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J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

DOI 10.1007/s13197-012-0775-z


Nutrigenomics research: a review

V. S. Neeha & Priyamvadah Kinth

Revised: 29 June 2012 / Accepted: 2 July 2012 / Published online: 19 July 2012
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2012

Abstract The excitement about nutrigenomics comes from messages and instructions they give your body and your
a growing awareness of the potential for modifications of metabolism, you can radically alter how food interacts with
food or diet to support health and reduce the risk of diet- your body, lose weight, and optimize your health.” (Mark
related diseases. It is an emerging field that tends to unfold Hyman 2006)
the role of nutrition on gene expression which brings to-
gether the science of bioinformatics, nutrition, molecular Origin of nutrigenomics The concept that diet influences
biology, genomics, epidemiology, and molecular medicine. health is an ancient one. Nutrigenomics includes known
The present review focuses on nutrigenomics research and interactions between food and inherited genes, called ‘in-
to find out India’s status with respect to other countries. It born errors of metabolism,’ that have long been treated by
covers the general overview of nutrigenomics, its associated manipulating the diet. One such example is Phenylketonuria
diseases, and the role of SNP in gene alteration, diet sup- (PKU); it is caused by a change (mutation) in a single gene.
plementation and public awareness. It is understood that Affected individuals must avoid food containing the amino
with the increasing changes in the food habits and life styles, acid phenylalanine. Another example is lactose intolerance,
people are becoming more prone to diet related disorders. majority of adults in the world are lactose intolerant, mean-
Therefore there is an urgent need to boost more research in ing that they cannot digest milk products, because the gene
this field to help people in understanding the relationship encoding lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, is
between diet and health, and to ensure that everyone bene- normally ‘turned off after weaning. However some 10,000–
fits from the genomic revolution. 12,000 years ago a polymorphism in a single DNA nucleo-
tide appeared among northern Europeans. This single nucle-
Keywords Nutrigenomics . Diet-gene interaction . otide polymorphism—a SNP—resulted in the continued
Nutrition . Food supplement . Diabetes . Obesity expression of the lactase gene into adulthood. This was
advantageous because people with this SNP could utilize
nutritionally-rich dairy products in regions with short grow-
Introduction ing seasons and with the revolution in molecular genetics in
the late twentieth century, scientists set out to identify other
“The new science of nutrigenomics teaches us what specific genes that interact with dietary components. By the 1980s
foods tell your genes. What you eat directly determines the companies were commercializing nutrigenomics. The
genetic messages your body receives. These messages, in turn, Human Genome Project of the 1990s, which sequenced
control all the molecules that constitute your metabolism: the the entire DNA in the human genome, jump-started the
molecules that tell your body to burn calories or store them. If science of nutrigenomics. By 2007 scientists were discov-
you can learn the language of your genes and control the ering numerous interrelationships between genes, nutrition,
and disease.
Nutrigenomics brings along new terminology, novel ex-
V. S. Neeha (*) : P. Kinth (*) perimental techniques and a fundamentally new approach to
NISCAIR (National Institute of Science Communication and nutrition research, such as high-throughput technologies that
Information Resources), enables the global study of gene expression in a cell or
14 – Satsang Vihar Marg, Spl. Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110067, India
e-mail: Nutrigenomics would require a collaborative effort from
e-mail: people in genetics and the industries of public health, food
416 J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

