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What is the most important point you are trying to convey about

your project?
A point I’m trying to convey about my project, is that
woodworking takes a lot of time and effort. The business I ran
wasn’t a big business, but it also took a lot of order to make sure
everything went good. If my small business took a lot of planning
and organization, I can’t even imagine how much a bigger business
would need.

As you did your research what surprised you the most about
your topic/project?
In woodworking, there are many different types of wood and
techniques that do similar jobs. The different types of woods work
good in different situations. The many techniques do the same job,
just in different ways. I was also surprised by the amount of work a
business takes to run. In my small business I still needed a lot of
planning to make sure it was successful.

What did you find most difficult about doing the research for
your project? 
It was a little difficult finding time to do my projects. Each
project took a good amount of time. Finding time between school,
and sports practice, and everything else was a little difficult.
Working in the winter was also a little difficult because my shop
wasn’t heated.

What is the most important thing you learned from completing

this project? 
I learned that woodworking is a great skill and you can make
various products from it. I learned new woodworking techniques
that I didn’t know before. One of the techniques I learned was how
to drill pocket holes. Running a business is also another good skill
you can learn. It takes a lot of organization, and effort.

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