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Activity 2

Circles of My Cultural Self

Ex. Ex.
Fighter Bread-winner



This activity highlights the multiple dimensions of our identities. It addresses the importance of
individuals self-defining their identities and challenging stereotypes.

 Place your name at the center circle of the structure above.

 Write in each of the satellite circles an identifier or descriptor that you feel is important in
defining you. This can include anything-Ilocano, female, mother, athlete, educator- or any
descriptor with which you identify.

1. Share a story about a time you were especially proud to identify yourself with one of the
descriptors you sed above.

When I was in elementary school I experienced all sorts of problems or trials. Until I went to
high school and college, I was still carrying – I still carry the problems and trials in life that I
would have taken so much. But because of life’s hardships and problems, I became more
resilient, resilient, and faced with confidence in myself and in God. I have been a fighter in all of
this my life. And this is my unique behavior that I always keep in reaching my dreams in life.
And here I am proud of myself being a fighter in all challenges that I had.
2. Share a story about a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your identifiers
or descriptors.

One of the most painful identities to myself is being a working student. It is not very easy to be
a working student because I have to balance my time between work and studies. Moreover, it is
also not very easy because I am so far away from my family. Sometimes when I get sick, all I can
do is cry. The hardship and the painful moment that no one cares for you but except yourself.
As a working student, sometimes, it seemed like I just wanted to give up on life because of the
hardship. But because of the dream, I will fight it and I will not give up! The bait will be my
inspiration to keep going and I will fight it with trust in God.

3. Name a stereotype associated with one of the groups with which you identify that is not
consistent with who you are.

What doesn’t suit me as an identity is being a bread -winner of my family. Due to the early
marriage of my siblings, I shared the responsibility with my young sister, her studies and other
household expenses even though I was a working student. Sometimes it is tiring and tearful to
think about why I have to share all the hardships in life. But because of my dreams in life, I
accepted what I did not want to in life. I accepted it even it’s hard to accept, because that was
what it took and that’s the reality of my life.

4. Fill in the following sentence: I am (a/an) person that have many dreams in life I am NOT (a/an)
person who doesn't give up immediately in the challenges in life because I have a dream that I
want to win.

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