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Multimedia 17.

Harry ward
The purpose of the maze game and sway
• Purpose of the maze game is to • Purpose of the sway is to give
entertain people and have fun information about the game
playing it the game will have a how to play and will also have a
quit button and a controls gameplay videos sounds of the
button with two levels to audio I will use and a download
complete and collect all the link to the game
collectables that are in the levels
The audience of the game and sway
• the purpose of the audience is for the game and sway to have
information about the game and how to play it. The game should also
be user friendly as it is being made for 8-12 year olds it will not have
blood and gore as it will not be user friendly for the kids who are
playing it. The audience will also be able to download the game
through the sway and get information about the game and how to
play it and how to use the controls
User requirements
Game Sway
• Mouse used to select the icons • Internet – browsers to view the
• Keyboard to control the character sway
• Speakers/headphones to hear the • Computer with windows
music/sound effects • Link to the sway to access the
• Windows computer to run the game
game • Mouse and keyboard to edit the
• Game file .exe it will only run on a sway
windows pc as it is a .exe file • Headphone/speakers to hear the
• RAM, Storage, OS to be able to audio
boot the pc and run the game
Gun keys
mind map
pyramid Indiana
Menu gameplay
jones start
background theme Controls videos
buttons Info about
gun the game
Maze sound
weapons audio Death Sway
sound Colour theme
to the
Indiana game yellow and
locks Indiana brown
jones Sound
Nazi theme effects and jones
enemies song soundtrack theme
traps spikes
Asset list for the game and sway
Asset Link / location use

Game Maker folder When the player walks up

Game Maker folder When the player walks right

Game Maker folder When the player walks left

Game Maker folder When the player walks down

Game Maker folder Collectable item

Game Maker folder Enemy

Game Maker folder Used by the gun to shoot up, down, left
and right
Game Maker folder Used to shoot the enemies
Asset Link / location use

Game Maker folder Used to unlock locked doors

Game Maker folder Used to block the player from the coins
until they have a key
Game Maker folder Used as a trap and kills the player if they
touch it
Game Maker folder Used to select what you want to do

Game Maker folder Enemies

Game Maker folder Trap

Game Maker folder Lives

Game Maker folder Gun sound 0.01

Game maker folder Lose sound 0.01

Asset Link / location use

Game Maker folder Win sound 0.01

Indiana Jones Theme Song [HD] – Soundtrack to the game 5.25

Additional asset for the Sway
Asset Link / location use

Game file OneDrive link So the user can download the game

Video of gameplay 1 n/a Showing the gameplay footage on the

gameplay page

Video of game play 2 n/a Showing the gameplay footage on the

gameplay page

Game Maker folder Gun sound 0.01

Game maker folder Lose sound 0.01

Game Maker folder Win sound 0.01

Indiana Jones Theme Song [HD] – Soundtrack to the game 5.25

Storyboard for the game
Menu Level 1 Level 2

Maze game


lose screen Win screen

Controls back
You lose You win

3 deaths you lose
Storyboard for the sway

Graphics Audio Gameplay Info
Maze game
user guide
Game test plan
test Expected outcome of test Actual outcome notes

Collisions The player should not be able to walk

through the walls
Shooting Should be able to kill the enemy
Lives Should give extra lives when picked up
Score The score should increase after a
collectable is picked up
Player movement Should be able to move up, down, left
and right
Enemies Should kill the player when hit
Menu buttons Should be able to click on the control
button and takes you to the controls
Collectables Should be able to pick them up to
increase the score
Music and sound effects Should work in the menu and the
game and the sound effects should
work when you win or lose
animations Should work when the character
moves up, down, left and right
Hazards When you hit the lava or the spikes
the player should die and reset
Sway test plan

test Expected outcome of test Actual outcome notes

Does the link work Should take you to the

download page
Transitions Should work smooth

Do the graphics and audio Should load the graphics in

load a high resolution quality
Do the videos play The links to the gameplay
videos should work
Spelling and grammar Correct spelling and
Is the info correct Make sure everything is
Game test user 1
Areas Likes dislikes Improvements
Control responsiveness and

are graphics (sprites) a decent

quality and a high resolution
Does it meet the intended audience
8-12 year olds
Does it meet the Indiana jones style
adventure maze theme?
Can you hear the sound effects
Dose the music relate to the game

