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University of Pangasinan – PHINMA

College of Social Sciences

Education Department

A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Grade 7 Mathematics
September 23, 2023


At the end of 60 minutes class, the students should be able to:

a. Define and interpret the meaning of a n where n is a positive integer;

b. Derive inductively the Laws of Exponents (restricted to positive integers)
c. Illustrate the Laws of Exponents
d. Appreciate the value of the lesson by actively participating in the discussion.


A. Quarter II
Operations of Polynomial
B. Topic
Laws of Exponents
C. References
Mathematics – Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide First Edition, 2013 ISBN: 978-971-
9990-61-1 p. 160-164

Printed in the Philippines by ____________ Department of Education-

Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS)

D. Materials:

Teacher’s Materials:
Laptop, power point presentation on the Laws of Exponents,

Students’ Materials:
Pen and paper

E. Skills:

 Applying Operations to Exponents

F. Pre-requisite Skills:

 mastered the multiplication

G. Values Integration:

 Mental alertness, and accuracy in solving the Laws of Exponents.

 Being cooperative, attentive and patience in deriving the law of
H. Strategies:

Open Discussion, Collaborative Learning, Deductive method


A.1. Greetings
“Good morning class.” “Good morning, Ma’am.”

A.2. Prayer

“Let us pray first. Jay Pee, kindly lead the “Our Father who heart in heaven hollowed
prayer.” be thy name… Amen.”

A.3. Setting the classroom

“Before taking your seats, kindly arrange the (The students will arrange their chairs and
alignment of your chairs and pick-up the pick up the pieces of paper and candy
pieces of paper under your chair.” wrappers from the floor.)

A.4. Checking of Attendance

“You may now take your seat. Is there any (the secretary will check the attendance)
Ma’am, I am happy to tell you ma’am that
class do not have any absentee today.


“Since, everybody is present; can we now “Ma’am, our topic yesterday is all about
have a short recall on our topic yesterday? subtracting polynomials.”
Anyone, who can still remember the topic?”

“Very good. Now, please bring out your

assignment?Angelica, can you answer

(-2 x 2−4 x+10 ¿−(2 x 2 +6 x+ 3)=? “ −10 x+ 7”

Correct. Okay, number two please answer,

3 2
(3 x ¿¿ 3−5 x +7)−(2 x +4 x −2 x )=? ¿ “ x 3−9 x 2 +2 x +7 ”

Very good. Archie can you please answer the

last question.

( x 2−4 x−2 ) −(2 x 2+5 x−6) “−x 2−9 x +4 ”

“Very good class! You’ve really understood
our lesson yesterday and this gives me an
idea that you are now ready with our first
activity for today.”

“Before we start our new lesson, we have a

short activity”

“We are going to sing a song”

“Class are you ready?” “Yes Ma’am!”

(the teacher will play the video)

Okay class. Settle down. According to our Laws of Exponents

activity, what do you think our new lesson?”

Very Good!

“Our lesson for today is all about the Laws of


Who can read the given mathematical

expression, anyone? “two cubed”

Very good Angelica, aside from that what

else? “two raised to the third power”

Okay, now who can identify which is the

exponent and which is the base? “I refer my answer based on how we read
the mathematical expression. The word
“power” is the hint to identify the exponent
while the word “raised” is used to identify
the based.
Very good Jaypee! Because exponent is also
known as “power”, it is a number or variable
written on the upper right part of a
mathematical expression called the base.

Look at the given example:

2 =2 ∙ 2∙ 2

Who can read

The based 2 is multiplied three times by
the given
expression? 4
4 =4 ∙ 4 ∙ 4 ∙ 4

Very good Mr.

Del Ayre, aside
from that what
else? 3

Okay, now who

can identify
which is the
exponent and Yes, ma’am.

“There is no exponent in the upper right of

which is the the based, therefore the exponent is 1”

Okay, very well
said. What is Yes, ma’am

your basis in
which is the
exponent and
which is the
based? Yes, ma’am. the given exponential form is
becoming into expanded form. The based a
in a 3 is multiplied by itself three times while
in a in a 4 is multiplied by itself four times.
Since, the based are similar the exponent 3
Very good in a 3is added to 4 in a 4so that we have a 7

Mike! Because
exponent is also We can get the product by getting the sum of

known as
"powers", it is
a number or
variable written
Product of power rule
on the upper
right part of a
expression called
the base.
Who can read
the given
mathematical 4

expression? 65,536
Very good Mr. ( 22 ) ( 25 ) ( 24 )=211
Del Ayre, aside ¿ 2048

from that what

Okay, now who
can identify
which is the
exponent and
which is the
Okay, very well
said. What is
your basis in
which is the
exponent and
which is the
Who can read
the given
Very good Mr.
Del Ayre, aside
from that what
Okay, now who
can identify
which is the
exponent and
which is the
Okay, very well
said. What is
your basis in
which is the
exponent and
which is the

What did you notice?

Who can read

the given

Who can read

the given
Good Job Joanne, that’s exactly what
exponent means because exponents are
value that indicates the number of times the
base will be multiplied by itself.

For example:

4 , according to the definition of exponents,


what would be the expanded form of 4 4 ?

Okay, then what would be the answer if we
simplify 4 4 ?

Yes, the answer would be 256.

And, when we say based, the key word is

“raised” because it is a number being raised
by the power.

In this example 33, what would be the


Yes, the based is 3.

Did you notice something in item no. 3?

What is it? Kindly tell us Archie

Excellent! Let’s give him a round of


Take note class that, if there’s no exponent

in the given base, the exponent is always 1.

