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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: ____


Quarter 2 – Week 7
Competency: Use Principle of Effective Speech Writing
Lesson: Principles of Effective Speech Writing


1. Use the correct verbs, words, and phrases in completing fragment

2. Revise the paragraph using the guidelines in the grammatical
3. Write a sample speech following all the guidelines in speech writing.

Although the delivery of the speech is important in getting your

message across, phrasing your message in a way that is understandable
and clear to the audience is so important. Thus, you should ensure proper
word choice and grammatical correctness when writing your speech.
In this lesson, you will learn to write speech using the correct
guidelines in speech writing that include grammatical correctness and word


Getting Started
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
incorrect. Write your answer before each item.
________1. It is natural for speeches to change in tone and word choice.

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing
________2. A speech should be written in the present perfect tense.

________3. One should use simple, direct words in delivering a speech.

________4. Passive voice makes a speech more impactful.

________5. Respecting the audience is important when delivering a speech.

Directions: Read and analyze the paragraph. Look for grammatical or
content errors. Rewrite and correct the paragraph in another sheet of paper.
Zero waste was an effort to reduce the usage of disposable products and reuse as
much as possible. This mean that throwing wastes properly will save the
environment. If we look at today’s statistics, most of the wastes consumed by we
were in the form of chemicals. For examples, plastics can be consumed by sea
animal such as turtles or whales. We can solve this problem through reducing
our consumption of harmful to the environment products.



1. Choose words that are appropriate for your audience. If your speech is
going to be for preteens, avoid using jargon or complex words. In front of a
group of medical professionals, on the other hand, you may use medical
2. Use words that clearly convey your meaning. One misconception many
individuals have is that they need to be impressive and use highfalutin words
in their speech. However, the use of highfalutin and complex words may
obstruct the understanding of the message. Listeners would not be able to
reread the speech or consult the dictionary if there are words that they do not
understand, so it is best to be clear, direct, and simple in your choice of
3. While writing, keep in mind that your speech is going to be spoken out
loud. There is a difference between the written word and the spoken word, and
the words you use in your writing should approximate natural speech.

4. Avoid words that convey prejudice. Make sure that the words you use will not
alienate or offend your audience. Keep in mind that you should be respectful in
your speech.
5. Be consistent. Sudden changes in tone and word choice can be distracting. If
you use formal language at the beginning of your speech, use formal language in
the rest.

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing
Guidelines on Grammatical Correctness
Aside from making sure that you use the proper words in your speech, you should also
take note of some considerations regarding the grammar of your speech. After all, a
speech laden with grammar errors may make you sound less credible and can also be
distracting to your audience. Aside from the usual conventions of English grammar
such as proper subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, etc., the
following are some tips to keep in mind when checking the grammar of your speech:
1. Use the present tense. The present tense is used for stating facts, habitual
actions, and one’s own ideas. It is the verb tense that is usually used in speeches. You
may, however, shift the tense if needed, such as when referring to an action or event in
the past.
2. Use the active voice. Although there is nothing wrong with using the passive
voice, it may make the sentence unclear and also less impactful. For example,
instead of saying “The solution is something we should think about,” it would be
better to say this instead: “We should think of a solution.”
3. Avoid run-ons and fragments. Check your speech for run-ons and fragments.
Break down run-ons into several shorter sentences, and turn fragments into
complete sentences.
Present Tense. The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the
simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens
regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite).
Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or
by adding -s or -es to the end.
1. The grade 11 students talk about the daily activities in their subjects.
2. Great speakers speak from their own experiences and principles.
Active Voice. The active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action
stated by the verb.
1. Martin Luther delivered his inspirational speech to motivate his people.
2. Former Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago wrote humorous book for teenagers.
3. The judges know the criteria for the extemporaneous speech.
Fragments and Run-ons. Sentence fragments usually lack either main verb or subject (or
both). If you're not sure if a sentence is a fragment, check that it has at least one main verb
and subject. Run-on sentences consist of at least two independent clauses that are connected
in one sentence without proper punctuation. Transitional expressions in the middle of the two
independent clauses can be also added in the run-on sentences.
Examples of Fragments:
1. The next speech contests
2. Went to the theatre to watch the poem recital
Edited Versions:
1. We will invite our parents for the next speech contest.
2. The group of performers went to the theatre to watch the poem recital.
Examples of Run-on Sentences
1. Our oral communication teacher teaches us how to play piano I will give her some
appreciation letter.
2. Participants could leave the venue anytime they needed to sign the attendance sheet.
Edited Versions:
1. Our oral communication teacher teaches us how to play piano, I will give her some
appreciation letter.
2. Participants could leave the venue anytime, but they needed to sign the attendance sheet.

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing

Getting it Right
Directions: Complete the sentences below with the correct verbs. Use the
simple present tense of the verbs. In this activity, answers may vary.
1. His new film__________ in the cinema today.
2. The group of actors and actresses______________ the opening of the
Cinemalaya Awards 2020.
3. I_________two pens into the exam hall just in case one pen
(4.)_______of ink.

