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The Frozen Sword

A treasure hunt for an ancient sword, a fortress and the truth behind a legend.
The Legend

Far to the north in the lands of snow

and ice a king rose to power. He was known for his
skill in battle and his benevolence as a ruler. He brought peace
to his realm. He brought the Icejewel Barabarians, Lossehdel,
Furchin, Frostreaver dwarves and Barbegazis together as allies. He
built a city of snow and ice of such beauty and majesty it was a wonder of
the world. It was a place of learning and peace and was the crowning achievement
of his reign.

The king dealt with all fairly and soon there was peace across the realm. The king was King
Gunnar Hamundarson. He was a warrior without peer, stories say Gunnar could fight equally
with both hands and was so fast with his sword that “three seemed to slash through the air at
once.” Along with his swordsmanship, he was reputed to never miss with a bow and be able to
jump more than his height while wearing full battle-gear. His knights were fearless and vanquished
evil. He built places of learning and fantastic temples. Many races swore allegiance to him and
he raised his towers of ice, steel and magic around the kingdom.

His lands prospered and peace was known throughout his kingdom. His knights rode the land
enforcing the king’s justice and keeping the highways clear of brigands. Even as all the people
enjoyed the benefits of the peace, others were not so happy.

King Gunnar had claimed his kingdom by defeating the evil Trollocs that had spread across the
land bringing violence, slavery and terror to the inhabitants. King Gunnar led his knights to
victory time and again until the Trollocs had been forced from the land. These Trollocs had
retreated to hidden camps in defeat. It was during this time a Trolloc child was born that was
destined to become a Trolloc commander.

The child was given the name of Garn at birth. As he grew it became apparent of his destiny. He
was larger, stronger and smarter than other Trollcos and he earned his clan name of Garn
Bloodaxe. Garn rose to quickly become his Bands leader. From there he began to consolidate
other Bands and other tribes of humanoids. Garn had his eye on destroying the kingom that had
driven his people out.

Garn moved in secret, keeping his plans in the shadows, not even all of his allies to each other. He
watched as the kingdom grew lack in its peace. He knew the time was right and he struck. His
horde of Trollo’cs and other humanoids sept over the kingdom’s border destroying the border forts
the king had erected to prevent this exact thing.

Garn’s forces moved quickly not giving King Gunnar’s forces time to regroup. King Gunnar soon
realized his treasured kingdom was in danger of being destroyed. He trusted his most faithful
knight Roland with his sword Kongens Sverd ordering him to take it to his hidden fortress deep
in the frozen mountains where is 12 most trusted knights awaited it. Roland took the sword and
rode out toward the hidden fortress.
Garn’s forces quicly destroyed the kingdom
and King Gunnar was killed defending his castle.

No one knows if Roland ever made it to the hidden

fortress or where the fortress is but Kongens Sverd was never
seen again. Some say Roland was captured by Trollocs and the sword
stolen, still others claim the sword was taken to King Gunnar’s heir who will
one day ride forth to retake his father’s kingdom. Most dismiss the last one as the
child would be well over a thousand years old. The most accepted idea is that Roland
rode off to the fortress but it was in another dimension and ther he nor the sword will ever
That was the legend of King Gunnar As Rollo traveled to the border fort he was
Hamundarson, as usual the truth Is not quite attacked by a large group of Trollocs,
the same. There was no magical Kingdom of despite his skill and berserk rage he
ice spires and glittering knights. There is; eventually fell to their blades. The Trollocs;
however, a magic sword known as Kongens however, did not realize who he was or the
Sverd and King Gunnar did exist but he had treasure he carried. The survivors kicked his
no knights, no grand wizards or hidden corpse, still bearing the sword, into a ravine
Fortresses. and left it to rot.

King Gunnar Hamundarson was a Icejewel Gunnar’s Ulfhednar waited at Greywatch for
Barbarian Jarl. He led his clan to victory the sword that never came. They set out in
after victory until he had conquered various search of Rollo and the sword. Each of the
tribes around him. Instead of butchering the twelve eventually fell to the blades of the
members of the other clans he accepted Trollocs. Their spirits returned to
their surrender and united them all into one Greywatch becoming Bane Lords.
great barbarian horde. He then attacked the
Trollocs, who were a hated enemy of the Rollo, whose body had been
Icejewel Barbarians. unceremoniously tossed down a ravine
suffered the same fate, he arose as a Bane
After he succeeded in this purpose he
Lord tied to the King’s Sword.
released the horde but was seen as a king by
the other clans and their Jarls swore fealty to For the DM
him. His rule was very light as he did not
interfere in other clans business unless a This module is set in tundra and
dispute arose between two different clans. mountainous wilderness. The trip will take
He did carry an enchanted broadsword, one
the party 25 days if mounted, double if
he had found during his rite of passage on
the frozen tundra. walking. It is highly recommended that you
have the party buy enough provisions and
Gunnar had no knights, instead he traveled monitor the use of the provisions. Also the
with 12 Ulfhednar, or wolf berserkers, as his weather will be cold, really cold. The party
personal guard. These howling psychopaths MUST dress for the weather or suffer
were so wolf-like in behavior and ferocity penalties. Also they must take care of their
that none could stand before them for long.
mounts as they could suffer from the
Gunnar did not rule over other races, though
he did make alliances with the Snow Elves weather as well. As they get closer to the
and Frostreaver Dwarves. When his fortress the temperature will continue to
kingdom was being overrun by the Trolloc drop.
Horde Gunnar knew all was lost. He turned
to his most trusted friend, an Ulfhendnar Adventure
named Rollo (hence Roland) and bade him
take his sword to a border fort named While on Northcrown in the Wilde Frontier,
Greywatch where his 12 Ulfhendar guard the party is taking their leisure after a hard
were at after being sent to look into a border fought adventure they witness the following
skirmish. scene.
Local toughs are taking turns pushing a He turns to the heroes “My, my, what a fine
small being around, it appears to be male group of heroes sit there, too good to let
and has some goblin features. yourselves be bothering helping one in need
I see. No, no enjoy your mead let an old
“What you got today frog? More maps to feeble Halfling take care of this.”
buried treasure?”
“Yotho, stay out of this before we take your
“Maybe the little snot face has found King cane and beat you with it” another of the
Prester John’s hidden trove” young toughs says
“I know he finally figured out why his “Try, like to see you I would” Yotho
mother let a goblin do her, even if she did answers before moving forward and
make him pay for it.” smashing his cane down on the wrist of the
“Oh no, it looks like that one made him one he called Philbin, almost faster than
mad, watch your ankles boys he might could be followed. Philbin cry’s out as he
bite’em” drops the knife.

The rest of the tavern patrons look “Cold mead I need, that is why I have come”
embarrassed by what is happening and some Yotho continues, calmly walking past. At
even look ashamed, but no one is lifting a this point a large tough who has obviously
finger to help him. The insults continue and had waaaay to much to drink starts forward.
soon actual punches are being thrown. The If the heroes do not interfere now, Yotho
defenseless creature can’t seem to even will take care of all of the toughs and shame
protect himself and curls up on the floor to the party into leaving because they surely
take the beating. did not act as heroes.

