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1. “Why did he take the day off work?”
“He needed it _____ take his mother to the hospital."
a. so could he b. so that he could c. that he could d. in order he could
2. The message _____ on the screen evidently means something to Sue.
a. appeared b. appearing c. is appearing d. has appeared
3. I’ve been given several possible explanations, none _____ I believe.
a. that b. which c. of which d. in which
4. “Will he get annoyed?”
“That depends on _____, doesn’t it?"
a. how truthful is your answer b. how truthful an answer
c. being a truthful answer d. how truthful your answer is
5. As soon as the doctor _____ we’ll find out how bad your injury is.
a. is arriving b. will have arrived c. will arrive d. arrives
6. "Should we schedule the meeting for one o’clock?
“I’d prefer_____ later in the day."
a. for it being b. it to be c. that it’s d. that
7. Lately, similar incidents_____ with surprising frequency.
a. were taking place b. took place c. are taken place d. have been taking place
8. _____ not wanting to cause problems, I’m certainly not going to accept that!
a. While b. Without c. Being d. However
9. Barely_____ down when the doorbell rang again.
a. did I sit b. I did sit c. I had sat d. had I sat
10. He said that each and _____ of the students had made the same mistake.
a. all b. every c. everyone d. any
11. They couldn’t agree on _____ to accept the offer or not.
a. whether b. what c. why d. either
12. “Joe made a lot of mistakes."
“Well, _____ understood what you wanted, of course he got it wrong."
a. not to have b. not having c. not d. since he didn't
13. Jean’s annoyed, _____ is quite understandable.
a. that b. how c. what d. which
14. He never gets anxious because he _____ about upsetting other people.
a. isn’t worrying b. hasn't worries c. hasn’t worried d. isn’t worried
15. She was the last person _____ to see right then.
a. who I expect b. that expected c. I expected d. who was expecting me
16. _____ 9 o’clock, they’ll have reached the top of the mountain.
a. Not until b. By c. Only by d. During
17. “Tom isn’t here just now."
“Okay, but _____ him, would you tell him that I was here?"
a. if you see b. when you'll see c. had you seen d. were you seeing
18. The victim was thought _____ followed home from the bus stop.
a. he was being b. to have c. that he d. to have been
19. Not _____ met her before, I had no idea what she looked like.
a. to have b. having c. having been d. being
20. You’d better take a key with you, _____ you'll be locked out.
a. otherwise b. unless c. lest d. in case
21. Anyone _____ to find out more should check out our website.
a. who they want b. who will want c. wants d. wanting
22. They congratulated her_____ to head up the team.
a. at choosing b. of choosing c. on being chosen d. to choose
23. Didn’t you ask them _____ it?
a. what they had done b. why they had done c. how had they done d. whether not to do
24. I regret _____ that bike when I had the chance.
a. about not buying b. that I wasn’t buying c. not to have bought d. not having bought
25. The other students complained about _____ better grades than them.
a. me to get b. I got c. my getting d. I’m getting
26. They don’t know the final cost yet, but hope _____ less than $400.
a. it will be b. that it’s being c. it to be d. it being 

If you're thinking of cycling to work, the place to work is Copenhagen. There, wide curvy streets are lined with
two extra lanes; the first, a sort of pavement a couple of inches higher than the road, is for cyclists; the
second, a few inches higher still, is for pedestrians. The fact that they are (1) _____ discourages drivers from
swerving into the space reserved for non-drivers.
Unfortunately, I don't live in Copenhagen. Where I live, cycling to work means (2) ____ my life. Nevertheless,
I climb onto my reflector-adorned bicycle every day, sporting my very (3) ____ canary yellow helmet and,
dutifully signalling my turns, (4) _____ my way to work, skirting the potholes and gutters, the cars whose
drivers seem not to (5) _____ me, and the motorbikes jockeying for position at the side of the road. Slowly
but surely, things are changing but, in the meantime, city cycling is not for the (6) _____.
1. A. heightened B. increased C. raised D. lifted
2. A. risking B. taking C. losing D. ruining
3. A. notable B. perceptible C. visible D. discernible
4. A. find B. make C. do D. pick
5. A. remark B. watch C. notice D. perceive
6. A. faint-hearted B. weak-willed C. light-headed D. open-minded

