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Functions for air and flue gas properties

Description Function Output Unit

(mc,Cp)-->T, Temperaturer AirCpT Err:511 Err:511
(mc,P)--> Dpt, Dew point temperatuer AirDpt Err:511 Err:511
(mc,P,T)-->Dv, Dynamic viscosity AirDv Err:511 Err:511
Demo (mc)-->Gc, Gas constant AirGC Err:511 Err:511
(mc,H)-->T AirHT Err:511 Err:511
Demo (mc)-->Mm, Molecular mass AirMM Err:511 Err:511
(mc,S)-->T AirST Err:511 Err:511
(mc,P,T)-->Tc, Thermal conductivity AirTc Err:511 Err:511
(mc,T)-->Cp, Heat capacity at constant P AirTCp Err:511 Err:511
(mc,T)-->Cv, Heat capacity at constant V AirTCv Err:511 Err:511
(mc,T)-->Gamma = Cp/Cv AirTGamma Err:511
(mc,T)-->H, Specific enthalpy AirTH Err:511 Err:511
(mc,T)-->S, Specific entropy AirTS Err:511 Err:511
(Cp,%)-->T, Temperature FlueCpT Err:511 Err:511
(P,%)--> Dpt, Dew point temperatue FlueDpt Err:511 Err:511
(P,T,%)-->Dv, Dynamic viscosity FlueDv Err:511 Err:511
Demo (%)-->Gc, Gas constant FlueGC Err:511 Err:511
(H,%)-->T FlueHT Err:511 Err:511
Demo (%)-->Mm, Molecular mass FlueMM Err:511 Err:511
(S,%)-->T FlueST Err:511 Err:511
(P,T,%)-->Tc, Thermal conductivity FlueTc Err:511 Err:511
(T,%)-->Cp, Heat capacity at constant P FlueTCp Err:511 Err:511
(T,%)-->Cv, Heat capacity at constant V FlueTCv Err:511 Err:511
(T,%)-->Gamma = Cp/Cv FlueTGamma Err:511
(T,%)-->H, Specific enthalpy FlueTH Err:511 Err:511
(T,%)-->S, Specific entropy FlueTS Err:511 Err:511
Demo (P,T,Gc)-->Ro, Density GasDensity Err:511 Err:511
Demo (P,Gc,Satm)-->S at pressure, P GasS Err:511 Err:511
Demo (P,Gc,S)-->Satm = S at atmospheric pressure GasSAtm Err:511 Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->PS, Percentage saturation ScreenPS Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->RH, Relative humidity ScreenRH Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->SH, Specific humidity ScreenSH Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->VWR, Volumetric water ratio ScreenVWR Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->PS, Percentage saturation SlingPS Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->RH, Relative humidity SlingRH Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->SH, Specific humidity SlingSH Err:511
(DBT,WBT)-->VWR, Volumetric water ratio SlingVWR Err:511
Data used for above function calls.
12 Pressure
250 Temperature
0.0014 Density
0.005 Moisture content
30 Dry-bulb temp.
25 Wet-bulb temp.
0.59 N2, volumetric composition or mole fraction
0.05 O2, volumetric composition or mole fraction
0.22 CO2, volumetric composition or mole fraction
0.01 Ar, volumetric composition or mole fraction
0.11 H2O, volumetric composition or mole fraction
0.02 SO2, volumetric composition or mole fraction
1.06 Specific heat capacity
290 Specific enthalpy
1.345 Specific entropy
0.2805 Gas constant
Range of input:
0,01 bar < Pressure < 20 bar
-40 C < Temperature < 1500 C
0 =< Moisture content < 0.30
For error handling see the file error.doc

Example 1
Gas constant for air with 0.005 moisture content
0.005 Err:511 Err:511

Example 2
Molecular mass for air with 0.005 moisture content
0.005 Err:511 Err:511

Example 3
Gas constant and molecular mass for flue gases with the following composition:
75% N2, 3% O2, 12% CO2, 0% Ar, 0% SO2 and 10% H2O
N2 0.75
O2 0.03
CO2 0.12 R Err:511 Err:511
Ar 0 Mm Err:511 Err:511
H2O 0.1
SO2 0
Sum 1

Example 4
The density of flue gases at 15 bar and 630 C, the composition is the same as in
the above

15 Err:511 Ro Err:511 Err:511

630 Err:511

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