.” “ What meaning is in a well, when it is flooded
everywhere, that much is among all vedas, the knowledge
of the brahamnas.”

There is also evidence that Kshatriyas of the era held

their knowledge and ways in a higher regard than of the
Brahmanas. It is not to say one way or the other is absolute,
nor is it a mimicry drama and fancy dress curriculum - for
they did their own Dharma as it appeared from their own

Own Dharma is different for each individual.

Pulling out one of two phrases form the Upanishads

labelling it mahavakyas and labelling oneself God etc. is evil.
“ Aham Ishvaram” is an evil idea of the demons as per the

It’s a masquerade of demons now. Some even take those

few phrases out of context and go around saying things like
there is no Ishvara. “ Jaga ahur anishvaram” There is no
Ishvara, they [the demonical]. say.” That phrase is from the
Gita. That is the view of demons, says the Gita.


The Gita is an authority even as per the great Saivite


And all of Indian traditions hold the same.

What do the demons say in their false view of the world,

as per the Gita?

“asatyam apratistham te {the word is untrue, without a

jagad ahur anisvaram{ They say the universe is without
aparaspara-sambhutam {Without reason and arises and
exists without causes}”

Sounds like mayavada – the idea everything is “ illusion”

.. and modern day empty spiritual talk. The world is not “

It is established in and is a view of the eternal.

First of all it is doubtful if the hundreds – around 300

works attributed to the name Shanakra were actually written
by one person. It were practice to give the work a name of
a famous figure to make it famous. Like there is pseudo
Aristotle works in the west. And obviously in Sanakras case
too whatever they say, there is the Bhaja Govindam –
worship the God, as his final writing.

A monk is also in a state of discovery and study.

The era in which Shankara existed – and in the

commentary on Gita attributed to the name, it says, people
were shifting to ideas such as Buddhism, unable to
understand what the Gita says. Specifically in reference to
the idea in the Gita “ The soul does not perform action.”


The Gita says the soul doesn’t perform action, it is the

Prakriti that evolves all phenomenon. Even that says
everything is not one blob. For the God does make the
universe, absorb it, etc.

By Shanakra’s time Buddhism had also fallen into a state

where knowledge were little. That were prophesied by the
Buddha himself. That 1500 years after him, his teachings
would be in a state of disarray and disappearance.

Sanakra doesn’t explain that statement from the Gita

either. Also an environment of dense ritualism is evidence
from Sankara’s commentary.

What does it mean to say the Soul doesn’t perform

action? The universe provides possible states of next
observation, and the soul merely observes one. Just as we
are viewing one state or another that appears in the brain.
That is the experience of doing things in the universe. The
soul in a state in which it thinks it does things. Just as the
tree outside does nothing, but make selections based on
what nature offers, so does the human.

The selection making, observation-collapse of a set of

states is evident in quantum physics as well. The set of states
is entirely physics of the universe, Prakriti. Observation –
selection of a state is done by the awareness in the human,
the individual soul.

A higher order consciousness selects from a larger set.

Subsets of which becomes available for selction by lower
order consciousness. Thus the Sun is presenting all
possibilities of action of beings on earth in usual 4d
awareness. Or, rather the 3D awarnes rooted in 4D. The
Sun is conscious and 6D.


The right action is the path. We see in Mahbharata – it

is action that determines everything. Of course in daily life
right action vs wrong action is not whether to shoot a
brahmastras or not.

I were seeing the news today. The Russia Ukraine crisis.

Ukraine is run over by radicals and funded entities from the
west, over 14000 deaths of innocents in the border regions.
When Russia had enough of NATO expanding violating
every treaty into its boders, taking over Poland and so on..

And Ukraine became a whatever for US biolabs, a place

to set up weapons against Russia, Russia after asking for a
policy of peace for years, took the final resort of war to
dismantle the terrorist entities. If a war were postponed in a
few years, a far bigger crisis would have ensued. What do
biological weapons do?

Didn’t the US use the bioweapons labs in China to make

the coronavirus?

Anyway, when the war started, who stood on the moral


Russia fought for India when USA Brits UK all ganged

up agiasnt us. Once somebody does that - know they are
the enemy. Have self respect – do not work for them or take
their favours. That is Dharma.