science and culinary. It’s very easy to make good-tasting higher than rural rates. In addition, rates for obesity (Fig. 3a
food. Put some lard or butter in it, and it’s going to taste good. and b) and diabetes are increasing dramatically in urban
The challenge is how to take the fat out and create healthful areas and in high-income rural residences (Sinha et al.
but also good-tasting food.” Therefore a shift in public health 2003) (Fig. 1). Obesity is related to several chronic diseases,
is greatly needed, and with an increasing incidence of obesity including type-2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular dis-
and chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes, nutrigenomics eases, various types of cancers and psychosocial problems.
might prove to be the panacea in the future. The major reasons for its development are changing life-
styles and food habits. Diet appears to be related to the high
Increasing rates of chronic disease rates of CHD, obesity, and diabetes (Hossain et al. 2007;
Kaput et al. 2007); although a genetic component may exist
World health scenario Despite the worldwide increasing in some cases (Fig. 2). Therefore, a general awareness of
rates, chronic diseases remain surprisingly neglected in the diet and diet related problems leading to gene alteration has
global health agenda. Because of changes in dietary and to be known and for this nutrigenomics should be studied
lifestyle habits—a phenomenon that can be linked to the extensively (Fig. 3).
whole globalization process—developing countries now face
a fast “epidemiological accumulation” of non-communicable Global status of nutrigenomics research (as per Scopus
and infectious diseases and must cope with urgent and database)
competing health priorities. Non-communicable diseases
(NCDs)—especially cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic Country-wise and subject-wise analysis To unravel the
respiratory diseases and diabetes—caused 60 % deaths glob- mystery of these chronic diseases, nutrigenomics work is
ally in 2005 (approximately 35 million deaths). Total deaths booming in many parts of the world. According to Scopus
from NCDs are projected to increase by a further 17 % over database, US and UK have the highest contribution, while
the next 10 years. By 2020, it is predicted that NCDs will India is in 16th position, suggesting that nutrigenomics re-
account for 80 % of the global burden of disease, causing search in India is still in the infancy. This data was obtained
seven out of every 10 deaths in developing countries. This by giving the following search terms: “Nutrigenomics”,
places a considerable (double) burden on limited health budg- “Nutrigenetics”, and “Diet-gene interaction” in Scopus data-
ets, particularly in emerging economies. Thus the promises of base. A total of 1072 records were obtained which were refined
nutrigenomics must be addressed with respect to this current on the basis of document type. The 769 records obtained after
growing epidemic, both in developed and developing refining were then analysed. The contribution of top 20
countries (Gobard and Hurlimann 2009). countries shows that India has only 14 papers while US and
UK have 210 and 97 papers respectively as per the Scopus
India’s health scenario In India, the rates of fatal diseases results (Fig. 4). Subject-wise analysis shows that nutrigenom-
are lower than those seen in Western countries. However, ics work is mainly done in the fields of Medicine;
this rate is rising with increasing migration of rural popula- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Agricultural
tion to cities and changes in lifestyles (Rao 2001; Shetty and Biological Sciences and Nursing (Fig. 5).
2002; Sharma and Majumdar 2009). In recent decades,
consumption of food grains also has shifted from coarse
grains to refined rice and wheat (Sinha et al. 2003) (Table 1). Objective
India has some of the highest Coronary Heart Disease
(CHD) rates in the world, with urban rates being three times The present review aims at giving an insight on the nutrige-
nomics research (focusing on India) so as to bring
Table 1 Change in dietary pattern
& public awareness about the changing lifestyle and food
Nutrients Paleolithic diet Modern Diet habits,
& how nutrigenomics can contribute in making life longer,
Protein ~ 30–40 % 10–20 % healthier and better,
Carbohydrates ~ 35 % 60–70 % & encourage more research in this field.
Sugars ~ 2–3 % 15 %
Fats ~ 30–35 % 30–35 %
Saturated fats ~ 7.5 % 15–30 %
Trans-fat <1% 5–10 % of fats
Omega-6/omega-3 ~ 2:1 10–20:1
A literature search on nutrigenomics focusing on India was
Source: Melvyn A Sydney-Smith conducted by using various databases: Web of Science, Bio
J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428 417

Fig. 1 Estimated number of

Diabetic subjects in India. Diabetic Subjects in India (million)
Source: Mohan et al.
2007a, b




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Diabetic Subjects

Med Central, Taylor & Francis, PubMed, Science Direct, (Menon et al. 2010), defining their use and preventing the
Springer and National Center for Biotechnology deficiency diseases (Gopalan 1992; Godbole et al. 2009;
Information (NCBI) and Scopus Database to find out the Rao 2001; Naushad et al. 2010) that they caused. As nutri-
global status of nutrigenomics research. The study used the tion related health problems of the developed world shifted
following search terms: Nutrigenomics India, Nutrigenetics, to overnutrition, obesity (Raj et al. 2007) and type-2 diabe-
Diet-gene Interaction, Gene-Environment Interaction, and tes (Mohan et al. 2007a, b), the focus of modern medicine
Nutraceutical etc. We also examined bibliographies of all and of Nutritional Science changed. To prevent the devel-
studies for other potential citations. Although these data- opment of these types of disease, nutrition research is in-
bases covered many papers on Diet-gene interaction but few vestigating on how nutrition can optimize and maintain
papers were found on nutrigenomics work in India. Other cellular, tissue, organ and whole body homeostasis. This
than nutrigenomics we have also reviewed some of the requires understanding how nutrients act at the molecular
works done in the areas of diet supplementation, deficiency level which in turn involves a multitude of nutrient-related
diseases, diet-gene interaction, dietary guidelines etc. interactions at the gene, protein and metabolic levels. As a
result, nutrition research shifted from Epidemiology and
Physiology to Molecular Biology and Genetics and nutrige-
Nutrigenomics overview nomics was born.
Nutrigenomics involves the characterisation of gene
Throughout the 20th century, Nutritional Science focused products, their physiological function and their interactions.
on finding vitamins (Ghoshal et al. 2003) and minerals It focuses on the effect of nutrients on genome, proteome,

Fig. 2 Estimated mortality

from coronary heart disease.
Estimated mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD)
Source: Trehan 2006
Death in age groups (%)


