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Name: Taimoor Ahmad Khan Class: BSEE(18-22) Section: B

MAY 3, 2021
I. LAB TASKS .........................................................................................................................................................2
A. Question............................................................................................................................................................2
II. SIMULATION IN SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................2
III. DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................................4
IV. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................4
V. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................4

Experiment 9:

. Power flow analysis using Power World
Taimoor Ahmad



Abstract–Power system softwares are very

important for the analysis of large interconnected
systems. They tell us about the power flow through
various buses and generators. They are useful since
they can perform a lot of iterations required in
power flow solution. These iterations require a lot
of computational effort when done by hand so
software helps us to get to our solution instantly. In
this lab we will analyze a book example using
Power world simulator software that is solved with
Gauss siedel method. Figure 2: Generation and loads at different

A. Question
We perform our simulation on power world
Perform load flow analysis using Newton-
simulator. A new case in the simulator is
Rapson, Gauss Seidal and Fast Decoupling opened and circuit is formed according to the
method use data provided below. given data. Note that we do not know about
the generator 1 power generation so we take
it to have a 1000 MW rating (one can take any
high value, as it will change later according
to the load requirement). Also note that Bus
voltage at Bus 2 is not given so we can take
it to be 1 pu (this will change according to the
voltage distribution from both generators).
One more thing that must be noted is that the
bus voltage at a particular bus and the
generator set-point voltage must be same.
Bus field values are also given to each bus.
They are the bus voltage values. The initial
circuit drawn on the power world simulator is
shown in the following figure:
Figure 1: Bus codes vs impedances

Now the pie chart will display the percentage
of apparent power flowing in the line. It is
shown as follows:

Figure 3: Initial circuit diagram from the

given data

Figure 4: Power flow circuit diagram with

Line impedance is shown through the current. percentage MVA power flow
Double click on this and make the following
After this, we want to show the power flow
through all the lines and losses in every line.
For it, first we run the circuit. Click on run
mode and then play it. Once it is played, by
transmission line field values, find the values
for each line and losses in it too.

When all the circuit values are mentioned

from field data, we get the following power
flow for the given power system:

.On clicking on “View Pie chart display

options”, we make the following settings:

Figure 5: Power flow circuit diagram with all

powers and losses mentioned (edit mode)

The values mentioned in the mid of the lines

are losses whereas power values at buses
show receiving or sending end power values.
We can also observe that the generator power
has changed due to the effect of load.

The same circuit can be seen in the play generator is directly connected with bus so it
mode where the arrows are also there. Arrows is must that both have the same voltage in
actually indicate the intensity of power flow per-units (obviously the voltage may change
in the system. By playing the circuit, we get due to load but initially one must set the bus
the following circuit: voltage and generator set point voltage as

Figure 6: Power flow circuit diagram with all powers and losses mentioned (play mode)

We see that the arrows get bigger at the load

since it is getting much greater amount of
power as compared to the power flow in IV. CONCLUSION
individual lines. In this lab we learnt to use Power world
simulator to perform a power flow analysis of
an interconnected power systems. We saw
that we can check our calculations using the
III. DISCUSSION software. In industry such type of software
In this experiment, we saw that software can reduce the efforts for engineers and they can
be much helpful in simplifying a power easily detect the faults in power systems (if
system to show power flow in different parts any).
of the system. In the circuit we simulated, 50
iterations of Gauss-Siedel method were done
by the software which is a very tedious job V. REFERENCES
[1] H. Saadat , Power System Analysis , McGraw-
when done by hand. Hill, New York, 1999, pp. 255–259.
[2] EE-415 Power System Analysis Laboratory
In the circuit we simulated, we considered Manual, Dr. Muhammad Arif, Pieas, 2018.
bus 1 as the slack bus which means that it is [online]. Available:
the bus that will deliver the maximum power.
iew=155923 , accessed on: May 3, 2021.
Usually one bus in a power system must be
considered as a slack bus because it is
considered as a reference for other buses as it
is the most stable one.

One another point that was noted while

drawing the circuit is that the voltage at bus
and the generator set point voltage must be
same. The generator set-point voltage is an
initially value we give to its voltage. The

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