India in fear of money took a gender neutrality stance –

even when Russia pushed a thing for humanitarian corridors
in Urkaine, India were gender neutrality. When explusion of
Russia from UNSC THING – again the same nonsense.
Why not point a finger at USA and UK and say they were
peddling the war. Why not talk about the muderst they do I
the name of war. 9 Middle eastern antions destroyed. 11
million innocent deaths.


Russia took a peacefula ppraoch even in war. No

bombing of civilian areas, etc. Forces proceeded with
caution to avoid civilian causalities – even at own cost.
Nothing like cluster bombing of entire cities as were seen in
the middle east were done.

This is what is the spiritual fall. Not failure to do

pranayama. Failure to do the right action, failure to display
depth and gratitude ot a friend. Failure to risk own interests
to do that. People like that do not become kingly – but never
go beyond street hawking for own benefit.

A king will engender own life for a friend. So will a good


IF you cant have the goodness of a good human – what

kinda goodness will pervade the land?

India has everything. Prosperity existed here from the

time of ancient Kings – before this evil idea of bloojabbing
the west for money.

What if you had a “ friend” you helped who kept silence

and didn’t vote when you were expelled on a false idea?

Greed and calculation takes the opposite toute in the

long run. “ But UK and America got rich.” Nope.. in 2
centuries they poisoned the whole world and went into a
state of horror. No deep anything. Nothing. No deep
relationship, no deep values, a hundred different genders,
even Disney has begun talking about gender neutrality
cartoons as in a portion like around 40 percent of cartoon
characters need to be gender neutral and what not. That is
what that kind of “success” does. But again the phase of
progress were because of goodness among people – people
encouraged each others growth, sought knowledge and


wisdom, had dignity and family values. In India people

sought money, greed, family were for mutual punishment,
parents wants kids to slave for foreign antions. From age
4 they torture the God Inside in the name of competition –
kids in a devilish frame of making them do competition
against each other frog jump, lemon and sppon race music
char victory prize these determined the worth of an Indian
kid even in the eyes of his or own own biological parents –
what kidna evil shit is that?

Parents love of physically punish based on school

grades. The worth of a kid is that.

IIT and they love. No IIT and they hate.

IIT and then work for morgan stanely in UK is

extremely love. IIT and then work for an Indian company
is moderate love.

Family “ love” became like that in India.

If they kept the job aside for spiritual improvement or

any greater endeavour, their wives would leave them. Even
if they have enough resources.

Is that a human world?

Is that the idea of mutual respect, is that familial


Now India wants to imitate the soulless west in hopes of

getting rich. Really?

It is greed that allowed poverty to get it. It is greed that

destroyed India.

Who served the British. British didn’t have more than a


handful of soldiers in India. Who fought each other in

hopes of moneys from the evil shit?

The attitude needs to change.

When peace is inside, there is peace outside.

Goodness inside, Goodness outside.

That is the path to glory for a nation.

If a nation falls in God’s eyes, it falls.

India has not pointed a finger against USA for 2 million
deaths in Iraq. Fake and staged incidents in Ukraine that
were used to manipulate international opinions, even that
India were eager to get latched on to.

For the good of Urkainians that war had to happen early.

If later, whole of Ukraine would have ended up like Libya.

There is a video fo a Ukranian woman saying how living

stards were so high in Libya that Ukranians did not want to
return even when the war started. Why were Libya

Did India blame the west?

I disidentify now with this cheapshit hellhole that labels

itself “ India” – I am an individual and stand in own right,
as an Individual. I will not identify with a buncha greedy
cheapshit trash.

I had written a dozen times to the Indian parliament on

this – well, would anybody take the side of a “ neutral”
kaurava court? Only punishment by heaven is the end for


the ungrateful and the ones unable to stand for dharma.

What is good for the ancient land – I do to the best of

my ability and limitations of human aspects. There have
been great sages and so on here. It has preserved the Vedas.

But no more of this cheapshit trash do I identify with.

Absolute absence of values. Respects nothing but the
prospect of getting money – anyone who identifies with that
gang is a criminal himself.

I am not the government, not the people. Well.. not

anything of the world, strictly.

As an individual I wrote booklets and did what were

possible to support Russia.