2,500,000 Total deaths

2,000,000 30-39
1,500,000 40-49
1,000,000 60-69

2000 2005 2010 2015
418 J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

Fig. 3 a Projected prevalence

of overweight males in India
aged 30 years or more, 2005
and 2015. Source: WHO 80%
Report b Projected prevalence 70%
of overweight females in India 69%
60% Overweight
aged 30 years or more, 2005
and 2015. Source: WHO 50%
Not overweight
Report 40%
30% 31%
20% 22%


Men 2005 Men 2015

70% 71%
Not overweight

30% 29%
20% 21%


Women 2005 Women 2015

metabolome (Fig. 6) and explains the relationship between influences metabolic pathways and homeostatic control,
these specific nutrients and nutrient-regimes on human which will then be used to prevent the development of
health. chronic diet related diseases such as obesity and type-2
Overall, a Nutrigenomic approach provides: diabetes (Ramachandran 2006; Kandaswamy 2011; Pathak
et al. 2000).
& a snapshot showing genes that are switched on/off (the
genetic potential) at any given moment;
& a view of how gene/protein networks may collaborate to
Nutrigenomics research tools
produce the observed response; and
& the method to determine the influence of nutrients on
The new tools now available in the post-genomic era opens
gene/protein expression.
a new future for nutritionists to screen the genetic back-
It is hoped that by building up knowledge in this area, it ground, to monitor the transcriptome, proteome and metab-
will promote an increased understanding of how nutrition olome and to ultimately develop dietary strategies which are

Fig. 4 Country-wise 250

contribution to nutrigenomics
research. Source: Scopus 200
No. of Papers





Fr a

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J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428 419

Fig. 5 Subject-wise 500

contribution to nutrigenomics 450
research. Source: Scopus 400

No. of papers
Database 300






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targeted to supply the optimum nutrition for single individ- giving a comprehensive picture of the variation of gene
uals. These tools are the focus of the emerging field of expression patterns, but will also provide explanations for
nutrigenomics. complex regulatory interactions, such as those between diet-
The use of microarray technologies—the main tools of nutrients and genes (Zduńczyk and Pareek 2009).
transcriptomics, has allowed new information concerning
the physiological effect of different dietary proteins, of Single nucleotide polymorphism How nutrients influence
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary condition- the consequence of gene expression i.e. synthesis of
ing of colon cancer. DNA microarray technology and quan- mRNA (transcriptomics), protein synthesis (Proteomics)
titative real time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) have and metabolite production (metabolomics) was explained
successfully evaluated the interactions between diet and by Munshi and Duvvuri (2008) by giving the example of
genes measured as changes in genetic expression. The use Genetic Polymorphism (SNPs) which may be partially re-
of proteomics tools (mainly two-dimensional electrophore- sponsible for variations in individual’s response to bioactive
sis) revealed new information concerning the protein com- food components. The role of various nutrients on gene
position of egg and poultry meat proteins, the effect of expression occurring normally in body and its application
dietary methionine on breast-meat accretion, the toxicity of to various aspects was also studied by Siddique et al. (2009).
dioxin and the safe use of transgenic crops in animal nutri- Through molecular biology and the tools of genomics, sci-
tion. Metabolomic analysis allowed the detection of changes entists have identified genes responsible for production of
in the biochemical profiles of plasma and urine from pigs nutritionally important proteins such as digestive enzymes,
fed different diets and the determination of metabolite pro- transport molecules responsible for carrying nutrients and
files in the liver of rats used as an animal model to charac- cofactors at their site of use. A number of relatively common
terize the toxicity of triazol fungicides. In livestock species, SNPs are known to influence nutrient requirements. An
the microarray technology was discussed and reviewed as example comes from work on SNPs that modified the risk
potential nutrigenomics tools, in context to its economic of developing organ dysfunction when humans were fed
benefits and improvement of the food quality and safety in diets low in choline. Premenopausal women [carriers of a
dairy and meat industries. This widely utilized microarray or very common SNP (Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydroge-
DNA chip technology in nutrigenomics research enables not nate MTHFD1-G1958A)] were 15 times as likely as non-
only the simultaneous screening of large number of genes, carriers to develop signs of choline deficiency on a low-

Nutrient Disease
Intake Prevention
Genomics Proteomics Metabolomics

Fig. 6 Nutrigenomics approach in disease prevention

420 J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

choline diet. The risk of having a child with a neural tube of nutraceuticals in health and diseases. Nutrigenomics,
defect increased 4 times in mothers with this SNP, compared which investigates the interaction between diet and devel-
with women eating diets in the highest quartile for choline opment of diseases based on an individual’s genetic profile,
intake (Table 2). Zeisel (2011) also suggested that maternal would provide scientific validity to such approaches.
dietary choline modulates fetal brain development in rodent Mitra et al. (2005) focused on single nucleotide poly-
models. morphisms (SNPs) and its associated diseases (Cancer,
A growing interest in preventive medicine among people Obesity, Diabetes, Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVD),
led to scientific research on alternative therapies, with par- Neural Tube Defect (NTD), Leukemia, Down syndrome,
ticular emphasis on nutritional approaches to health and Spina bifida) (Table 2) and have also emphasized the inter-
wellness. One such newly developed technology is the action between folate nutrition and folate-dependent enzyme
development of SNP array which helps to identify unique polymorphism (folate nutrigenomics). Ghodke et al. (2011)
haplotypes. Majeed and Prakash (2006) discussed the role also profiled SNPs across intracellular folate metabolic

