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CLASS : GBD 0819


DATE : 30 AUGUST, 2019

Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number
Unit 11: Research Project
and title

Submission Date Received 1st

08/30/2019 08/30/2019
date submission

Re-submission Date Received 2nd

Date submission

Tran Thi Ngoc

Student Name Student ID GBD17111

Pham Uyen
Class GBD0819 Assessor name
Phuong Thao

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirel y m y own work and I fully
understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false
declaration is a form of malpracti ce.


Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 D2 D3



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Khanh Date: 08/30/2019



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List of figures

Figure 01:The chart illustrates the influence of globalization for teacher

education sector in Viet Nam such as skill, score, relationship and knowledge
factors. ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 02: The chart depicts opportunities for high employment when Vietnam’
s education approach globalization. .............................................................. 14
Figure 03: The pie chart illustrates Vietnamese instructors using international
language in the trend of globalization. .......................................................... 15

Table of contents

Table of contents

I. Introduction ............................................................................................. 6

1. Background and reason why choose the title .............................................. 6

2. Title and objective ................................................................................. 6

3. Scope and methodologies/ approaches ..................................................... 6

4. Structure ............................................................................................... 7

II. Literature overview ................................................................................. 7

1. Globalization ......................................................................................... 7
1.1. Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 7

1.2. Overview of globalization impact ..................................................................................... 7

2. Education service .................................................................................... 9

2.1. Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 9

2.2. The impact education service on globalization. ......................................................... 9

3. The relationship between education and globalization .............................. 10

III. Real circumstances .............................................................................. 11

1. Globalization and education sector. ......................................................... 11

2.The development of education in Vietnam i n an environment of a globalized

econom y. .................................................................................................. 11

IV. Data anal ysis ............................................................................... 13

1. Database ............................................................................................... 13

2. Comparison with other papers. ................................................................ 16

V. Conclusion and R ecommendation ............................................................. 16

I. Introduction
1. Background and reason why choose the title

The trend of globaliz ation and economic transformation towards meeting

market demands are the mainstream of many countries in the world today,
including Vietnam. With the rapid development of technology, especiall y the
internet that has made the world econom y grow strangel y. T he exchange of
commercial is not onl y within each country but has spread to the world, among
companies in different countries, the people who travel continuousl y in the world
to work in other countries, etc. Vietnam is also proving to be a more enterprisin g
country and becoming an integral part of the world econom y when its acc ession
into WTO in 2006."The boat" Vietnam is participating in the "flow" of the world
econom y, including "wind" named globalization and it is spreading all over the
globe. Therefore, we should understand the impact of globalization to develop
appropriate policies. The globalization directl y affects in all areas of health,
economics, education, culture, and including dialectical relationships between
globalization and education of each nation and the globe.
2. Title and objective

With that requirement, we decided to study the benefit and drawbacks of

globalization environment in the education sector in Vietnam. This study will give
orientations for educational development in Vietnam to sui t globalization.

This research will be given three qu estions, as below:

+ The first is the education situation in Vietnam.

+ The second is the influence of international schools in Vietnamese education


+ The third is the impact of globalizati on on education in Vietnam and Greenwich

International in Vietnam.
3. Scope and methodologies/ approach es
The scope is studying the impact of globalization on educational services in
Vietnam. There are many methodologies to study. In this paper the orientati on is
used methods such as descriptive and comparativ e methods, PESTEL anal ysis,
SWOT anal ysis, etc.

4. Structure

To make it clearer, this research is devices into part as below:

(I) Introduction

(II) Literature overview

(III) The realit y of globalization affects Vietnames e education.

(IV) Anal yze and collect data.

(V) Conclusion

II. Literature overview

1. Globalization
1.1. Definition

According to the Observe (2016), globalization can be defined as a phenomenon

associated with an increase in the number and intensit y of mechanisms, processes,
and activities to promote increased interdependence between countries around the
world. In the other words, the globalization is the business expansion of the
market to other countries in order to avoid excessive export of products or
services. That is the reason why businesses exp and their business to develop their
products and services internationall y. And globalization provides the opportunit y
for prosperit y and equalit y to develop globall y through the expansion of the
liberal capitalism system.
1.2. Overview of globalization impact