If the PCs do not move to stop this, how can If they interrupt earlier, than the toughs will
they call themselves heroes, an old halfling turn their attention to them instead of their
will enter the as one of the toughs draws a target ; however, any show of force from the
dagger party is enough to kick the idiots survival
instincts into high gear and they will decide
“Your worthless and weak, you’re not even to find their fun somewhere else, in another
worth the time it will take to clean my tavern where there aren’t tough looking
blade.” adventurers that have no problem beating on
some bullies.
“and just what do you think you’re doing
Young Philbin, hmmmm?” he asks the one Once the PCs have intervened the target of
with the knife. “Going to do something that the bullies attention will pick himself up off
is not in keeping with the town church? “ He the floor and begin to profusely thank the
walks in, leaning heavily on his cane. PCs for helping though he will try to make
“Perhaps over my knee I should put you, light of the incident saying his “friends” just
like it not I think you would.”
had too much to drink and they would never If the PCs offer him food or drink they can
really hurt him. see how desperately he wants it, but he will
insist on repaying the party. He will eat and
“Thank you for helping but please do not drink trying not to show how hungry he is
think badly of my friends, they just had too and will use exaggerated manners. If asked
much to drink, they would never really hurt Wort will hesitantly tell his story.
me. I mean when they broke my arm it hurt,
but they said they were sorry and bought me His mother was a tavern wench who was
an ale. So they couldn’t really have meant one of the only survivors of a goblin raid.
it, right?” She was able to survive by offering herself
to one of the goblin warriors. Her actions
Any amount of time with this poor being saved herself and some children survivors.
will reveal he is desperate for friends and Her actions were considered noble by some
willing to suffer grievous abuse to be liked. but most think she was just a (he can’t say
Now that they can see him better, the PCs the word). When his mother found out she
will see he has green skin and long black was pregnant she kept it to herself, staying
hair. His face is a mix of goblin and human away from the townsfolk. Unfortunately,
features. His clothes, what there are of them she died in child birth leaving Wort to be
are dirty and ripped, his hair is greasy and he taken in by the wise woman that had helped
shows evidence of other beatings and sores his mother give birth. She was kind but old
dot his skin. He looks malnourished and is and poor. She cared for him as best she
trying not to droll as he looks at the PCs could, teaching him manners and to not be
food on the table. Despite his appearance ashamed of who he is and what his mother
and injuries he will remain upbeat. did. The wise woman passed away when
“You are kind to help me, but where are my Wort was 9 and he has been on his own
manners. My name is Wort Brandybuck and since then, he has nowhere to go and no one
I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I will hire him. He ekes out a living
insist on buying you a round of ale to repay scavenging things in the wilderness.
you for your kindness.” He is easily tricked in giving up anything
No matter what the PCs say Wort will insist valuable he finds or maps to hidden treasure
on buying the pitcher of ale. He goes to the or to someone he thinks is in more need than
barkeep and asks for the pitcher, he then him. Something many have taken advantage
carefully counts out coins from a purse. It of, despite all of that Wort still maintains a
seems the ale has cost him all but his last positive attitude and tries to be friendly to
copper piece; again Wort will not let this everyone.
dampen his spirits. He brings the ale to the After Wort has eaten (and he will only eat a
PCs and pours them each a glass making very little so not offend his benefactors) he
sure each of their mugs is full and taking will insist the PCs have his most prized
none for himself. possession to repay them for their kindness.
He hands them a scroll tube of bone and
silver, it is carved with scenes of battle. The # of Att – 1, Dmg – 1d6 (club) or 1d4
value would enough to see Wort living (dagger), THAC0 – 20, Morale – Average
comfortably for the rest of his life. If asked (9), XP – 15
why he has not sold it, he will tell them it is
the only thing he has left of his mother’s and If rescued Wort will have no idea what they
selling it would be wrong. But giving it to wanted and will pass out from his injuries
such kind and generous folks as the PCs is and the cold. Hopefully the party will take
the right thing to do. He will insist the party care of Wort instead of leaving him to die on
take the tube. the cold. If they do he will insist on
accompanying them to pay them back for
Roll a Perception check to notice some their kindness.
rather shifty fellows watching the
If any of the men are captured they will
refuse to say what they were up to or who
Wort will tell the party the wise woman read they work for, saying only that they want to
him the story inside so many times he has it see the local constable.
memorized now and that he never really
understood the picture that went with it no Wort Brandybuck
matter how many times he looked at it. Beastmaster 1st Level
Maybe they will know what it is. He will STR 12
refuse to take any money for the tube as it is DEX 16
his way of repaying the party. He will CON 13
gingerly get up, obviously felling his INT 13
injuries and pull his scant clothes about WIS 10
PER 13
himself to head out into the cold saying he
CHA 12
must be getting home. COM 12
A Perception check will reveal the shifty
characters from before leave just before hp 3 (has 8 but is hurt) Age
Wort does. 40,
MV 6 Height 3'8"
If the party follows they will see the men MR 0 Weight 69 lbs
grab Wort and drag him down an ally. If
they don’t follow Wort is killed and his
body is found the next day showing obvious Wort’s only friends are animals, he has
signs of torture. found he can communicate with them and
they treat him nicely and look on him as a
Confronting the men will lead to a short friend. A lot of what he finds are things the
scuffle with two trying to delay the part and animals bring to him. He will be hesitant to
two trying to escape with Wort. reveal that he is a beastmaster for fear of
being ridiculed.
Bandits (4)
Align – CE, AC – 8 (leather), Hit Points – 6,
Once the party has a chance to actually look The trip can be as eventful or uneventful as
inside the scroll tube they find two things. the DM wants. If an encounter is warranted
One is the legend of King Gunnar use the following encounter tables:
Hamundarson (see handout 1) the other is
the picture Wort was talking about. It is a DAYTIME TUNDRA TRAVEL
map that leads to somewhere or something (Roll d100 each morning, afternoon, and
in the Deadlands on Northcrown. evening. 50% nothing occurs, 50% you roll
on table)
To determine where the map actually 1 - pack of 3d4 wolves attacks
leads a successful Orienteering check 2 - pack of 3d4 wolves keeps a distance and
must be made at a -4 due to the follows party for a few hours, but eventually
ancientness of the map. leaves
3 - 1d4 deer at a distance (doe + fawns, 50%
A successful Ancient History heck will
chance includes big stag)
reveal the map and story are hundreds of
4 - snowshoe hare, very quick.
years old
5 - small freshwater spring, deliciously clean
A successful Blazoning check reveals that water. Special property: a long drink heals
the scroll tube actually bears the seal of 1d4 hp.
Gunnar Hamundarson. 6 – Berserkers (monster not class)
7 - strong and warm south-western wind
(disadvantage on ranged, etc)
The Trip to the Deadlands 8 - light, gentle snowfall covers all tracks in
1d4 hours.
Now the party has an ancient map that leads 9 - white arctic fox follows party, very
to an important ancient site. They also curious, will come hang out with successful
might be suspicious of the intentions of the animal handle
four men who tried to kidnap Wort. Wort 10 - rocky hole in the ground leading to a
also now wants to go with the party to find mysterious underground cavern, Wendigo
out where the map leads. lair
11 - 1d4 deer at a distance (doe and fawns,
The location on the map is about 350 miles 50% chance includes big stag)
away from where the party is over frozen 12 - strong and very cold northern wind
tundra. They will be able to purchase (disadvantage on ranged, etc)
mounts in the town, riding rams or 13 - Some sort of interesting building
snowmanes. They will be able to purchase
14 - Enormous stone monolith covered in
other equipment for their trek as well. Wort elaborate and mysterious runes. 50’ anti-
has no equipment, supplies or anything. He magic radius.
doesn’t even have money to afford those 15 - 1d4 winter wolves
16 - small fast moving stream, full of swift-
swimming silver cold-tail
17 - large male polar bear keeps distance, 6 - strong and very cold northern wind, 50%
50/50 it feels bold and approaches. Low chance the campfire gets blown out
morale. 7 - very thick, heavy snowfall obscures
18 - 1d3 small bear cubs. Each round 25% visibility, covers all tracks within 3d6
chance that an enraged mother ar bear shows minutes.
up, she never flees. 8 - the cackling laughter of an old woman is
19 - very thick, heavy snowfall obscures heard beyond the firelight, but nobody can
visibility, covers all tracks within 3d6 be found
minutes. 9 - a strange traveller approaches and asks to
20 - 2d4 bandits. Hostile if they outnumber join the campfire (Forgotten God)
the party. 50% chance vikings, 50% chance 10 - 3d4 bandits, work with the ones from
dwarves town
Vikings 11 - ice troll attacks.
Align – CE, AC – 5 (Chainmail), Hit Points
– 8, # of Att – 1, Dmg – 1d8 (longword) or 12 - a burly smilodon watches the camp
1d6 (axe), THAC0 – 20, Morale – Average from safe distance, intimidated by the
(9), XP – 15 campfire. Perception check to notice its
reflective eyes peering at the sentry from the
Dwarves darkness. If there is no fire, the smilodon
Align – CE, AC – 4 (Chainmail and shield), attacks.
Hit Points – 6, # of Att – 1, Dmg – 1d6 (axe) Vikings
or 1d4 (hammer), THAC0 – 20, Morale – Align – CE, AC – 5 (Chainmail), Hit Points
Average (9), XP – 15 – 8, # of Att – 1, Dmg – 1d8 (longword) or
1d6 (axe), THAC0 – 20, Morale – Average
(9), XP – 15
(Roll d100 once or twice each night. 50% Align – CE, AC – 4 (Chainmail and shield),
nothing occurs. 50% you roll on table) Hit Points – 6, # of Att – 1, Dmg – 1d6 (axe)
or 1d4 (hammer), THAC0 – 20, Morale –
1 - wolves howling in the darkness, roll Average (9), XP – 15
perception checks to build suspense, but no
attack Once the party has reached The Scarred
Lands and Deadlands the encounters will
2 - same as above, except a snarling pack of change in type. Less animals will be
3d4 hungry wolves really does attack encountered and more of the monstrous type
3 - lone polar bear comes nosing around, of encounters. In those lands use the
easily scared off but will surprise maul following encounter tables:
someone if no sentry
4 - aurora borealis dances in the sky above The Scarred Lands/ Deadlands
and provides a +1 bonus to all dice rolls for
magic stuff (Roll d100 once or twice each night. 50%
nothing occurs. 50% you roll on table)
5 - noses assaulted by a terrible smell with
no discernible source, Con or barf 1. 1d4 Winter Wolves attack
2. Ice troll attacks
3. Remorhaz
4. Wendigo as belonging mainly to Trollocs, with
5. Polar Bear other normal creatures thrown in.
6. Ice Bear
7. Ice Toad
8. Ice Slug (Haundar) As the party starts following the trails there
9. Ice Worm (Hauns) is a 1 in 8 chance o encounter a Trolloc
10. Ice Spire Ogre raiding party, this check can occur as often
11. Tundra Arlyss as the DM wishes. Along the trails the party
12. Berserker will see strange sign posts made of ice,
13. Trolloc wood and skulls. While these totems make
14. Cauldron Born sense to Trollocs, the party has no chance of
15. Trollocs figuring what they mean. There are 4
16. Ice Dragon (one time only requires different raiding party types a party can
specific write up) encounter. They are detailed below:
17. Berserkers (monster not class)
18. Frost Giant Raiding Party 1
19. Artic Owlbear
20. Sabre-Tooth, Superior 5 Trolloc grunts
AL – CE, AC 4,HP – 17, 9, 15, 12, 14
#At – 1 Dmg – 1d8+1 (+3) (battle axe) or
The Deadlands
2d4+1 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 17,
You have traveled for many days, roughly XP – 175 ea
25 days, since starting out. You have
reached what you think is the spot marked
on the map. Raiding Party 2
As you look around all you see is snow, ice 10 Trolloc Grunts
and more snow and ice with mountains. To AL – CE, AC 4,HP – 17, 9, 15, 12, 14, 13,
the west you see what you think is smoke 10, 9, 12, 17
from campfires and everywhere else nothing #At – 1 Dmg – 1d8+1 (+3) (battle axe) or
but glaring white. 2d4+1 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 17,
XP – 175 ea
You seem to be where the map directed but
nothing is here. 1 Trolloc Veteran
AL – CE, AC – 2,HP – 22
#At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+2 (battle axe) or 2d4+2
An Orienteering check must be made in (bastard sword), THAC0 – 15, XP – 420 ea
an attempt to locate reference points on
Band - Dhjin'nen
the map