Table 2 Nutrient deficiency diseases and preventive food sources

Nutrients Gene Alteration Deficient Diet-Disease Potential Food Intake

Folic acid (Vitamin B9) Chromosome break and Cancer, heart disease, brain Liver, kidney, egg yolk, asparagus pea,
hampers DNA repair/ dysfunction, male infertility, cowpeas, lentils, peanuts, spinach,
methylation leukemia beetroot, broccoli, orange
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Chromosome break and Same as folic acid, memory loss Liver, sardines, salmon, clam, beef, milk,
hampers DNA repair/ cheese, yoghurt
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Same as folic acid Spinach, potato, bell peppers, turnip,
mushroom, garlic, cauliflower,
banana, chicken, pork, beef, salmon,
tuna, turkey
Niacin (Vitamin B3) Hampers DNA repair Nerve problem, memory loss Pork, tuna, prawns, kidney, liver,
poultry, carrots, turnips and celery,
mushrooms, beans, almonds, wheat
products, rice bran, as well as milk
and other dairy products
Vitamin E (Tocopherols) Mimics radiation damage Colon cancer, heart disease, Tomato, spinach, broccoli, blueberries,
immune dysfunction mangoes, kiwi, papaya, almonds,
hazelnuts, peanuts, wholegrain cereals
and vegetable oils
Vitamin D (Calciferol) Prevent gene variation Colon, breast, prostate cancer Beef liver, cod liver oils, salmon,
mackerel, tuna, egg orange juice,
cow milk, yogurt, cheese
Zinc Chromosome breaks Brain and immune dysfunction Oysters, beef, crab, pork, lobster,
chicken, spinach, broccoli, cashew
nuts, almond, milk, cheese, yogurt
Fatty acids Alters gene expression Obesity, CVD, Diabetes Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel,
soyoil, sunflower oil, palm oil,
flaxseeds, rapeseeds, peanuts, walnuts,
almonds, mustard seeds, cloves,
oregano, cauliflower, broccoli
Flavonoids Alters gene expression Cancer Onion, green bean, broccoli, curly kale,
endive, celery, cranberry, orange juice,
grape fruits, lemons, red, blue and purple
berries, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants
Vitamin A(Retinol) Repression of PEPCK gene Termination of pregnancy Carrots, spinach, turnip, kale, apricots,
and fetal death Cantaloupe, bell pepper, Papaya, mango,
peach, beef liver, chicken liver
Protein Alters gene expression Kwashiorkor, marasmus Egg, milk, soya milk, tofu, yoghurt, cheese,
broccoli, almonds, peanuts, cashew, poultry

*Food sources abundant in respective nutrients are only mentioned

CVD Cardio Vascular Diseases; PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428 421

pathway in healthy Indians (Fig. 7). The role of folate, quality and fitness of insect populations in the laboratory
vitamin B12 and homocysteine levels in acute lymphoblas- and in the field, leading to more efficient methods for rear-
tic leukemia, suggest that gene-environment interaction may ing insects, as well as the production of high quality insects.
be an important factor in the development of acute lympho- In the broadest perspective, these developments will likely
blastic leukemia (Adiga et al. 2008). lead to more effective use of biological control methods and
improvements in agricultural sustainability. Ramesha et al.
Biomarkers Nutrigenomics is a revolutionary way of view- (2010) utilized ten PCR-SSR (Polymerase Chain Reaction -
ing the food, just for not sustenance, but as a pharmaceutical Simple Sequence Repeats) microsatellite markers to gain bet-
capable of reversing disease and stalling the rigors of ageing ter understanding on genotyping of certain nutrigenomic gene
(Bhatt and Sharma 2011). A part of the approach, nutrige- loci in nutritionally efficient silkworm breeds/hybrids. They
nomics involves finding markers of the early phase of diet used nutritionally efficient silkworm strains as a marker assis-
related diseases; this is the phase at which intervention with ted selection or gene transmission in silkworm breeding pro-
nutrition can return the patient to health (Ramesha et al. grams and found that this developed molecular analysis in
2010; Lau et al. 2008; Kore et al. 2008; Murray et al. 2010). silkworm could be utilized for the benefit of farmers in
Markers can manipulate gene expression through use of Sericulture industry and also emphasized the future prospects
nutrients or their combinations so as to improve productive of silkworm functional mechanism in nutrigenomics studies.
as well as overall animal performance. The discoveries of Nutrigenomics is surely expected to be the next wave for
these markers related to economically important traits like food industry, even though only a few practical ideas have
milk, meat, wool production etc., whose expression can be emerged. One business model is the development of cus-
improved by dietary regimes, are needed today in nutrige- tomized nutraceuticals based on specific genetic profiles.
nomic research. This will help in sustainable livestock pro- Another model may be foods for specified health use, which
duction. By targeting specific genes through nutritional are already on the Japanese market. In Japan, about 350
manipulation, it may be possible to get the desired livestock items have been approved as food for specified health use
performance in terms of health as well as production (Kore by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
et al. 2008). Coudron et al. (2006) illustrated the potential Each item has a specific health claim, such as food for
discovery of molecular markers using Perillus bioculatus hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. based on clin-
(F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), when reared on an optimal ical studies. All products have been developed based on
vs. suboptimal diet, and analyzed the presence of differen- scientific analysis and data, even though not on the genetic
tially expressed genes resulting from the treatment. level yet. The food industry recognizes the need for nutri-
Biomarkers identified from this research could lead to de- genomics research as a basis for developing the concept of
velopment of a simple and rapid method for evaluating the “personalized diets,” for identifying molecular biomarkers

