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Terms of Reference – ASHRAE x IMechE


a. Technicalities
Event : ASHRAE x IMechE Sharing Session: Incubation “Acceleration”
Guest Speaker : Azhaara Putri Ardianti - Mechanical Engineering’19
Team Wetonia - Winner of ASHRAE Applied Engineering
Challenge 2020
Moderator : Moderator 1
Date : February 12th, 2022, 13.00 - 14.40 WIB
Place : Online (via Zoom)

b. Brief Guideline
ASHRAE Incubation is one of the work programs of ASHRAE ITB which aims to prepare ASHRAE
ITB members who will take part in competitions held by ASHRAE International. The key objective
is to provide knowledge in the form of experience and knowledge about the competition that will be
followed by incubation participants.

c. Event Concept
This sharing session aims to provide in-depth introduction and information related to the ASHRAE
International Competition. The form of this event is a sharing session, later the speakers will be
guided and given questions from 2 moderators to direct the course of discussion. This sharing session
will consist of 2 sessions, the first session will be filled by one speaker from ASHRAE ITB
representatives. In this first session, representatives from ASHRAE ITB will introduce what is the
ASHRAE International Competition, what are the competitions in it, and an explanation of each of
the competitions. For a more detailed explanation related to the content presented in session 1 will
be explained in more detail in the next section.
Session 2 will be filled with sharing sessions from Team Wetonia as winners of the Applied
Engineering Challenge in previous years. In this session speakers will be given questions alternately
from the moderators to take the direction of the discussion. In this session, speakers will explain
about their experience in the past competition and give advice/tips to participants who are interested
in joining the competition held by ASHRAE. This session aims to give some insight to know more
about the Applied Engineering Competitions and encourage them to compete. For more details
regarding the content of session 2, this will be explained in the next section.

d. Content
1. Session 1
Materials for session 1 include:
1. Brief description of ASHRAE ITB
2. Brief explanation of ASHRAE International Competition
3. Detailed explanations related to each race branch and category of AIC
4. Explanation related to gifts from AIC
5. Description of how to register or participate in AIC
Session 1 will be explained by speakers. Use the power point media while there is still
interaction with the moderator.

2. Session 2
In session 2, the event will be directed using questions that will be asked by the moderator. The
list of questions is as follows:
1. The introduction of himself and his former team
2. Steps from the beginning to the end of the race
3. Tips and Tricks
4. Sharing the experience of getting a reward
Questions that will be asked in the session are listed below (in Bahasa Indonesia).

No Question Remarks Slide Duration

Boleh nih Kak, perkenalan dulu nama Kakak siapa, dari
1 jurusan apa, ikut AEC tahun berapa, dan dulu alasan 2.5’
+ Speakers
ikut AEC apa ya Kak?
Nah, itu pertama kali bisa kebentuk timnya gimana ya
2 + Speakers 2.5’
Untuk komposisi timnya, pertimbangannya apa aja ya Moderator
3 Kak sampai akhirnya bisa terbentuk tim yang seperti + Speakers
Dari tim Kakak, pas mau ikut lomba itu apakah udh ada Moderator
4 anggota kelompoknya yang sudah punya dasar HVACR + Speakers
atau modal nekat aja Kak?
Setelah tadi kebentuk tim dengan komposisi dan Speakers + Steps for
5 20’
kemampuan seperti itu, langkah-langkah yang tim Moderator compe
kakak lakuin apa yaa dari awal sampai submission

Tips and
6 Apa aja sih Kak kunci untuk menang AEC sebagai tim? + Speakers 3’
Bagaimana Kak perasaan ketika menang lombanya?
Boleh diceritain Kak, waktu itu dapat berapa hadiahnya Winners
7 + Speakers 4’
dan pengalaman untuk ikut di conference-nya waktu benefit

e. Event Rundown
PIC Activity Duration Time Slot
Moderator Opening MC 5’ 13.00-13.05
Moderator/Speaker Sharing session from speaker 1 20’ 13.05-13.25
Moderator/Speaker Sharing session from speaker 2 40’ 13.25-14.05
(Team Wetonia)
Moderator QnA 25’ 14.05-14.30
Moderator Certificate Handover 5’ 14.30-14.35
Media Documentation 2’ 14.35-14.37
Moderator Closing 3’ 14.37-14.40

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