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MAED 136- Executive Leadership

Name: Joel I. Macuray

Instructor: Isidro M. Biol, PhD.
Assignment: Reflection No. 1

The success of every organization is not a mere product of intelligent leaders but it is a good result
of collaborative efforts of all people in the organization. Good leaders, are expected to be the role
model who manifest excellent characters, values and image worthy to be emulated. The leaders
who embody good characters and disciplines in an organization, will definitely radiate positive,
good quality and high performance in a workplace.

As the time swiftly moves, the competition and standards in different organizations, business
sectors and different agencies are becoming tough. It is the strongest challenge that every leader
has to be engrossed with. In our present times leaders must not confine their strategies and
techniques in a traditional and conventional approaches but rather they have to go and apply new
and highly advanced techniques and mechanisms. Company leaders must be creative and
innovative in crafting new ideas that will suit to the demands of a contemporary world. As these
leaders continue on aiming and dreaming of a great success of the company, agency or
organization they are working with, they themselves must not forget that they cannot work alone.
They need employees that are willing to handle the jobs and willing to do it even in a midst of

Executive Leadership deals with different principles, philosophies, beliefs and practices that have
been applied and perhaps qualified as effective guide that serve as an anchor of many great
successful leaders of all different generations. Excellent Leadership requires passion to the job he
or she is expected to do. Leaders must inculcate in their minds and hearts the essence of a strong
sense of responsibility and accountability, where they must be receptive to any negatives
comments, accepts consequences whenever failures occur in their organization. Leaders must be
compassionate to all his employees, co-leagues, comrades and companions. A leader who shows
inspiration, motivation or words of encouragement for them to enhance, excel, and grow in their

In the video clip about the speech of Col. Moore a great soldier during the Vietnam war, it depicts
a vivid examples of a leader in an organization which is strongly reflected how he handled the
corps. He is leader who chooses no color,race or religion. A leader who manifest good attitudes
and disciplines. A leader who is willing to take the risk and sacrifice his life for the sake of others.
A brave and self-less leader.

Overall, it may be said that, indeed, there is no perfect leaders and organizations in the surface of
the earth. However, in my years of existence as a teacher, with the lessons that I am going to
learn in Executive leadership I would take it as an edge to be a better person and an excellent
employee. I believe that I cannot be like Col. Moore, but I would take his lessons in life as a
reminder, as motivation for me to inculcate in my mind and heart that I would give my hands and
be willing to sacrifice things, and do what I can for the sake of others before myself. So help me

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