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Lesson Plan

Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:

(Cooperating Teacher)
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Translate mathematical statements into mathematical expressions
2. Solve problems involving algebraic expressions; and
3. Solve real life problems involving algebraic expressions


A. Topic: “Solving Problems Involving Algebraic Expressions”
B. Reference: CO_Q2_Mathematics 7_ Module 7 (DepEd)
C. Materials: Laptop and PowerPoint Presentation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Let us pray first.
May I request someone to lead the prayer. (One student will lead the prayer)

2. Greetings
Good morning class! I am your Sir Jeric Good morning, Sir!
and I will be your teacher for today.
3. Checking of attendance
Okay. Before we start our lesson, may I
None Sir.
know who is absent for today?
That’s good to hear.
Our lesson last meeting was all
4. Review of the previous lesson about …
What was our lesson last meeting class?

B. Motivation
Class, before we start our lesson for today,
let’s have a simple quiz about translation
of English phrases and statements into
mathematical phrases and statements. Yes sir.
I want you to open your Kahoot Yes sir.
Application and enter the code of the quiz.
This quiz is comprised of 15 items and
each item is good for 15 seconds. Is (Answers may vary)
everyone already entered the code?
(Answers may vary)
Are you ready?
Okay, so let us begin. (Answers may vary)
Number 1.
Very good, almost all of you got the (Answers may vary)
correct answer. (Answers may vary)
Next item.
Okay, good. This is also a matter of
analyzing statements.
How about this one?
Phenomenal. How about the next item?
Students are listening…
And that concludes our quiz.
Congratulations to our top scorers.
So, as you notice I prepared a quiz that
refreshes your knowledge on translating
English statements into mathematical
phrases and statements and that is because
we will use that knowledge on our next
topic which is Solving Problems Involving Students are listening…
Algebraic Expressions.

C. Lesson Proper (Presentation)

There are many ways in killing a chicken.
In like manner, there are also several ways
in solving word problems in mathematics
and one of those is setting up equations
basing from the data given in the problem.
If we know how to translate English
statements into numbers, then it is an
advantage in solving word problems.
Before we go through, let us first
understand the steps in solving word
The number of subscribers she has
problems. First, read the problem carefully
today, sir.
and identify the unknown. Second,
represent the unknown using any variable.
Third, evaluate the expression using the
given value of the unknown variable.
Fourth, we must simplify and lastly, state
our answer.
Let us look at this example.
A vlogger has 50 more than twice a
number of subscribers she had yesterday. 2000, sir.
If she had 1000 subscribers yesterday,
how many subscribers she had today? 2050, sir.
After reading and understanding the given
problem, let us now identify the unknown.
Yes sir.
Who can tell me what is asked in the
Very good. After identifying the
unknown, let us represent the number of To understand the problem, sir.
subscribers she had yesterday as s.
So, looking back on our problem, it states To identify the unknown, sir.
that she has 50 more than twice a number The value of the larger number, sir.
of subscribers she had yesterday. So, we
can write that as 2s+50.
Now, that we have constructed our
expression, we can now solve the
problem. Okay, let us evaluate. We have
2s+50 where s=1000. By substituting, we 27, sir.
get 2 times 1000 that gives what? 21, sir.
Good. Next, we have to add 50 to 2000 so
we the sum of? 21 is the value of the larger number,
Excellent. Therefore, we can conclude that sir.
the vlogger has 2050 subscribers today. None sir.
Did you understand class?
Next. The larger number is 6 less than the
cube of the smaller number. If the smaller
number is equal to 3, find the value of the
larger number.
Now, what are we going to do first? The current age of the mother, sir.
Very good. After understanding the
problem, what is next?
What is the unknown?
Okay, very good. Now, let us represent the
smaller number as x. In the problem, it
states that the larger number is 6 less than
the cube of the smaller number, then we
can represent that as x 3−6 . So, let us
evaluate, given that the of x is 3, by
substitution, we get (3)3−6 . What is 3
raised to 3?
Good. So, 27-6 we get?
Excellent. So, what would be our
Very well said. Any question? 5, sir.
Since, there is no question, let us proceed X+50=2x+10, sir.
to the next.
The daughter’s age is one-fifth of her
mother’s age. In 10 years, she will be two- x-2x=20-50, sir.
fifths of her mother’s age. How old is the
-x=-30, sir.
mother now?
Again, after understanding the problem let
us identify the unknown. What is the X=30, sir.
unknown in the problem?
Very good. So, let us represent the age of Therefore, the age of the mother is
the mother as x. Since, we are given ages 30 years old.
in two different times, we can use a table None, sir.
to better understand the problem.
Ages Now Ages in 10
Mother x X+10 The age of Lunox, sir.
Daughter x x
5 5

