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Children of Fatima school of mabalacat, InC.

S.Y. 2020-2021

A. Define the following terms and give an example for each. Always put your reference.
1. Science and Technology
-Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural
world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes. Science and technology help each other advance. Scientific
knowledge is used to create new technologies. New technologies often allow scientists to explore
nature in different ways and make new discoveries.

Example: Microscope and telescope

2. Scientific Method
a) Make observation
-During the experiment proper make sure to collect enough data by observing such happenings.
b) Ask questions
-You need to prepare for questions before you start for example what are the things I want
c) Make a hypothesis
-Before starting an experiment make some predictions or guess what might happen if you do
such experiment.
d) Conduct an experiment
-This will prove if your hypothesis is correct or not by doing the experiment proper.
e) Draw a conclusion
-After the experiment you will now have your conclusion whether the hypothesis you made is
correct or not.
f) Dependent variable
-In performing an experiment dependent variable is the one that changes because of what you
do in the independent variable.
g) Independent variable
-When you are conducting an experiment this is the one that you change.

3. Serendipity
-This is what we call happy accident. It is when we accidentally find something good all of a sudden.
When it comes to science serendipity is a category used to describe discoveries in science that occur at
the intersection of chance and wisdom.

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