Globalization is the result of a strong progress of production forces, an

objective trend, an irreversible fact. It is both positive and negative, especiall y
for developing countries. Therefore, globalization is both an opportunit y and a
challenge for the development of countries.
1.2.1. Positive impact
According Hitesh Bhasin (2017), the first positive impact does not onl y expand
the market, more open goods exchange but also forms a beneficial international
labor division and participati on in the global value chain. Next, globalization
helps countries to access capital, a tech nology from other countries, technology
applications, and technological achievements are transferred quickl y and widel y
applied. In the process of participating in g lobalization to help countries improve
and improve the qualit y of infrastructure, environme ntal qualit y, improve the
wages of workers, improve the law, fight corruption, change the economic
structure more appropriatel y and effectivel y. And finall y, the res ult is that all
countries participating in the globalization process has higher economic gr owth,
better conditions to ensure life and resources for socio -economic development.
Globalization brings benefits to all countries, for people and related companies at
different levels.
1.2.2. Negative impact

Besides the positive effects, globalization benefits also have some negative
manifestations that need to be limited. Globalization undermines local traditional
cultural values as deepening rich and poor differentiation . In addition, developed
countries are not willing to consume developing countries' export goods, with
high labor and sanitation conditions that have prevented developing countries
from participating in the whole globalization process. In the process of re ceiving
aid capital, cooperative investment, developing countries due to lack of
experience in management organization, the legal system is incomplete and cannot
manage corruption, inefficient investment projects. The result is an increase in
foreign debt. The last negative impact is developing countries to accelerate the
process of industrializ ation often exploit the export of primary mineral resources,
the prices of these goods are increasing, the more exporting countries are, the
more disadvantaged they are econom y. Exports of developing countries often have
low technology, low cost and have t o import high-tech equipment, leading to a
high trade deficit. All of these reasons are mentioned by Mr. Basis in marketing91
in 2017.
1.2.3. Impact on international relations and international economic integration process in
the world.
International integration is understood as the process of countries conducting
activities aim at to strengthen their cohesion based on the sharing of benefits,
goals, values, resources, power (review), right to dispose of policies) and to
compl y with common rules within the framewo rk of international institutions or
organizations. Besides, international relations and international integration
process in the world are very influential in global ization. Because of the
relationships multilateral also plays an important role and the cou ntries around
the world graduall y switch to the open -door policy.

2.Education service
2.1. Definition

The education system in all countries is generall y a model of h uman resource

We are distinguishing secondary education, vocational training and higher
education from overseas education.
In m y opinion, education system is a place to nurture the soul, to acquire
knowledge and to improve our personality and physicalit y:
- Secondary education training systems that provide basic knowledge of subjects
as well as moral learning to improve yourself. For example, when you studying at
high school, you only study subjects like Geography, History, Mathematics, etc.
Teacher onl y teach relevant knowledge and discuss the subjects.
- Vocational training includes career skills training. Some vocational training
institutions such as regular vocational education centers and vocational colleges.
- Higher education often includes dom estic educational institutions after the
secondary education program. According to the website of the universit y of
education, it has trained hundreds of masters and doctors, more than 20,000
bachelor's and pedagogical bachelors, more than 14,000 bachelors of pedagogic
colleges, 17,500 primary and preschool teachers. Standa rdize nearl y 18,000
teachers at all levels, train nearl y 5,000 educational managers.
- Foreign higher education includes students studying overseas universit y
programs and international pro grams in Vietnam. Universit y of Greenwich is one
of the t ypical examp les. In addition, Greenwich Universit y (Vietnam) was formed
based on linking the Universit y of Greenwich (United Kingdom) and FPT
Education Organization since 2009 with more than 10,000 s tudents from 10
countries around the world have been studying. This i s the school that training
international program of United Kingdom at Viet Nam. Moreover, students also
will be full y developed with life skills training, soft skills through skills class es
and many exciting experience activities. This is the information p osted on the
website of the Universit y of Greenwich.
2.2. The impact education service on globalization.

The quantit y and qualit y of human resources determines how countries

participate in globalization? To answer this question, I will help you find the
impact of education on globalization.
Partrinos (2016) claimed that education directl y affects economic growth and
it is necessary to improve human capital. It means that production depends on
physical resources and human capital. Human capital depends on the edu cation
and training system. An econom y of productive capacit y depends on various
factors and includes physical capital, technology and the number of workers, as
well as their qualit y. Thi s qualit y is largely determined by what is called human
capital (knowledge, skills and habits). Therefore, human capital is an important
factor leading to an increase in the number of workers and economic development.
3. The relationship between education and globalization

