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This weekly topic allowed me to learn several dryland exercises and drills, which are an essential

component of swimming training. In this specific topic, we discuss numerous benefits of performing
dryland. According to the module, conducting dry land exercises helps us to prevent injuries, stay
engaged and avoid burnout. The significance of core strength is also highlighted, as it is a necessary
foundation for good swimming and proper body positioning. Dryland can help us improve our core
strength, explosive power and general aerobic fitness. Some of the core exercises that I learned from
this topic are plank, side plank transverse reach, alternating arm, and leg plank, leg raises, flutter kicks,
dolphin kick, alternating straight leg jackknife, alternating superman, rotational chop, and diagonal chop.

This topic is relevant to my field of study since it may be useful in our swimming class. Every
BSMT student is expected to take a swimming class every school year, therefore acquiring this skill can
help us improve our swimming performance, which is essential in that subject. The knowledge that we
may gain from this is not just about the health benefits that swimming can give us, but also techniques
that could save us from water-related incidents. Aside from the health benefits and survival skills that
we could learn from this topic, it could also serve as our recreational activities from our busy schedules
at school.

The knowledge that I learned from this topic could help me in my time as a future professional
in terms of reducing risk from my workplace. As a future seafarer, our workplace was extremely
vulnerable to any potential water-related calamities, therefore learning this skill would help us in our
survival if we were to meet such incidents. Aside from that, learning how to perform dryland exercises
and drills can help us maintain a fit and strong body in addition to improving our swimming ability. As a
result, even if we do not perform swimming routines at work, we can still do it as a form of recreation
and fitness while on board.

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