If the party is successful in locating Raiding Party 3

reference points they a rough direction o go. 8 Trolloc Veterans
As they start off they soon find trails from AL – CE, AC 2,HP – 19, 22 x 2, 23 x 2, 24,
some unknown creatures. 27 x2
#At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+2 (+3) (battle axe) or
2d4+2 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 15,
A Ranger or Scout can attempt a
XP – 420 ea
Tracking roll and can identify the tracks
Raiding Party 4 2d4+2 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 15,
10 Trolloc Grunts XP – 420 ea
AL – CE, AC 4,HP – 17, 9, 15, 12, 14, 13, 5 Trolloc Elite
10, 9, 12, 17 AL – CE, AC 0,HP – 24, 30, 31, 32, 37
#At – 1 Dmg – 1d8+2 (+3) (battle axe) or #At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+3 (+3) (battle axe) or
2d4+1 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 17, 2d4+3 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 13,
XP – 175 ea XP – 975 ea
5 Trolloc Veteran Trolloc Commander
AL – CE, AC 2,HP – 19, 22 x 2, 23 x 2 AL – CE, AC -2,HP – 51
#At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+2 (+3) (battle axe) or #At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+4 (+3) (battle axe) or
2d4+2 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 15, 2d4+4 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 11,
XP – 420 ea XP – 3,000
1 Trolloc Elite Trolloc Witch Doctor
AL – CE, AC 0,HP – 30 AL – CE, AC 0,HP – 37
#At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+3 (+3) (battle axe) or #At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+3 (+3) (battle axe) or
2d4+3 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 13, 2d4+3 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 13,
XP – 975 ea XP – 3,000 ea
Raiding Party 5 Druid – Detect Magic (1st)
5 Trolloc Elite Entangle x2 (1st)
AL – CE, AC 0,HP – 24, 30, 31, 32, 37 Charm Person or Mammal (2nd)
#At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+3 (+3) (battle axe) or Cure Light Wounds (2nd)
2d4+3 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 13, Call Lightning (3rd)
XP – 975 ea Cleric – Protection from Good (1st)
Command (1st)
Raiding Party 6 Augury (2nd)
If your day did not suck before this it does Flame Blade (2nd)
now, there is only one of these encounters, Animate Dead (3rd)
after the first time treat all six as fives. This Arcane – Arcane Bolt (1st)
is a Trolloc Commander and honor guard Power Word Pain (1st)
with a witch doctor headed to perform a Power Word Sicken (2nd)
religious ritual. They are of the Dhai'mon Summon Animal Guardian (2nd)
Band. Power Word Distract (3rd)
20 Trolloc Grunts There are four trails that the party can take,
AL – CE, AC 4,HP – 17 x4, 9x4, 15x2, each lead to a different encounter.
12x4, 14x2, 13x2, 10x2,
#At – 1 Dmg – 1d8+1 (+3) (battle axe) or Encounter 1 Rollo’s Bones
2d4+1 (+3) (bastard sword), THAC0 – 17, After traveling on Trail 1 the party will
XP – 175 ea come to a ravine. The edges of the ravine
10 Trolloc Veterans are marked with strange totems. The totems
AL – CE, AC 2,HP – 19, 20, 22 x 2, 23 x 3, consist of thick wooden shafts with
24, 27 x2 numerous skulls on each one. Each of the
#At – 1, Dmg – 1d8+2 (+3) (battle axe) or totem shafts are marked with the following
symbols: a hooked axe, a dagger-pierced by priests as if he were a spectre and may be
skull, a horned skull, an iron fist, a skull harmed by holy water, which does 2d4
cloven by a scythe-curved sword, piled points of damage per vial.
human skulls, a flaming goat skull, a man After spending one round to assume a
shape wrapped in flame, forked lightning, a semicorporeal form, Rollo attacks as bear. In
blood-red enameled trident, and a red, this state, however, its claws, fangs, or other
blood-stained fist natural weapons will not harm the living.
The totems line the ravine for at least a mile The ethereal touch of such an animal causes
in either direction. If the party decides to those hit by it to age 5-20 (5d4) years.
investigate the ravine a successful search When in his ethereal state, Rollo can only
will reveal a set of bones, laid out as if the be combated by another in the Ethereal
being had just laid down to sleep and died. plane. If this is the case, he has an Armor
The bones are covered by snow and ice, Class of 8. He can be attacked by spells, but
frozen to the ground. Surrounding the only if the caster is also ethereal. Any living
blanket are an old, old axe and sword. The thing killed by Rollo is drained of its life
leather wrappings around the hafts of the essence and is dead beyond the power of
axe and the sword hilt have long since rotted normal magic to revive. No force other than
away. A horned metal helm lies just above a wish can breathe life into someone slain in
the skeleton’s head.The items are rusted and this manner.
covered in dirt. If the party defeats Rollo, they can search
“As you examine the bones the hairs raise the area. If they specifically search the
on the back of your neck begin to go up. bones and roll a 1 on a d8 they find a
You slowly turn around and find yourself blanket that is wrapped around something
face to face with glowing, semitransparent and an amulet that was once on the
bear with burning red eyes; it bears wounds skeleton’s neck.
along its torso.” The amulet bears the symbol of a bear and is
Bear Ghost (Rollo) composed of iron. This is Rollo’s personal
Align – LE, AC 0 or 8, HP 36, THAC0 –
15, #Att – 3, Dmg 1d3/1d3/1d6, Etheral; XP If the party frees the blanket from the
– 2,000 ground they will find a sword wrapped up in
it. This is the Sword of Kings a powerful
Magic Items – Axe of Etherealness (allows magic item.
wielder to become ethereal 1x a day), Silver
Sword (+2 to hit) Sword of Kings
- longsword, overall length 39.5” and
An amulet of a roaring bear is around the weighs 3.5 lbs.
skeleton’s neck.
- Jeweled hilt
Rollo has bonded with the spirit of the bear - Mighty (+1 to STR)
that gave him his power as a berserker. He - of the Mammoth (+20 hp)
appears as a huge glowing bear with human - Greater Bane of Trollocs (+1d8 damage to
eyes that glow red. He still bears his Trollocs)
wounds from being killed.
- Keen Edged (Critical hit on a natural 19 or
While semicorporeal, Rollo has an Armor 20)
Class of 0 and can be struck only by silver
or magical weapons. Spells cast upon him XP – 6,400 GP – 32,000+
will affect it normally. Rollo can be turned
Encounter 2 Wendigo • a skull cloven by a scythe-curved
The trail you have followed leads to a large sword
cavern opening; there are bones around the • piled human skulls
entrance. • a flaming goat skull
A Ranger or Scout can roll their tracking • a man shape wrapped in flame
and identify the bones as animal and • forked lightning
humanoid. • a blood-red enameled trident
• a red, blood-stained fist
There is no sound coming from the area or
the cave itself. If the party heads into the
Each totem is covered in skulls and bones
cave it is beautiful.
and carved sigils. There are flat areas in
“Ice covers the walls and icicle stalagmites front of each totem and what can only be
and stalactites gleam as crystals. The ice considered an altar. There are rust colored
has formed into strange and wondrous stains on all of the alters and pits behind
shapes taking your breath away. As you them filled with bones, some that still have
walk and look you notice some of the ice flesh attached.
has a different color. The closer you look
the ice has taken on a red translucent color. This is sacred ground for the Trollocs,
As you stare at it, you suddenly realize this fortunately there is no ceremony occurring
is frozen blood. What is in this cave?” at this time. The entirety of the place reeks
The Yeti watches the party until they see the of evil magic and the darkest necromancy.
blood ice and then attacks. This is an unholy site and that any cleric of a
good deity will want nothing more than to
Wendigo (Yeti)
destroy it.
Align – CE, AC 8 (7), HD 12, HP #,
As the party explorers this unholy site they
THAC0 9, # Att 1, DMG 1d8, Special Hug
find they are not alone. A skeleton is
(2d8) on a 19 or 20, S – Large, Morale 17,
wandering the site as well; smashing items
XP 3,000
as it finds them. The skeleton carries a
Encounter 3 Hallowed Ground bardiche with strange sigils along the blade
You have come to an area that has obviously and it wears a metal helm. The tattered
been manipulated by living beings. The remains of a fur cloak hangs from the
land has been tamped down, flattened as skeleton’s shoulders.
best it could. Large rocks have been stacked
and arraigned in concentric patterns.
Obvious pathways have been worn Skeleton Hero (Thorvold)
throughout the area. Large totems have Align – CE, AC 2, HP 22, THAC0 16, #Att
been erected around this area. There are 12 – 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
totems each with a different symbol carved Charm and cold and electrical damage.
into them. The 12 symbols are: Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
• a silver whirlwind
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
• a hooked axe XP - 270
• a dagger-pierced skull
• a horned skull Magic Items – Valiant Bardiche (+3 to AC)
• an iron fist XP – 1,500 GP – 7,500
An amulet with a wolf and axe can be found b. This is the main area of the western
around the skeleton’s neck barbican where troops would stand watch. In
Encounter 4 Fortress Graywatch the western wall is a portcullis that leads to
battlement over the western gate. There is a
You have followed this trail and have found door in the north (which you entered from)
the ruins of an old fortress. It sits on a slight and one in the south wall.
hill that overlooks what must have been a
road at one time. No gates remain but the Standing near the battlements is a skeleton,
stone walls still seem to be intact. Cold it seems to be watching for something, it’s
winds blow across you and you think you head turns slightly as you enter. A horned
see figures moving on the walls. As you try helm is on its head and a and a gleaming axe
for a better look a heavy snow begins to fall is in it’s hand.
obscuring your sight.
Skeleton Hero (Halfden the Black)
Fortress Graywatch Align – CE, AC 5, HP 17, THAC0 16, #Att
You have reached the fortress. Cold winds – 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
race through the building chill you despite Charm and cold and electrical damage.
your clothing. A heavy snow falls limiting Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
your vision. Drifts of snow pile outside weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
fortress. damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
XP - 270
Magic Items – Orange Axe (+1 save vs
DM – all windows to the fortress are broken, Lightning)
snow piles up in any room that has an
opening to the outside. The interior XP – 400 GP – 2,000
courtyard is a mix of snow and ice spots. An amulet with a wolf shield on it can be
Random dexterity checks should be rolled at found around the skeleton’s neck.
-2 to insure a PC does not slip and fall due
to a hidden ice patch.
The door in the south wall leads to a smaller
room with another door in the southern wall.
Upper Floor This room is empty.
This is the top floor of the fortress, the c. This is a large room; broken furniture and
library and living quarters of the former ruble litter the floor. There is window in the
occupants. western wall and a door in the south wall.
d. This room has the remains of wooden
1. Western Barbican frame against the eastern wall a door in the
western wall that leads a tower.
a. You have entered the western barbican,
which sits over the western gate. You have
entered a room with bar next to stairs, a 2. Eastern Barbican
table behind the bar and two benches in a. You have entered the first of the rooms
front of the bar. There is a window in the belonging to the eastern barbican. There are
western wall. There is a door in the south door in the northern, eastern and western
wall and the eastern wall, with stairs leading wall as with most rooms you have found this
down along the north wall. one is empty of anything save rubble.
b. You find yourself outside on part of the f. There is a skeleton here looking at
battlements. There are stairs to the east and something on the table, it turns toward you
a portcullis to the south. Through the as you enter.
portcullis you see a larger battlement and Rusted armor covers its right arm and rusted
directly across another portcullis. greaves are on its legs. It picks a LARGE
c & d. This large open area from which a axe up from the table and takes a fighting
good view of what was once the road to the stance.
main gate. There is a portcullis in the eastern Skeleton Here Aslaug
wall through which is large space directly
over the gate. Align – CE, AC 5, HP 18, THAC0 16, #Att
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
In the open area stands a skeleton, a winged Charm and cold and electrical damage.
helm on his head Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
Skeleton Hero (Denewulf) weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
Align – CE, AC 4, HP 18, THAC0 16, #Att damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and XP - 270
Charm and cold and electrical damage.
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged Magic Items: Subduing Bardiche (foe save
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8 vs. spell or suffer a +5 initiative penalty for
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths 1d4 rounds XP – 2,000 GP – 10,000
XP - 270
An amulet of a leaping wolf can be found
around its neck.
Magic Items – Sturdy Hammer (+1 AC) h. Gauderobe
XP – 400 GP – 2,000, n. Upper Keep.
Sword of Thought (allows wielder to read This spaces houses a large private area for
thoughts) XP – 3,000 GP – 15,000 the former lord of the keep. A skeleton
An amulet of a winged wolf can be found stands here facing you, spiked vambraces
around the skeleton’s neck cover its hands and clawed greaves covers
its legs and feet. In either hand it wields
glowing axes, the one in his right hand has
e. This room also has no roof and only glowing purple sigils and the one in his left
battlements. glows with a cold blue light. Around its
torso is strange belt with a tusked metal
3. There is a large hole in the floor what was skull in its center.
here before can be determined.
A – L Were barracks rooms that the garrison Skeleton Hero Borg
used while stationed here. Rotted wooden Align – CE, AC 1, HP 17, THAC0 16, #Att
bed frames and rubble fill these rooms. – 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
Charm and cold and electrical damage.
e. Gauderobe Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
XP - 270
Magic Items – Axe of 6th level arcane spell damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
(30 Charges) right hand, XP – 3,000 GP – XP – 1,400
15,000; Green Axe (+1 save vs. poison) left
hand XP – 400 GP – 2,000; Saintly Belt (+4 Spells: 4/2/1
AC, +5 vs. missiles) XP – 2,500 GP –
12,500 Magic Items: Meteoric Staff of Osmosis
An amulet of a wolf sleeping is around its (+5 to hit, 5 spells per day may be
neck. memorized as if they were one level lower)
4. The Chapel Gallery. xp – 5,500 gp – 27,500
A gallery runs around most of this room First Floor
allowing one view the chapel below.
This is the main area of the fortress. It is
5. Library where the main barracks, eating and stables
can be found.
This was once the library of this small
fortress, what books or maps used to be here 6. Western Gate House
have long since rotted away. However,
there still remains a wooden chair, sitting in This is the office of the sergeant of the
the chair facing the door is a skeleton in guard, where people coming in this gate
tattered robes. It rises as if to welcome you, were brought to before they were allowed
a glowing staff in its hand. into the main keep. A skeleton sits behind
the desk in the remains of armor. It is just a
skeleton, nothing special about it.
There is a door in the western wall that leads
to a storage area with stairs leading up.