I wrote to the Indian Parliament a dozen times – made

sure they read what I wrote. On the importance of
supporting Russia.

A spinless buncha backstabbers isn’t what I belong to.

If Pakistan weaponized itself against India with NATO

and USA – and India responded and the other “ friendly”
nations displayed similar drama?

Anyway all the shit that exists in India cannot be

bracketed into one religion and called “ Indainism” or
“Iinduism “ – because a lot of shit in that is plain demonic.
Even demonic phislosophy demonic dsitortions and false
demonic groupisms – well, these are why India got invaded
and de centers that held up de evil destroyed.

In the Gita Krishna asks in response to the ideas Arjuna

says,” From where did you get this dirt, in the hour of
danger? It is UnAryan, Un heavenly, not leading to glory. It


doesn’t befit thee, Discard the base weakness of heart, and

rise, O scorcher of foe!” Meaning Unaryan shit existed in
India and were thought of as fukking dirt – and that is all
that is peddled as religion now – de groupisms mutual fight
and all that base shit.

Speaking of Aryan – I were watching a set of Linguistic

videos. The bitch teaching it is teaching at IIT but
demented. So she keeps repeating that peiss of shit British
education nonsense, “ English is the lingua Franka of the
world” and what not and Well.. nothing wrong in English
being lingua franca. It’s a good language, and the Aryan
Indian pronunciation of it is accurate. It has nothing to do
with that witchcraft Isle, England.

Anyway, why I were saying it is bitch gets into saying “

Aryan” languages and does de demo of pretending her
language is in the Aryan category. De peiss of shit has a hole
between both her front tooth, is at, base, ufgly as fakk, and
is demented in the brain, and has no deeper insight into
anything – and because of the gap cannot distinguish p from
b and f.

Aryan is an Individual thing. Not of languages spoken in

an area of a group of utter peiss of shit people doing nothing
but slavery for money – they are demons in sin with a
demonic ideology, wether they speak nothing but any
demented language, or Sanskrit or not.

Are the vedic chanters chanting anything for money and

doing demented spiritual pretensions to be respected.
When Yudhistra wants to go back ot the forest after the war,
Bhima I guess says to him, “You have become like the vedic
chanters.. with no deep understanding. “

An Aryan state is a state of inner and outer quality , of

action, and guna, quality. Somebody empty pround and


seeing everything as a way of show off is a peiss of shit never

to be let in anybody’s vicinity. Likewise I were seeing a
woman politician say. “ We don’t eat onions in our family..
we are so great.” I don’t remember onions or garlic. These
have become ways of show off. Onions are pungent food
and good if avoided to a great extend. Garlic, gently a bit of
good it can do. Other than that it doesn’t make anybody
anything. It doesn't make anybody spiritual or not. If you
think that made you spiritual you are fukkign fool – poster
material for the hall of fame of arrogant demented fools in
false pride – an abomination.

And the funniest is the people who have labelled their

whole generation brahmins and all of them are gluttons and

They have obscured and sat on the truth, at best.

Don’t do that labelling oneself thing.

And if you label yourself don’t pretend the label is your


Anybody who rises to a high state is worthy of high

labels. But that brings with it the risk of devilluping pride
and pride is the death of progress.

Identification with false pride is dis-identification with

God, and absence of a strong truth and dignity inside.

Dignity is what you need.

When you have dignity you will not pretend or want

attention through false labels.

Enough of the barbarian interpretation of scripture and

standing in groups to fight each other. Its so shitty. Not


even human, let alone any religion.

So don’t identify with a bracket buncha bullshit lablled “

Induism” – what is the truth? Sat? That – Tat – is only to be
taken from the ideas of whichever land.

Do you think it has done anybody any good. In India

people have become peisses of shit – is the people spiritual?
Nope. DO they aspire ot the truth? Nope – they do pujas
and prayers to get into IIT to work for company in some
forrigen land etc. Its madness and it is greed. They don’t
even know higher worlds exist. They don’t know the goal of
action. They don’t have the spine to discard a useless system
– be it of education or false religion.

Aesthetics are fucking important. Think of a white flag

with a Silver Blazing Sun, 3D, like on the cover of my Book
“ Sun Worship.”

Even by that Indians will grow dignity and spine.

