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Personal Development

Quarter 1: Self-Development
Lesson 1: Knowing Oneself
• Explain that knowing oneself can make a
person accept his/her strengths and limitations
and dealing with others better.

• Share his/her unique characteristics, habits

and experiences.

• Maintain a journal.
“troublesome and crucial stage”
/ transitioning phase
• Middle (15-17 years old)
• Late (17-22 years old) physically and
mentally matured.
• A period for developing independence.

• Adolescence is expected to establish a

strong sense of identity, for who they are
and discovering their strengths and
weaknesses, which can help them in
projecting their future self .
3 Domains of Development

• These 3 domains are interrelated and may

have a big impact in the developing
Physical Domain
• Most recognizable among all
• Changes in primary and secondary sex
• Constantly monitor of themselves of how they
look and how they project themselves to
society. (being conscious about their appearance)
Male Primary
– Penis (male sex organ, reaching its full size during puberty-mucosa-
uncircumsize men)
– testes (sperm and testosterone for sec. char are produced)
– scrotum (has a protective function and acts as a climate control system for
the testes)
– seminal vesicle (holds the liquid that mixes with sperm to form semen.),
prostate gland (secrete prostate fluid, one of the components of semen).
– Meatus-hole where urine passes thru for both male and female
- Fallopian tube (either of a pair of tubes along which eggs travel from the
ovaries to the uterus.)
- uterus (womb, The main purpose of the uterus is to nourish a fetus prior
to birth.) ,
- clitoris (homologous with penis, its just clitoris does not have urethra to
secrete urine),
- Vagina (baby passes thru vagina)
- ovaries (rep system, produce estrogen for sec charc,
• SPERMARCHE – first ejaculation, can fertilize
egg. First ejaculation often occurs during sleep
“wet dream” Spontaneous erections can also
occur when they’re awake or emotionally
• MENARCHE – first menstrual period, but that
doesn’t mean that women are able to become
pregnant. Some of them.
• Characteristics refer to other visible changes
that mark adult maturation.
• Development of body hair
• Enlargement of breasts (for girls)
• Increase in height
• Change in voice
• Shoulders become broader (boys)
• Beginning to be very self-conscious
• Sensitive (which is common to girls) and
• Worried about their own body changes (both
male and female wherein they set a standard of
what beauty and handsome should look like).
• They may also make a lot of negative comparison
between themselves and their peers.
Cognitive Domain
• Talks about the development in the area of the
growth of mental capacities.
• Making decisions. “Impulsive decisions”
• Capable of reasoning.
• Usually measured by intelligence test.
• begin to think abstractly, reason
logically, think hypothetical
possibilities and impossibilities
about life;
• usually make impulsive decisions
seek immediate gratification;
• they think that the people’s eyes
are always on them, that they are
the center of their attention.
Sensorimotor- peak a

Preoperational- uses
symbol, milk-hungry

Concrete- glass

Psychosocial Domain
• Emotional maturity
• Making friends
• Learns to give and receive emotional affection.
• What others expect

• Psycho-internal
• Socio- society
• Psychosocial Crisis- period when a person has to resolve a conflict in
his own life

• Identity- knowing or believing what or who she is

• Role confusion- not being sure of what she is

• They are experimenting with who they are and what that means.
• (if friends and parents are supportive with the identity you are
experimenting then you are more likely to end up COHESIVE-full
identity but if not ROLE CONFUSION

• If resolve- fidelity or faithful in relationship

• confusion starts to arise in choosing
what to believe and what to accept;
• identity versus role confusion;
• they are eager to “fit in” a certain
group to have some sort of identity;
• eager to please others and to
conform to the beliefs and
expectation of the demands of their
What will happen if the
3 domains are not
successfully developed?
• it may lead to maladaptive ways about
themselves such as;
• Early pregnancy, substance abuse, and;
• Deviant activities due to PEER PRESSURE.
“When you deeply know yourself and the
boundaries that you have set, you are more
likely to experience a fulfilling and rewarding
“Being yourself is all about knowing what you
believe in and the values that you live by.
When you are not yourself, you will take on the
values and beliefs of others.”

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