Fig. 7 Single Nucleotide

C677 T variant of 5, 10 Colon cancer, Spina bifida (NTD), Down
Polymorphism, its associated methylenetetrahydrofolate Syndrome, Leukemia, Oral cleft, CVD,
gene alteration and diseases. reductase gene Complication of pregnancy
Source: Modified from Mitra et
al. (2005)
A 1298C variant of 5, 10 Spina bifida, Leukemia
reductase gene

A 2756G variant of Thromboembolic diseases

methionine synthase gene
Nucleotide A66G variant of methionine Spina bifida, Down syndrome
synthesis gene
C1420T variant of serine
hydroxymethyletransferase Leukemia

2R3R variant of thymidylate Leukemia

synthatase gene

C1561T variant of glutamate May affect cardiovascular diseases

carboxypeptidase gene
422 J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

or new bioactive food ingredients, and for validating the An investigation was carried out to know the role of
effectiveness of these bioactive ingredients as functional parental folate pathway SNPs in altering the susceptibility
food components or nutraceuticals. An important aim of to neural tube defects in 50 couples with NTDs offspring
nutrigenomics research is to study genome-wide influences and 80 couples with normal pregnancy outcome. Naushad et
of nutrition, with specific focus on the role of metabolic al. (2010) observed high incidence of NTDs in South India
stress in the genesis of the metabolic syndrome, the collec- where consanguinity is common and vitamin deficiencies
tion of phenotypes combining inflammation, metabolic were reported, which indicate the role of genetic and nutri-
stress, insulin resistance, and diabetes. This goal is rather tional factors as the possible etiological factors specifically
ambitious, but is based on the idea that nutrition should pointing towards folate metabolism. This study indicates
focus primarily on health and disease prevention and be significant gene-gene interactions between different loci
complementary to pharmacological therapy, which targets and thus, highlights the importance of multiple loci in folate
the pathophysiological aspects of disease. To realize this pathway for predicting the risk of NTD. They also empha-
goal, new genomics-based phenotypical biomarkers are sized the need to investigate gene-nutrient interactions for
needed that allow early detection of the onset of disease more precise risk prediction. A review of Indian literature on
or, ideally, the predisease state of the metabolic syndrome, a NTDs focusing on the role of folate and vitamin B12 nutri-
condition referred to as metabolic stress. To approach this tion and common genetic polymorphisms in 1-carbon me-
complex condition, molecular nutrition research on organ- tabolism was also conducted by Godbole et al. (2009). This
specific dietary response patterns using transgenic and study highlighted the importance of folic acid and vitamin
knock-out mouse models is combined with genomic tech- B12 and the need for large studies in the area of gene-
nologies (Afman and Muller 2006). nutrient interaction in association with NTD in India.
The effects of chronic feeding of different diets contain-
ing vanaspati (trans fatty acid (TFA) rich), palm oil (satu-
r a t e d f a tt y a c i d ( S FA ) r i c h ) a n d s u n f l o w e r o i l
Nutrigenomics & diseases (polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) rich) at 10 % level on
11b-HSD1 gene expression in rat retroperitoneal adipose
Nutrigenomics is widely used for studying heart-related tissue was reported. The diets rich in trans fatty acids and
disorders (Singh et al. 2002; Sivasankaran 2010; Rastogi saturated fatty acids increased 11b-HSD1 gene expression in
et al. 2004) as well as diet-related disorders. The higher- Retroperitoneal White Adipose Tissue (RPWAT) of rats as
income group who consumed excess fat and calorie-rich compared PUFA enriched diet. This increased the local
food had an increased prevalence of diabetes compared to amplification of glucocorticoids than PUFA-rich diets.
the lower income group. In addition, visible fat consumption Thus, the increased local conversion of inactive to active
and physical inactivity showed a cumulative effect on in- glucocorticoids in adipose tissue increased the risk of de-
creasing the prevalence of diabetes. Gene-diet interaction veloping obesity and insulin resistance (Prasad et al. 2010).
studies revealed that the adiponectin gene polymorphism Diacylglycerol (DAG) rich mustard oil is capable of reduc-
contributed to insulin resistance and diabetes and this was ing arteriosclerotic factors like total cholesterol and non-
exaggerated in those consuming diets with higher glycemic LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and increase anti-
loads (Mohan et al. 2007a, b). atheroscleotic factor such as high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
Gomase et al. (2009) explained genomics and its new cholesterol (Dhara et al. 2011). Another study addressed the
aspects in cancer research. This study gave a broader idea of hypothesis that some dietary fatty acids may attenuate the
its history, strategies, technology, applications and current proinflammatory insulin resistant state in obese adipose
research. SNP array has significant impact on the genetic tissue. The potential antidiabetic effect of a c9, t11-CLA–
analysis of human disorders. It can be used to measure both enriched diet (cis-9, trans-11–conjugated linoleic acid) was
DNA polymorphism and dosage recommendations. SNP determined, focusing on the molecular markers of insulin
arrays are an ideal platform for identifying both somatic sensitivity and inflammation in adipose tissue of ob/ob
and germline genetic variants that lead to cancer. Nair and C57BL-6 mice, a well-characterized model of obesity and
Pillai’s (2005) review article on Human papillomavirus insulin resistance. Feeding the c9, t11-CLA– enriched diet
(HPV) and disease mechanisms provided a number of crit- improved glucose and insulin metabolism compared with
ical observations associated with the role of HPV in cervical the control linoleic acid–rich diet. This evidence suggests
and oral cancer. Diet–gene interactions are also likely to that it may be possible to reduce the impact of obesity-
contribute considerably to the observed inter-individual var- induced insulin resistance with nutrient-based anti-
iations in cancer risk. This is in response to exposures to the inflammatory strategies (Moloney et al. 2007). An 8-week
nutritional factors that have the potential to promote or study on mice demonstrated that HFD (High Fat Diet)
protect against cancer. induces obesity, reduces whole-body insulin sensitivity and
J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428 423