7. Eastern Gate House

This gate is where the large wagons would
enter the fortress. There are stables on
either side of the gate. There are also stairs
leading up to the eastern barbican.

8. The Keep
This is where the commander of the keep
resided. They had the largest living area of
the fortress. It had a private dining area and
bed room. There was a separate storage area
Skeleton Warlock (5th level Geomancer) also just for the Fortress Commander.
Align – CE, AC 7, HP 27, THAC0 14, #Att The Keep is filled with the rotted remains of
– 1, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and once ornate furniture and tapestries. There
Charm and cold and electrical damage. are holes in the ceiling and the windows
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged have no barriers. As you explore the rooms,
you are confronted by a skeleton in the
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
tattered remains of a cape, a huge helmet used for sacrifices. There are two skeletons
with one huge horn on the left side with the in here, one is in front of the alter dressed in
right horn broken off. It wields a two tattered robes and is acting in some macabre
handed scimitar as it moves to confront you. parody of a priest, while handing the other
skeleton a strange sword while it kneels
before it to receive the sword.
Skeleton Hero Siguard
Skeleton Hero Eyvind
Align – CE, AC 5, HP 42, THAC0 16, #Att
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and Align – CE, AC 5, HP 20, THAC0 16, #Att
Charm and cold and electrical damage. – 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged Charm and cold and electrical damage.
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8 Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
XP - 270 damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
XP - 270
Magic Items – Azure great scimitar of the
Colossus (+2 save vs. spells, +30 hp) Magic Items – Blue Yatang of Excellence
(+1 save vs cold, base minimum damage is
XP – 5,400 GP – 27,000 4) XP – 1,900 GP – 9,500
An amulet with a white wolf is around its
Skeleton Vicar 5th level cleric
Align – CE, AC 5, HP 30, THAC0 16, #Att
9. Residential Quarters – 1, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
This area was where the residents of the Charm and cold and electrical damage.
fortress slept. The rooms have multiple bed Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
remains but nothing else. There is one large weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
area the must have been some sort of damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
common area.
Magic Items – Sapphire Mace of 3rd Level
10. Trophy Corridor Spell (+4 save vs cold, -50% damage from
This large area has rusted shield on the wall cold and casts a third level cleric spell, 65
with others having fallen from the wall and charges) XP – 3,100 GP- 15,500
lay on the floor. Rusted weapons are in
cases or in pieces around the room. 12. Armory
Preserved heads of animals are attached to
the wall in several places. All have plaques There is no doubt what this room used to be,
that would have told someone what these rusted pieces of weapons with wooden
were but they have all worn away due to shelves and armor stands. Litter the room.
age. This was obviously the armory of the
A skeleton is examining a two handed sword
11. Defiled Chapel as you walk in. A three horned helm sits on
This was the chapel of the fortress, its head pieces of armor still being worn by
dedicated to the god ?. It has been this skeleton reveal it to have been a woman.
desecrated and defiled, evil symbols adorn
the walls and the alter has obviously been
In the back corner of the armory there is an over the skeleton cracks as it raises its sword
armor stand. A suit of full plate is on it. It is and attacks.
covered in frost, snow and grime. If it is Skeleton Hero Eilisif
cleaned it is revealed to be a suit of Gothic
Plate. Align – CE, AC 5, HP 18, THAC0 16, #Att
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
Under this suit of armor is trap door leading Charm and cold and electrical damage.
down to area 23. Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
Treasure – Gothic Plate of Swiftness (-3 to weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
initiative when wearing this armor) xp - damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
1000, gp 50000 XP - 270
Magic Items – Warlock Greatsword (+15%
Skeleton Hero Lagertha (found in room Magic Resistance) XP – 3,000 GP –
12) 15,000
Align – CE, AC 5, HP 17, THAC0 16, #Att An amulet of a black wolf can be found
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and around its neck.
Charm and cold and electrical damage.
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged 14. Kitchen
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths The cracked remains of iron ovens are found
XP - 270 in this room, along with rotted tables and
chairs. There are storage areas and hooks
for meat. This was the kitchen, snow drifts
Magic Items – Two Handed Sword of here as is it does in other rooms.
Health (-1 point of damage per attack) XP – A search will reveal stairs leading down to
500 GP – 2,500, Glorious sword of the the basement (coming out in area 24). There
Ages (+3 AC, cannot be damaged or is nothing of interest or worth here.
destroyed) XP – 3,000 GP – 15,000
15. Traveler’s Guesthouse
An amulet of an attacking wolf is around its
neck. You have come to a long, straight hallway
that is dotted by doors on either side.
Unfortunately at the end of the hall is a
13. The Great Hall broken wind. This, with the shape of the
This was once the dining hall of the fortress, hallway act as funnel for a bone chilling
the remains of tables and chairs are littered wind that hits full on.
about, there are doors in the north, west and -4 to missile attacks in the hallway and -2
east walls. Snow drifts through the room to AC due the chill setting into the PCs
stirred by wind through the broken bones.
windows. The wind also stirs the snow There are a total of six individual rooms
around the feet of a gleaming skeleton. here. It seems to have been some sort of
There remains no tattered, cloth or rusted guest chambers. The last room on the north
armor on this skeleton. But in its hands, wall is a gauderobe.
point to the floor is a great sword.
There is nothing but rubble in all but the
As you enter the room the room there is a middle room in the north wall.
loud cracking sound, ice that has formed
As the PCs enter that room they see the All must roll Dex check at -2 or fall. If
following: they fall they must roll another Dex check
“A skeleton is slowing banging its head into at -3 to get back up. Attacks and AC are
the wall here. Every so often it will stop, tilt all at -2 in here due to the ice.
its head back and wail (yes it makes noise) Hidden under the remains of one of the
then start hitting the wall again. It hold to tubes the party can find and unstrung
axes in its hands and does not seem to have longbow. The wood is frozen and it must be
noticed you yet.” thawed out before it can be restrung or it
could break (save required)
This is the skeleton hero of Floki and it is Treasure: Oracular Long War Bow
trying to go berserk as it has vague (constantly detects invisible) xp 1,000
memories of being able to do this before. gp 5, 000