Thus, for Vietnam, globalization is not forced, imposing but an opportunit y,

inevitable. In that context, setting the issue of globalization and education
completel y not onl y has negative meaning. Globalization brings Vietnamese
education to many advantages. First of all, it places Vietnamese education in the
general picture of educating countries around the world, so that Vietnamese
education can recognize where it is, or where it is bad. These advanced
experiences will contribute to the mod ernization of Vietnamese education, linking
Vietnamese educatio n with the world's educational teachers, expanding the vision
and value ladder beyond national boundaries and people, towards common
standards, are of human nature, thereby training people who are not bound narrow
in the local mindset that knows global thi nking, democratic spirit, abilit y to
cooperate, can work in an international environment. Besides, globalization has
brought into Vietnam an attractive picture of advanced education. That pictu re
appeals to educational managers, making them feel the need t o change Vietnamese
education quickl y and change at the same time.
Furthermore, we have said that globalization is an opportunity, an inevitable
trend. In that context, one of the wisest behavi ors is to be proactive. Activel y
choose good experiences and be consistent with their practices. In particular, we
must take the initiative in preserving the unique values of national education that
have formed and developed for thousands of years, thereby helping to foster the
moralit y and soul of the younger generat ion. Because culture and education are
human issues, life issues the spirit and personalit y of the individual that each
individual is a destiny, a private universe that is not repeated, associa ted with the
environment, with a communit y of hundreds of thous ands of different ties.
In summary, globalization is an inevitable trend and also an opportunit y for

Vietnam to integrate, to educate Vietnam as a friend to the education of countries
around the world. On the international playing field, we just have to jo in, just be
aware of who we are, so as not to shrink ourselves but not imitate and hurry. How
to receive and grow through the wave of globalization. It is a challenge for
Vietnamese education, first of all with those who are in charge of leadership, with
current educational managers.

III. Real circumstances

1. Globalization and education sector.

One of the changes in the world in recent years is globalization and has
attracted many countries of interest . This is an inevitable, objective and suitable
trend for all the time . Consequentl y, no country can stand ou tside if that country
does not want to be left behind. Globalization, on the one hand, brings all
countries and especiall y developing countries, gr eat opportunities; on the other
hand, it also poses significant challenges . Under the spread of globalization today,
all sectors of society are affected in different directions. However, in general,
these effects are positive, making the world flat and clo ser together. Thus,
globalization has a strong influence on all areas of the social life of all countries,
including the field of education .

In the field of education, thanks to the support of information technology,

education of developing countries is t he foundation for the development of human
knowledge. For that reason, education plays an import ant role in human resource
development, and especiall y in the context of globalization today.

2. The development of education in Vietnam in an environment of a globalized

econom y.
Education in Vietnam have been affected by the environment of a globalized
econom y as below:

- P – Policy: The state introduced a law on economic and trade opening to attract
foreign investment. For example, Greenwich Universit y has appro ved Decree
63/1998 / ND-CP on foreign business management, which has cooperated with
FPT to build an international universit y in Vietnam.
- E – Environment: Globalization environment requires language to
communicate. T herefore, the trend of international environmental education

Greenwich FPT in Vietnam is like learning English, encouraging students to
learn information.
- S - Social: According to the need s of parents who want their children to study
according to the international program and international model. Greenwich
understood and empathized and took advantage of this to set up a school.
- T - Technology: With the development of the technology industry and the
influence of globalization, technology is being activel y applied to the education
industry in Vietnam. For example, at Greenwich International School lecturers
use a projector or l aptop to teach students. Instead of lecturers in Vietnam, they
still use books to teach.
- E – Economic: Meeting the needs of parents when sending children to
international schools, the cost of Greenwich International School is onl y 3/5
compared to the cost of studying in the UK. Has met the needs of parents and
- L - Legal: According to the Constitution of the State of Vietnam (1992):
'Educational development is a leading national policy. The State develops
education policies to improve people's intellectual standards, train human
resources, character, and qualities. 'Encourage families to take their children to
With the flow of new learning models and the d evelopment of science and
technology, traditional educational in Vietnam methods will certainl y approach
many opportunities.

According to Tap chi cong san(2018), Vietnam's academic programs are not
tied to realit y, high results in the PISA exam inations, Intel ISEF international
science and technology examinations, regional and international Ol ympic
competitions that contribute to affirming the education has begun to move,
focusing on directing students to appl y knowledge to solve practical probl ems,
instead of just memorizing content from textbooks . Also, one of the very basic
advantages for education to take advantage of development opportunities is that
Vietnamese societ y always attaches importance to learning. We are always
appreciated in crea ting a positive learning environment, ensuring discipline,
school rules and helping students have good learning attitudes.