Now, that we have put it in a table, we can

easily understand the data given in the 25, sir.
problem. Going back to the problem, it Lunox is 25 years old, sir.
states that, in 10 years, she will be two- None, sir.
fifths of her mother’s age. So, our
x 2
equation would be; 5 +10= 5 (x +10) .
x 2
Okay, let us evaluate. 5 +10= 5 (x +10) , let
us get the LCD and multiply it to the both None sir.
sides of the equation. What is the LCD?
Good. After multiplying the LCD to both
sides of the equation, we get?
Very good. We are going to find the value Yes, sir.
of x and put I on the left side using APE
we get…?
Excellent. Further simplification, we Read the problem carefully.
obtain? Represent the unknown using
Okay, since there is no such age as variable.
negative, we will multiply -1 to both sides Evaluate the expression using the
to make it positive so, we get? given value of the unknown
Very good. So, what would be our variable.
conclusion? Simplify.
State the answer.
Very good. Do you have any question?
Last example. Pharsa is 5 years old now.
If the age of Lunox is the squared of
Pharsa’s age, how old is Lunox now? Students are listening…
Again, let us understand the problem and
after which, let us identify the unknown.
What is the unknown?
Good. Let us represent the age of Pharsa
as p. looking back on the problem, Yes, sir.
Lunox’s age is the squared of Pharsa’s
then we can say p2 .
Let us evaluate by substituting p which is
5, then 5 raised to 2 we get?
Okay. So, what would be our conclusion?
Very good. Any question? None, sir.
That is how we solve problems that
involves algebraic expressions. We just
have to analyze the problem and apply our Box number 2, sir.
knowledge in our basic mathematics.
Any question? Box number 10, sir.
D. Generalization
Box number 1, sir.
Did you understand our topic for today
class? YOU CAN DO IT, sir.

Ok, if you really understood our lesson,

what are the steps in solving word Yes, sir.

(Answers may vary)

Very good!

E. Application
For me to assess if you really listened on
our discussion, I have prepared a simple
activity for you. This is called, “NOTE
TO SELF” this is something that you
should say to yourself every time you feel
down and empty. I want you to always say
this to yourself every now and then.
Are you ready?
You just have to answer every problem
that you can see on your screen. Each
problem has a corresponding letter and
you are tasked to unlock the message by
putting the letter inside the box that
corresponds to its answer.
Any question?
O= Estes can heal 4 heroes in one game.
How many heroes can he heals in 5
Good. How about this.
T= Harley has 6 oranges. If Nana has
twice as Harley’s, how many oranges
Nana has?
Excellent. Next.
Y= Guinevere is 6 years old. How old is
she after 10 years?
Okay, so what words have you formed?
Nice. I want you to take that courage
everyday. Tell yourself that you can do it,
Ok class, we have just learned how to
solve real life problems involving
algebraic expressions. If I will ask you,
what is the main point of our lesson


Direction. Solve the following. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Robert wants to fence his rectangular lot. If the length of the lot is 3 meters
longer than its width. What is the perimeter of the of the rectangular lot if its width
is y meters?
A. 4y + 6 meters
B. 6y + 4 meters
C. 4y – 6 meters
D. 6y – 4 meters
2. Rose had ten roses (r) in her garden. During weekends she buys additional roses.
Express her total roses in algebraic expression.
A. 10r
B. r – 10
C. 10 – r
D. 10 + r

For numbers 3-5, give the algebraic expression that represents the given situations

3.There are y carabaos and d ducks in the farm. How many legs are there?
4.Two numbers add up to 10. If one of the numbers is f, what is the other number?
5.I already have 5 pens, Mark give me 2 packs of pens. Each pack contains p pens.
How many pens do I have now?


Direction. Solve the following problems.

1. Mauie is a student assistant at the Mathematics department. Since she is

hardworking and very pleasant to all, the department head decides to give her an
additional Php 50 every week on top of the x per hour rate.
a. If she works for 4 hours a day, how much does she receive in 1 a week with 5
working days?
b. Write an expression that gives how much she should receive in two weeks.

2. Printing of greeting cards consists of a fixed charge of Php 150 and a charge of
Php 5 for each card printed. What is the cost of printing n cards?
3. Flora bought s shirts for the orphans in the community. How much will she pay
if each shirt cost Php 95?
4. Karen plans to fence her rectangular garden. If the length of the garden is 5m
longer than its width (a). What is the perimeter of the garden?

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