Tiny hairs in our inner ear feel, in effect, the vibrations caused by noises and (1) ____ them into messages
which are then delivered to our brains. When our brain opens the message, what it gets is a sound. The sense
of hearing (2) ____ in the same way for most other species, with some variations; dogs and rabbits, for
example, can swivel their outer ear flaps in the direction of the sound, (3) ____ them to hear better; fish have
grooves, instead of ears, on both sides of their bodies which sense vibrations. (4) ____ to most other species,
humans have a rather unimpressive sense of hearing; dolphins and bats can (5) ____ up to five times as many
sounds as we can.
Most of us will experience gradual deafness as we get older, but that’s probably nothing to worry about. Have
you ever (6) ____ what life would be like if our hearing was more acute? Arguably, we hear more than enough
noise as it is.
1. A. convey B. transmit C. alter D. transform
2. A. performs B. functions C. occurs D. acts
3. A. enabling B. consenting C. authorizing D. aiding
4. A. According B. Compared C. Attributed D. Related
5. A. observe B. identify C. notice D. detect
6. A. thought B. asked C. wondered D. reflected
In contemporary society we are (1) (PRESSURE) _ pressurized_ to conform to current ideas of what is
considered the ideal figure, and this is true for both sexes. According to notions (2) (PREVAIL) _prevalent_ in
our society, women should be svelte and men should be the (3) (MUSCLE) _muscular_ he-man type.
Obviously, not all people can conform to this ideal, perhaps because they are (4) (GENE) _genetically_
incapable of doing so as they are big-boned or (5) (DISPOSE) _predisposed_ to gaining weight.
Because of the power of advertising and the (6) (SIGNIFY) _significant_ magazines attach to the “body
beautiful”, many women, and some men, have fallen prey to the image-makers. Such people fail to see that
the (7) (PERFECT) _imperfections_ of models have been air-brushed out in the (8) (CREATE) _creative_
process, and seek to achieve an ideal which is (9) (ATTAIN) _unattainable_.
Even the rich and famous succumb to pressure and become anorexic or bulimic despite their apparent
success. Instead of being victims of our (10) (OCCUPY) _preoccupation_ with weight, we should try to be less
(11) (RELENT)_relentlessly_ critical of our own appearance. This would increase our self-confidence and self-
esteem, whilst at the same time decreasing the (12) (DEMONSTRATE) _demonstrably_ harmful effect that
advertising has had on our lifestyles.


Fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below, and choose between “heart” or “mind”
1. They thought my grandfather was _out of_ his heart/mind to go white water canoeing in his eighties.
2. _In_ my mind's/heart's eye, I can still see the swings I played on as a child.
3. She was kind _at__ heart / mind despite her intimidating appearance.
4. The referee couldn't have been __in___ his right heart/mind when he gave that penalty.
5. I think that __in__ her heart/mind of hearts/minds she agrees with you; she's just too stubborn to
admit it.
6. We don't always agree, but on this issue we are __of__ one heart/mind.
7. Whenever he says he's speaking “_from_ the heart/mind”, I suspect he's being insincere.
8. The plight of the homeless is something that has always been close __to__ my heart/mind.
9. I can’t decide. I'm _in_ two hearts/minds about whether to go on a diet or go to the gym.
10. The new financial cutbacks have struck __at__ the heart/mind of the reforms.
11. _To__ my heart/mind, the standard of journalism in this paper is getting worse.
12. I hope __with__ all my heart/mind that they make a go of their new business venture. 

bounce __h__ a. up : become stuck for words while speaking
come __j__ b. by: happen without affecting sb/ st
Die __d__ c. in : be properly understood
Dry __a__ d. down: gradually become noticeable / loud / agitated , etc.
Fall __i__ e. off: become / make slower , less active, etc.
Grow __f__ f. into: become used to and confident in a new situation
Grow __k__ g. away: lose weight / strength due to illness / stress
Pass __b__ h. back : recover well after illness, trouble, etc.
Round __l__ i. away: decrease (in amount , degree, etc.)
Sink __c__ j. on: develop / make progress
slacken __e__ k. on: gradually begin to be linked by sb
waste __g__ l. off: do sth to end sth in a suitable way


1 I eventually started to appreciate her sense of humour.
____Her sense of humour eventually grew on me.__
2 The uproar in the stadium continued until the world champion left the field.
_____Only when the world champion left the field did the uproar in the stadium die down._____

3 Business at the ice cream parlour became less hectic when the heatwave ended.
___Business at the ice cream parlour became slackened off when the heatwave ended._____

4 Our teacher can talk about Shakespeare for hours without ever getting lost for words.
___Our teacher can talk about Shakespeare for hours without drying up___________

5 If you keep missing so many meals, you'll lose all your strength.
___ If you keep missing so many meals, you'll waster away_________________________

6 A vote of thanks for the guest speakers would be a nice way to close the proceedings.
______A vote of thanks for the guest speakers would be a nice way to round off the proceedings______

7. Share prices plummeted at the start of trading, but by midday they had recovered.
______Share prices plummeted at the start of trading, but by midday they had bounced back _____

8 The flowers are doing fine now that you've given them some fertilizer.
______The flowers are coming on fine now that you’re given them some fertilizer.______

9 It took for ever for the news to be absorbed.

_______It took for ever for the news to sink in______

10 It took Jessica a while to get used to her new role as a foster mother.
___ It took Jessica a while to grow into her new role as a foster mother____

11 There was a drop in interest in the product when a newer one came out.
___The interest in the product fell away when a newer one came out___