Globalization, this is a bitter issue that has emerged and pertains to the entire
planet. Globalization, in addition to the great benefits of eco nomic development,

can bring about negative sides. Globalization can nurture the process of division,
leading to conflict . The next challenge concerns inequalities between rich and
poor countries . For example, the school also prepares students for an
understanding of economic competition, developing a creative spirit and
encouraging a sense of cooperation and support. Lines that have a great meaning
to the development of every societ y in the twent y -first century are: knowledge -
job proficiency - creation of knowledge - promotion / dissemination of knowledge.
To illustrate, rather, the Greenwich school affiliated with FPT, FPT education has
received and responded to globalization. In particular, FPT education in Vietnam
has a certain prestige and trust in Vi etnamese beliefs. The big gest obstacle is the
policies and regulations of Vietnamese law. So, Greenwich school still has to rel y
on the reputation of FPT education.

From anal yzing PESTLE model as well as opportunities and threaten of

education sector, I r ealized that education in general and universit y education, in
particular, have a nuclear role to promote the development of science and
technology, intensive vocational training, create highl y qualified human resources
to meet economic development - sociall y sustainable.

IV. Data anal ysis

1. Database

Figure 01:The chart illustrates the influence of globalization for teacher

education sector in Viet Nam such as skill, score, relationship and knowledge

Overall, all students surv eyed were above average. T he number of teachers
who think skills are extremel y positive makes up 70% of the total level. Besides,
the number of teachers who think that skills at a positive level account for 10%
of the total level . The average skill level i s onl y 10% of the total level . Based on
the figure 01, the teacher evaluates the skill is higher than other factors . The
teachers claimed that skill is the u rgent problem in the trend of globalization,
especiall y in the education industry in Viet Nam . Also, skill nowadays is the basis
for the teacher to perform the tasks of teaching when they approach globalization .
Therefore, the teacher has some skills such as soft skill, communication skill,
foreign language qualifications, inspiring and motivating other s in order to meet
the requirement of building civilized societ y and innovating the current
educational context .

30% 30%


Very positive Positive Average

Figure 02: The chart depicts opportunities for high employment when Vietnam’ s
education approach globalization.

When Vietnam’s education approaches globalization, teachers claimed that the

opportunities for high working are evaluated as below:

- The opportunities for high employment at a positive level account for 40%.
The number of teachers who say high job opportunit ies of positive level are the
same as average levels. Each level is ab out 30% of the total evaluation of the
opportunities high job.
➔ According to figure 02, our group has given results is the number of teachers
on the payroll of the public school in Vietna m is low. Therefore, the number of
teachers is increasingl y fired, whi ch leads to the excess of them. Furthermore,
teachers who studied at the universit y of education or unemployment, they will
have opportunities to appl y to the private school, private int ernational or
international public school. This means that the teacher s have high work
opportunities when the globalization has affected to the education sector in

40% Very positive

60% Positive

Figure 03: The pie chart illustrates Vietnamese instructors using international
language in the trend of globalization.

Based on figure 03, overall, the use of international language which

extremel y positive in the trend of globalization accounting for more than half of
the ideas of teachers. The positive use of international languages in the
globalization m akes up two -fifths of the surveyed teachers.

In summary, the international language, esp eciall y the English language have
used widel y in international schools in Vietnam in general and Da Nang, in
specific. English not onl y gives you more opportunities to get to know and interact
with friends around the world, but it is also the first key tha t you can set foot in
international companies. Besides, the international language is an opportunit y as
well as a ticket that changes the development of education in Vietnam to suit for
the globalization. Therefore, the use of international languages is co mpulsory and
essential in the trend of globalization, especiall y in the education sector.

2. Comparison with other papers.
According to Phan Van Minh (2015), the importance of English, which is the
international language. This language cannot be denied and i gnored because of
using everywhere in the world. Along with the development of technology, these
are the places where Eng lish plays the most important role such as medicine,
engineering, and education, etc. Especially for a developing country like Vietnam,
English has been taught very earl y as many young people who are aware of its
importance for reasons such as finding a hi gh-qualit y job, communicating with
the outside world, and accessing the scientific resources they are pursuing. That
is the reason why many universities and colleges nowadays teach many contents
in English as well as the qualification of foreign language o utput (popularl y
English) for graduates.

Many graduates who have good English proficiency will find better jobs
than those whose Engli sh proficiency is limited. In other words, students who
know English will do their job more effectivel y because they can use information
from foreign sources and on websites. English is the most basic and easiest
language to store, as well as build and des cribe a program - a simple
communication tool when you want to keep up with the trends of the times, the
progress and the development of technology, innovation of the world. Therefore,
with international integration, the international language such as Japa n, English,
Korea, especiall y English is no longer a "plus point" factor but a leading concern
of the communit y, playing an increasingly important role in the success of many
individuals and businesses in the trend of globalization.