The fucked up multicolour peiss of shit thing with a

buncha spokes for “ spinning “ wheel for what? I dunno..
Joobu? Isn’t even good aesthetics.

Devillup brighter aesthetics for library temples. Places

where eyou can sit and read and enjoy high quality food, Just
like a modern library – but also with meditation spaces,
beautiful relaxing garden like environment, a blazing Sun
symbol – and let that be the “ religion “ and temple of the
new era. Let Vedic chants play subliminially.

That’s another issue. When the tribal shitjobs hear

religion, they drum up the place with uttersly waste tribal
beats. Its tamasic and demonic.

Sattvic says the Gita. “ Nitya Sattvasto” To worship God


one needs to establish oneself in a Sattvic form. Generally.

From Sattva emerges the desire to have good food. The

desire to have an aesthetic space for study and progress. The
Saucha requirement of Yogasutras emerge naturally. It is a
requirement to Yoga.

Don’t keep imitating what anybody did a thousand years

ago or a hundred years ago. “ Sva Dharma” is not imitation.

Only in your own unique approach to study and

understanding will you understand things, that is why “ Sva

Understand and think about what they said. But nobody

makes a mimicry drama. Just like if you want to approach
your own girlfriend or boyfriend, you cannot imitate a
superstar for ever. You need to be you.

Same with approaching the Divine.

Once you lose reason and become a mimicry artist, I am

sure God will throw you out. Nobody wants to see mimicry.
Not evern your human partner. It will be an abomination.

If you want ot adore God – do it in own way. Take cues,

listen to good music from any tradition .

And don’t make ducking display, “ Go to your inner

chambers and pray” says the Bible.

The tribal low class shit doesn’t understand anything. So by

force and reason restrain them from demented actions that
destroy society. If a shit ton of temples used to collect
people’s money make random noises – God and Human
Spirit all withdraw from there. Nobody can read, meditate,
Study, pray to the true Innner God, etc.


Unto to the God in the Heart … alone resort, says the Gita.

How do you do any of tapa Svadhyaya or anything in such

an environment?

So the madness needs to stop. The laws need to put a strict

end to all kinds of noise pollution and things. Demons
under the banner of temples should not be allowed to that
nonsense of blaring up places. Fools think they can directly
mike it to God and play all tribal beats. Nothing sattvic,
sacred or spiritual about it. They are inviting demons into
own fields, that is all.

It’s a covert attack on everything Divine. Making humans

turn away form the authentic traditions hidden in ancient
writings – that they obscure with the demonic behavior.

Discard all that.

What are truly spiritual societies like in remote Bhutan?

Study. Imitate.

Unless this arrogance feeding education is altered, for one

that endows sacred values, and a sense of deep aesthetic –
nothing is feasible. And by alteration I imply a drastic

Ducking stop running around – and work on the system of

education ruining your own kids and new generation.

Work together on it. “Nononon.. I neeed to make

Bollywood movie.. I Need ot get rich.” Yeah. .with the new
laws and shit once you get rich your wife will run away with


the money. And your value less kids will treat you and tear
you apart like you were an ATM up for looting. Then you
will go to hell for living just for money. And far before that
you will be diseased. Like every and any who lives to run
after money.

Btw, search image of that ceo of that Indian vaccine firm.

You will see that reptilian editing revealing, the reptile

All of them are reptile shit.

Humans do not enjoy living like that.

A shit hole of greedy people with glitter on top is not


It just a shit hole.

Don’t work hard and do frantic runs to make India a hell

hole. See how evil and maddened a beautiful land has
become. Google good places in India. Well that is for rich
toursits from forrigen nations. Are you fucking mental?
Build simple btu beatyful places for Indians to enjoy India
at east. And places to sit and meditate, etc. For the public.
Just like a public town square in the west. Not like a museum
and ticket collection places, etc.

Well, to be able to sit and meditate on needs a good


Let children be taught the power of Brahmacharya in Indian


Well, here is an exercise to enable the energies of the body

to transform and rise. Breathe in, fill the body and
abodemen with air. Pull in the abdomen a bit – in an upward


and inward sense – as if to get the energies of the body to

rise up the spine into the head space. Hold the air for around
10 seconds, and breathe out.

