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What is marketing? Activities a company does to promote the buying and selling of a
Digital marketing; communicating value to your customers using digital tools

Types of Marketing
1. Traditional marketing/offline marketing
● Also if you’re meeting someone face to face, or when testing a small product, or
taking to an exhibition to show someone
● It’s difficult the measure the success of your services or marketing
- Newspapers & magazine
- brochures/flyers; printing out to give to people
- Radio ads
- TV ads
- Billboards
- Direct mailings
- Telemarketing

2. Digital marketing tools

- Search engine marketing (Google) when your brand or company come to the first
page of google
- Social media
- Content marketing (blogs)
- Video creation
- Email marketing
- Online pay per click advertising

Advantages of using digital marketing tools

- More diverse channels (different digital marketing tools available to reach out to
- More targeted- one to one marketing; when you get info from customers through
these tools, it makes it more personal and you can target exactly what their needs
- Possibility to analyze data, compare and adjust faster
- Cost-effective; advertising on TVs and radios can be expensive and Measure the
return on Investment (ROI)you can measure if it’s successful and your return
- Real-time factor; you can see real-time how people are reacting


Objective to attract more people and make revenue
SEO (search engine optimization)
Its the process of improving your website so it ranks highly
Less than 10% of searches advance to the second page of search results

Pay per click (PPC)

You bid on a keyword that you want your ad to show up for
When a user makes a search and includes your keyword, your ad will appear at the top of
the page. If you click on the ad, then you pay

Content marketing
Focus on reaching, engaging and connecting with customers via content
INcludes vides. Blog posts and infographics
60% of users prefer companies that create content

Email marketing
Focuses on resting existing customers and gaining new ones
An excellent technique to build brand awareness and keep your company on the top of their

Social media marketing

Using various social media to increase brand awareness and conversion while building and
maintaining the company’s reputation, you can also communicate and engage with

Voice search optimization

Having the relevant keywords using voice search with the objective to have your website in
position zero in Google search (featured snippet)

Video marketing
Creating informative and useful videos to increase brand awareness and conversion and the
companies revenue
90% of users trust video to make their purchasing decisions

2(who is your ideal customer

This saves time and makes it efficient for users

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