Skeleton Hero (Floki) found in room 15 18. Well in Inner Ward

Align – CE, AC 1, HP 14, THAC0 16, #Att This is the well of the keep, despite the
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and temperature the flowing underground river it
Charm and cold and electrical damage. gets water from is not frozen. Stuck in the
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged side of the well, 5 feet down is a spear,
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8 Treasure: Spear of Speed (wielder always
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths wins initiative) xp 2,000 gp 10,000
XP - 270
Magic Items – Mighty Axe (+1 to STR)
right hand XP – 1,000 GP – 5,000 19. Roofed Walkway
Anarchic Axe left hand This is a covered walkway stretching down
part of the interior walls of the fortress. The
- Chaotic Alignment blowing snow and wind make it hard to see
- +2d6 damage to Lawfully anything. Walking out of the snow and
Aligned beings from under this walkway is a skeleton two
- -1 level to any Lawfully aligned handed sword is held at the ready. The
being that picks it up remains of boots with spike metal tips are on
- XP – 400 GP – 2,000 its feet and it wears the remains of female
16. Gain Storage armor. There is a sword hilt jutting over its
This room is filled with rotted remains of right shoulder.
grain and containers. There are stairs leading
up to another level of storage. Skeleton Hero Blaeju room 19
Only frozen weevils can be found here. Align – CE, AC 5, HP 16, THAC0 16, #Att
– 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
17. Laundry and Bath Charm and cold and electrical damage.
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged
This chamber has bathing tubes in it and a weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8
stone obviously set up for washing clothes. damage from holy water, turned as wraiths
The floor is covered in snow, under which is XP - 270
a thick sheet of ice.
Magic Items – Axe of the Leech (a hit heals Chest 1
wielder 1d4 hp) XP – 1,500 GP – 7,500, 7,000 sp
Platinum Sword (+3 to hit, +4 to hit vs.
undead and demonic creatures) XP – 1,750 2,000 gp
GP – 8,750 Chest 2
An amulet of silver and amethyst is around Star Sapphire: Translucent blue with white
its neck (the wolf is of amethyst. star highlights (5,000 gp)
20. Herb Garden Star Ruby: Translucent ruby with white star
This large patch of land is fenced off, or at highlights (10,000 gp)
least was at one time. The only part the
remains of the fence is a petrified fence post Chest 3
with one slat sticking out of it. 4,000 cp
The PCs will not be able to figure out what
this ground was used for without digging Chest 4
through the snow, ice and dirt. Only then
will they determine it was a garden. A small platinum statue of a flute. It was
done in a particular artist's style. It is in
excellent condition. 6,000 go
21. Buttery and Supplies A small gold sculpture depicting a meeting
involving a solidly-built druid and a rabbit.
This was a service room holding barrels, 4,000gp
bottles, or butts of alcoholic drink were
stored, and from which they were served
into the Great Hall. Now this area has A small wooden sculpture of a needle and
crumbling walls and petrified wooden thread. It was done in a gloomy style. It is in
barrels. very good condition. 10 gp
There is one barrel still intact of frozen A medium-sized marble sculpture of a pine
wine. If care is taken in its thawing, the tree. It is in decent condition. 200 gp
wine would still be good and fetch a hefty
price to the right buyer.
22. Arched Room 23. Dungeon Cells
This large room has crumbling walls and Jail cells, there is no other words for these.
frozen, wooden pillars throughout. What This is obviously where prisoners were held
most adventures will see are the chests. when this fortress was active. And it seems
the jailer is still here. Walking around the
Against the southern wall covered in a thick corner is a skeleton with a large shoulder
layer of ice are four chests. The ice is about guard on and bone gauntlets made of some
4 feet thick and you can just make out the unknown creature. It wields a an axe with a
chests. If the party attempt to chop through black blade and a golden skull.
the ice, the noise will bring Ragnar Lothbrok
from area 23.
If fire is used it will take days to melt the Skeleton Hero Ragnar Lothbrok
ice. If they do this is what the chests Align – CE, AC 5, HP 17, THAC0 16, #Att
contain: – 2, Dmg by weapons; Immune to Sleep and
Charm and cold and electrical damage. Failure to complete their mission will insure
Takes only 1 point of damage from edged their spirits will forever remain locked in the
weapons, but full damage from blunt. 2d8 cold.
damage from holy water, turned as wraiths If the sword is returned with the marks of
XP - 270 office to the dais by one who bears the blood
Magic Items – Shattering 2-H Axe (on a of the sword and the blessing recited by the
Natural 20 whatever it strikes must save or priest of Conmhaighe, those that served the
shatter) XP – 1,000 GP – 5,000, Muscular sword may once again rise to service.”
Gauntlets (minimum damage is 2 for melee
attacks) xp 500, gp 2,500
The meaning of this story is that for all the
An amulet of a raging wolf can be found berserkers, including Rollo to actually find
around its neck peace their amulets and the Sword of King
must be placed on the altar in the fortress. If
24. Empty Anteroom not they will continue to be revived as
undead creatures.
You have come down the stars from the
kitchen and entered into a cold, empty room. If an actual descendant of King Gunnar is
The stone walls have crumbled here a bit found and they return the sword to the alter
and there does not appear to be anything will a priest of Conmhaige of at least 12th
here. level blesses the whole proceeding, the 13
berserkers will be resurrected to serve and
protect the descendant.
A. If the party explores this room in the The descendant may one of the PCs or some
small area marked A and rolls a 1 on a d12 unknown person; it is up to the PCs what
they will find, hidden in a crevice in the they wish to do. If they decide to look for
wall, a small object wrapped in rags which the descendant it will take months if not
are frozen solid. If care is used the rags can years and when they return the berserkers
be carefully removed to reveal a book. will have been returned to their undead
The book requires an ancient language status but Rollo will now be a full ghost and
proficiency roll or a Thief’s Read Language the other 12 will now be Skeleton Lords.
ability. If the party is able to interpret the
book they can read the following.

