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студента 42 групи
ННІ педагогіки
Сліпченко Карина

Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 4 класу

«Around the city. London»

Хід уроку
I. Вступна частина уроку.
1. Привітання.
- Good morning, children!
- What day is it today?
- What date is it today?
- What is the weather like today?

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

- Today we will have a very interesting topic – London. You ‘ll know a lot about
this city and about its place of interest.

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

- Listen to rhyme.
- Repeat all together.
Учні слухають рифмовку, а потім повторюють за вчителем.
Stop, lооk, listen beforе you cross the street.
Usе your еyes, use your ears and thеn usе your fееt.

4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

- At first let’s check your homework.
- Who wants to be the first?
Ex. 5 p. 43

II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу. (Game)
- Now, let’s play game. Your task: find as many words as possible on the topic
«Around the City» (Учитель роздає учням картки).
s u p e r m a r k e t
t u
a c a f e s s h o p
d i h o t e l
i n u i b
u e m b a
m m r n
a p a r k
- Let’s make a “Word Map” City on the blackboard.
- Complete these sentences with the words from the “word map”
1. We buy food at the …supermarket
2. People take books from the…library
3. You can have lunch or dinner in a…cafe
4. You can see old things and pictures at the…museum
5. When you come to another city you can stay in a…hotel
6. We usually have competitions at the…stadium
7. People often keep money in a…bank

2. Ознайомлення з новою лексикою.

- Look at the flashcard, guess the meaning of the word depicted in the picture,
listen and repeat the word in chorus and individually.

(Ask pupils to write these words down into their vocabularies. Stick the pictures
of these words on the board. Ask pupils to write the words near the pictures.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary.)

3. Читання.
- Open your books on p. 44 ex. 2.
Pre-reading: Ask pupils to look at the photos. Read the text. Ask pupils to read
the sentences in silence after you. You can translate difficult sentences into the
native language.
Pronounce the words clearly. Do choral and individual repetition of difficult
words. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Point at the photos of sights,
while you are reading the text. Then pupils read the text themselves in a chain. Do
choral and individual repetition if it is necessary again.
While-reading: Ask the questions, «What is the text about? What is London? Is
London a big or small city?»
Post-reading: «What do people do in the parks? What do people see in the
British Museum?»
- Read text “London” and complete in your notebook. Write the sentences
with gaps on the board.
Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the information from the text. Pair
work: Pupils in pairs read the parts of the sentences and fill in the gaps. Then ask
pupils go to the board and complete the sentences.
1. London is a big c…
2. The Thames is a r…
3. The Tower B… is old and famous.
4. In Hyde P… you can do a lot of things. You can run, walk, ride a b… or ride
a h…
5. The place where t… go under the streets is called the U…

4. Аудіювання.
- Now, children, do you like travelling? OK, let’s make a trip to London.
London is a big city. It’s in England. There is a river in London. It’s called the
There are a lot of bridges over the Thames. The Tower Bridge is very old and
very famous. It can go up and down.
There is a big park in London. It’s called
Hyde Park. You can do a lot of things there. You can walk , run , ride a bike or
ride a house.
There are a lot of old building and museums in London. The British Museum is
very famous. You can see some very old things there like mummies(мумії).
There are a lot of cars and buses in the streets of London. London taxis are black
and London buses are red. What are these big buses called?
Double – deckers , of course. There are also trains that go under the streets. This
place is called the underground. The trains there are very fast.

- True or False?
1) London is a big city.
2) Dnieper is a river in London.
3) The Tower Bridge is very young and famous .
4)Hyde Park is a big park in London.
5) The British Museum is very famous.
6) Double – deck is a train.

5. Фізкультхвилинка.

6. Відпрацювання лексичного матеріалу теми Лондон.

Учні діляться на дві команди і відповідають на запитання, та команда яка
найшвидше відповість , і є переможець.
1.Where is London situated?
a) on the continent b) on the island of Great Britain c) on the island
2. When was London founded ?
a) more than 4 thousand b) more than 2 thousand c) about 1 thousand
3. Big Ben is a …….
a) bridge b) clock c) museum
4. How many people live in London ?
a) 6 million b) 7 million c) 8 million
5. Which of these place is not in London ?
a) the Tower b) Nelson’s Column c) the Coliseum.
6. Where are the nation’s king and queen crowned ?
a) at London Tower b) at Westminster Abbey c) at Buckingham
7. What are big buses called ?
a) a double – deck b) red bus c) bus.
8. There is a big park in London . It is called …….
a) British Museum b) London Tower c) Hyde Park.

- You visited London during your summer vacation. Tell your friends about
London and the sights of this city and share your impressions using photos with the
image of London.

8. Listen and sing the song (p. 45, ex. 4).

Tell pupils to look at the picture. Ask what they see. Pupils give different
answers about the pictures and people on them.
Read the words of the song, pausing after each line. Ask pupils to finish every
line with necessary words from the boxes. Correct pupils if it is necessary.
Pupils repeat the lines chorally and individually.
Sing the song chorally.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

Учитель озвучує оцінки і цікавиться тим, що сподобалося дітям на уроці,
що було складного, що вони вивчили за урок.
Вчитель задає домашнє завдання. Виконати проект про визначне місце в
Лондоні . Учні вибирають одне із визначних місць і роблять проект .
- Dear pupils! Our lesson is coming to the end. You worked hard today and got
good marks…
- Stand up, children!. Good bye!

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