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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Sta. Cruz Main Campus
Sta. Cruz, Laguna

College of Teacher Education

Senior High School Department

Pre- Test in Physical Education 12

Name: Date: March 22, 2021
Gr./Sec.:12 STEM C Mr.
I. Identification
Direction. Read the following statement. Complete the statement by giving the correct answer. Please review
and recall your lessons in PE 1/2/3. Write your answer to the space provided.
HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES through PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. What is the meaning to the abbreviation
IMPROVING 2. Explain in 1 word the word OPTIMIZING.
HEALTH RELATED FITNESS 3. What do you mean to the abbreviation HRF?
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 4. It focuses on health and fitness through physical activity and healthy eating.
Good health and fitness are achieved through engaging in physical activities and proper nutrition, guided by a
well-designed training program and nutritional principles.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 5. It is characterized by moderate to vigorous physical activity.
BODY COMPOSITION 6. It is a ratio of body fat relative to other body tissues.
CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS 7. It is a measure of the hearts ability to efficiently deliver oxygen through the blood to
the other muscles in order to maintain vigorous exercises.
STRETCHING8. The ability to use one’s joints fully in order to prevent muscle injury.
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE 9. The ability of muscles to exercise many times without getting tired.
MUSCULAR STRENGTH 10. The amount force put forth by a muscle or muscle group.
AGILITY 12. The ability to change directions quickly.
BALANCE 13. The ability to remain upright while standing still or moving.
COORDINATION 14. The ability to use the body parts and senses together to produce smooth efficient
POWER 15. The ability to do strength performances quickly.
150-399 minutes 16. The amount of time it takes to get moving.
SPEED 17. The ability to perform a specific movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.
AEROBIC EXERCISE 18. It is an exercise that is any type of cardiovascular conditioning. It can include
activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling. You probably know it as “cardio.”
ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE19. What do you mean by ATP?
HYPERGLYCEMIA 20. It is the sugar content in our body that use to hyper our energy.

II. Enumeration
Directions. List down the following:
b. Meaning of Hypothermia, Hyperthermia and Dehydration
Hyperthermia is a result of the body being over heated. Causes can be physical activity, moderate to high
ambient air temperature, onset of dehydration as a result of losing too much sweat without adequate water
intake to replenish your system, solar or reflected radiation, improper clothing which does not allow for
evaporation [cooling] of sweat, a low fitness level and or additional workload of carrying excessive weight.

Hypothermia is a condition whereby the temperature of your body falls to a level at which your vital organs can
no longer function and begin to shut down. The condition can develop rapidly and is caused by cold, wet and/or
windy weather which cools the body at a rate faster than the body can produce heat. A lack of energy-producing
food and proper clothing will heighten the speed at which hypothermia will affect you.

Dehydration is condition caused by the loss of too much fluid from the body. It happens when you are losing
more fluids than you are taking in, and your body does not have enough fluids to work properly.
c. 3 Energy System of the body

Anaerobic Alactic (ATP-CP) Energy System (High Intensity – Short Duration/Bursts)

Anaerobic Lactic (Glycolytic) Energy System (High to Medium Intensity – Uptempo)

Aerobic Energy System (Low Intensity – Long Duration – Endurance)

d. 3 Nutrients that gives Energy

carbohydrates, protein, and fats

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