“The spirit totems will protect the souls of

those sworn to the sword. If they fall
without insuring the sword is safe their
spirits will forever seek to complete their
They can never rest until the sword has been
returned to the dais from which it was given.
Once returned with the marks of their office,
the spirits shall be release, blessed by
completing their sacred duty.
Appendix I Effects of Weather the sun, there is a period of time each year
when the arctic region is in continual
Arctic climate prevails in latitudes from 90 daylight; at any time during the planet's
degrees (the north or south pole) to 66 rotation, the arctic is tilted toward the sun.
degrees (the approximate location of the The converse of this is the long arctic winter
Arctic Circle). In this text, "arctic" refers to night (the "noon moon"?), when for an equal
the Polar Regions in both the northern and length of time in autumn and winter the
southern hemispheres (and the same general region is tilted away from the sun and is in
rule applies to subarctic described below). constant twilight. This difference in the
The arctic is, in a word, c-c-cold. The amount of daylight each day occurs at all
temperature sometimes rises to tolerable latitudes, of course (except right at the
levels in the height of summer, but for most equator, where day and night are of virtually
of the year the arctic region is so frigid that identical length), but only in the arctic are
it is essentially uninhabitable, except by the extremes of all-night days and all-day
characters who are outfitted for survival in nights realized. (See the Hours of Daylight
the deep freeze (and. of course. by creatures Table in the Optional Rules section for more
and monsters that are adapted to - and might information.)
even thrive in · this kind of climate). The
winds In this area generally blow from east Subarctic climate is typical of areas from 65
to west and seldom reach greater than degrees latitude to 51 degrees. {In the
moderate velocity (1 5-20 mph) except northern hemisphere, the southern boundary
during storms. However, even a light breeze of this area roughly describes the border
can make a drastic difference in effective between the United States and Canada.)
temperature when it is bitterly cold to begin Winters are long and cold, but there is also a
with; see the section below on wind chill season that can legitimately be described as
and its effects. In every other climatic area, summer; daytime temperatures during the
the amount of precipitation a certain locale warm part of the year may reach or exceed
receives depends on the time of year, the 80 degrees. Winds are somewhat more
type of terrain in the locale, or both. But in active here than in the arctic. In the winter,
the arctic, time of year makes no appreciable winds usually blow from the arctic or on a
difference and terrain distinctions are for the westerly angle from the arctic (northwest in
most part irrelevant since everything is the northern hemisphere, southwest in the
covered with ice. (On the Temperature southern hemisphere), while in the summer
Variation Table below, the entries are a prevailing westerly or tropical west wind
identical for arctic hills and arctic (southwest in the northern hemisphere,
mountains, and also for arctic desert and northwest in the southern hemisphere) is
arctic plains; temperatures for an arctic more often the case.
forest area are not given, since vegetation of
the normal sort cannot survive in this Clothing
climate.) Precipitation in the arctic is usually
very light if it exists at all. Very cold clothing provides good protection
from the elements at temperatures below 0
A phenomenon unique to the arctic is the degrees. This category includes thick
"midnight sun, which occurs during spring garments such as parkas and trousers made
and summer. Because the Earth rotates from the furs of animals that are accustomed
around an axis that is tilted with respect to to very cold weather (bears, wolves, etc.).
Extremely important is the quality of dissipating too quickly, and they act as good
insulation the clothing provides; the clothing protection against the wind. Some kind of
should fit loosely, so that air can circulate heavy garment, regardless of how it fits or
between the body and the garment. This air what it is made of, is certainly better than
is warmed by the body, and in turn helps to nothing in cold or very cold temperatures.
keep the body warm; in other words, the Cold clothing has an encumbrance value
garment itself doesn't have to do all the equivalent to that of ring mail (fairly bulky,
"work" of protecting the body from 250 gp ), and an outfit of such clothing will
freezing. The equivalent of very cold cost about 7 SP.
clothing can be obtained by wearing two Moderate clothing covers a wide range of
layers of cold clothing or four layers of garments, since the category includes
moderate clothing. As a rule, multiple layers anything that keeps a character comfortable
of relatively thin clothing provide more at temperatures from 31 to 75 degrees. At
insulation (and thus more warmth) than a the lower end of this range (up to around
single garment equivalent in thickness to the 50 degrees), common sense dictates that
multiple layers. some kind of light or moderately thick outer
However, in extremely cold temperatures garment is necessary (in addition to normal
there is no substitute for a thick, bulky clothing of the sort that would be worn in a
garment (presumably worn over at least one heated room). At the upper end of this range,
layer of normal-temperature clothing) to act characters can usually get by with nothing
as a shield between the character's body and more than the shirt (or tunic, or robe) on
the subzero temperature. Gloves or mittens, their back - except during rest stops and
heavy foot coverings, and face coverings are sleep periods, when a blanket or some
also recommended, and often necessary, to similar extra protection may be needed to
prevent a character's extremities from being keep the body from being uncomfortably
affected by the cold even if the greater chilled. Moderate clothing may have no
portion of his body is protected. Very cold encumbrance value at all (if the Dungeon
clothing has en encumbrance value Master considers it to be the same as a
equivalent to that of plate mail (bulky, 450 character's normal attire), or may be
gp), and an outfit of such clothing wi ll cost considered equivalent to leather am1or (non-
about 15 gp. bulky, 150 gp) if the clothing is relatively
Cold clothing offers adequate protection at heavy. An outfit of moderate clothing will
temperatures from O to 30 degrees. This usually cost no more than 3 gp.
clothing need not be made of animal furs;
often, a bulky and fairly thick garment of How to Use the Temperature Effects
woven fabric will suffice. Wool has the best Table
insulating qualities of any fabric that First, the Dungeon Master must determine
characters are likely to have access to; the the personal temperature for the character in
very fibers of a wool garment contain " question; see the section on Dressing for the
pockets" that add to the fabric's ability to Weather for details on how this value is
trap air. Canvas or some other tightly woven determined. Reading across on the
fabric is not nearly as good an insulator as appropriate line will give the effects of that
wool, because it does not allow air to temperature upon the physical abilities of
circulate through and under the garment. the character and some activities he may
However, tightly woven fabrics do help to attempt.
keep the body's natural warmth from Str: This column shows the reduction in a
character's strength score that applies for as
long as his personal temperature remains Attack Rolls shows the penalty on "to hit"
within the indicated range. Numbers to the and damage rolls that a character must take
left of the slash indicate the reduction if the when using either a missile weapon or a
character is performing nonstrenuous melee weapon at a certain personal
activity; numbers to the right of the slash are temperature. This penalty is cumulative with
used when the character is performing any penalties that may apply because of a
strenuous activity, or if such activity has reduction in strength. For instance, at a
been performed with in two turns. temperature of l 00 degrees a character with
Example: A character is walking along in an 1 7 strength is treated as if he had a strength
environment where his personal temperature score of l 6 or 15 (depending on the kind of
is 105 degrees. If he attempts to accomplish activity he is engaged in). This utomatically
something that requires a bend bars roll to prohibits him from enjoying the "to hit"
succeed, the success of the attempt is bonus that he would normally have by virtue
determined as if he had a strength of one of his 17 strength. In addition, he takes a
less than his actual score. (Any exceptional penalty of -2 on ''to hit" and damage rolls, as
strength score is reduced to a score of 18 for prescribed by this column of the table. A
purposes of this determination.) If the damage result can never be reduced below 1
character has been performing strenuous point as the result of these penalties.
activity, or has undertaken such activity All of the entries on this table assume that a
within two turns of the time of the bend bars character is appropriately attired and
attempt, then success is determined as if the outfitted for the temperature; for instance,
character had a strength of two less than his the dexterity penalties for cold temperatures
actual score. (Any exceptional strength score take into account the fact that a character has
is reduced to 17 for purposes of this wisely clothed himself and covered his
determination.) hands - reducing his mobility and flexibility,
The columns for flex and Con are used in but enabling him to avoid the possibly fatal
much the same way as the Str column: A effects that would occur if he was not
character's scores in these areas are lowered properly protected against the elements. The
by the indicated amount whenever an effects of the environment on a character
Ability Check or some other use of the who is not properly protected as described
ability score is required. For purposes of later in this section.
these determinations, percentile scores for a
cavalier or a paladin in dexterity and How to Use the Wind Velocity Effects
constitution are disregarded and only the Table
part of the score represented by a whole First, the Dungeon Master must know tJ1e
number is used. current wind velocity. This represents the
Land Move gives a fraction that represents maximum velocity that the wind can reach,
the amount of reduction a character must but does not mean that the wind blows
take in his normal maximum movement rate constantly at this maximum speed.
at a certain personal temperature. For Therefore, the Dungeon Master can decide
example, a character with a normal that, at any given moment, the wind velocity
maximum move of 12" can only move at 6" is less (perhaps considerably less) than the
in a personal temperature of -30 degrees or maximum speed it can reach. Of course, in
lower. Round all fractional results up to the most cases the characters would be
nearest whole number; half of 9" is 5", and immediately aware of any significant change
three-quarters of 6" is 5". in the wind velocity, and thus they should be
kept informed, in general terms, of what the
wind speed is at any time - especially during character's maximum movement rate when
combat, when a decision about whether or he attempts to travel directly into the wind.
not to loose an arrow may depend entirely If a character is moving perpendicular to
on how hard the wind is blowing. the wind direction, use the line pertaining to
Missile Combat gives the "to hit" the next lower velocity. This movement
adjustments for point blank, sho1t, medium, reduction applies for as long as the
and long range whenever a missile is maximum wind velocity remains at its
released during certain wind conditions. The current level; a character's movement rate
direction in which a missile is fired makes does not fluctuate with every momentary
no difference; an arrow sent sailing in the and temporary change in wind velocity.
same direction the wind is blowing is just as Example: The current maximum wind
likely to go off course as one fired at right velocity is 35 miles per hour, and the wind is
angles to the wind direction. An entry of blowing from the north. A character with a
"XX" in this column means " impossible"; movement rate of 12" who is traveling north
under normal circumstances, an intended is restricted to a maximum movement rate of
target cannot be hit. However, the Dungeon 8". lf he is traveling east or west, his
Master may decide to be more liberal in this movement rate is 9". When movement
determination (and if so, players should be reductions are indicated by both the
informed of this decision). For instance, he Temperature Effects Table and the Wind
may decide to allow a possibility, however Velocity Effects Table, use the greater of the
small, that an archer can hit what he aims at two reductions: If the temperature is 85 and
even if the target is at medium range in a the wind velocity is 40 mph, movement
wind of 35 miles per hour. Also, it is against the wind is reduced to 1/3 of
conceivable that an attacker could fire a normal.
missile at a clustered group of creatures and
hit something, even if he doesn't strike the Damage from Heat and Cold
creature he was aiming at. Determinations of ln addition to the effects of temperature on a
this sort depend upon the circumstances of character's ability to perform certain
an adventure or encounter, and the functions (see the Temperature Effects
preference of the Dungeon Master. All Table, above), extremely hot and cold
missile-combat penalties that apply are temperatures can also cause damage to a
cumulative with any other adjustments, character - sometimes even if he has taken
including those given under the "Attack every possible precaution to prevent such an
Rolls" column of the occurrence.
Temperature Effects Table. However, a character who has properly
Melee Combat gives the penalty on both "to outfitted himself and who allows the
hit" and damage rolls that applies at a conditions to govern his activity to some
certain wind velocity when a character degree has a smaller chance of suffering
engages in melee combat. These adjustments damage as a result of those conditions.
are cumulative with those given under the Unprotected characters are those of whom at
"Attack Rolls" column on the Temperature least one of the following things is true:
Effects Table; however, a damage roll can -Wearing very cold clothing in an effective
never be reduced below I point as the result temperature higher than 30 degrees
of these penalties. -Wearing cold clothing in an effective
Move vs. Wind gives a fraction that temperature lower than O degrees or higher
represents the amount of reduction in a than 50 degrees.
-Wearing moderate clothing in an effective
tempera­ture lower than 30 degrees or
higher than 80 degrees.
-Wearing hot clothing in an effective
temperature lower than 50 degrees.
-Wearing any metal armor (not including
studded leather) in an effective 1emperature
higher than 80 degrees regardless of

