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Welfare of the students


We are a group of six people who are working for a non government organization called as
SHIKSHA. We are an organization working with children from all communities in the field of
education. Our primary aim is to ensure that every child of school going age is gaining a strong
and holistic educational foundation to become a responsible, compassionate and confident citizen
of tomorrow.


The informed consent of the parents for the participation of the students in the proposed program
was requested by the NGO by means of a signed letter. The program was carried out in the
experimental group as a study/work activity in the center for the development of the curriculum
of various subjects. We divided the students of primary class into two groups: group A and group
B. Students of group A were taught the chapters of their syllabus in a conventional lecture
method whereas the students of group B were taught the same chapters in a fun learning way.
The students of group B were taught by implementing technology into the classrooms. After 3
months a test was conducted for both the groups of students on the chapters which were taught
during the time period and following results were concluded.



Fun learning is an integral part of education. There are many fun ways to learn new
things like playing games, puzzles, and reading books. The fun learning provides
different perspectives for solving problems and helps children think outside the box. It
also teaches persistence, discipline, and goal-orientation skills. Children can explore their
curiosity by experimenting with various materials in a hands-on way, leading them to
develop a more creative mind.

12 reasons why fun learning is important

Fun learning has immense benefits, and parents/teachers must be aware of it. Here are
some of the reasons why education must be taught in a fun way!

1. It helps children think outside the box.

Learning in a fun way will help children think about everything from a different
perspective. They will learn to explore and discover various things. They will develop
their creativity and learn to think outside the box.
2. It helps children to learn easily.

Fun learning will make any subject fun and exciting for children, which means they will
want to study it more often! They would love going through their lessons every day
because of all the fun that comes along with them. Parents must always try to keep things
fun to motivate kids. Students who are motivated tend to perform better than those who
aren't interested at all!

3. Creates a strong foundation

A child learns best when they interestingly receive information; one where they can apply
what they learned immediately or understand it quickly without having too much trouble
comprehending everything taught. Fun education creates a solid foundation on which
your kid's future success.

4. It helps in better retention of knowledge/skills.

Most children find fun learning activities memorable because they are fun! Children also
retain the information for a more extended period when taught using fun learning

5. It teaches persistence and goal-orientation skills.

Fun learning activities encourage kids to keep trying. Learning fun skills or ideas help
children be persistent in completing the fun task set out for them, like a fun game.

6. It encourages problem-solving

We all know how much fun playing around with new things can be; it's only natural that
when you teach your child something using fun methods, they will partake in more
creative thinking processes, which encourages better problem-solving abilities - this is
especially helpful later on when they are older!

7. It reduces stress/tension.

Let us face it: nobody likes being taught facts by someone who drones incessantly
without giving any opportunities for interaction, questions, etc. Fun education allows the
teacher and student to create an atmosphere where both feel comfortable and free to
express new ideas without the fear of being judged.

8. It helps students to be curious all the time.

Kids like fun, and if learning is entertaining, they'll yearn for more. It helps encourage
the natural curiosity that children have at their age. A curious child often asks why? And
those who ask why learn more than those who don't! Curiosity encourages a person to
seek out answers on their own instead of just blindly accepting what others say as truth
or, rather - as the only possibility.

9. This makes it easier to remember.

Learning something new can be difficult, especially when you are not interested in it
whatsoever. But we usually try because we know there will come a time where we need
this information, and so we study until our brains feel like they may explode from all of
the data crammed into them. However, fun education techniques allow students to think
creatively, which will enable them to retain information much better than those forced
into studying.

10. Fun learning is comfortable.

One of the significant reasons fun learning is meaningful is because it allows students to
feel more comfortable with their surroundings and less intimidated by whatever they are
being taught. This makes teachers happy since a student who doesn't care will not be
interested in listening or, worse - asking questions that can show how knowledgeable one
truly is.

11. Teaching in a fun way will strengthen the educator-student bond.

Teachers who make learning fun will have a good relationship with the students. Students
will tend to approach the teacher more and more! The students won't lack interest in
education when they love to be solely for the teacher who makes everything interesting.

12. It's fun!

Honestly, who doesn't like fun? This is a no-brainer for most people; having fun while
learning allows you to be more engaged with what you are doing, which leads to better
retention and some bonus nostalgia from past times when things seemed more
straightforward (and it was fun all the time).


With an Internet connection, we have access to information at our fingertips 24 hours a day. We
can find almost anything online, in its most up-to-date version. For students, this means access to
everything from research materials and educational apps to interactive edutainment and open
resources from prestigious universities around the world. (Students may, however, need
instruction on how to find credible resources and direction on providing proper attribution when
they use them.)

Students can also supplement their learning by connecting with online groups and virtual
communities in real time, or by collaborating on group projects using tools such as wikis and
cloud-based apps. And instructors can provide access to course material (and additional
resources) by setting up portals through learning management systems or providing access to
course-specific software for each learner.

Technology can improve student engagement

Technology can help students by making learning more engaging and collaborative. Rather
than memorizing facts, students learn by doing and through critical thinking. This could be as
simple as taking an interactive quiz in class or participating in tech-enabled group discussions.
Or it could be as involved as playing educational games, practicing in science experiments in a
virtual lab or taking a virtual field trip.
To make learning truly engaging, it must be truly interactive. Doing math on a computer isn’t
any different than doing math with a pencil and pad of paper. But using augmented reality to
animate math challenges is a whole different ball game. Ultimately, interactivity and technology
enhance learning.
Technology can expand classroom boundaries
Thanks to technology, the classroom no longer has walls. The learning environment no longer
has boundaries. And instruction can be provided by any number of subject matter experts in the
real world—in addition to the person teaching the course through the use of technology.
Technology can encourage self-paced learning

In a traditional classroom, students who were struggling to learn new concepts would quickly fall
behind their peers. With self-paced learning components, however, students can advance at their
own pace as part of the learning process. Those who need more time or extra help can practice
outside of class with guided exercises or additional coursework. So, too, can learners who want
more of a challenge.

Thanks to the always-on nature of technology, students can access online learning resources
whenever they need to. These resources also have the ability to provide instructors with a sense
of which students might need extra help. 

Technology can promote innovative teaching techniques

Technology changes the way we access information, and also how we’re taught that information.
The instructor becomes less of a ‘sage on a stage’ and more of a ‘guide on the side.’ From
accessing real-world case studies online to watching video-recorded lectures to listening to
podcasts, technology opens up the possibility for teaching innovation (including collaborative
group work and flipped and hybrid classrooms). Instructors can also use classroom response
systems to assess students’ understanding of course material, adjust the paces needed in real time
and build on students’ problem-solving skills. Moreover, digital materials can enhance the
learning experience by making it more flexible, more engaging and better able to accommodate
student needs.

Students of group A and group B both gave phenomenal results. This shows that the methods
which were used while conventional lectures were exceptional. Although the students of group B
showed a better understanding of the concepts which somehow did affect their results in a
positive way. While technology is sometimes seen as a threat—and it does have its limits—
integrating it into your teaching practice offers a new way for students to interact and engage
with course material. And this is especially essential after students have become used to learning
with technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to technology tools, education is no
longer confined to the walls of your classroom. YouTube videos and social media don’t have to
be a distraction; they can be part of your lesson plans. The math is easy: it adds up to better
learning outcomes. Education is a must, and fun learning can help make it more interesting
for both teachers and students

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