decreases insulin sensitivity of heart, muscle and visceral fat was primarily aimed at determining the magnitude of
deposits (Wilde et al. 2009). The dietary combination of fish changes in long chain fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty
protein and fish oil decreased the contents of serum triacyl- acids, and molar ratios of cholesterol to phospholipids in
glycerol, serum cholesterol, liver triacylglycerol and liver synaptosomal membranes, in response to feeding of differ-
cholesterol in addition to altering liver lipid fatty acid com- ent dietary fats (safflower, mustard, peanut, and coconut
position. These effects are partly due to the increase in fecal Oil) by using discontinuous sucrose density gradient
cholesterol, bile acid excretion, and increased enzyme ac- ultracentrifugation.
tivities of fatty acid β-oxidation in the liver. These data Diet is an important factor in cancer etiology and preven-
suggest that combined intake of fish protein and fish oil tion. Ayurveda medicine prescribes many plant-based med-
lead to both hypocholesterolemic and hypotriglyceridemic icines for the treatment of cancer. Sinha et al. (2003)
effects in serum and the liver, while sole intake of fish conducted a symposium on cancer risk and diet in India
protein or fish oil decrease only cholesterol and triglyceride and explained the possible dietary and other factors associ-
levels, respectively and it may play a beneficial role in the ated with cancer. Turmeric has shown to be a potent antiox-
prevention of lifestyle-related diseases (Hosomi 2011). idant and anti-inflammatory agent with additional promise
Dhaka et al. (2011) have also proved the direct connection as a chemo-preventive agent.
of trans fatty acids with cardiovascular diseases, breast The contribution of various factors including macronu-
cancer, shortening of pregnancy period, risks of preeclamp- trients and recommendations for obesity management has
sia, disorders of nervous system and vision in infants, colon been studied (Kumar and Singh 2009). Jeyakumar et al.
cancer, diabetes, obesity and allergy. Kaur et al. (2012) (2005) reported Vitamin A as a known regulator of adipose
found that essential fatty acids (like α-Linolenic acid, eico- tissue growth. The chronic dietary vitamin A supplementa-
sapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) reduced the tion at a high dose effectively regulates adipose tissue mass
risk of these diseases. both in lean and obese phenotypes of the WNIN/Ob strain.
Pro-resolving and anti-inflammatory mediator products Vitamin A is also required for normal embryonic and fetal
of murine 12/15-lipoxygenase (LOX) (lipid-oxidising development, as well as maintenance of the fully differenti-
enzymes) exhibit potent actions on vascular inflammation ated state in the adult. Ghoshal et al. (2003) investigated the
and protect against the progression of atherosclerosis (un- effect of vitamin A depletion on the developing liver
controlled inflammation). Merched et al. (2011) determined (mouse) by examining the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyki-
whether augmenting dietary lipids modulates the body’s nase (PEPCK) gene as a prototype retinoid-responsive gene
endogenous anti-inflammatory pro-resolving mechanisms (Table 2). Singh et al. (1994) reported the effect of low
and promotes atherosclerosis. Conditions of aggressive ac- energy, fruit and vegetable enriched diet on central obesity
celerated atherosclerosis induced by a Western diet usurp and other disturbances associated with glucose intolerance
the protective function of 12/15-LOX expression and bio- in patients after acute myocardial infarctions in the random-
active mediator production, lead to a heightened pro- ized trial.
inflammatory burden. These studies demonstrated that 12/ HCA-SX or Super Citrimax, a novel derivative of HCA
15-LOXs provide endogenous anti-inflammatory signals (dried fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia, also known as
and protection during normal progression of atherogenesis Malabar tamarind), is a unique source of (−)-hydroxycitric
mediated by downstream products, such as LXs (lipoxins), acid (HCA). It is safe when taken orally and is bioavailable
protectins, and D-series resolvins, effects that seem to be in the human plasma. Under the experimental conditions,
totally annulled in the presence of Western-diet-induced Roy et al. (2004) demonstrated that HCA-SX supplement
hyperlipidemia. has been observed to be conditionally effective in weight
management and lowered abdominal fat leptin expression in
experimental animals as well as in humans. In 2008, Lau
Nutrigenomics & diet supplementation and his co-workers also showed that supplementation of
HCA and niacin-bound chromium (III) (NBC) is safe and
Today we live in a nutritional environment that is very efficacious for weight loss.
different from the environments to which we had genetically The use of new bioactive foods and nutraceuticals in
adapted. Major changes in our food supply accompanied the cardio-protection and management is growing (Sharma and
domestication of animals and the agricultural revolution Singh 2010). Thompkinson et al. (2012) indicated that foods
about 10,000 years ago. Later, the Industrial Revolution rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidant vitamins and fibres
and developments in food technology brought about further may be beneficial for cardio-vascular health. Kamra et al.
major changes in the composition of foods, one of the most (2005) conducted an experiment for studying bioactive die-
important of which was a change in the quantity and quality tary components and their physiological activity in the intact
of the various fatty acids. Srinivasarao et al. (1997) study organisms and the role of diet in cancer prevention. He
424 J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