Any character who does not fit at least one

of those categories is protected and, as such,
has a reduced chance of suffering damage as
a direct result of exposure to the
Appendix II Monsters small prey over the larger variety, because
Wolf, Winter of the amount of energy required to run
Climate/Terrain: Arctic them down. Even then, they catch only the
Frequency: Very rare weak and sickly animals. Wolves usually
Organization: Pack hunt only one large quarry per week, per
Activity Cycle: Any pack, going without food for days at a time.
Diet: Carnivore During summer months, a single wolf can
Intelligence: Average (8-10) consume over 30 mice in a single day.
Treasure: I If a wolf or wolf pack is attacked by
Alignment: Neutral evil humans, they run away, looking back
No. Appearing: 2-8 momentarily to make sure they are not being
Armor Class: 5 followed. If backed into an inescapable
Movement: 18 location, they will attack by tearing at
Hit Dice: 6 clothing or legs and arms until they have an
THAC0: 15 opening to escape.
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 2-8 Remorhaz
Special Attacks: Frost Climate/Terrain: Arctic plain
Special Defenses: Nil Frequency: Very rare
Magic Resistance: Nil Organization: Solitary
Size: L (7-12’) Activity Cycle: Day
Morale: Elite (13) Diet: Carnivore
XP Value: 975 Intelligence: Animal (1)
The most dangerous member of the species, Treasure: D
the winter wolf is known for its great size Alignment: Neutral
and foul disposition. Living only in chill No. Appearing: 1
regions, they can unleash a stream of frost Armor Class: Overall 0, head 2,
from their lungs once every 10 rounds, underbelly 4
causing 6d4 points of damage to everything Movement: 12
within 10 feet. A save vs. breath weapon is Hit Dice: 7-14
allowed for half damage. Cold-based attacks THAC0: 7-8 HD: 13
to not harm the winter wolf, but fire-based 9-10 HD: 11
attacks cause an additional point of damage, 11-12 HD: 9
per die of damage. 13-14 HD: 7
Winter wolves are more intelligent than No. of Attacks: 1
their cousins and, in addition to being able Damage/Attack: Bite:
to communicate with worgs, have a fairly 7-8 HD: 4-24
sophisticated language of their own. 9-12 HD: 5-30
13-14 HD: 6-36
The winter wolf is beautiful, with glistening Special Attacks: Swallow whole, heat
white or silver fur and eyes of pale blue or lash
silver. If in good condition, a pelt is worth Special Defenses: Melt metal
5,000 gold pieces. Magic Resistance: 75%
Size: G (21-42’ long)
Combat: Wolves hunt in packs during Morale: Elite (13-14)
winter and late fall when only large XP Value: 5,000 (+1000 per Hit
herbivores are available. Wolves prefer
Die over 9) Remorhaz are slower than most polar
dwellers, so they prefer to burrow into the
Remorhaz, sometimes known as polar snow and surface when they hear prey
worms, inhabit only chill arctic wastes. They nearby, hoping to achieve surprise.
are very aggressive predators that devour Remorhaz have infravision to 60 feet.
any animal matter, including humans,
demihumans, and humanoids; they have Bear, Ice
even been known to attack frost giants. Climate/Terrain: Arctic/Plain, hill, and
A remorhaz has a segmented body with a mountain
winged head and neck, standing on dozens Frequency: Uncommon
of chitinous legs. Remorhaz have an ice blue Organization: Pack
color everywhere except on their backs, Activity Cycle: Day
where a streak of white sets off the many Diet: Carnivore
protrusions located there. The size of a Intelligence: Low (5-7)
remorhaz is determined by its Hit Dice: a 7 Treasure: Nil
Hit Dice remorhaz is 21 feet long, an 8 Hit Alignment: Neutral
Dice creature is 24 feet long, etc. Their No. Appearing: 1-4
language consists of roaring, bellowing, and Armor Class: 6
howling. Movement: 12, Sw 3
Hit Dice: 6+2
Combat: In combat the remorhaz beats its THAC0: 15
small wings, raising up the front quarter of No. of Attacks: 3
its body. It then snaps itself forward, striking Damage/Attack: 1-8/1-8/2-16
with blinding speed. They are able to Special Attacks: Hugs for 2-12
swallow prey whole on an unmodified attack Special Defenses: See below
roll of 20; any victim swallowed is killed Magic Resistance: Nil
instantly by the intense heat inside the Size: L (12’ tall)
creature. When aroused, the remorhaz Morale: Average (10)
secretes a substance that causes its intestines XP Value: 975
to become very hot and its back protrusions
actually glow cherry red from excess heat. Resembling a cross between a polar bear
Any nonmagical weapon melts from contact and a cave bear, the ice bear is a ferocious
with its back and any creature touched by meat-eater inhabiting the southernmost
these surfaces suffers 10-100 points of regions of Krynn. It is the most intelligent of
damage. all bears.
To determine where a blow has struck a A mature ice bear averages 12 feet in
remorhaz, consider where the attacker is in length and weighs nearly 1,500 pounds. Its
respect to the remorhaz. While the remorhaz coat of dense white fur keeps it warm and
is rearing to attack, a blow from the front makes it difficult to see against a
hits the relatively soft underbelly. When the background of ice and snow. It has a huge
remorhaz is attacking a creature, any blow head, long ears, and bright blue eyes. Thick
inflicted hits the head unless the underside is pads on its feet enable it to walk on ice
specifically stated as the object of the attack. without slipping. Its lean body and powerful
In all other cases, the body is the object of legs enable it to swim with relative ease.
the attack, subject to adjudication by the Ice bears have no formal language, but
DM. can communicate simple ideas to each other
by a system of grunts. Ice bears who have
established relationships with other races are These powerful swimmers feed mostly on
able to understand brief spoken phrases from marine animals. A paw hit of 18 or better
them. indicates a hug, which inflicts 3-18 (3d6)
points of additional damage. These
Combat: Irritable and aggressive, the ice aggressive animals will fight for 2-5 rounds
bear is a fearsome opponent. The ice bear after being brought to 0 to -12 hit points, but
has excellent vision and hearing. Its sense of beyond that they will die instantly.
smell is so acute that it can sniff out prey up
to 100 yards away. Because of its sharp
senses, an ice bear gains a +5 bonus to its Combat: Although black bears are usually
surprise roll when encountering victims. not aggressive, they are able fighters when
When attacking, the ice bear rears on its pressed. If a black bear scores a paw hit with
hind legs and lunges at its victim, striking an 18 or better it also hugs for 2-8 (2d4)
with its forepaws and jaws. If the ice bear points of additional damage.
scores a paw hit with an 18 or better, it also
hugs for an additional 2d6 points of damage. Toad, Ice
It continues to fight for 1d4 rounds after Climate/Terrain: Arctic, subarctic land or
reaching 0 to -8 hit points. When reduced to subterranean
-9 or fewer hit points, it dies immediately. Frequency: Rare
The ice bear is immune to all harmful Organization: Colony
effects of cold temperatures. It is similarly Activity Cycle: Day
immune to cone of cold and all other cold- Diet: Carnivore
based spells. Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Treasure: Q (C)
Bear, Polar Alignment: Neutral
Climate/Terrain: Any cold No. Appearing: 1-4
Frequency: Rare Armor Class: 4
Organization: Family Movement: 9, hop 9
Activity Cycle: Day Hit Dice: 5
Diet: Omnivore THAC0: 15
Intelligence: Semi- (2-4) No. of Attacks: 1
Treasure: Nil Damage/Attack: 3-12
Alignment: Neutral Special Attacks: See below
No. Appearing: 1-6 Special Defenses: Nil
Armor Class: 6 Magic Resistance: Nil
Movement: 12, Sw 9 Size: L (8’ length)
Hit Dice: 8+8 Morale: Steady (11-12)
THAC0: 11 XP Value: 270
No. of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 1-10/1-10/2-12 Ice Toad
Special Attacks: Hug Fully intelligent, ice toads dwell in cold
Special Defenses: Nil climes or far beneath the surface of the
Magic Resistance: Nil ground. In addition to its vicious bite, the
Size: H (14’+ tall) creature can radiate cold in a 10-foot radius
Morale: Average (8-10) from its body. Ice toads can generate this
XP Value: 1,400 special attack once every other round. All
noncold-using creatures within this sphere
of cold suffer 3-18 points of damage. the remainder of the haundar’s body are
Characters making a saving throw vs. spell white, with a slight green shimmer.
suffer only half damage. Ice toads speak Thick fur covers the part of the haundar’s
their own weird language and actively body that its shell does not protect. The
collect gems and jewelry, particularly creature maintains body temperature thanks
diamonds. to a very thick, nutritious blubber under its
skin. The largest quantity of body fat is
Combat: All giant toads can jump up to located under the thickest part of the
their movement distance. This hop will clear creature’s shell, about 10 feet away from the
any object up to one-third as high as the head.
length of the leap and requires but a single Like other common slugs, the haundar
round to accomplish. A jumping toad can uses two retractile eyestalks, and two extra
attack in midair or at the end of the leap. pseudopods to see and feel its way. Its
When hunting, giant toads remain mouth is located between the two lower
motionless until likely prey walks or slithers pseudopods. The haundar’s mouth is filled
within range. The toad then leaps to the with an array of shark-like teeth that grow
attack; the victim has a -3 penalty on its continuously. The haundar has infravision.
surprise roll. The haundar is capable of levitating, and
moving through the air at a slow pace. It
Haundar cannot fly in blizzard conditions.
Climate/Terrain: Icebergs, arctic valleys
Frequency: Rare Combat: The haundar fights primarily with
