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Reading comprehension Card

Title: How Dark Is Your Sky?

Main topic (summarize the article in one sentence):

1. the International Dark-Sky Association is trying to bring the stars back to the night sky by
raising awareness of light pollution.

Main ideas

2. According to National Geographic magazine, 80% of the people in the USA can't see
the Milky Way from where they live.
3. The IDA selected the town of Torrey in Utah, USA, as an "International Dark Sky
4. The IDA was created in 1988, "to preserve and protect the nighttime environment".
5. The IDA wants to combat light pollution by encouraging communities to use
environmentally-responsible outdoor lighting instead of older, harmful lighting.
6. So far, only 18 communities in the world have become International Dark Sky

Key words (7)

Light pollution, dark sky, environment, stars, streetlight, communities.


7. What did you find the most interesting from the reading? I like the fact that there are
people and entire communities concerned about changing this type of pollution

8. What did you find the least interesting from the reading? What I was least interested
in reading was that sometimes they became a lot of the central theme

Vocabulary words:

9. Circadian 10. Ordinances

11. Rhythms 12. Frosted glass
13. Milky Way 14.
15. Encouraging 16.
17. Hatch 18.

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