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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasig City


English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Technology and Livelihood
Education (TLE), Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)

Grade Level: 8 Quarter: Third Date to be Time

given/communicated to
the learner/parents/LSA:
5 days

March 1, 2022
(Depends upon the school)

Date/ time to be

March 5, 2022
Assessment Criteria
Learning Areas Most Essential Learning Competencies: Competency Codes:
English Determine various social, moral, and
economic issues discussed in the text
listened to.
Mathematics 1)Establishes the properties of congruence M8GE-IIId-e-1
and identifies the corresponding parts of
congruent figures.
2)Illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS
congruence postulates and SAA congruence
Science Explain physical changes in terms of the S8Mt-IIIc-d-9
arrangement and motion of atoms and
TLE 1)Accessing information using TLE_IACSS9-
computer and produce output or data using 12PCO–Id-e-5
2)Use basic functions of World Wide
Web browser to locate information and
maintain computer equipment and systems.

MAPEH-ARTS Creates arts and crafts that can be locally A8PR-IIIc-e-1

assembled with local materials, guided by
local traditional techniques. (e.g., Ghonghdis,
Marbling Technique, etc.)
Content Standard Performance Standard

English- The learner demonstrates English- The learner transfers learning by

understanding of: Southeast Asian composing and delivering a persuasive speech
literature as mirror to a shared heritage; based on an informative essay featuring use of
coping strategies in processing textual properly acknowledged information sources,
information; strategies in examining grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion,
features of a listening and viewing and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
material; structural analysis of words and stance, and behavior.
propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
Mathematics- Mathematics-
Demonstrates understanding of key 1. is able to formulate an organized plan to handle a
concepts of axiomatic structure of real life situation.
geometry and triangle congruence.
2. is able to communicate mathematical thinking
with coherence and clarity in formulating,
investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life
problems involving congruent triangles using
appropriate and accurate representations.
Science Science-
Demonstrate understanding of the particle To be able to present how water behaves in its
nature of matter as basis for explaining different states within the water cycle.
properties, physical changes, and structure
of substances and mixtures .
TLE- The learners demonstrate an TLE- The learners shall be able to perform computer
understanding of concepts and underlying operations based on a given task.
principles in performing computer
MAPEH (Arts )- MAPEH (Arts)
The learner demonstrates understanding 1. Create artworks showing the characteristic
of: elements of the arts of South, West, and Central
1. art elements and processes by
synthesizing and applying prior knowledge 2. Exhibits completed artworks for appreciation and
and skills critiquing.
2. the salient features of the arts of South,
West, and Central Asia by showing the
relationship of the elements of art and
among culturally diverse communities in
the region
3. that the South, West, and Central Asian
countries have a rich, artistic and cultural
tradition from prehistoric to present times

Overview of the Assessment Activity (Provide a clear and concise description of your activity)

Rangoli Art (Localized Output)

The learners are expected to create an ancient Indian art, Rangoli, which can be used as wall
decoration. The activity is titled “Color My World.”

Assessment Method/Methods (Put an X Mark on the blank where appropriate)

______Observation _______ Tests
_____ Analysis of learner’s products ___x_ Talking to Learners

IV. Assessment Activity

(For Online/Text based/Modular Learning)

G (Goal) - The learners are expected to create a Rangoli art for wall decoration.
R (Role) - Artist
A (Audience)- Parents, family members, teachers and fellow students
S (Situation) - Your Indian friend is going to visit your home. To show the hospitality of Filipinos,
you want to surprise him/her with a Rangoli art gift.
P (Product)- Rangoli Art

English: Observing the shapes used in the Rangoli, what shape is commonly used to portray
social,moral,economic issues in Philippine society? Can you list down these issues that you think

SCIENCE: When applying colors, what type of change has occurred, physical or chemical
change? Explain your answer in 3 sentences.

MATH: Choose 2 triangles of the same color. What postulate/theorem is being applied? Explain
your answer in 2-3 sentences.

MAPEH: Color the attached Rangoli art design neatly using melted crayons.

T.L.E.: List down the websites or application software you’ve used in creating your Rangoli art.

S (Standard) - The final output shall be graded using the attached rubrics.

Note: Instruction and mode of submission will be communicated in the Weekly Home Learning
Plan considering the Learner’s Modality.

Mode of Submission:

Take a photo or screenshot of your output. Send your output thru the following:
Online/Text based learners- Any online platform as required by the teacher. (FB Group, Google
Classroom, FB Messenger, others.)
Modular Learners- Any online platform as required by the teacher or to school designated drop

Rubrics: (Online Learning and Text-based Learning)


5 The learner was able to use 5 or more websites or application software.

4 The learner was able to use 4 websites or application software.

3 The learner was able to use 3 websites or application software.

2 The learner was able to use 2 websites or application software.

1 The learner was able to use 1 website or application software.


5 The learner was able to identify 5 or more social, moral, and economic issues.

4 The learner was able to identify 4 social, moral, and economic issues.

3 The learner was able to identify 3 social, moral, and economic issues.

2 The learner was able to identify 2 social, moral, and economic issues.

1 The learner was able to identify 1 social, moral, or economic issue.


The explanation shows exceptional understanding of the concept of physical
5 changes in matter.
The explanation shows a proficient understanding of the concept of physical
4 changes in matter.
The explanation shows a developing understanding of the concept of physical
3 changes in matter
The explanation shows a very little understanding of the concept of physical
2 changes in matter.
The explanation shows NO understanding of the concept of physical changes
1 in matter.


5 The learner was able to identify the postulate/theorem and with correct
4 The learner was able to identify the postulate/theorem but with incorrect
3 The learner was able to identify the postulate/theorem but has no
2 The learner was not able to identify the postulate/theorem but with
1 The learner was not able to identify the postulate/theorem and has no


Completed artwork was fully colored showing excellent placement of light and
darks using excellent coloring technique..

4 Completed artwork was almost fully colored showing good placement of light
and darks using good coloring technique.

3 Completed artwork was colored showing average placement of light and

darks using average coloring technique.

2 Completed artwork was partially colored showing poor placement of light and
darks using average coloring technique.

1 Completed artwork was not colored and incorrectly shaded.

Feedback (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate) Online Learning

_____ Oral Feedback ___x__ Written Feedback

Prepared by:

Rene P. Abella Jr.

Nagpayong High School

Mylyn P. Gabriel
Myrve C. Cacho
Nagpayong High School

Aguedo H. Areniego
Eusebio High School

Mary Anne T. Domalanta

Rizal High School

Jaigie B. Lardizabal
Rizal High School

Date: February 4, 2022

Reviewed and checked by:

Joselito E. Calios
EPS- English

Teresita T. Tagulao

Liza Alvarez
EPS- Science

Dr. Norlyn Conde


Dr. Librada L. Agon


Karen B. Villanueva
Cluster 3, PSDS

Dr. Gomer O. Agon


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