Organization: Solitary its mouth, inflicting 2d8 points of damage
Activity Cycle: Day per bite. Otherwise, it uses its acid spit
Diet: Carnivore which can reach a range of 12 feet. The
Intelligence: Animal (1) haundar’s acid strikes the target with an
Treasure: Nil attack roll sufficient to hit Armor Class 0.
Alignment: Neutral The target consists of everything within a
No. Appearing: 1 10-foot radius from the point of impact. The
Armor Class: 2 acid causes 4d8 points of damage. A
Movement: 6, Fl 12 (D) successful save vs. breath weapon allows the
Hit Dice: 20 acid to cause only half damage. Victims who
THAC0: 1 fail their saving throw must check all of
No. of Attacks: 1 bite their equipment to see if acid has affected
Damage/Attack: 2-16 (2d8) any item.
Special Attacks: Spit acid The armored shell of the haundar is
Special Defenses: Nil Armor Class 2. The unprotected parts of its
Magic Resistance: Nil body are Armor Class 6. If the haundar’s
Size: G (30’ long, 10’ tall) eyestalks or sensory pseudopods are
Morale: Elite (15) attacked, the haundar instantly retracts them
XP Value: 12,000 to avoid wounds. It keeps them retracted
until the end of the combat encounter. The
The haundar is a gargantuan ice-slug. A very haundar can rely on its sense of smell to
thick, flat shell covers most of the haundar.s fight, but would do so with a -3 attack
back and its head. It is articulated in order to penalty.
ease the creature’s movement. The shell and Exposed stalks are Armor Class 8. Any
single attack causing 10 points of damage or
more either severs or incapacitates one depending on its humor, which are its
eyestalk or pseudopod. The haundar needs at primary communication method. It can also
least one eyestalk to travel and hunt. use its psionic mindlink ability to
Without its eyestalks, the haundar eventually communicate quietly.
dies of hunger. The pseudopods are sensory A haun is only capable of a slow slither.
organs that tell the haundar which direction However, once per turn it can compress its
it flies, and at which altitude and speed. It body, and release enough energy to leap up
cannot fly without at least one pseudopod. or forward. In this manner, it can leap
The severed stalks regrow within a month. forward up to 18 feet (3d6 feet) or upward
up to 9 feet (1d6 +3 feet). A haun can
Haun burrow through ice at half its normal
Climate/Terrain: Arctic ice pack and slithering speed.
glaciers Hauns are notorious parasites of the
Frequency: Very rare haundar. Haundar are huge slugs that hauns
Organization: Brood use, literally speaking, as moving fortresses.
Activity Cycle: Night When one is found, a haun brood attempts to
Diet: Scavenger get closer and then leaps on its tail. From
Intelligence: Exceptional (15-16) there, they can burrow under the haundar’s
Treasure: Nil, W thick armor. The brood usually carves out a
Alignment: Chaotic (evil) hollow chamber under the thickest part of
No. Appearing: 2-5 (1-4+1) the armor on the haundar’s back. This is
Armor Class: 10 done at no damage to the haundar, since this
Movement: 6 part of its body is mostly fat. The hauns cut
Hit Dice: ½ (1-4 hp) out small slits into the carapace, in the
THAC0: 20 manner of a fortress.
No. of Attacks: 1 bite Hauns can spin silk to close off openings,
Damage/Attack: 1d4 fabricate warm, comfortable cocoons, or
Special Attacks: Psionics store food. Hauns are naturally incapable of
Special Defenses: Psionics making armor or using weapons or objects
Magic Resistance: Nil of any kind. They can, however, psionically
Size: S (4’ long) animate objects.
Morale: Average (8)
XP Value: 175 Combat: The best hauns can physically do
is force an opponent to fall over another
Hauns are chaotic ice worms. They often haun strategically placed behind him, and
parasite haundars which they use to travel try to bite him when on the floor. Hauns
outside their frozen tunnel lairs. cannot bite anything higher than 2 feet
A haun looks like a furry gray maggot above them because of their small size.
with occasional purple or black warts. Its Once per encounter, however, they may
small, slimy face is devoid of hair, and attack someone by leaping. Hauns always
features two tiny black eyes and a mouth try to avoid getting personally caught in a
with serrated teeth. This fat worm undulates melee. To attack foes, hauns much prefer
and jiggles like gelatin in order to move. Its riding inside their haundars. They direct the
internal organs create constant waves and huge creatures to crush foes in their way.
swells visible underneath its skin. A haun As an alternative to psionics, hauns can
often produces slight hums, growls, clicks, once a day use shield, invisibility, scare,
snaps, pops, and other chattering sounds, suggestion, and telekinesis. Otherwise,
hauns use their psionic abilities to harm their manuevers when fighting in large groups.
foes. Initially, they remain invisible, and Their powerful limbs give them +2 attack
inflict pain or provoke repugnance among bonuses and damage bonuses of +6. Any
their foes. Otherwise, hauns activate their group of 11 or more ogres includes a leader
inertial barrier, and cause aversion while who receives a +3 attack bonus. Groups of
they attempt to flee. 16 or more include a chieftain with a +4
attack bonus. Female ogres fight as males,
Ogre, Ice Spire but inflict only 2d4 points of damage and
Climate/Terrain: Ice Spires, arctic receive a maximum of 6 hit points per Hit
Frequency: Uncommon Die. Young ogres fight as goblins.
Organization: Tribal Also, the ogres of the Spires are
Activity Cycle: Any incredibly well adapted to their icy
Diet: Carnivore environment. When operating in this
Intelligence: Average (8-10) environment, they receive a +2 bonus to
Treasure: M (Q,B,S) their surprise rolls. Spire ogres also have a
Alignment: Chaotic evil 30% chance to move silently when operating
No. Appearing: 2d10 in their native lands.
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 12 Habitat/Society: Most of the Spire ogres
Hit Dice: 5 inhabit a vast cave network located high in
THAC0: 15 the mountains. Access to the caves is gained
No. of Attacks: 1 via a complex series of stairs and
Damage/Attack: 1d12 (or weapon +6) stepladders built for maximum flexibility in
Special Attacks: Mist, blood dance defending the complex from outside
Special Defenses: Nil incursion. Permeating the caves themselves
Magic Resistance: Nil is a thick, choking mist that causes nausea in
Size: L (10’) all who are unused to its effects (save
Morale: Elite (13-14) successfully vs. poison or fight at -3 for 1d3
XP Value: 420 turns) and limits visibility throughout the
Leader: 975 complex. The ogres who live in the caves
Priest: 1,400 are particularly adept at ducking in and out
of the mists to surprise invaders (+4 bonus
Ice Spire ogres are bigger, smarter, and to surprise rolls while operating in the caves
generally more dangerous than their more and a 50% chance to move silently or hide
common cousins found elsewhere in Faerûn. in shadows).
Spire ogres are approximately 10. tall and The ogres that inhabit the cave network
weigh between 500 and 600 pounds. Their are followers of Vaprak the Destroyer, the
skin color ranges from yellow to black- great ogre god. As such, they are aggressive
brown, their hair is dirty gray, and their eyes and fond of combat. From time to time they
gleam purple. The odor of Spire ogres is ritualistically bash each other with clubs to
even more repellent than that of their establish their might and sort out the social
common cousins, smelling something akin hierarchy.
to rotting flesh. Another tribe of ogres found in the Ice
Spires inhabits an icy chasm known as the
Combat: The ogres of the Spire are highly Dour Fissure. At Baphomet’s bidding, they
disciplined combatants capable of occasionally enter into a trance state and
implementing a wide variety of combined carve hideous friezes outside the fissure to
ward away intruders. Anyone staring at Ogre Chieftain
these friezes for more than three rounds is If 16 or more ogres are encountered, they
affected as though the target of a confusion will be led by an ogre chieftain. The
spell. Anyone making any sort of detailed chieftain is a 9-Hit-Die monster with an
investigation of the friezes must save Armor Class of 3. He inflicts 2d8+7 points
successfully vs. spell or undergo a subtle of damage per attack, +7 with weapon.
shift to the chaotic evil alignment for a
period of 1d4 days. The influence of
Baphomet has taken a poweful toll on these
ogres in many other ways. Many of them are
incapable of any action save fighting and
eating, spending their time in a frightening,
lethargic trance state.
One strange custom of all Spire ogre
shamans is to completely consume the body
of any creature they kill in combat. The
ogres believe that this gives the shaman
control over the creature’s spirit.

Blood Dance: From time to time, under

Baphomet’s influence, the ogres of the
Fissure enter into a state of killing frenzy
known as the Blood Dance. While in this
strange state of fury, the ogres receive a +2
bonus to all attack and damage rolls, but
always keep fighting until they are dead or
their rage is quenched. While under the
influence of the Dance, an ogre does not
stop fighting until it has reached -10 hit
points (though it sustains enough damage to
die when it reaches 0 hit points).
Once the dance begins, it generally lasts
for 2d10 turns. Even the ogres find it
impossible to predict when the dance will

Ogre Shaman
If six or more ogres are encountered, they
are accompanied by a shaman with the Hit
Dice, AC, damage/attack, etc. of a normal
ogre, but all the abilities of a 3rd-level priest
as well. If 16 or more ogres are encountered
they are accompanied by an ogre shaman of
the 5th level.

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