5. The doctors_________ that living in a new normal needs self-awareness.

Directions: Read the sentences below. Identify if the sentence is in the

Active Voice if NOT rewrite the sentence using the correct Active Voice of
the verb.

1. The chairperson reads the mechanics of the essay writing contest.

2. All the documents were signed by the lawyer during the hearing.
3. The audience must be considered as an important factor in public
4. The speech is delivered by Pres. Duterte in Malacañang.
5. Roma gives her best every time she speaks the language.

Directions: Complete the fragments below with the correct words or

phrases and write the correct sentence on the space provided. In this
activity, answers may vary.

1. Driving in a rush hour

2. Finding the best parking space
3. Using the Google Meet
Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing
4. Reminiscing the past
4. Believing in one’s talent



Directions: Read the paragraph below about public speaking. Rewrite and
revise the paragraph following the correct usage of grammar. Use another
sheet of paper for the activity.
Public speaking is an art; and, like every other art, it has to be learnt,

both in practice and theory. For a man to say that he will never deliver a

speech until he has learned to speak is like saying that he will never go into

the water until he has learnt to swim.

One cannot learn to swim with-out going into the water, and one can never

learns to speak in public without speaking in public. In both cases, one has

to learn by practice; and no amount of theory without practice will be of any


A speech should always be carefully prepared before-hand. Preparation

include collection, selecting and arrangement. First, collect materials for the
speech—ideas, arguments, facts, illustration bearing on the subject. Jot these

down as they come to mind. Then, select the most appropriate idea to

consider. Lastly, arrange the selected thoughts in an orderly and logical plan.

Without all of this, the speech will be badly arranged, rambling, dis

proportioned and full of repetitions.

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing
In public speaking the management of the voice are very important also.

Some speakers speak too low and cannot be heard well in a large hall. Some

shout, and their voices is drowned by the echoes. The speaker should spoke

clearly, for all to hear; he should vary the intonation of his voice to avoid

monotony and to enforce his meaning; and he should know when to make

effective pauses.

Directions: Read and reflect on the message of the following quotations.

Write your explanation after the quotes.

1. “You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your
heart.” - John Ford
2. “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get
started to be great.” - Les Brown
Directions: Write a speech to grade 10 students on how to choose the right
academic track and prepare for senior high school. Your goal is to help
students think of their future more seriously by choosing the track they are
interested in. Your speech will last for around 3-5 minutes. Check for word
choice and grammatical errors in your draft.
1. You may also look into these topics for reference:
a. How to choose the right academic track

b. How to see yourself in the future

c. How to overcome the different challenges in senior high school

d. What to expect from studying a particular academic track

e. What to expect from senior high school as an educational

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing
Directions: Read the questions below. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.
_______1. Which of the following sentences is in the correct active voice
of the verb?
A. The story is written by Ollie.
B. The medical kits are received by the medical staff.
A. The event was attended by international participants.
B. Owyn attended the virtual celebration of Linggo ng Wika.
_______2. The following are guidelines in word choice EXCEPT:
A. Be consistent.
B. Use highly technical words.
C. Use words that convey meaning.
D. Choose words that are appropriate to the audience.
________3. Which sentence below uses the correct present tense of the
A. The module writers know the correct answer.
B. The module writers knew the correct answer.
C. The module writers will know the correct answer.
D. The writers have known the correct answer.
________4. In choosing a topic, you have to consider the______________
A. age of the audience
B. business of the audience
C. financial status of the audience
D. weaknesses of the target audience
________5. The characteristic of a good speech is ______________.
A. credible
B. inaccurate
C. traditional
D. situational
________6. What are the possible effects if the speaker uses complex words
in his speech?
A. It gets the attention of the audience.
B. It gives positive impacts to the speaker.
C. It creates confusions to the listeners.
D. It gives a sense of satisfaction to the listeners.
_______7. The following are examples of fragments EXCEPT:
A. The beauty of the beach.
B. Collecting items is one way of investing.
C. Praying the rosary can give positive outlook in life.
D. The experience of a person is a lesson to cherish.

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing
________8. Which of these examples below use the correct present tense
of the verb?
A. Public speaking develops the self-confidence of the speaker.
B. Public speaking develop the self-confidence of the speaker.
C. Public speaking developed the self-confidence of the speaker.
D. Public speaking will develop the self-confidence of the speaker.


Antonio, M. A. K., Rodrigo, A., & Madrunio, M. (2011). Contextualizing oral

communication. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Publishing.
Black, E. (2006). Pragmatic stylistic. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Sipacio, P.J. F. & Balgos, A.R. G. (2016). Oral communication in context. Quezon
City: Philippines; C & E Publishing Inc.
Victorio, V.M. (2016). Oral communication for high school grade 11. Quezon City:
Educational Resources Corporation

Prepared by:
Isaac Lopez Integrated School
SDO Mandaluyong



Master Teacher II, MHS Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II, MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q2 Week No.16 Competency Code:EN11/12OC-llcj-26
Competency: Use Principles of Effective Speech Writing

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