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Question Paper : Set - A

Date : 15-02-2015 Subject : Chemistry-Semester 4 Total Marks : 50

[ PART - A ]
Q - 1 : [Section A] - Answer the following for 1 Mark. [25]

(1) 75% of a first order reaction was completedin 32 minutes when was 50% of the reaction completed
      (A) 16 min          (B) 24 min          (C) 8 min          (D) 4 min
(2) The thermal decomposition of a compound is of first order. If a sample of the compound decomposes 50% in 120
minutes, in what time will it undergo 90% decomposition
      (A) Nearly 240 minutes                    (B) Nearly 480 minutes
      (C) Nearly 450 minutes                    (D) Nearly 400 minutes
(3) For determination of speed of vehicle, average speed is taken because….
      (A) There is increase-decrease in speed during movement                    (B) Calculation can be easily made
      (C) Definite time is not available for nothing definite rate                    (D) Definite rate cannot be determined
(4) Which type of reaction order of Hydrolysis of ester?
      (A) Zero order          (B) Pseudo first order          (C) First order          (D) Second order

(5) What is reaction order of total reaction ? Rate

K  [ Br  ][BrO  ][H  ]2

      (A) 2          (B) 0          (C) 1          (D) 4

(6) The concentration of first order reaction decreases to 50 mol/dm 3 from 800 mol/dm3 in 2 104 seconds; than what
will be the rate constant of this reaction in sec -1 ?
      (A) 2 104          (B) 3.45  10-5          (C) 1.386  10-4          (D) 2  10-4

(7) In formula of diazonium slat What is ?

      (A) Cl and Br (B) HSO 4          (C) BF 4          (D) Any one of given
- -          - -

(8) Aniline is react with Br2 water at room temp, and gives white precipitates.
      (A) 2 - Bromo aniline          (B) 2, 4 - di bromo aniline          (C) 2, 4, 6 tri bromo aniline          (D) 3 - bromo aniline
(9) Which of the following statements are correct for aspartame?A. It is unstable at cooking temperature.    B. It is stable
at cooking temperatured C. Its sweetness is 550 times more than that of sucrose. D. Its sweetness is 650 times more than
that of sucrose
      (A) B          (B) C          (C) A,D          (D) B,C
(10) The half-life of 2 sample are 0.1 and 0.4seconds. Their respective concentration are 200 and 50 respectively. What
is the order of the reaction
      (A) 0          (B) 2          (C) 1          (D) 4
(11) Ea = 0, At 27° C,    K1=9  l07 min-1.    At 47° C,    K2 =
      (A) 0          (B) 3  107 min-1          (C) 3  107 min-1          (D) Infinite
(12) Which of the following statements is true ?
      (A) Enzymes are carbohydrates.
      (B) Enzymes are not obtained at the end of reaction.
      (C) Enzymes are obtained in the changed form at the end of reaction.
      (D) Enzyme are obtained in the original form at the end of reaction.

(13) Reaction : Volume of    after two hours is 90 ml and after reaction volume of

is 350, than which statement of rate contant proved ?

      (A)           (B)           (C)           (D)

(14) For a gaseous reaction the concentration of gas depends on which?
      (A) Pressure          (B) Temperature          (C) Number of molecules          (D) Type of gas
(15) The unit of rate constant for second order reaction …
      (A) Mole litre second-1          (B) Mole-1 litre second-1          (C) Mole litre-1 second-1          (D) Mole-1 litre-1 second-1
(16) In 20 litre of container 20 min is required to decrease concentration of reactant is 1 mole to 0.5 mole than calculate
rate of reactant.

      (A) 2 x 10-3 MS-1          (B) 2.5 x 10-2 MS-1          (C) 1.25 x 10-3MS-1          (D) None of these
(17) The decomposition of ammonia on nickel metal at high metal at high pressure is of which order?
      (A) Zero Order          (B) Pseudo order          (C) Pseudo order          (D) Second order
(18) t99.9% = ………….. times t1/2
      (A) 5          (B) 10          (C) 99.9          (D) 2
(19) For zero order reaction rate of reaction is depend on
      (A) directly proportioned to half life time.                    (B) inversely proportional to concentration.
      (C) inversely proportional to half life time.                    (D) none of these
(20) For first order reaction graph of log (a-x) → time (t) obtained is a straight line. What will be the value of negative
      (A) K/20303          (B) -2.303 K          (C) 2.303 K          (D) -20303/K
(21) For a chemical reaction can never be a Fraction
      (A) Order          (B) Half-life          (C) Molecularity          (D) Rate constant
(22) In equation Ea = NA . ϵ* than what is ϵ*?
      (A) Specific kinetic energy          (B) Threshould energy          (C) Arrhenious factor          (D) frequency exponent
(23) Which option is more suitable for colosion principal ?
      (A) zero order          (B) first order          (C) second order          (D) any order
(24) Calculate the minimum value of activation energy for the endothermic reaction if ∆H is the reaction enthalpy
      (A) < H          (B) 0          (C) >H          (D) H
(25) Which option is not correct for zero order reaction ?

      (A)           (B)           (C) Rate = K (1)          (D)

[ PART - B ]
Q - 2 : Section A ( Answer The Following For 2 mark ) [8]

(26) Give Definitions : (i) Reaction order (ii) Molecularity.

(27) Sucrose is converted to glucose and fructose is presence of acidic solution which his first order reaction. The half

reaction time of this reaction is hours. How many times the initial concentration becomes less after 9 hours ?

(28) Explain the effect of catalyst on rate of reaction.

(29) Explain : "Pseudo first order reaction."

Q - 3 : Section B ( Answer The Following For 3 mark ) [9]

(30) CH3CH2CH2I + OH-  CH3CH2CH2OH + I- At 27C value of velocity constant is 1.84 (mol/lit)min-1 and if at 327K
temp value of velocity constant is 38.84 (mol/lit)-1min-1 than find Ea.

(31) The rate constant of a reaction of first order is 70    sec 1. Whar time will be taken have the concentration 1/18 part
of the initial concentration ?

(32) .25 C14 atom is dissociate from 1 gm carbon of old statue. 15.3 C14 atom dissociate from carbon    of loving statue of
carbon. Then how many years statue was old ? Half life of C 14 is 5730 years.

Q - 4 : Section C ( Answer The Following For 4 mark ) [8]

(33) Mention the factors affecting rate of chemical reaction.

(34) The rate constant of a reaction at 270C is 2  103 minute 1. The temperature was increased by 200 C and the value
of rate constant K increased three times. Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction. What will be value of rate
constant 370 C?

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