found out that fish oils, nutraceuticals in vegetable fat-free immune function, slowing of the progression of a number
diets and restricted life style enhances cardio-protection and of degenerative human.
plays a major role in positive gene regulation. Curcumin and its dietary source turmeric are important for
Genomics and proteomics offer new tools for better un- the prevention and/or treatment of diabetic retinopathy. The
derstanding the genetics of male infertility. The review by vascular-endothelial-growth-factor (VEGF) expression ana-
Singh and Jaiswal (2011) provides insights into the plausi- lyzed by both real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
ble chromosomal, genetic and epigenetic alterations, which and immunoblotting showed that curcumin and its dietary
may result into infertile phenotype. In this paper they have source turmeric can inhibit VEGF expression in strepotzoto-
revealed the application of nutrigenomics in Male Infertility. cin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat retina (Mrudula et al. 2007).
SNP arrays will be useful in getting a more general over- Kumar et al. (2009) also investigated the antiglycating poten-
view of changes in whole genome of infertile men and tial of cumin in vitro and its ability to modulate the chaperone-
especially in the X chromosome. Folate, Vitamin B12 and like activity of α-crystallin vis-à-vis the progression of dia-
Zinc supplementation was found to have a positive effect on betic cataract in vivo. Through slit lamp examination, they
spermatozoa number and motility. This was also observed revealed that cumin has antiglycating properties that may be
by Dhillon et al. (2007) by conducting a case–control study, attributed to the modulation of chaperone activity of α-
in which they included 179 oligoasthenoteratozoospermia crystallin, thus delaying cataract in STZ-induced diabetic rats.
patients and 200 fertile men. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has become one
A dialyzed aqueous extract of fenugreek seeds was in- of the most important key elements in energy control, ap-
vestigated in vivo for hypoglycaemic potential and its petite regulation, myogenesis, adipocyte differentiation, and
effects on insulin signalling pathways in the primary targets cellular stress management. Metformin, an insulin sensitiz-
of insulin, adipocytes and liver cells, were examined in ing agent, is known to lower insulin resistance and enhance
vitro, by the use of mechanism-based innovative contempo- metabolic profile, with an additional weight reduction ca-
rary strategies. Vijayakumar et al. (2005) experimentally pacity, via activation of AMPK. A high-fat diet is correlated
demonstrated that a dialyzed aqueous extract of fenugreek with a decreased expression of mRNA for the AMPK-α2
seeds possesses hypoglycaemic properties and that it stim- isoform as well as AMPK phosphorylation with consequent
ulates insulin signalling pathways in adipocytes and liver decreased activity of this enzyme in skeletal muscle, leading
cells. The hypolipidemic effect of a novel thermostable to decreased glucose uptake, meanwhile in adipose tissue it
extract of fenugreek seeds (TEFS) has been studied in vitro promotes preadipocyte differentiation, lipolysis and the se-
by employing differentiating and differentiated 3T3-L1 cretion of adipokines (TNFα),perpetuating the process.
cells, and HepG2 cells cultured in normal or sterol- Foods with low glycemic index may be beneficial in regu-
enriched conditions and suggested that the TEFS may have lating body weight in two ways: first by promoting satiety
potential application in the management of dyslipidemia and and secondly by increasing fatty acid oxidation, both
its associated metabolic disorders (Vijayakumar et al. 2010). explained by the action of AMPK. A high-protein diet is
The isolation of microsomal ω-6-desaturated gene (fad2- capable of controlling food intake due to enhanced proopio-
1) from soybean was carried out (Kishore et al. 2006) for melanocortin (POMC) expression and repression of neuro-
improving soybean seed oil profile, making it nutritionally peptide Y (NPY) in the hypothalamus, via activation of
more beneficial and stable for human consumption. P- mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) and low phosphor-
soyatose supplementation results in an increased transcrip- ylation rates of AMPK. Therefore dietary components can
tion of fibroin mRNA leading to an increased silk produc- greatly affect the activity of AMPK (Rojas et al. 2011).
tion of Bombyx mori L. Raman et al. (2007) demonstrated
that soyprotein extract supplementation is of importance in
regulating the fibroin gene expression at transcriptional Nutrigenomics & public awareness
level. Nutrigenomic analysis of intestinal response to partial
soybean meal (SBM) replacement in juvenile Atlantic hali- Addressing the genetics and nutritional genomics knowledge
but (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) showed that there is no gap will help in eradicating the social issues, create more
significant difference between fish fed with the fish meal awareness, confidence and trust among the public. Public
(FM) and SBM diets (Murray et al. 2010). concerns over nutrigenomics are relevant to science and to
A successful attempt of fortifying human diets with nat- the food industry. Past and present food scares, such as genet-
ural α - tocopherol by taking recourse to genetic engineering ically modified, demonstrate the importance of addressing
of an important oilseed crop, Brassica juncea was described public concerns sooner rather than later, and of taking the
by Yusuf and Sarin (2006). α -Tocopherol intakes in excess social issues around science as seriously as technical ones.
of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) are associated Regulation is necessary both to ensure responsible use of
with decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases, improved research and to assure the public that products can be trusted.
J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428 425

