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The BinnacleSevern'sWeeklv F-Newsletter 8/13/08 2:41 P M

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The Rinnacle
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Habitat for Humanity Senior Proiect a Real Eye Opener
by Molly Bowes,Upper SchoolEnglishTeacher& Tip Participant
On May20, 20 seniorsand two teachersboardedthe schoolmini busesand madethe six hourtripto
Durham,NC, to participatein the area'sHabitatfor Humanityprogram.\Mten they arrivedat their motels
they experiencedsome cultureshock:childrenplayedin the parkinglots and on the staircases,adults
grilledburgersoutsidetheirrooms,and manypeoplegreetedand evenarguedwitheachotherwith a
familiarair."lt is likethey live here,"said one student.In fact,theydid.
(Clickhereto see photosfromthe trip,courtesyof Ms. Bowes.)

Whatwas conceivedas a groupprojectfor somelongtimefriends,becamean introduction to the plight

Americanswho face the challengeof
of many underprivileged breakingthe cycle of poverty into which
i'nany\Mereborn.DurinEtheii'timeat the "l-lope'sCrossing"neighborhood- the "firstaffctdablegreen
of the homein whichtheyall
communityin NC"- the girlsspentWednesdaypaintingalongside "Erika"and her daughter- the futureinhabitants

"We were supposed to move in soon, but the cabinets are a brt iate That is OK," Erixa sald wrth a smlle. "l am so exqted to move IntOthrs nome,
you don't undersiand. My daughter is so exciied. Y'ou should see the place where we iive now. We reaily appreciate all these students taking the
time io come all the way down here from Maryland to help us."

Uver tne tnree ctayswod(ng In the communrtyanct at the Habrtat Restore Warehouse,the students and teachers painted, iandscaped,moved
fence lines to protect green spaces, hung siding, dug trenches, mulched ihe 1-mile perimeter walking path and organized inventory. The trip
wasn't ail wort(, however;tnere was the occastonat 'strp"ot the palnt rotler ("uops - sorry Emiiy - i didn't mean to paint your t-ace"),iunchtime
games of "knock-out'with ihe oiher communiiy volunteers, some good natured competition ("Hey, their diich may be more uniform, but our ditch
tsdeepe r"),trrp sto un apelHt lt ' slopot t heHt ll Hes t aur an t a n d t h e Y o q u r t P u m p , 3 r d r o w s e a t s t o r t h e p a c k e d p r e v r e w o t t h e ne w l n d r a n a Jo n e s
movie, and plenty of time to simpiy get io know each other better.

when the mrnt buses pulted Into the parking tot on saturclay nrght rtwas wrth a new appreoatron ior tne chaiiengest-acedby peopie that we in the
Severn community rarely see, lel alone interact with. Teachers Tony Werner and Molly Bowes reflected on the number of colieagues who
wondered ri tney were "crazv" to take a group oi senrorson a tnp clurrngtheu last clays ot hrqn scnool. I ne tflp tacrlrtatorswere, nowever, nothrng
but impressed with ihe students'work ethic and positive attitudes, as well as how much they enloyed working alone side the group of 20 studenie
from Severn's class of 20O8.

http://www.severnschool.comlcommoninc/pushpage/45/binnacle.asp?send-id=&volume-id-2 1066&user-id=&mode=preview&news-id=441730 Page I of I

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