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NAME : Muhammad Fikri Firdaus

Number of student : 11191010000041

Class : 4C
Lecturer : Tryana , MA


Title : B cell dysfunction in chronic hepatitis B virus infection

Source :


Journal indexing : Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Embase, Scopus


Chronic hepatitis B has become a global health problem, where more than
250 million people are known to suffer from this disease. According to studies, the
pathogenesis of CHB can be affected by the presence of HBV. HBV is the
noncytopathic hepatotropic sheath of the DNA virus which has a double-stranded
circular DNA genome .The HBV can be controlled by B-cells in our body, but there
are many obstacles for B cells to give a respond. In response to the virus, HBV -
specific from B cells will differentiate into plasma cells and produce antibodies to
HBsAg, HBeAg, HBcAg, but not all of these antibodies can control HBV. Some
parts of HBsAg that are not functioning will produce atMBC which can interfere
with the immune response of the host. In terms of forming immunity from T cells,
an antigen presenting cell (APC) is needed, in this case the B cell can function as
an APC and display the core peptide of HBV. in HBV and autoimmune control,
there are also B cell regulators through the production of cytokines, which can
inhibit antiviral abilities from HBV, and save the T cell response. B cell receptors
that are linked to antigens will be the pathway of signal for B cell responses to
antigens and endogens. Activation of the responders can develop an effective
antibody response.

Reference : Ma, Lijje et,al., 2021. “B cell dysfunction in chronic hepatitis B virus infection” ,
Liver Research, KeAi Publishing.
In 2015, Nouman Ali khan as the speaker tried to explain about levels of
human personality. There are 8 levels of human personality. The first one is pursuit
of happiness, at this level people just want to be happy. According to Nouman this
level is the lowest level because happiness is not eternal and everyone can feel
happy every time. The second one is pursuit of cool, at this level people try to look
cool in front of others. This is due to the influence of people's judgment. Above that
level, there is the pursuit of popularity, at this level people try to be a center of the
attention. In addition there is the next level, namely the pursuit of prestige, at this
level people want to be able to associate themselves with something valuable to
show how great they are. Above that level there is the pursuit of money, at this level
people just think how to make money. Above pursuit of money, there is the pursuit
of excellence, at this level people are trying to be the top, so they will keep trying
harder and harder without even thinking about being satisfied. After this level, there
is the pursuit of impact, at this level people try to be useful for others by prioritizing
the interests of others. The last level is the pursuit of ultimate truth, this is the best
level, because at this level people only think about the effort they have put in
without seeing the results, people at this level think about the process, in that case
the judgment is only given by Allah, while they only do their best.

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