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Assessment 4.

Japanese counting system

With your designated group, have a simulation of a scene at the market where you buy various objects
using different counters.  The output will be a short video. Be sure to write the names of all group
members in your output.
First scene:

Eto background kunwari sa Japan dn. Hindi naman ata halata yung extra word ng nagedit haha..
Buyer1: Ohayoo gozaimasu!
: Good morning, Sir!
Seller: Ohayoo gozaimasu!
: Good morning, Sir!
Buyer1: Ringo go-ko to orenji san-ko o kudasai.
: Let me have 5 apples, and 3 oranges, please.
Seller: Mangoo wa doo desu ka?
: How about mangoes?
Buyer1: Hai, juu-kiro no mango o kudasai. (pause konti bago ituloy) Ikura kakarimasu ka?
: Yes, give me 10 kilos of mangoes, please. How much does it costs?
Seller: San-zen yon-hyaku roku-juu-hachi en.
: Three thousand four hundred sixty-eight (3, 468) yen.
Buyer1: Kore ga watashi no shiharaidesu. Arigatoo gozaimasu.
Here is my payment. Thank you.
Seller: Doo mo arigatoo gozaimasu.
: Thank you so much.

Buyer2: Konnichiwa!
: Good afternoon!
Seller: Konnichiwa!
: Good afternoon!
Buyer2: Anata no shatsu wa ikuradesu ka?
: How much is your shirt?
Seller: Ni-sen ni-hyaku hachi-juu-yon en.
: Two thousand two hundred eighty-four (2284) yen.
Buyer2: Akai shatsu o ichi-mai kaimasu…(pause) Kasa wa ikuradesu
: I will buy one of the red shirt. How about your umbrellas?
Seller: Sen en.
: 1000 yen.
Buyer2: Kasa mo ni-hon kaimasu. (pause) Gōkei wa kuradesu ka?
: I will also buy two umbrellas. How much is the total?
Seller: Yon-sen ni-hyaku hachi-juu-yon en. Doo mo arigatoo gozaimasu.
: 4, 284 yen. Thank you so much.
Buyer2: Arigatoo gozaimasu.
: Thank you.

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