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Global Stage 3

Name: …………………………………………………..
Class: …………… Date: ………………………………

Unit 7: How can we help? – 2
Vocabulary natural disaster, avalanche, burn, cover, earthquake, forest fire, hurricane,
tornado, tsunami, volcano
Grammar Relative clauses with “that”
- This is the wall that stopped the flood.
- We take these to the police station. People that lost things can find them.

I. Read and write. There is one example.

0. many trees burning over a large area forest fire

1. a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle t_ _ _ _ _ _

2. a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. a huge wave from the ocean t_ _ _ _ _ _

4. lots of snow falling down a mountain a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. a dangerous storm with very strong winds h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. to spread or lie on the surface of something c_ _ _ _

7. a large amount of water covering an area f_ _ _ _

8. a mountain made from burned materials that may throw out hot
v_ _ _ _ _ _
rocks and lava
9. to be on fire b_ _ _

II. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.

The flood
After the (0) ……storm………, Neil stood on the riverbank with
his grandpa and looked at the brown river rushing past.

(1) …………………… all the rain last night, the river (2) …………………… is near their house was in
danger of overflowing and running through the village.

Neil heard a woman (3) ………………………… is a rescue worker made a call on her phone. “The
water is still rising,” she said, “I think the river is going to (4) …………………………… .”
“I remember the flood of 1987 (5) ……………………… covered the village. We should get
busy,” said Grandpa with a smile and a shake of his head. “We need to be ready. We don’t
want water to (6) …………………………… our ground floor.”

“Sure, grandpa,” said Neil. “What’s the plan?”

0. A. storm B. avalanche C. earthquake

1. A. Before B. After C. In
2. A. that B. who C. how
3. A. that B. who C. A & B are correct
4. A. burn B. float C. cover
5. A. who B. what C. that
6. A. cover B. covering C. covers

III. Read the text and choose the correct answer for each question.
Earthquakes are natural disasters that humans cannot control. Sometimes
earthquakes can be very dangerous and people need to know more about where they come
from, and how to protect ourselves from them.
Earthquakes are the shaking or sudden shock of the earth’s surface. They are the
Earth’s natural means of releasing pressure. More than a million happen in the world each
year. Earthquakes usually last less than a minute but people can feel them over large
areas. However, nobody knows when an earthquake will happen, even the scientists.
There are about 20 plates along the surface of the earth that move continuously
and slowly past each other. As the plates move, they put forces on themselves and each
other. When the force is large enough, the surface of the earth breaks. That is when
the earthquake happens.

1. What’s true about earthquakes?

A. Earthquakes are dangerous disasters that humans can control.
B. Earthquakes are natural disasters that we can’t control.
C. Earthquakes are always very dangerous.
2. How many earthquakes happen in the world in a year?
A. More than a million B. A lot C. 20
3. How long do the earthquakes usually last?
A. For a very long time B. Over large areas C. Less than one minute
4. What makes an earthquake happen?
A. Nobody knows, even the scientists.
B. The large enough force that the plates on the earth’s surface put on each other.
C. The move of 20 plates along the earth’s surface.
5. What should people know more about earthquakes?
A. Where they come from.
B. How to protect themselves from the earthquakes.
C. A & B

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