V. Conclusion and Recommendation

In summary, this study claimed that Vietnamese' s education is facing
significant mistakes from the qualit y of the teaching staff, the effectiveness of
education to the training of educational managers. Also, Vietnamese education
has the plan to change and improve knowledge of the developing countries to
catch up with the trend of globalization.

In the "multidimensional" world, the current integration, education Vietnam

is facing many opportunities, but at the same time, which has many challe nges
that require the right strategy. Education still has too many restrictions and this

makes the country stagnant, lagging, unable to compare with the great power of
five continents. This is the reason why my group choose this title.

The international s chool directl y affect the education sector in Vietnam.

Instead of appl ying the teaching methods of Vietnam, the international will give
some new methods such as appl y knowledge in practical, soft - skill, field trip,
etc. Besides, international schools are not onl y present i n the center of urban, but
also in suburban in Vietnam.

Globalization has made change physiognom y of the education sector in

Vietnam, in general, and in the Universit y of Greenwich in Da Nang, in specific.
In the era of globalization is going strong in all era of life, the countries are in
troubling problems, proving awkward in handling and shaping the overall
education strategy. The process of globalization requires high knowledge
education with the following requirements: the creation of knowledge takes place
at a large scale; the use of scientific and technological knowledge into production
has become a dail y demand of societ y; the transfe r of knowledge and information
takes place quickl y and widel y. If you say Greenwich all over the w orld, it
depends on the country and region. But in terms of Vietnam, it must be said that
FPT education has participated in globalization because Greenwich is still
associated with FPT education to develop. FPT firstl y is the company that food
and thanks to the development and transformation as strong as a storm of
information technology, FPT changed its sector into specializing in electronic

Because education is always one of the top areas of interest and especiall y in
the era of industrial revo lution 4.0. From the aforementioned issues, to improve
the qualit y of vocational training as well as meet the requirements of the creation
of econom y vo cational education, in our opinion, the following solutions should
be implemented:

- Firstl y, we should re novate the educational policy mechanism, such as

perfecting mechanisms policies for related subjects such as teachers, learners,
vocational education institutions, participating enterprises, educate and complete
the mechanisms policies on the allocation an d use of finance in the field of
- Secondl y, we should innovate module training, credit, and online training

development. More specificall y, in the 4.0 environment, the training methods need
to change significantl y based on learner -centered and applied information
technology in lesson design and lesson delivery.
- The third is the development of in -company training and corporate
engagement in training. That means that in the 4.0 environment, training activities
need to be linked with businesses to br idge the gap between training, research,
and implementation. Therefore, on the one hand, to promote the development of
in-company training and development business schools to train human resources
according to technology and organization of the business. O n the other hand,
strengthening the cohesion between educational institutions and enterprises,
based on corporate social responsibilit y, for businesses is an "extended arm" in
the training activities of an educational institution education, to make effecti ve
use of enterprise's equipment and technology for the training and formation of
professional capacity for learners in the process of train ing and practice in
- And one of the key solutions is to enhance bilateral and multilateral
cooperation activities in the fields of education such as scientific research and
academic exchange, teacher training, etc. Also, international relations create
favorable conditions on the legal and social environment for foreign investors to
open mining facilities in Vietnam.

Hung, N. A. C. N. S., 2013. Full text of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2019].

magazine, C., 2018. Education of Vietnam in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2019].

Young intellectuals, P. V. M., 2015. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2019].

Danh mục tham khảo

Hung, N. A. C. N. S., 2013. Full text of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. [Trực tuyến]
Available at:
[Đã truy cập 2019].

magazine, C., 2018. Education of Vietnam in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.. [Trực tuyến]
Available at:
[Đã truy cập 2019].

Young intellectuals, P. V. M., 2015. [Trực tuyến]

Available at:
[Đã truy cập 2019].

Danh mục tham khảo
Hung, N. A. C. N. S., 2013. Full text of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam. [Trực tuyến]
Available at: -su-trong-nuoc/toan-van-hien-phap-nuoc-
[Đã truy cập 2019].

magazine, C., 2018. Education of Vietnam in the context of the fourth industrial
revolution.. [Trực tuyến]
Available at: -duc-viet-nam-trong-boi-canh-cuoc-cach-
[Đã truy cập 2019].

Young intellectuals, P. V. M., 2015. [Trực tuyến]

Available at: -quan-trong-cua-thu-ngon-ngu-
[Đã truy cập 2019].


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