You can do this in a normal way. Don’t do any weird yoga

like fake shit – like getting twisted up and all. What does it
do? Next to nothing.

The breathing you can do anytime, any position, standing,

or sitting. Or relaxing. Nobody died from doing breathing.

Fear mongering is how fake gurus work. Does the

yogasutras say somebody needs to teach you shit – or does
it say “ SvaDhyaya” “ Self Study.”

If something works, you will feel more soulful, steady, etc.

Si you kan be your own judge in terms of spiritual progress.
IF not you will feel it as well. So alter your approach. Its like
any other field. Nobody need tell you if you are doing maths
well – you know from the results.

So gurus are almost always filtered shit.

Give them the ducking boot and study on own.

IF somebody taught you anything have a profound sense of

gratitude as well. Do not run after false gurus.

IF a friend did a good deed, have gratitude.

Why even a fucking god has gratitude. The new age humans
want to think money gets them everything.

Nope. No spiritual trick works if you are a peiss of shit in

the eyes of God. Once God turns his face away, you fall into
the lowest state.


So inner depth of ..

What not is the first step.

Not even the Sun shines in a mud pit.

So clarify your thoughts, your heart.

And the mirror of the Soul will reflect the Light of God.

No fake guru can give you a technique around it. And no

fake guru is needed to do that either.

Do pranayamas, alternate nostril ones, read the Gayatri

mantra and that in itself is a full path, if you are devoted to
your own spiritual progress.

Urge your family to do the same. Urge your friends. Gently

push them to the right path.

And know other traditions have their ways as well. The

Dogon tribes of Africa have a very legit path. Very legit
paths exist on other worlds. Why develop narrow ideas?
And if you studied Dogon ideology and practiced it for a
few years, you will not fall away from any spiritual path.

The Goal is not frantic mentally diseased fool judging you

by what labels you held etc. Or what weird idea you
practiced etc. You cannot take any of that shit to God. You
cannot strut into God’s presence.

Inner and the Outer are the Same.

Tibetan monks are the ones who bow the most. If a journey
to a temple a mile away. They will kneel and bow and touch
the ground each step of the way. Bowing to the Buddha as
the Supreme Principle in appearance, the same bright light


appears inside them. Then when the Light’s intensity is so

strong, that it is as if absorbing them into it, inwardly, they
seem to be absorbed in meditation. That is the Clear Light
of the Day, spoken of in Tibet. The Light of the Brahman,

It is not like when the language changes and the

vocabulary changes, the fucking elephant changes. The
elephant by any name is an elephant. It were not a different
God that the Greek philosopher Plotinus wrote of either
Even the description is word for word same. The Gnostic
Christian writing “ The Inexpressible One” says, “ Since
everything exists within It.. It does not exist within
anything.” “ All beings are in Me, and I am not in them,”
says the Gita. “ Nothing is above It. Nothing rules It.” Says
the Gnostic Writing. The Gita says the Same “There is
nothing above Me,” says Krishna in the Gita.

“ No trace of a controller of Him is found..:” says an


God is invited in the family space by holding the proper

Bhava. One phenomenon now is even if they are not saying
bad words, they will make and keep uuuugggly faces.

Unless one becomes a chdapshit worker for money or is

slaving in IT field, even good families, the entire family will
act worse than people in the ditches and hold uuggly faces,
sad expressions, dry words, as if they are going to
blooooojoooobu and die.

Other subtle gateways to hell include grunting ..

displeasure indicating noises, and so on. The prosperity of
a family – the aishvarya – emerges from the words spoken,
the way they are spoken, the expression inside, the state of
the Soul.

If good words are spoken with a bad Soul expression -


what IS IT?

And when even the daughters are packed off to work for
the different useless fields, The spiritual powers decay,
people do not have any depth, Days are spent like ants.

And in such an empty hellish mode, any soul life inside

is killed over and over again. Read wanking. From kings to

Life evolves and joy evolves when the familial form is

held. I cannot imagine doing a cheapshit work all day and
not ending up as aWanksta.

You are born in a good family. Prosperity is not an issue.

You have done the normal kinda work various lives. Now
god is asking you to do something greater. The name of that
is the yagna.

The role of family is to hold up yagna. Spiritual progress.

I am not talking about facy rituals.

