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What is evaluation ?

 As we know we have two kinds of datasets:

 Training Data Set
 Testing Data Set
 Evaluation is the process of understanding the reliability of any AI model, based on
outputs by feeding the test dataset into the model and comparing it with actual answers.
 There can be different Evaluation techniques, depending of the type and purpose of the
 It’s not recommended to use the data we used to build the model to evaluate it. This is
because our model will simply remember the whole training set, and will therefore always
predict the correct label for any point in the training set. This is known as overfitting.
In the next section of Evaluation Artificial Intelligence Class 10, we are going to discuss some
important terms used in the evaluation process. Here we go!

Consider this scenario where you have an AI prediction model which predicts the
possibilities of fires in the forest. The main aim of this model is to predict whether a forest
fire has broken out into the forest or not. To understand whether the model is working
properly or not we need to predict to check if the predictions made by the model is correct
or not.

So there are two conditions:

1. Prediction
2. Reality

The output given by the machine after training and testing the data is known as a


The reality is the real situation or real scenario in the forest where the prediction has been
made by a machine.
In the next section Evaluation Artificial Intelligence Class 10, we are going to look deeper
inside this. Observe the following images.
There are four cases and all have their own terms:
Condition Prediction Reality Term

Is there a forest fire? Yes Yes True Positive

No No True Negative

Yes No False Positive

No Yes False Negative

Condition 1 – Prediction – Yes, Reality – Yes (True Positive)

This condition arises when the prediction and reality both match with yes (prediction – yes,
reality – yes), if forest fire has broken out.

Condition 2 – Prediction – No, Reality – No (True Negative)

If there is no fire in the forest and prediction predicted by machine correctly as No as well as
reality also no, this condition is known as True Negative.

Condition 3 – Prediction – Yes, Reality – No (False Positive)

There is no fire in reality but the machine has predicted yes incorrectly. This condition is
known as False Positive.

Condition 4 – Prediction – No, Reality – Yes (False Negative)

The forest fire has broken out in reality but the machine has incorrectly predicted No refers
to False Negative condition. Now let’s see the confusion matrix in the next section of
Evaluation Artificial Intelligence Class 10.

Confusion Matrix
It is a comparison between prediction and reality. It helps us to understand the prediction
result. It is not an evaluation metric but a record that can help in evaluation. Observe the
four conditions explained above.

Prediction and reality can be mapped together with the help of a confusion matrix. Look at
the following:
Evaluation Methods
Now in the next section of Evaluation Artificial Intelligence Class 10, we are going to discuss
evaluation methods. These evaluation methods are as follows:

1. Accuarcy
2. Precision
3. Recall
4. F1 Score

 The percentage of correct predictions out of all the observations is called accuracy.
 If the prediction matches with reality then it said to be correct.
 There are two conditions where prediction matched with reality:
 True Positive
 True Negative
 So the formula for accuracy is:

The total observations cover all the possible cases of prediction that can be True Positive
(TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), and False Negative (FN).
Accuracy talks about how true the predictions are by any model. Now let’s return to the
forest fire example.

If the model always predicts that there is no fire where in reality there is a 2% chance of
forest fire breaking out. So 98% of the model is right but for these 2% also model predicts
there is no fire. Hence the elements of the formula are as follows:

1. True Positive = 0
2. True Negatives = 98
3. Total Cases = 100
Therefore, accuracy = (98 + 0) / 100 = 98%.

This returns high accuracy for an AI model. But the actual cases where the fire broke out are
not taken into account. Therefore there is a need to look at another parameter that takes
account of such cases as well.


 The percentage of true positive cases versus all the cases where the prediction is true.
 It takes into account the True Positives and False Positives.

Now return to the forest fire example, Assume that model predictions of forest fire is
irrespective of the reality. In this case, all the positive conditions will be taken into the
account i.e. True Positive (TP) and False Positive (FP). So in this case firefighters always see if
the alarm was True or False.

Recall the story of the boy who falsely cries out and complains about the wolf every time,
but when the wolf came in reality, no one rescued him. Similarly if Precision is low (more
false alarms) then the firefighters would get complacent and might not go and check every
time considering it a false alarm.
So, if Precision is high, means that True Positive cases are more, given lesser False alarms.

 Now consider that a model has 100% precision. It means the machine says there’s a fire,
which is considered as True Positive.
 In the same model, there can be a rare exceptional case where there was actual fire but
the system could not detect it in false negtive case.
 But till the precision value would not be affected by it because it does not take FN into
 Now think Is precision then a good parameter for model performance?
The next method is Recall which we are going to discuss in this article Evaluation Artificial
Intelligence Class 10.


In the recall method, the fraction of positive cases that are correctly identified will be taken
into consideration. It majorly takes into account the true reality cases wherein Reality there
was a fire but the machine either detected it correctly or it didn’t. That is, it considers True
Positives and False Negatives.

As we have observed that the numerator in both precision and recall is same i.e. True
Positive. Where in the denominator, precision counts the False Positive while recall considers
False Negatives. In the following case False negative cases can be very costly.

1. In forest fire case false negative cost us a lot and are risky too. If no alarm is given when
there is a forest fire, maybe the whole forest burn down.
2. Viral Outbreak is also one of False Negative case. Consider the case of covid 19, as it
spreads but the machine did not detect it then imagine it can affect so many lives.
Sometimes False Positive also costs us more than False Negative. Just have a look at the
following cases:
1. Mining imagine a model tell us about the existence of treasure at a point and keep on
digging there but it turns out that it is false alarm. Here False Positive case can be very
2. Spam e-mails, If the model always predicts that the email is spam, people may not look at
it and finally might lose important information.
You can think of more examples of these cases. Observe this table:

High Precision High recall

Precision= TP /(TP + FP) Recall=TP / (TP+FN)

So if you want to know the performance of your model is good, you need these two

1. Recall
2. Precision
In some cases, high precision may be there but low recall and for some cases, low precision
may be there but high recall. Hence both measures are very important. So there is a need
for a parameter that takes both Precision and Recall into account.
In the next section of Evaluation Artificial Intelligence Class 10 we are going to discuss F1

F1 Score
F1 score is the balance between precision and recall.

 When we have 1 value (100%) for both Precision and Recall which is ideal solution.
 In that case the F1 score would be also ideal 1 (100%).
 It is known as the perfect value for F1 score.
 As the values of both Precision and Recall ranges from 0 to 1, the F1 score also ranges
from 0 to 1.
 Now let us explore the variations we have in F1 score:

Precision Recall F1 Score

Low Low Low

Low High Low

High Low Low

High High High

In conclusion, we can say that a model has good performance if the F1 Score for that model
is high.

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