12 It was only when he retired that he realised he hadn't stopped to enjoy any of his life.
___ It was only when he retired that he realized that he realized his life had passed him by.___
PASSAGE 1: The passage is about hair
A hair is a strand of dead protein called keratin which grows from a live follicle in the skin. On average, people
have about 100,000 hairs on their head at any one time, and these grow roughly half an inch per month. Each
hair will fall out after about four or five years, to be replaced by a new one, so a hair that has never been cut
should reach between 2 or 21/2 feet in length before it falls out. However, hair length depends on genetic
make-up, and also on how the hair is treated.
Unfortunately, many of the things people do to their hair can damage it. Hair may become dry and brittle
through the use of products which colour or perm it. (A perm, or permanent wave, is a process involving the
use of chemicals to curl hair.) Devices like hairdryers and hair irons can damage hair, too, and so can habits
like smoking.
Cornrow braiding, a hairstyle believed to have originated in Africa thousands of years ago, can take hours to
create. It involves separating three or more slender lengths of hair and interweaving them to make a narrow
plait. Altogether, these plaits form attractive, intricate patterns, called cornrows when they hug the scalp.
However, this type of braiding can result in hair breaking or falling out because of the constant tension, a
condition known as traction alopecia.
Healthy hair can be achieved by avoiding anything that damages the hair or causes individual hairs to break
off. Shampoos that contain harsh detergents, and hairsprays which contain alcohol should be avoided. On the
other hand, what is good for our general well-being, like a healthy diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep, is
bound to benefit hair, too.
1. What is the main idea of this passage?
a. The length and quality of someone’s hair depends on their lifestyle.
b. Nowadays, people have more problems with their hair than they used to.
c. The condition of a person's hair will depend on a variety of factors.
d. Short hair is usually healthier than long hair.
2. According to the text, when might hair reach over two feet in length?
a. when a person's DNA is exceptional
b. if it hasn’t been cut for about three years
c. just before it drops out of the follicle
d. if it grows faster than average hair
3. Why does the author mention smoking?
a. as an example of an action that can indirectly affect hair
b. to show that a smoky atmosphere is detrimental to hair
c. to dissuade people from smoking in public places
d. to present an activity which does not damage hair
4. According to the passage, what can be inferred about hair braiding?
a. It can permanently damage the scalp.
b. It can cause a dangerous disease.
c. It takes more than one person to braid another person’s hair.
d. It has been used as a form of decoration for a very long time.
5. According to the passage, how might someone improve the health of their hair?
a. by using shampoo less often
b. by avoiding food which is bad for them
c. by not using any commercial hair products
d. by doing specific exercises 

Passage 2: This passage is about sharks.

Many people feel conflicted about sharks. On the one hand, everyone knows they can be dangerous. The well-
known 1975 Steven Spielberg movie, Jaws, which played on people’s fears, was loosely based on a shark
attack that took place in New Jersey in 1916. On the other hand, incidents like this are very rare. On average,
only 6 people are killed in shark attacks worldwide every year, while human beings kill millions of sharks
Sharks have been killed for their meat for thousands of years. These days, even in countries where shark meat
isn’t very popular, it is still sold. It is often labeled with another name so that consumers don’t even realize
that the fish meat they are buying and eating is shark! Shark fin soup, however, is a very popular delicacy in
Chinese culture. Unfortunately, ‘shark finning’ is responsible for the decline of some species by as much as
90%, and is a cruel practice. The fin of the shark is cut off, and the shark is thrown back into the sea, where it
dies. However, movements to ban this practice are opposed by some who claim that the bans have racist
There are over 360 kinds of shark, but the species which was demonized in Jaws, the great white (whose
scientific name is Carcharodon carcharias), is probably the most feared of all. Commonly found off the coasts
of Australia, California and South Africa, the great white is also found elsewhere - even in the Mediterranean
Sea. However, tourists need not fear. Millions of vacationers swarm to Mediterranean countries every summer,
but shark attacks are extremely rare. Tourists would be wiser to worry about encounters with jellyfish or sea
urchins, which are much more common. 
1. What is the main purpose of the passage?
a. to argue that sharks are not a serious threat to people
b. to explain why millions of sharks are killed every year
c. to show why a blockbuster film was so popular
d. to describe the distribution of sharks worldwide
2. According to the writer, why did Jaws have such an effect on people?
a. The kind of incident it described is not unusual.
b. It was based on a true story.
c. It illustrated something that many people are afraid of.
d. Most people knew very little about sharks before seeing it
3. Why is shark meat sometimes given a different name?
a. It is difficult to differentiate between the species.
b. The scientific names are too difficult.
c. Scientists can’t agree on what to call it.
d. Many people don’t like the thought of eating shark meat.
4. What does ‘shark finning’ involve?
a. eating a popular Chinese delicacy
b. killing a shark and then removing a part of it
c. removing part of a shark while it is still alive
d. using the fin of a shark that has been killed for its meat
5. According to the passage, what should concern tourists heading for the Mediterranean?
a. the fact that Mediterranean beaches are very overcrowded
b. the great white sharks that live in the Mediterranean sea
c. small creatures that live in the sea near beaches
d. a species of fish which isn’t a shark, but which is equally dangerous

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