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VOCABULARY UNIT 11- Inventions

Instructions: Look up the following words in the glossary.

 adaptation- the process in which a living thing changes slightly over time to be able to continue to exist in a
particular environment

 advance- to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something

 appliance- a device, machine, or piece of equipment, esp. an electrical one that is used in the home, such as
a refrigerator or washing machine:

 breakthrough- very important in the progress or development of something or someone, because of solving
a big problem or making a big improvement

 contraption- an awkward or old-fashioned looking device or machine

 creation- the act or process of making, producing, or building something, or something that has been made,
built, or produced:

 development- advanced or powerful

 device- an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose

 gadget- a small device or machine with a particular purpose

 innovation- a new idea or method, or the use of new ideas and methods

 instrument- a tool or other device, especially one without electrical power, used for performing a particular
piece of work

 tool- a piece of equipment that you use with your hands to make or repair something

 utensil- a tool with a particular use, especially in a kitchen or house

 vehicle- a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, used for transporting people or goods, especially on

 futuristic- strange and very modern, or intended or seeming to come from some imagined time in the future

 ingenious- (of a person) very intelligent and skilful, or (of a thing) skilfully made or planned and involving
new ideas and method

 portable- light and small enough to be easily carried or moved

 practical- suitable for the situation in which something is used

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