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​The Importance/Role of Agriculture in national, regional and 

international economies  
● Food security: ​means being self-sufficient in food. Most 
caribbean countries are now boosting their local food 
production and reducing food imports. 
Food security can be promoted by initiatives to improve food 
production and marketing, expand trade opportunities, increase 
income and improve nutrition. 
In the caribbean food security is affected by: 
1. Low agricultural productivity, resulting in inefficient use of water and other 
2. A decline of earnings from traditional crops resulting from the loss of trade 
3. A dependency on imported food resulting from inability to produce food 
locally at competitive prices  
4. Increased poverty in many countries because of a loss of agricultural jobs 
● Foreign exchange: ​when caribbean agricultural goods and services are sold 
to other countries, foreign exchange is earned. For example, the export of 
rice and sugar earns foreign currency. However, when foreign agricultural 
goods and services are imported, caribbean currency is converted to foreign 
exchange; importing agricultural machinery from abroad is therefore a loss 
to the local community. 
● Contribution to Gross National Product​: Gross National Product (GNP) is 
the total value of all finished goods and services produced by a country’s 
citizens in a given financial year, from all sectors of the national economy. 
Agriculture is a vital sector of the national economy and contributes to the 
● Trade liberalization: ​is a fair trade in goods and services develops when 
tariffs and non-tariffs are removed. A ​tariff ​is a tax levied by a 
government on imports (occasionally exports). A government uses a tariff to 
protect a local industry or product to help its balance of payments or to 
raise revenue. 
The aim of global trade liberalization initiatives is to encourage greater 
efficiency in marketing and trade. The initiatives focus on restructuring 
trade policies to reduce any barriers set up to protect producers and 
services providers from competition. 
Career opportunities in Agriculture  
Careers in Agriculture includes: 
● Food production-​ the most specialized careers in 
Agriculture are associated with the production of crops so 
the raising of livestock. some careers in food production are: 
○ labourers 
○ farmers 
○ Overseers and managers  
○ Extension officers  
○ Research officers 
○ Veterinarians  
○ Agricultural engineers 
● Processing- agro processing​ involves turning agricultural produce into other 
products. Agro-processing offers numerous employment opportunities 
ranging from unskilled labour( in processing and packaging) to skilled 
biochemists and qualified assurance officers who have professional 
● Sales and marketing- ​agricultural produce us sold in shops and 
supermarkets from market stalls. The produce usually has to be transported 
from the farms to the wholesaler and from there to the retailers and other 
outlets. Transportation involves loaders and drivers. At the wholesalers, 
produce may be stored for some time, providing employment for 
shopkeepers, clerks and security officers. When the produce reaches the 
shops, managers, cashiers and sales personnel are needed. 
1. What is meant by food security? 
2. How does importing food reduce the number of job opportunities?  
3. What is the role of a/an: 
● Extension officer  
● Veterinarian  
● Horticulturist  
● Viticulturist 
● Agricultural engineer 

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