Manufacturers need regulation and public engagement both The future perspectives of nutrigenomics foods; its
for the guidance they provide and to demonstrate a will to benefits and risks were explained by Ghosh (2009).
improve the safety, reliability and health benefits of their Nutrigenomics is an emerging science with high consum-
products Sherwood (2006). er expectations, but the major concerns are twofold. First,
it is doubtful whether the goal of matching foods to
Public awareness programmes The relationship between individual genotypes to improve the health of those indi-
changing lifestyles, nutritional status of the Indian popula- viduals can be attained or not. Secondly, the entry of
tion and formulation of appropriate programmes and strate- personalized nutrigenomics foods in world’s food markets
gies for public awareness was explained by Rao (2001). A depends on numerous hurdles being overcome: some
Genomics Policy Executive Course was conducted by scientific in nature, some technical and others related to
Acharya et al. (2004) that provided a forum for stakeholders consumer, market or ethical issues.
to discuss the relevance of genomics for health in India. The The emerging paradigms of nutritional genomics as they
course goals were to familiarize participants with the impli- relate to the functional food market were discussed by
cations of genomics for health in India; analyze and debate Ghosh (2010). He emphasized on the consumer acceptance
policy and ethical issues; and develop a multi-sectoral opin- and market penetration of the product based on this concept
ion leaders’ network to share perspectives. to improve human nutrition and health and thereby deliver
To overcome diet related diseases and promote health, societal and economic benefits. Later Ghosh and
Krishnaswamy (2008) found that it is essential to develop Gorakshakar (2010) emphasized on the goal of integrating
and implement Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG). In genetics into the public health in India and Aswini and
this post genomic era, the genes we inherit cannot be altered, Varun (2010) also gave a general awareness about the new
but certainly one can change its response to the environment gene-based technologies that can be easily utilized by the
(dietary) and obtain the desired results. A multidisciplinary modern healthcare units.
group comprising nutritionists, agriculturists, technologists,
home scientists, dieticians etc. was constituted to develop
FBDG. Healthy food choices are central in the prevention of Conclusion
both under and over nutrition, and the ultimate objective of
FBDGs is to grow what is needed and preserve what is Trends, based on current and projected data, indicate that India
required (Fig. 8). is facing considerable challenges as under-nutrition evolves

Fig. 8 Food dietary guidelines

426 J Food Sci Technol (May–June 2013) 50(3):415–428

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