The endeavour, daily study, meditation, self

improvement, and so on.

Peace in the pattern.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote, “the meaning of earthly

existence lies not, as we have grown used to thinking, in
prospering, but in the development of the soul...”

Well, if a soviet era Russian author can figure it out, India

as a whole ought do very least a bit better.

The franticity and fear ought be removed from the base.

If you run out of money govs will provide food stamps. If


you have trained yourself to do Zen, you can do meditation

in the Himalayas.

And most important – its not that difficult to die.

Why live in this frantic fears.

When you destroy your inner spiritual strengths in fear

of money. Frantically running around – then you destroy
your eternal prosperity in this world and the worlds to be.

Empty money and front two tooth in gold is not the


Prosperity evolves, as a function of Spiritual progress.

Nature has it that way.

If you look at society the lower sections are full of greed,

crime, psychological abuse of each other, madness,
drunkenness, fears, family spaces are hell, fighting each
other, and so on. Higher up the more wealthy sections, they
are more refined -and behaviour is better.

When people have prosperity out of nowhere and are

not spiritually evolved – the madness hell and abuse only
spikes destroying themselves and people around.

It is true in every family. IF you became a billionaire and

gave portions of it to your spiritually poor family – you will
have a bunch of demons.

So spiritual training from a very young age – is necessary.

To live a full life. Prosperity without it is dangerous to the
individual. And the world.

That’s how the west were destroyed – prosperity without


substance and the next step were 24 different genders.

How is any world family or a state immune to disasters

of that sort, if empty prosperity is taken for an ideal.

When one spiritually evolves and reaches that state, one

life or another, the function of prosperity displays greater

And that wealth one holds for the yagna, and the welfare
of the world.

What is one’s one ought hold on to with a sense of


That is also because it were kept in your space by Divine

Nature – the Universe.

And empty charity is dangerous. Think of giving an

abuser money. Or a thief a knife.

An Arab proverb goes, “Beware of the fool you did

charity to.”

So that core purpose of Life need to be held in strong

view. Then one knows why one needs a good home. The
way to behave. Etc.

Not everybody is born int eh state of a king – so people

need to do things that serve the world. And then it has to
be done with the proper Bhava, for it is work to improve
that person Spiritually.

Intellgiently choose what field you work in. Don’t run

after the money.

In India it is like whichever field is peddled as holding


jobs, everybody like mad crowds run in that direction. What

happens is – then the individual works tortured, skilless in
fields the person inherently has no interest in. So the
spectrum of talents needed to build a nation also becomes
absent. When people do things they do not enjoy, they turn
mentally unstable. So the nation’s joy factor is gone.
Nobody is able to do Sva Dharma in Joy.

“ Sve Sve Karma Abhirata,” In own Dharmic work

rejoicing, says the Gita. So Joy is the nature of performing
Sva Dharma.

See the verses 45 onward of Chapter 18, of the

sve sve karmany abhiratah
{In own work focused and rejoicing}
samsiddhim labhate narah
{Spiritual perfection, attains the human}
sva-karma-niratah siddhim
{The way in which one attains perfection through work}
yatha vindati tac chrnu
{The way it is done, Listen}

yatah pravrttir bhutanam

{In Whom All Appeared Phenomenon is emerging from}
yena sarvam idam tatam
{In That God Who Pervades All Phenomenon}
sva-karmana tam abhyarcya
{Own Dharmic Action, done as adoration of that One God}
siddhim vindati manavah
{Spiritual Perfection is attained }

sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah

{Better Own Dharma done imperfectly}
para-dharmat sv-anusthitat
{Than a different one done perfectly}
svabhava-niyatam karma
{Own Soul Nature Disciplined Karma}
kurvan napnoti kilbisam
{Engaging one does not obtain Sin}


saha-jam karma kaunteya{Even if with such Dharmic endeavour}

sa-dosam api na tyajet{There arises various difficulties, it ought not
be abandoned}
sarvarambha hi dosena{Initially all activity meets with difficulties}
dhumenagnir ivavrtah {Just as fire is enveloped by smoke}

Reason is what enables the invidiaul to perform good

action. The Greek writings and the writings attributed to
Hermes as worth reading in the aspect. Reason is in the
Soul, and is thus ennobling. Flimsy ideas arise from
irrationality and irrational actions lead to destruction here
and possibilities there on.

