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Human Genetic lab-1-

Assistant lecture : Dhoha Farhan
• -G1 cells undergo majority of growth
• S- each chromosome replicates (synthesizes) to produce chromatids
-attached at centromere
- Contains attachment site (Kinetochore)
G2- chromosomes condense- assemble machinery for division such as centrioles.
• Mitosis:- a process of cell duplication,
or reproduction, during which one cell gives rise to
two genetically identical daughter cells. Strictly
applied, the term mitosis is used to describe the
duplication and distribution of chromosomes, the
structures that carry the genetic information.
• Prior to the onset of mitosis, the chromosomes have
replicated and the proteins that will form the mitotic
spindle have been synthesized.
- The chromatin fibers become more tightly coiled and condensing
- The nucleoli disappear
- Each duplicated chromosome appear as two identical sister chromatids joined
- The radial arrays of shorter microtubules that extended from the centrosomes are
called asters (stars)
marked by the beginning of the organization of a group of fibers to form a spindle
and the disintegration of the nuclear membrane.
-The longest stage of mitosis, lasting about 20 minutes
-The centrosomes are now at opposite of the cell
-The chromosome's centromere lie on metaphase plate
-For each chromosome, the kinetochore of the sister chromatids are
attached to kinetochore microtubules from opposite poles.
In anaphase
- Anaphase is the shorter stage of mitosis , lasting only a few minutes
- The two chromosomes begin moving toward opposite ends of the cell, as
their kinetochore microtubules shorten.
• During Telophase
- The chromosomes begin to de-condense, the spindle breaks down
- the nuclear membranes and nucleoli re-form.
- The cytoplasm of the mother cell divides to form two daughter cells, each
containing the same number and kind of chromosomes as the mother cell.
The stage, or phase, after the completion of mitosis is called interphase.
Cytokinesis is the physical process of cell division, which divides the cytoplasm of a
parental cell into two daughter cells. which occur in animal and plant cells

Mitosis is absolutely essential to life because it provides new cells for

growth and for replacement of worn-out cells. Mitosis may take minutes or
hours, depending upon the kind of cells and species of organisms.

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