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Title of the article issue: D. E-pollutants from e-waste

Title of the article: Electronic Waste: A Growing Concern in Today's Environment


Author: M. Khurrum S. Bhutta,1 Adnan Omar,2 and Xiaozhe Yang3

Summary Narrative:

According to the electronics waste management of the EOL, no more than 19 percent by weight of the
EOL electronics generated in 2007 were collected for recycling, and at least 81 percent goes to the
landfill [11, 35]. Recycling is the key to reduce the e-Waste. Recycling has environmental benefits at
every stage in the life cycle of a computer product—from the raw material from which it is made to its
final method of disposal. Aside from reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global
warming, recycling also reduces air and water pollution associated with making new products from raw
materials. By utilizing used, unwanted, or obsolete materials as industrial feedstock or for new materials
or products, we can do our part to make recycling work.

What lesson have you learned?

Don't just throw Recycling has environmental benefits at every stage in the life cycle of a computer
product—from the raw material from which it is made to its final method of disposal.

What suggestions can you offer?

We suggest that continue to recycle all the raw materials to to made a other products for the benefits of
the poor people who cannot able to by computer product for study porposes.

Title of the articles: Privacy and security

Title of the article: Security, privacy, and confidentiality issues on the Internet

Source: Journal of Medical Internet Research ISSN 1438-8871

Author: Grant Kelly, Bruce McKenzie

Summary Narrative:

The protection of personal data in a connected world defaults not so much to high-tech applications or
hardware, as to careful management of staff and relatively common techniques to ensure the simple,
frequent risks are catered for. The determined criminal or government agency will get access somehow,
but what matters to doctors is making sure that we take care of the data we collect about patients in a
manner appropriate to the twenty-first century.
What lesson have you learned?

Think first before we click.

Because Broadly speaking, invasion of privacy is a tort, and there are four main types of invasion of
privacy: intrusion into seclusion, misappropriation of name and likeness, public disclosure of private
facts, and false light.

What suggestions can you offer?

We suggest that we need to Limit the personal information you share on social media, Browse in private
mode, Use a different search engine, Use a virtual private network, Be careful where you click, Secure
your mobile devices, too and Use quality antivirus software.

Submitted by:

Name: Belinda N. Jimenez & Elen Sebulyas

Section: BEED1

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