Rootedness is important.

Would be a good idea to listen to the Song “ Jai Hind Ki

Sena” from the Shershah movie. “ Sva Dharme Nidhanam
Sreya” “ Death in own Dharma/Duty is glorious,” says the

There is a Friend in Heaven to even the family of those

who take such a noble path.

The Gita also says, “ It is fearful to engage another’s


If by fears and false education everyone is pushed into

another’s work and Dharma – what hells will evolve.

First abandon fear. Do nothing for a few months. Or 40

years. Study.

Without knowledge what will you do?

Can one become a doctor by first prescribing medicine?

Or does one need to study.


What happens if there isa frantic rush to become a


And everybody including nervous minded are focsed to

become neurosurgeons as that is the best earning field?

The world will be a hell.

When crowds gather in one spot there is madness.

Well, in such a mad world the best thing to do is find a

good place, good weather, good land, good air, good food,
and relax. Why live the life of a barking dog?

//the purpose of advise.. better spiritual state and


//Pannini Grammar Systems// draft version











//azt4eca sun temple

// the palaces in philipnes and mexio.. disappearing

soldier legend

// noble wife.. one who evolves own dignity..

dignity inside is GOD

The negative states of the mind are to be destroyed
through the fire of Brahmacharya. For this the breathing
exercise earlier described, and also alternate nostril
pranayamas are necessary. Study the Gayatri Mantra daily,
and frequently, whenever you feel the

A sutras is a vibratory view into the absolute.

When the awanress is held vibrationless in the
Sutra Vibration unveiled both Yoga with the
absolute, and all associated knowledge emerges.


Well, theoretically it is all knowledge, of life, the

underlying universe machine, and any imaginable

//vivaha suktam

// illustrated editions – activity that is spiritual -

life vein of every nation[done]

//awareness expands what it holds

//dhanurveda nature of language
















//role of parenting – TO HELP UNDESTAND



























// where one is the incubation point in the sun

//do the forms with the inner sens.e. ornaments

sandal paste.. NOT EMPTILY .. NOR FOR SHOW





// by feeding people false ideals is the way they


// the beauty of a spiritual society – bhutan for

example war on it with social media – new kinds of
social media necessary oppose activity with activit

// Buddha in Rajagriha






// If we have homes self sufficient energy and

garden like vilalged we are DEVILLUPPED






//false editing of scripture karna story

/loki and wife. Standing together






एकाधिकेन पूर्वेण ।


धनखिलं नर्वतश्चरमं दशतः ।

ऊर्ध्वधतर्वग्भ्याम् ।

परार्वर्त्व र्ोजर्ेत् ।

शून्यं साम्यसमुच्च्ये ।


( आनुरूप्ये )

शून्यमन्यत् ।

संकलनव्यर्वकलनाभ्याम् ।

पूरणापूरणाभ्याम् ।

चलनकलनाभ्याम् ।


र्ार्वदू नम् ।

व्यधिसमधिः ।


चरमेण ।

सोपान्त्यद्वर्मन्त्यम् ।


एकन्यूनेन पूर्वेण ।

गुधणतसमुच्चर्ः ।

गुणकसमुच्चर्ः ।


आनुरूप्येण ।

धशष्यते शेषसंज्ञः ।

आद्यमाद्येनान्त्यमन्त्येन ।

केर्वलः सप्तकं

गुण्यात् ।


र्वेिनम् ।

र्ार्वदू नं तार्वदू नम् ।

र्ार्वदू नं तार्वदू नीकृर्त् र्वगं च र्ोजर्ेत् ।

अन्त्यर्ोदव शकेऽधप ।

अन्त्यर्ोरे र्व ।


समुच्चर्गुधणतः ।

लोपनस्थापनाभ्याम् ।


गुधणतसमुच्चर्ः समुच्चर्गुधणतः ।


र्ध्जाङ्क ।

द्वन्द्द्व र्ोग ।

आद्यम् अन्त्यम् मध्यम् ।



















//spiritual enlightenment on different planes in

every life.. is not some weird idea.. farfetched.. etc..

//the purpose of advise.. better spiritual state and



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