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LISTENING EXERCISE (Skills 3-4): Listen to the passage and the questions that follow.

Then choose
the best answers to the questions.
Questions 1-6 ^>»
Listen to part of a lecture in an American
history class.


1. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the
Why does the professor say this: ^»)
O Because she wants the students to disagree
with her
© Because she is trying to confuse the students

© Because she thinks that the students do not
know the answer
Articles of Confederation © Because she believes that this information is
Revolutionary War correct
Confederation Congress
2. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the
What does the professor mean when she says
this: ^»)
O “I’m happy you’ve done more than required.”
© “I expect everyone else to do the recommended
reading, too.”
© “This will count as extra credit on your grade.”
© “I am disappointed that other students have not
read the textbook.”

3. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the

What does the professor mean when she says
this: ^»)
© She thinks that the answer the student gave is
© She had by chance thought of the same idea
© She remembered tne same joke as the student.
© She is surpnsed that the student s answer is

i SKILLS 3-4: 183

4. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the 6. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the
question. question.
Why does the professor say this: ^») What is the professor’s attitude toward the U.S.
® To show that she is uncertain Constitution?
© To change the subject ® Currently, people mistakenly think everyone was
© To suggest that she forgot what she said in favor of it at the time it was written.
© To correct herself © People today mistakenly believe that it was an
unlawful seizure of power.
5. What is the professor’s attitude toward the members © It wasn’t necessary because the Articles of
of the Confederation Congress? Confederation were enough to govern well.
® She thinks they were completely ineffective © Since its beginning, it has been praised by
under the Articles of Confederation nearly everyone.
© She feels that their only accomplishment was
acquiring new territory.
She admires what they were able to do
considering their limitations.
© She felt they were effective in many areas, such
as collecting taxes.


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