Dose the shooting, enemy, trap and

collectables mechanics work

How clear are the control instruction

on the how to use button

How hard is each difficulties

Sway test user 1
Areas Likes dislikes Improvements

How clear are the transitions

Are the graphics in good quality

Is the audio clear

Are the videos good quality

Is the information clear

Dose the Link work and send you to the

correct place

Are the Images high quality

Alternative ideas for the maze game and the sway
My other possible idea which I will reject was to add a boss level but I decided to not add a boss level to the game as
it would take a lot of time to create and if I was to get the boss level into the game I would probably make it virtually
impossible to beat the boss and complete the game so this is why I don’t want to add a boss level to the game. It
would also mean that I would have to create a whole new maze level design and add include a lot more traps,
enemies and collectables and I would have to design and create a boss and I would also have to animate it so it
would match everything in the game
My other ideas for the way I have designed the layout of my Sway. I will change the layout and colour scheme for the
way I will change the layout. I will put the info and link to the second slide of the sway instead of the graphics slide
at the start as I think this will get people playing the game first and then come back and read the info about and
then I will put the video slide next to show gameplay. I would also change the layout of how I want the videos I will
have both the videos at the top with the info below them. It will go to the graphics slide with both of the images on
the left and then it will be the audio slide with two buttons on the left with info and two buttons on the right with
info. I would change the colour scheme from just white to an Indiana Jones theme colour like brown and yellow. I
am rejecting my first layout as it is not in a clear order and could be confusing for the reader so I will use this new
layout design as I think it is more clear and each section works one after the other.
Justify plans for the game and sway
I chose my game because I thought it was appropriate to the age group and the theme of Indiana jones is exciting. I have had to
change the sprites to cartoon skeletons and ghosts to make the game more suitable for the age group I am making this game for.
I cant have any blood or gore in the game and I cant make the enemies faces melt off when they are shot. I also cant make the
enemies to violent as of the age group. I also have a lot of features and enhancement to the game that include spikes, lava,
keys, lives and locks. This make the game harder the overall user experience is enhanced by these range of features and most of
the sprites are animated which is essential in games because it adds effects to each animated sprites that are In the game. It also
adds animated effects to the spike traps and this will make it more difficult and to the lava and this will make the lava more
obvious. If everything in the game was all static it would make the game boring. For the mind map it helps remind me on what I
can and cant include in the game and the sway. I decided to make my storyboard on the pc as It is more clear to see and
understand and I also did the same with the sway storyboard and it ment that I could also add in the hierarchy chart to both the
storyboards. My asset list is a visual reference so I know what I still need to add in to the game and if I add something that isn’t
on the asset list I will have to add it to the asset list. The test plans are for what I expect the outcome for the game to be and
how the sway will be and how well it actually came out. The user test plan of the game are for users to play the game and give
feedback about the game and the user test plan for the sway is for how informative the sway is and how clear and
understanding and how easy it is to use.
I chose to design my Sway for the intent of the 8-12 year old audience that I am making it for it will include 5 slides with the
Indiana jones theme with yellow and brown colours on the Sway. It will have information on each slide and gameplay videos on
one of the slides and audio on different slide and a download link on a different slide. I planned the way I was going to create my
Sway, I first made a storyboard that also included a hierarchy chart. I also made a mind map of what I was going to include or
add to my Sway. I have also made test plans for the Sway to see how user friendly it is and how well the videos and audio play
and to see if the download link work this is to see if everything works as intended. The audience will be guided through the
game with the gameplay videos and there will be information below them for each level also they will be able to see how good
the graphics are. There will also be a page with a lot of information and it will also tell you were all the collectables are and there
will also be the download link to the game on that page.

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