Do you understand?

Very good. So now let’s proceed to the first

law of exponent.

Laws of Exponent

A. Multiply the ff.:(

1. ( a 3 )( a4 ) expand (a 3 ¿∧( a4 )
=(a ∙ a ∙ a ¿(a∙ a ∙ a ∙ a)
= a ∙ a ∙ a ∙ a∙ a ∙ a ∙ a
=a 7

What did you observe in the given example?

Or did you observe something?

Okay. Good observation.

What are the other ways of getting the

product of ( a 3 ) (a 4 )? Aside from using
expanded form?

Exactly Jaypee! Thank you.

The easiest way to get the product of two

same base is to add it’s exponent and just
copy the base since it is similar.
3+4 7
a =a

So, this concept will be led into what kind of

law or rule? Any idea from the laws that I’ll
mentioned/ introduced in our first activity?

Very good Jaypee, it is the product of power

rule for any number a and all integers m and

am ∙ an=am+n

This product rule tells us that when you are

multiplying two terms that have the same
base just copy the base and add the
exponents to get the final answer.

For example:
1. (4¿¿ 3) ( 4 5 )=? ¿

What would be the answer? Just add the


Then, what would be the answer if we

simplify 4 8 ?

Okay nice Angelica. Let’s have another


Who wants to answer

2 5 4
(2 )(2 )(2 )

Yes Joanne.
Good job, Joanne. I guess you really
understand well the concept of the first law

“To summarize today's discussion, when we The exponent is also known as the power. It
say exponent, it is also known as?” is located in the upper right corner of the
mathematical equation.

What is the function of exponent? The exponent numbers show how many
times we multiply the base by itself.

How about the based? What will be the key The base is often referred to as a
word that will represent the based? mathematical phrase that will be raised by
the power. "Raised" will be the key term.

Then what is the rule of the first law of Multiply the two terms and when the based
exponent? are similar, just add the exponent and copy
the based.

And what law of exponent this rule

Product of Power Rule
pertaining to?


Group Activity

The teacher will group the students into two

(2). Each group will be given five (5) the
same equation to be expand and simplify in
10 to 15 mins. The group 1 will expand the
given equation while the group 2 will
simplify the given equation using Product of
Power Rule. Then, will have their
representative to present their work in the

1. (z 5)¿
2. 4 b ∙ 4 b 2
3. (abc )(a 2 b3 c 4 )
4. 32 ∙22
5. (5 ab)(2 bc )(abc)

Group 1

4. Application 1. ( z 5 ¿ ¿
=z5 y6
= (z∙ z ∙ z ∙ z ∙ z ¿( y ∙ y ∙ y ∙ y ∙ y ∙ y )

Group Activity: 2. 4b∙ 4 b 2

=4 b1=2
=4 b3

The teacher will =4b∙ b ∙ b

3. (abc) (a 2 b 3 c 4 ¿
group the =a 1+2 b1+3 c 1+4
=a 3 b 4 c 5

students into two = (a∙ a ∙ a ¿(b ∙ b ∙ b ∙b)(c ∙ c ∙ c ∙c ∙ c)

4. 32 ∙22
(2). Each group =6 2+2
= 64

will be =6∙ 6 ∙6 ∙ 6

5. (5ab) (2bc) (abc)

given five (5) the =10a 1+1 b 1+1+ 1 c 1+1

=10 a2 b3 c 2
=10(a∙ a ¿(b ∙ b ∙ b)(c ∙c )
same equation to
be expand and Group 2
1. ( z 5 ¿ ¿
=z5 y6
simplify in 10 to 2. 4b∙ 4 b 2
=4 b1=2
15 mins. The =4 b3

group 1 will 3. (abc) (a 2 b 3 c 4 ¿

=a 1+2 b1+3 c 1+4
=a 3 b 4 c 5
expand the 4. 32 ∙22
=6 2+2

given equation = 64

5. (5ab) (2bc) (abc)

while the =10a 1+1 b 1+1+ 1 c 1+1
=10 a2 b3 c 2

group 2 will
simplify the
given equation
using Product
of Power
Rule. Then,
will have their
representative to
present their
work in
the class.
4. Application
Group Activity:
The teacher will
group the
students into two
(2). Each group
will be
given five (5) the
same equation to
be expand and
simplify in 10 to
15 mins. The
group 1 will
expand the
given equation
while the
group 2 will
simplify the
given equation
using Product
of Power
Rule. Then,
will have their
representative to
present their
work in
the class.
4. Application
Group Activity:
The teacher will
group the
students into two
(2). Each group
will be
given five (5) the
same equation to
be expand and
simplify in 10 to
15 mins. The
group 1 will
expand the
given equation
while the
group 2 will
simplify the
given equation
using Product
of Power
Rule. Then,
will have their
representative to
present their
work in
the class.


Direction: Complete the following by filling out the corresponding data for
exponential and expanded form.

Exponential Form Expanded Form

1. z 5
2. (a ∙ a ∙ a)(b ∙ b)¿ )
3. (z∙ z ∙ z ∙ z ∙ z ¿( y ∙ y ∙ y ∙ y ∙ y ∙ y )
4. x 2 y
5. a 3 b 4 c 5

II. Evaluate the following.

1) (23 )(22 )
2) ( x 5 )( x 4 )
3) (32)(3 4)
4) (24 )(25)
5) ( x 3)( x 4 )


INTRUCTION: Give the value of each of the following.

a) 23

b) 25

c) 3 4

d) 106

“That’s all for today class. Good day “Good bye and Thank you Ma’am.”

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